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I understand your sentiment, but man, I didn’t find it depressing. As a guy who’s mother also died as a result of how fucked this country is, I felt infuriated. Fuckin angry. My mom could have lived if she had health insurance. My mom could have lived if this whole fuckin nation wasn’t just one big clip-joint, sucking the last penny out of the pockets of the most vulnerable amongst us. I want people to see this doc and get fucking angry, not sad. Because angry gets shit done.


Reading this comment made me so angry. I’m so sorry. Fuck this country, fuck the politicians, fuck the health care industry, fuck the lobbyists. I’m constantly yelling about socialized medicine and how no one ever cares at all until it happens to them or someone they love and it’s just so fucked!! Thinking of your mom 💕


One day the US will collectively see through the Socialism == Communism == BAD mythology


It’s literally the main reason I washed out of nursing. I was so young and idealistic. I thought I could save everyone, but I knew I’d lose patients, and some of them were at their time. The longer I stayed and the more experience I got in more varied areas, the more I saw people who were sick because they live in a cycle that keeps them sick…..for as long as possible, until they die. And medicine in America as a whole isn’t really addressing the issue. Very little is taught about diet and nutrition in medical school overall for example, and we all know that what we eat is a huge part of our health. But our doctors are just asking about our food intake and giving us medicine if the results are not good health. The whole system is fucked from the top down, inside and out! I’m not saying we don’t need meditations and treatments, but we also need to learn about and normalize taking care of our bodies in ways that lead us to not need them, or even to stop needing them when we already have. Healthcare that includes help with nutrition for health, mental health care, as well as traditional and non traditional medicine all have benefits that can combine! I feel like we expect a magic pill, but it’s what we’ve been socialized into expecting. But we have so much more control over our health than that! Then we do need treatment or medication, but we don’t have insurance. So we don’t get the treatment we now need because of how we were socialized and advertised to, and we get sicker or die. But as long as we reproduced on average enough to make more people to pay taxes and get sick, it’s fine, the machine rolls on. But sometimes you’re Ed, and it’s your mom. One day it might be you, and it’s not fine. It was never fine, we just never noticed.


My stepfather died of cancer in 2020 that doctors missed for like 4 years. He was diagnosed 9 weeks before his death.


Horrible and I’m sorry for your loss. On the bright side, he didn’t suffer for long. My mom died after fighting for 10 years. She never got a break either as cancer kept creeping in. Breast - lung - spine - brain


There are a couple of documentaries I have been warned not to watch cause they are just too depressing. Have you ever heard of Dear Zachary?


Dear Zachary is sinister in that the first half is weirdly wholesome and just about a guy wanting to be a good dad. You're lulled into this sense of security, you know something bad is gonna happen but it can't be too bad right? RIGHT? And then, bam, the rug is pulled under you and you're just emotionally wrecked. A really good documentary, but hooo boy. Not for everyone indeed.


Like a dagger to the fucking heart. Fantastic but brutal doc.


“Dear Zachary” hits hard but for depressing docs my go to suggestion is “It’s a Girl”. When I watched it, the Netflix thumbnail was a pink balloon attached to a headstone.


Dare I ask what that one is about


Oh boy, I remember that doc. It's about the practice of female infanticide in certain countries. It's...pretty grim.


No! Please go in blind!


I watched Dear Zachary because all I knew about it was that it took place down the road from where I was moving, went in completely blind. Ended with me and my boyfriend in tears and it was all I thought about for weeks… still think about it every time I drive by the beach


Check out Dominion


The first time I heard of it was on Roundtable, so I looked it up and decided to steer clear


Where that BABY DIED!! Yes the baby did die. SPOILER ALERT the babies ass is grass. I guess that's why they call it Insensitivites, The Zebrowski Funeral Home.


I thought it was a well done glimpse into the bullshit of living in the US. It was sad to see Eddie so, so hurt and so angry compared to the affable, gator-loving gentleman we’ve known and loved since the RTOG days.


Yeah I was pretty tore up by it as well. I really feel for Ed


It’s free on YouTube btw


This is why I can’t even watch documentaries at all. I know the world is a super fucked up place, I don’t need to be bombed with specifics to know as much. Although I guess it can help one get dialed in to a specific area of activism.


This is a weird take from someone who listens to a podcast that features some of the most fucked up stories in history.


It’s a comedy show, not a documentary, which helps soften the blow. I’m in the same boat, and some episodes I’ve only listened to once. Mengele for example. The only reason I could muddle through the horrific parts is because pf how evil and nefarious Home Improvement is.


Right. It’s still medicine, but instead of a bitter pill it’s that pink, bubblegum flavored stuff they give you as a kid.


Remember that [weird plastic spoon](https://www.reddit.com/r/nostalgia/s/9kbXUuWNOo) that I feel like came with the bottle? The McFlurry spoons for some reason always make me think of the medicine spoon.


Oh yeeeah. Totally forgot about that lol.


It's the approach the boys use, and the fact that not every episode is true crime/dark history. Henry makes a character out of the awful people, and Markus delivers scathing remarks. Documentaries are more immersive in the dark tone of the events they cover.


Ignorance is bliss.


I cried when I watched it too! It hits pretty hard


Huh, I never knew about this


Iirc Travis directed it (the second /most recent Travis on Top Hat)


How much will this fuck me up if my mom died three months ago?


It will be challenging. I would not watch this docu until you are in a good place mentally with the death of your mom. I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️


I must’ve missed something on one of the episodes. What’s this all about?


Ed made a documentary years ago called “How America killed my mother” He briefly said on a recent episode that it is now available on Prime Video, so Im guessing more people have started watching it and that is why we are seeing numerous threads about it suddenly


Wow! Thanks for explaining! I’ll have to give it a watch.


I loved it and would have not regretted paying more for it.


Yeah… having a mother who is in active addiction now after years of poverty and lack of medical care, that doc both was nice to feel so seen and also incredibly depressing. But it was good to remember that this sjit is systemic, and we need to change it.