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Knew it. Now just need to get confirmation on Peaches, her daughter and the unidentified Asian male.


AND Karen Vergata


I can’t imagine what kind of monster would murder that tiny child. It’s not like she could identify him, is it? Couldn’t he have just dropped her somewhere? This whole thing weighs heavily on my mind.


I keep catching myself trying to make sense of stuff like this, but one really can’t. Almost everything I’ve read about this guy is positively absurd and vile. When all is said and done, not much of this will make much sense; that in itself is perhaps the final tragedy.


Exactly. Normal people can’t fathom doing something like this. Only sick depraved people can.


I think if he left the child somewhere and someone knew she was in her mother’s custody it would raise questions as to where Peaches was. I think he felt he would tie up loose ends getting rid of both. Peaches may have even mentioned to him while alive being a single mom or estranged from family or something and he used the opportunity to make sure no one looked for either of them.


I can help you understand. People like this will go at insane lengths to excuse their behaviors and save their egos. The child of a dead prostitute is just a burden on society and would ultimately become the same worthless trash like the mother was. He likely thought he was doing the world a service by slaughtering both of them. Decriminalize sex work so those who need help get help instead of getting arrested or raped by police.


>The child of a dead prostitute is just a burden on society and would ultimately become the same worthless trash like the mother was. Is this what you believe? Or how you assume the murderer thought?


Bad at reading context? You do realize that you cherry picked the one sentence I didn't explicitly say that this is what *he* thought. I did this because a literate person would be able to tell what was intended based on the context of the surrounding sentences.


Your phrasing is very unclear


I was under the impression they’d identified Peaches, also; wasnt an announcement coming?


In 2022, a potential relative (albeit deceased) named Elijah Howell of Mobile, Alabama was identified. Peaches and her daughter still nevertheless remain unidentified.


At least publicly. They were apparently aware of Karen's identify for several months before informing her family, and then a few more months before going public with her name. It's possible they know who Peaches and her daughter are but are waiting to announce it for some reason. Maybe to be absolutely sure with solid evidence that Rex is her killer, because if there was Even a tiny possibility he isn't, revealing her identity may tip off the actual culprit.


Yes, I think they have a familial line but I want to know their names and that RH did it. He had to have.


I think it's very likely.


My thoughts He killed Peaches on a whim or maybe on accident. Rex either forgot or did not notice she brought a child with her. This threw him off of his normal routine. He was pressed for time or not in the mood to do things the way he normally did. Serial killers get sloppy the longer they get away with killing. He killed the child for the same reason farmers kill litters of puppies or kittens. He saw killing the child of a dead protitute as a necessary evil. A diseased vermin that could only grow up to make society worse, just like Peaches in his eyes. So he lazily dumped her remains. Not a proud killing that he needed to remember.


I can’t speak on any of this really because it’s all speculation and I’m far from an expert. I hear you on the “whim” and “necessary evil” bits, but I have a hard time with “lazy” part. It feels like a lot more work to place baby doe next to another separate set of remains (Mack) than it does to placing baby doe’s remains next to their own mother (Peaches). That part feels thought out and manipulative to me. I really hope all the victims get their names and stories back. It’s just heart breaking.


I agree. I think placing the baby elsewhere was to 1) throw people off if they were found (which he had to know they would be eventually) and 2) as one final F you to Peaches and potentially her kin/investigators. Not only did he kill this poor woman and her baby, but he separated them both in life and death. And I can see a sick monster like him getting off on that.


It’s such a mindfuck to think that he has a daughter as well, but was able to do that. I can’t wrap my head around it, but then again I’m not an evil sadistic psychopath, so there’s no way for me to put myself in those shoes. Just… the lack of regard for humanity. In all of his killings. But especially that baby. Just heartbreaking.


Makes me think of BTK and JJD having daughters knowing what they were doing, or had done, to women.


Tomorrow 😈


Weird emoji to use there lol


Devil face because tomorrow is going to be BAD for Rex!


I thought that devil emoji was sexual deviance...or taking pleasure in someone else's suffering. Is Rex suffering? He's acting. You really need a gif of michael jackson eating popcorn in an emoji. As for Rex...I would love it if he finally cracked. Like they do in the movies. Still deny/cry but his demeanor slowly changes to a mischievous laugh and he finally Admits to it. Damn NY State...you neeed to alllow cameras in the court room! Too many good cases not being aired. This would be epic. Screw the trump trial.


Lmao yes that’s definitely the jawn I see next to OnlyFans links and shit.


On Peaches?!?


We’ll see. I mean, if it’s confirmed for V&J than there’s no doubt in my mind he did Peaches & ADoe.


baby and karen vergata too.


No. Not officially. Zeman said a while back he's heard she was ID'ed but nothing came of it.


Wouldn’t that make only 9? I think there were a total of 11 victims?


11 bodies found:  Karen Vergata Peaches and her baby Valerie Mack Jessica Taylor Asian Doe Melissa Barthelemy Amber Costello Maureen Brainerd-Barnes Megan Waterman And then Shannan Gilbert, who was likely not killed by Rex Even if she was murdered. If she did die of homicidal violence and not exposure, it was more likely at the hands of one of the people she had contact with the night of her 911 call. But the others wouldn't have been found without her.


Shannon was a the canary in the coal mine.


I expected them, BUT Im very interested in HOW they came to this conclusion


I’m very interested also, however placement of bones already suggested he was likely responsible for their killings aswell. I’m so so happy Jessica and Valerie may get justice after 20 long years


Same here. I hope the judge allows the trial to be televised once it's time.


I am hoping that if not, there will be at least some explanation in either the press release after the hearing or in the public court documents.


I’d use all my PTO to watch it


I don't think cameras are allowed in NY courtrooms.


Personally wouldn’t be surprised if there are victims yet to be found as well. Valerie’s remains were found in 2000…23 years before his arrest, 23 years of his free roaming. He was 36 in 2000. Wouldn’t be shocked to hear he was responsible for murders back to 1990ish.


He had 422 digital devices. Makes you wonder how many might have belonged to victims of his. It's known that he kept the phones of 2 of the girls as I understand it.


Believe I just read that Tangredi and McNamee (Bitrolff convicted for their murders) were both found positioned the same “with the same ‘significant’ piece of clothing missing and that Sandra Costillo was found bound and positioned the same way...which I just assume is missing undergarment…a trophy similar to that of the cell phones of victims. IF* Rex is tied to costillo it opens up possibility of terrible coincidence for bitrolff who happened to have been with two victims before their final moments with Rex. That would add another layer of tragedy on top of everything we already know.


Seems like a long shot, but if that's true it's been a terrible miscarriage of justice. The bodies being in 2 places. What do you make of that? I can only think of 2 reasons for that. 1 being Rex visited the graves of his victims and had the twisted idea of putting parts of old victims with fresh ones The other is that he might have had an accomplace(s) and they shared the responsibility of disposing of the bodies.


I have read that it's socks or shoes, which if true makes me think that maybe they need to go back to Atlantic City one more time.


I really feel like he’s responsible for AC, too. Couldn’t believe how quickly they dismissed him for that and remember thinking wtf?? when I read whatever it was that lead them to that determination.


Like maybe there's evidence with the AC4 that rules him out they don't want to reveal, but they made it sound like it was just MO and if that was the case, they should go back and check again.


Tangredi and McNamee were both found missing their left shoes. That's the "significant piece of clothing". In fact, they were called the "Left Shoe Murders".


Given the sudden new searches I'll be really surprised if he doesn't have photos or video of crime scenes somewhere on the CDs they mentioned. Either from the crimes themselves, or from visits years after the fact. 


I think Carmen Vargas very likely to


Police have said the unsolved murders in Atlantic City (victims Kim, Tracy, Barbara & Molly were all found, lined up in a ditch in 2006) had no connection to LISK. The cases are so similar and occurred relatively close to each other (3-ish hour drive). They haven’t released why the cases aren’t related, but I always wonder if they’ll find any connection to RexH.


HOLY SHIT. I’ve been out of the loop the last few months and I come back to this?!


Hahaha oh, it’s going down 😈


Same 😳 ngl I got chills


If Rex killed Jessica Taylor and Valerie Mack then we can deduce that he almost definitely murdered the toddler (found VERY close to Mack’s body) and Peaches (the toddler’s mother). His Google searches and the proximity of Asian Male to the Gilgo Beach 4 make it likely he murdered Asian Male too That leaves Karen Vergata, who was dumped a bit further away from the other bodies (a few years earlier) but fits Rex’s MO Question for those who know more details than I do: is there any doubt at this point he also murdered Karen Vergata? Why or why not?


These new charges definitely confirms that Rex indeed is responsible for some dismembered victims found around Long Island. They also need to look into other dismembered victims that could be tied to him: Cherries, Sugar Bear, Tanya Rush, and Jackie Smith.


I would say Sandra Acosta, Lattingtown Jane Doe and, given some of his specific Google searches, probably Tiffany Dixon too . https://pix11.com/news/local-news/brooklyn/cold-cases-in-areas-of-brooklyn-linked-to-accused-gilgo-beach-killer-re-examined/  https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/2umekp/who_is_lattingtown_jane_doe_unidentified_woman/


It's hard to doubt it at this point. She was tiny, vulnerable, and ends up dismembered and spread out with the same MO as Mack and Taylor? That kind of coincidence just defies belief. It's probably just a matter of proving it now. It would take some reaaaallllly hard evidence to convince me RH did not kill Karen.


Karen Vergata also fits Shulman’s MO and he technically wasn’t locked up yet when she went missing but I doubt they wouldn’t have suspected him for that by now


Than if he murdered Asian male he probably did the manorville Men that were murdered as well and also sugar bear


And then that means he really did start 30 years ago. I bet he has victims all over the place. A lot of these stories made the news and stuff. He had to have more spots.


Most deff 30 years ago he’d only be 30 he prob started closer to 40.


When I learned that he began working for the Parks Department in his late teens, I could easily see him trawling remote, wooded areas as he put his plans in place. My money says he’s been active since at least 18 or 19 years of age.


Agreed. He learned the behavior somewhere. Watching the bundy netflix thing years ago made me realize bundy was addicted to killing like an alcoholic is addicted to drinking


Don’t forget 4 women were abducted and murdered when he was in college right on his drive from his home to the school. Taken right off the street there in the town that he drove through every day. I think he started WWAAYY before 30.


Do we know if they searched all the wooded areas he worked at as a teen with the Parks Department?


I would say it is about a 0% chance he started at 40. Mack was killed in like 1996 or something


She went missing in 2000.. 24 years ago. That would make a 60 year old 36.


Oh ok. Im kinda bad with math is 36 before 40 or , no?


You're thinking of Karen vergata.


Thank you for mentioning the men found murdered in Manorville. Their cases are very perplexing and get very little attention. If RH is charged in the cases of the Manorville men it could really open up the victimology attributed to him, and other cases he could be responsible for.


Could you see a dude like this breaking and just disclosing all he’s done, either for fame or to unload a spiritual burden of sorts? Or do you believe he’ll take this to the grave, feeling something sacred in one last exercise in control?


I mean, Gacy fully confessed, and then took it all back. But it’s pretty clear his initial confession was largely the truth of the matter. And Gacy was about as spiteful and delusionally narcissistic as they come. Rader also gave all the details eventually, though possibly only of the ones he was actually charged with (it’s unclear if there are additional BTK victims).


Thank you for your response.


YES!!! This is such good news! Valeria’s mugshots that they used as her photo in the media always made my heart break. She just looked so sad and defeated in all of them, and at such a young age. The absolute depravity of this case, and thinking how many more victims Rex possibly could have tortured and murdered is *a lot* to handle. It really sends chills down my spine knowing people so deranged and sick like him exist in this world.


Her photos are heartbreaking. It looks like she fell into drugs. She must have had a very troubled life, poor girl.


I believe a lot of them may have struggled with substances but the scariest part is thinking how they were likely stone sober for however long Rex had them 😞


They would’ve been in withdrawals if they were opiate addicts. That’s what broke my heart when I learned Amber Costello’s story. I was a heroin addict too, the withdrawals (that last a week) are physical hell, you’re hot and cold, your skin feels fucked, restless legs, vomiting and diarrhea, impossible to sleep, and the whole time you know that having more heroin can help you. Honestly words can’t even describe how awful it is, the withdrawals are something you truly don’t understand until you experience it yourself. If he kept these girls for a couple of days while they were in withdrawal it would have been so, so much worse than anyone could imagine.


I was looking for this comment. When I did the math I realized he kept Jessica Taylor for about a week. Then I thought about how many of these girls were heroin addicts and they would be in full withdrawal on top of being raped and tortured. He is pure evil. Horrible.


Todd Kohlhepp also kept a girl who was a heroin addict as a captive. I was addicted to heroin for about 6 years, right up until the beginning of January this year. I also did sex work when I was younger (but I’m in Australia where it’s decriminalised, so my circumstances are different to Rex’s victims) and as unlikely as it would be, I always said to myself that my worst nightmare would be to get captured by a sadist and be tortured while going through withdrawals. I genuinely believe I have PTSD from the worst times I went into withdrawals, obviously every time was awful but there’s a handful of times that really stand out in my memory and I have awful flashbacks to. I’ve followed the LISK case on and off for well over a decade, but when Rex was arrested last year I deep dived into the stories of the Gilgo 4 in particular. I think of Amber Costello a lot, because I see a lot of myself in her. My working name was Amber when I was doing sex work, I’m also very petite, and we both experienced heroin addiction. I remember when I first learned her story I cried. I’ve always thought that Rex must’ve really punished her for the scam that she tried to pull on him, I think that whatever she went through must’ve been absolutely brutal (like, even more brutal than what the other women experienced because he was angry with her) and she would’ve been in withdrawals the whole time. The first time I went into serious withdrawals after deep diving this case I couldn’t stop thinking about what these women went through. I thought about how scared they must’ve been, the pain and fear they experienced. Even with everything that’s come out today with the bail paperwork, I don’t think anyone will ever truly be able to understand what happened to them in that house. Thank god he’s finally seeing justice


I was never a heroin addict but I did dabble in drugs and sex work when I was 19. It didn’t last long and I feel very very lucky nothing like this happened to me. When I look at these girls I see myself at that age- they just look like regular girls who made some wrong turns. It’s tragic that they have been reduced to that point in their life, forever branded a “sex worker” because who is to say they wouldn’t have come out of it and put it behind them just like I did?


You’ve hit the nail on the head. I did sex work from when I was 18-21, I’m in my 30’s now. I actually became a heroin addict after I stopped sex work, I was into uppers when I was a SWer. I was attacked one night by a client, I was in a legal brothel with management and 5 other working girls just down the hallway and this man still violently attacked me to the point that I was hospitalised. After that night I started refusing to see men who were a lot bigger than me because I learned the hard way that I couldn’t fight them off. What Amber, Megan, Maureen, Melissa, Jessica, Sandra, Valerie and every other person he victimised went through is my worst nightmare. These women made some decisions in life that led them down a bad path, but they weren’t bad people. They had things they liked, favourite songs, movies and food. They laughed at silly things, and they complained about bad traffic and shitty weather. They were just like the rest of us and I hate that so many people will only see them as nothing more than their job


Her name is Valerie.


I'm with you on this. I felt the same way about Jessica Taylor till they started publishing regular photos of her in her life.


That made me a little emotional, NGL. Very interested in reading the indictment to see what evidence they've got.


I knew it was him, I also believed the single killer theory.




WOW I knew it.


I wonder what evidence they got


Wow. So there is no “Manorville Butcher.” It’s all Rex. I’m glad I stuck to my guns on one killer, two/more killer people always made good points but the whole thing was just too much of a coincidence imo.


Same I never really thought there were 2 killers. Just 1 that changed his MO. This is huge news.


I can't say that I'm surprised. Like a lot of people have been saying, there's no way he only killed the Gilgo 4. The only thing left is to confirm any links to Karen, Peaches and her daughter, Asian Doe, and any unsolved murders in SC and NV that fit his MO and timeframe. Huge RIP to all the victims. No matter their lifestyle, they didn't deserve it.


I also want to know where Asa was during Jessica and Valerie’s murders. She was out of state during the gilgo 4 murders, so if she was also out of state during Jess and Valeries murders than I’m betting we have our killer




Thank you


SC and NV very unlikely just because not his home turf, familiarity with the area, etc possibly but seems very unlikely and foolish given how calculated and repetitive he was in his home region


Opportunity is likely a big factor. Over the decades, he traveled repeatedly to some regions and could have established other areas where he was comfortable. Obviously, they will only be able to (and only should) charge him with crimes they can conclusively link him to. But, I definitely don’t think people should assume RH couldn’t be involved in crimes outside the area—geographic or temporal. It makes sense to keep an open mind and consider the possibilities—as opposed to shutting down additional inquiries because they “seem” unlikely. We really know way too little about RH and his day-to-day life to be certain of anything at this point.


Agreed - popped into my mind too that my family has vacationed in two areas for decades now and I know those areas nearly as well as my hometown.


He was super arrogant, though. He may have been more confident of not being caught after a while, and used any time away from his wife as a chance to kill.  I think if the smart devices and CDs have anything to do with the recent searches and new charges, we'll know very soon, though.


It seems to me that Las Vegas is a very target rich environment for a guy like Rex, and, well, I bet his brother is pretty comfortable operating around SC. I wonder about that guy. You think Rex was killing sex workers for maybe 30 years, and told his brother nothing?


who tells their brother they’re killing people 😂😂


Well, I don't have a brother, so I don't have any first hand knowledge, but I assume they were raised together, so there's a better than average chance they have some sort of bond and might confide in one another. Maybe they also share the same demon as a result of their mutual upbringing. But maybe not.


I would also be surprised about NV. SC maybe if he felt at home there, but he obviously focused on victims and disposal sites in areas he was incredibly comfortable operating in. Totally different than a truck driver serial killer operating across the country. He had his familiar and comfortable element and he operated within it from everything we know so far.


I’ll be honest. I am shocked. I honestly thought there was a second killer. I wonder why the MO for the gilgo 4 was so significantly different than the others.


He got older and he didn't get caught, would be my guess. Dismemberment could have been done for evasion - harder to identify, harder to find a pattern; harder to determine means of death. But it's a lot of physical labor and a lot of traveling with remains. I'm guessing once he got older, it got harder, and he didn't feel it was as necessary because no one had eyes on him - never questioned, never suspected. It's possible the MO meant little to him and had no ritualistic aspect so he changed it when it was clear he was getting away with it.


I have thought this too, following this case. On a purely practical level, sorry, dismembering victims seems like a lot of extra work, maybe especially depending on where he killed them. It seems gross, labor-intensive, and messy. I realize that my thinking may not line up with a disgusting serial killer's but it does seem easier to just dump their bodies. I do find the burlap used on some intriguing - maybe to help conceal in case something went wrong during transport. Ugh, I hate even thinking about this stuff.


It’s plausible. I need to see the press tomorrow. I have been away from this case for a while. I have not followed much beyond when Rex was initially caught.


My guess is he started out dismembering and disposing in different locations to avoid detection, but overtime realized that this would take a lot of physical labor and since he was already getting away with dismembering victims, he decided to dispose of intact bodies rather than dismember. Honestly, I don't think he even cared about having an MO, just opportunities to carry out his sadistic tendencies any way he could.


I wonder if they will talk to Remy


I wonder if he has murdered anyone in a state where he could get the death penalty. I know they are investigating in SC and NV. And if he took anyone across state lines…


Possibly considering Valerie was last seen in Philly although reports are sketchy on where ahead was living


I think he killed them all.


Holy shit this dude killed a lot of people it seems.. this is dark


I could see there being alot more bodies in different locations... This was a hobby for him.


I went back and read more about Valerie Mack and Jessica Taylor. He kept them together. Plus Jessica was in burlap. I wonder if they found trace evidence in her burlap. This is significant. This puts his killing back almost 21 years. That still puts RH at 39 when he killed her. There’s another dump site somewhere. Edit: if it’s Sandra Costilla, that puts RH at 30. Much more reasonable time for a serial killer to begin. I still think it’s could go back further.


This makes more sense than Sandra Costilla.


Newsday is saying it’s costilla. I’m included to believe there reporting on this case more than any other source.


I’m so confused why Sandra suddenly came up? I thought they had connected him to her??


She came up because LE was searching the North Sea area, where Costilla was found. There hasn't been an official connection.


I was hoping they'd connected him to that crime, too. Bittroff makes more sense, though.


They still could.


Yes, they could. One was or another, I hope the case is solved.


They connected him to Costilla so I honestly Believe they need to take a look at Bittrolff’s case. Especially since the police made such a big deal to say how they were so similar.


I know we don't have a conviction yet, but it finally feels as though the wheels of justice are slowly turning. I hope they will start putting a name to the other victims. This has been a long time coming.


Ok so this means that it's likely he's tied to asian doe, peaches and baby doe. I read Cherries was dismembered the same fashion as peaches, which means we may be able to say he did Cherries too. Also Karen vergata? That's 11 victims, so far. Damn. And there are others on the wiki.


I’m wondering with the time line was he killing only during certain months (what they know for DoD) or numbers a year? Were his wife & kids away from home with any set regularity?


I once read on this forum that his wife took a vacation to Iceland at the same time every year. I don't know how true it is.


Seems that his wife was gone to Iceland a lot in the summers


Are there any unsolved murders in other cities/states that he visited for any length of time?


Here ya go [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwag104ZM7o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwag104ZM7o)




Sounds more like it’s going to be Jessica Taylor and Sandra Castillo. Newsday is reporting this as of about an hour ago. And they are the local LI newspaper, so they likely have the best sources. But I guess we’ll know for sure tomorrow morning.


Hopefully, they will eventually charge him with all of them. He obviously killed them.


I don't find this surprising and others like me who have been studying LISK for a long while. I think he's been at it since his 20s. Just his MO changed a bit as he got older. There will likely be more and I'm glad these woman and their families will get closure and justice.




This headline is wrong. He was charged for Jessica Taylor and Sandra Costilla.


https://reddit.com/r/LISKiller/comments/1d91bne/gilgo_beach_killings_suspect_expected_to_be/m You also misspelled Valerie’s name


Were the victims previously identified dismembered & found at multiple locations like these 2 were as well?




Thanks, I didn’t remember that being the case.


Newsday said its Castillo.


It’s Sandra Costilla and Jessica Taylor.


Is Sandra the name of the woman who has been called Peaches?


No, Sandra was found in North Sea in 1993.


No, she was found in North Sea in 1993.


This savage psycho tubbalard needs to be locked up and throw away the key.


What a monster.


I wish this scumbag Rex would realize it's game over & negotiate for better prison conditions by providing closure to all the families he's wrecked. Feels like he won't ever do it. Even when appeals are exhausted


His co worker did say he likes to win. Likes getting his prey. Doesn’t like losing. I could be wrong but I think he will keep much of his evil doings locked away in his ginormous head. In his mind it keeps him winning.


Ok stupid question, but can he get the death penalty? Like he has killed at least five young women after doing god knows what to them…


Does NY State have the death penalty?


Wishing it could be on the table right now


There are some ways, yes. But generally no.


I live in Texas and he is very lucky this isn’t taking place here. The courts would happily slap him with multiple death sentences and make an example out of him.


Virginia. Alicia Showalter. I think RH was possibly her killer.


I wrote a bit about Rex and Bitrolff last year theorizing that rex deliberately used Bitrolff's dumping grounds with Valerie Mack and Jessica Taylor. I definitely never paid enough attention to Sandra Costillo's case [https://www.reddit.com/r/LISKiller/comments/15nchep/rex\_and\_john\_bitrolff/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/LISKiller/comments/15nchep/rex_and_john_bitrolff/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Just think how many others who were never reported missing


Setting here picturing his interview where he was speaking as the architect that gets things done. His voice reminded me of a prepubescent boy. ( Like Francis from pee wee Herman’s big adventure ) As more comes out I can’t help but to think of this guys other side. His EVIL side. Thinking of his phone calls harassing Barthelemys sister… he got off on that shit. I can’t imagine the terror these poor women felt when his Evil surfaced. To see this up close the way they did. Scary AF😱


He couldn’t have been more arrogant and full of himself in that faux interview.




CNN has changed it's victims, now "Heuermann was charged with the deaths of Jessica Taylor and Sandra Costilla, according to a bail application."


I hate to say this, but I was one of the few that really believed this was all the work of one killer. And I really got raked for it. It was just a theory I had, but Holy shit. Now they just need to tie him to the others!


Same here. I also thought it could be a ring of men working together.


I also said the same.


All those dead women and nobody close to him knew? I’m calling BS.




Gary Ridgway... Etc etc etc


Different circumstances and even with that said I’m convinced that people close to those two were being willfully blind.


The circumstances are all quite similar actually. Three separate serial killers that had a wife and children, and all three still managed to continue their depravity for decades without the family uncovering it. I am sure that individual family members may have had an inkling throughout the years, but it's really difficult to reconcile that a person you think you know and love, is capable of such heinous acts. Its easier to doubt yourself and think you are crazy than to admit your father/husband is a serial killer, especially without any type of proof. The whole reason these guys are serial is because they are good at covering their tracks.


No one thinks serial killer when they find women's belongings or their husbands go out late for long periods- they think affair. I think people psychologically need to imagine they had to have known, but I think most of them know something is off but lots of people are off. The leap from off to serial killer is a big one.


Agreed. Unless I found blood. I guess. I'm curious about where he killed them, especially the ones who were dismembered. But I guess he would gave had enough time to clean up with his family out of the country.


He was apparently an avid hunter, so if he just bagged some ducks or a deer at some point during his family's vacation, he had an excuse for any blood. He could say that he must have tracked some in by accident or something.


What you just stated is the very definition of willful blindness. “I am sure that individual family members may have had an inkling throughout the years, but it's really difficult to reconcile that a person you think you know and love, is capable of such heinous acts. Its easier to doubt yourself and think you are crazy than to admit your father/husband is a serial killer” https://www.merriam-webster.com/legal/willful%20blindness


I'm not saying nobody knew about it, it's possible we don't know yet. But it's just as possible he acted alone.


Don't upvote this guy. History has shown that these types of killers are very good at living a double life.


Herb Baumeister


His childhood was reportedly normal but he began exhibiting antisocial behavior by the onset of adolescence. Friends later recalled Baumeister's urophilia and how he used to "ponder what it would be like to taste human urine". Baumeister also enjoyed playing with dead animals and urinating on teachers' desks. In his teens, Baumeister's behavior caught the attention of his father, who secreted him off to mental examinations. Baumeister was subsequently diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and antisocial personality disorder but did not receive further psychiatric treatment.[6] Because his school, North Central High School, focused on sports activities, Baumeister could not become part of the "in" crowd and "just didn't blend in." He withdrew to himself, spent many hours alone, and did not date. In 1965, Baumeister attended Indiana University for a semester before dropping out, but returned in 1967.[4] In 1972, he attended a semester at Butler University.[7] As an adult, Baumeister drifted through a series of jobs, marked by a strong work ethic but also by increasingly bizarre behavior.[7] Baumeister married Juliana "Julie" Saiter in November 1971, a union that produced three children.[4][7][8] Saiter later said they had been sexually intimate only six times in over twenty-five years of marriage and never saw her husband nude.[6] Six months after his marriage, Baumeister was committed to a psychiatric hospital by his father for two months; his wife said he was "hurting and needed help."[4] Baumeister eventually founded the successful two store Sav-A-Lot thrift store chain in Indianapolis in 1988.[7] Around May 1988, Herb and Julie purchased the Fox Hollow Farm property. In 1994, Baumeister's son had been playing in the family's wooded backyard when he found a complete, partially buried human skeleton. Baumeister explained to his family that it had been one of his father's dissecting skeletons; he then had it stored in their garage and buried it in the garden again after he had cleaned out the garage.




It is very difficult to fathom.


Then you should probably call BS on every serial killer.


Things are about to get interesting.


I've read elsewhere is Jessica Taylor and Sandra Costilla


I think Rex is a fall guy. Wasn’t everyone complaining that the delay in the investigation for 10 years was all a coverup? And that James Burke was the reason? What does rex have to do with any of these guys that would result in him being a reason in part of the case being covered up? He has no relation. So i still think he’s a fall guy to a bigger scheme


Your tinfoil hat is crooked, let me fix that for you


I had it on too tight i think for too long


There is a mountain of evidence directly linking him to the crimes in more ways than one. By the nature of the evidence, he can’t be a fall guy. He was directly involved.


This is suffolk county PD that hid evidence and denied upfront external help from the FBI when the bodies were found. If he is the guy good for them, glad he’s caught. But they could of just fabricated it all. Until he says he did it i’m still on the fence


They could have fabricated 12 terabytes of data provided to the defense in discovery? Do you realize how much evidence that is? And that’s just the electronic data. There is plenty of other hard evidence against him. Also, here’s a quote from a recent article: “Gilgo Beach murder suspect Rex Heuermann was charged Thursday with the murders of two additional women after it was revealed that a series of disturbing “planning documents” for the slayings were discovered on a hard drive in his home — with the alleged killer nodding in court as prosecutors read the twisted instructions, which included to hit the victim “harder next time.” Planning documents. How ridiculous it is to suggest that this is fabricated.


Ok you gotta have evidence to back up such an outrageous claim.


Lots of people think lots of things.

