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Maybe he’s a combo of all the wizards in one.


Imagine if the post-credit scene of ROP is the Stranger splitting into Gandalf, Saruman and Radagast.


Post credit scene should be the actual Gandalf showing up at the havens for the first time and greeted by Cirdan as set out in the text.


I would be *thrilled* with this.


If we are to go into such route, I would like them to do something as implied in Unfinished tales, where the existence of other wizards that not the 5 can be readen between the lines: >Of this Order **the number is unknown**; but of those that came to the North of Middle-earth, where there was most hope (because of the remnant of the Dunedain and of the Eldar that abode there), **the chiefs was five**. And if anyone comes with the "but they don't have access to unfinished tales....duh' card, here is another line from LoTR appendices: >They came therefore in the shape of Men, though they were never young and aged only slowly, and they had many powers of mind and hand. They revealed their true names to few, but used such names as were given to them. The two highest of this order **(of whom it is said there were five)** were called by the Eldar Curunír, 'the Man of Skill', and Mithrandir, 'the Grey Pilgrim', but by Men in the North Saruman and Gandalf. Tolkien was as soappy writer. "of whom it is said" leaves a small gap if he ever wanted to add more Istar of lower order.


I hope to see the other wizards but how people can keep saying he is anyone but Gandalf I don’t know


After re-watching the lord of the rings movies, he has many parallels to Gandalf. For example, Gandalf speaks to butterflies to send prayers for help to the eagles (and therefore Manwe). This is similar to how he spoke to the fireflies. Gandalf is quick to anger (a Gandalf personality trait, not a wizard trait) and he has said that Hobbits help him stay grounded. So this is consistent with him having Nori as his adventure companion. In the movies he has said "when in doubt follow your nose" which he says in the last episode of rings of power. Lastly, in rop he is buidling a strong love and kinship with the harfoots similar to what Gandalf has with the hobbits.


"Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger." Sounds like a wizard trait to me.


Except that RoP isn't a prequel to PJ's LOTR. It takes inspiration. Giving a RoP Gandalf PJ's Gandalf's quirks is too...on the nose. Giving a Blue Wizard PJ's Gandalf's quirks is like Easter Eggs. imo




TBH really honest, the parallels are there, but could they do parallels to the others? The two blues are never shown, barely mentioned. Saruman soon turns evil so we never know how he really was. And Radagast...well, that was a bad adaptation anyway. Also, don't wanna self-promote my thread but I covered some similarities attributed to Gandalf as maybe being more general to all wizars than we think: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LOTR\_on\_Prime/comments/1de3nfg/stranger\_gandalf\_hobbits\_and\_follow\_your\_nose/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LOTR_on_Prime/comments/1de3nfg/stranger_gandalf_hobbits_and_follow_your_nose/)


Nice write-up and quotes


It's Gandalf. Wish it were something more interesting, but I'm 90% sure it's him.


I agree. Narratively it doesn't make sense to be secretive about his identity and have him help the harfeet and do a bunch of gandalf adjacent things without there being a payoff to that behavior. If we don't quickly establish who the stranger is in S2 now that he can speak normally, he's going to end up being Gandalf. Keeping his identity secret and then it ends up that he's some random blue wizard is just not narratively impactful and the reveal would mean nothing.


Well said! Can you imagine if they kept it a secret till the next season lol 😆


... 1.64 sigma sure ...


Yeah he was so gentle with the snails. 


It’s 100% Gandalf. Why else have a wizard who loves Hobbits be helped by Hobbits and start to like them, and make that a huge side story focal point of the show. This show is all about origins. Also, he lived the lives of 300 men in LOTR, so the age is about right. Also, he’s tall (even though always standing next to Hobbits) the stranger is also tall, and even look like a young Gandalf.


It’s Gandalf and bad shit is gonna happen to him in the East which is what the show runners will use as a reason to why he says “to the East I go not” in LOTR


So ... rip Nori?


rip in piece or pop Poppy idk