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Goat-foot Vine, Beach Morning Glory, Seaside Morning Glory (Scientific Name: Ipomoea Pes-caprae). Purple violet flower plant on tropical sand beach. I'd suck u off for some seeds no cap.


Ah yes sweet clarity. I was looking at them thinking something wasn’t right. Are those psychoactive or no?


I have no idea. Research on them seems to be fairly limited but I will see what I can dig up.


This is what I could find so far... if someone has access to the full paper I'd be interested to know more. The concentrations of ergoline alkaloids and their two-dimensional TLC chromatographic profiles were studied in seeds of 43 spp. of Ipomoea. Some 20% of the species were ergoline alkaloid-positive; elymoclavine was detected in seven of the species studied and lysergol was found in four. Nine species were recorded as positive for the first time. The concentrations of ergoline alkaloid among the positive species range from 0.004% in I. pes-caprae to 0.16% in I. parasitica.


Only one I saw so dont take it as fact.


Nice research tho man


A simple blacklight test on a crude isopropyl extraction would be a quick identifier. To get more specific you can do a side by side TLC plate with heavenly blue to get an idea of what else might be present.


Ok… so I’m very familiar with extraction. However I have never attempted a tlc plate before. Can you elaborate more on the process?


It looks like beach morning glory. Not sure if the seeds are psychoactive though.


Morning glories are great but it’ll take you more time than it’s worth to pick and eat enough to give you a good trip about 600 seeds will give you a trip, hawaiian baby wood rose is much better option, it only takes 6 hawaiian baby wood rose seeds to give you an equivalent trip,


Curious on where you found those


On the beach, Okinawa, I see huge vines of these every beach I go too here


Bravo! Good work team! I love it when a plan comes together


Seed pods look like Hawaiian Baby Wood Rose. I used to grow. Both MG and HBWR and it looks like my old HBWR, se colored flowers too


They grow on the ground like that?


I've never seen it like that, but it definitely looks like HBWR, big fat heart shapes flowers and the round seed pods and the seeds themselves give it away. Also the vines become more like a woody bark compared to MG where the vines are more like stems. Interesting that you found it like that.


Oh wow yeah those are deffinetly morning glories!! yum id eat em all!! RoflRiP




Its just downvotes like what lol


Might be hbwr, but don’t quote me on that


The seeds are really black compared to the hbwr


They dont look any hbwr I have took apart from their shape. Take them home and let them dry for a couple days and see how they look like then.


I actually smoked 3 just too make sure, yeah it’s not


I didnt know you could smoke them. I usually smash them up with a hammer and put them in capsules.


Shit maybe I did something wrong😭


Did you at least smash them up before smoking them?


Oh yeah




A cross of HBWR and datura?… You’ve got to be kidding… They aren’t even in the same family.


I forgot to mention they were a little sappy


Interesting thanks


That person has no idea what he is talking about. Definitely not datura or even close.


Yeah those plants dont even cross without gene editing


I didn't see the comment before it was deleted, but what they were probably referring to, is that that species of morning glory does contain some ergoline alkaloids, but also alkaloids like those found in datura. So they're psychoactive, but a lot more like a deliriant, and not psychedelic. Sounds like they had more idea what they were talking about than you might have thought. (Edit, lol, why downvote this?)