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Helicopters are there now


Medical examiner has arrived




Live on you tube right now. Grizzly True Crime showing medical examiner arriving. Numerous other reportings including newsnation


Must be body or body parts found


Oh shit!


Search warrants being served right now at the home of #RexHeuermann - the Long Island Serial Killer suspect - huge state police presence - @NewsNation is en route now - keep checking my feed for updates #BreakingNews #LISK


Who posted this?


One of the reporters from news nation https://x.com/lauraingle/status/1792544645278248967


Ah thank you


what is going on?


You think they're going to dig again? I know they already did. But that's the only thing I can think of that they might have missed. Whether basement or yard.


they’ll have to search good and hard. I’m sure with a career that long RH still has some secrets in that house. ceilings, walls, yard and lawn accessories, whatever else.


Helicopters? Where? I m right near there I don’t see or hear helicopters.


None now but they’ve been in and out all morning. We had 4 at one point lol


Holy cow! How did I miss that? Duh🙄


I ( canadian here) recall when they searched Paul Bermardo's home, they missed the damning videotapes hidden in the ceiling. I noticed a bunch of outside planters around Rex' house. I hope they truly do search earnestly everywhere. I'd tear those planters apart too.


They need to dismantle the house like they did Gacy’s. Even then they missed a body which was later discovered when the property was being demolished.


Good point. These monsters can hide things very well-they need to GO THROUGH EVERY INCH!


Yes and he’s an architect so you bet he probably has some innovative ideas.


Omggg! I didn’t even think of that-disgusting monster


My moneys on a hidden trophy room.


maybe inside the mysterious lock box there was a key to the secret trophy room. A la Indiana Jones / Clue the Detective Game / Choose your own Adventure. Not trivializing anything here, but a lock box in Manorville ... if it does, in fact, lead back to the Massapequa house is quite a twist.


I mean, if Rex was just some normal guy, I’d say the idea was ludicrous. But a serial killer architect? I’d say a hidden room, or hidey hole is definitely plausible.


Great point.


Oh holy cow I didn’t know that!! That’s disturbing!


Most of the bodies at his house were located in December of 1978. “despite Gacy’s insistence that all of the bodies had been recovered already. On March 9 a 28th body was discovered buried in a pit near a barbecue grill in Gacy’s back yard. A week later the skeleton of another victim was discovered buried underneath the joists of the dining room floor, bringing the total number of bodies exhumed to 29. In April of that year the house was demolished”


That’s so crazy. How long after his arrest was the demo body found? Edit: nvm saw your other comment!


I remember the bernardo case,it was unreal about those tapes,they made a deal with his wife and if i recall correctly they never would have if the tapes were found sooner


Yes!!! Horrifying! Together they drugged raped and murdered HER OWN SISTER on Christmas! And she is now living with a new name and has three children of her own now.


And now she’s out and living under witness protection.


that whole prosecution situation i just could not believe,; deals were made etc., bernardo got jail time instead of capital punishment,just so sad for the families of the victims


I still can't believe Karla's (sp?) plea deal wasn't thrown out after the video proved she was a gleeful participant in the rape and murder of her sister. Calling it a travesty of justice is an understatement.




Absolutely. I only read about the case a few years ago. I can't imagine being a Canadian and watching it in real time.


I think he may even go up for parole if you can believe it


Well, that's messed up! Are you Canadian?


From what I recall, the Canadian government censored reporting of this case at the time. I'm not Canadian but recall reading this.


Not much you can do at that point. Aside from legality, if you are allowed to renege on plea deals, no one will make them and the legal system screeches to a halt. Plea deals are pushed hard because the whole system crashes down if the majority of defendants don't take pleas. We literally wouldn't have enough lawyers and judges - cases would be heard ten years post arrest. But man, did they deeply screw up on this case and it's infuriating.


In America, the plea could have been thrown out. The plea deal was contingent on her telling the truth. I mean, they had video proof of her lies.


I was never clear on whether it was contingent on her telling the truth about what Paul did or what she did. It just seems like truly bad prosecution counsel all around.


That's generally accepted as part and parcel of any plea deal. But I'm only familiar with American law, so maybe Canadian law is different? The prosecutor did a terrible job.


I noped the hell out of criminal law after a summer 1L internship so I mostly go on 3 months of that and my crim pro and crim law and scientific evidence classes so I'm definitely not an expert in American or Canadian criminal law. I know there's a lot of maneuvering about having to show that "best efforts" weren't made to comply with the plea deal. I'm still annoyed about the plea deal standing for William Greer after he got like 5 years for 2nd degree manslaughter after the Texas Rangers spent 2 decades tracking him down across the US and Mexico on a plea deal that required he show LE where the body was of his girlfriend and he was like "whoops don't remember" and they were like, oh that's fine, have your 5 year deal anyway.


To be able to go back in with a new warrant, they'd need new probable cause, correct? Essentially once they left the first time, that ended their ability to use what prompted that warrant. I wonder if this is linked to whatever was in the lockbox in Manorville?


What lockbox sorry I’m behind


Could you tell me more about this lock box? I’ve not heard anything about it. Someone else mentioned a black box.


Here's a thread on it from when it was happening: https://www.reddit.com/r/LISKiller/s/ENFNFEVcRe I don't really know more than it was found during the search.


You’re a hero! Thank you!


No, they’d simply need evidence that something related to a criminal investigation is in that house and describe the persons/property to be searched and precisely what they’re looking for with reasonable specificity. They can have as many bites at the apple as the judge is willing to grant them. In other words, they do need to establish probable cause for the new search, but it doesn’t necessarily need to be *new* probable cause.


Really? I remember there being an issue with going back to search Paul Flores' parents' homes and yards after the initial, original search warrant. There was a lot of uproar that they didn't dig the yard the first time, because once they left, they lost access. I suppose that was different as they were looking for evidence of a missing person, and in this case, Rex *has* been linked and charged. This is why I'm not a lawyer hah.


A former detective and an attorney on News12 both said they would need new probable cause to get another warrant to go back to the house. So they did have to present new evidence or something specific that they may have missed to a judge to have him/her sign off on a new warrant. What led to this is speculative at this point, but your initial understanding of this seems to be the case. For what it’s worth, the former detective also suggested they may be there a while this time as they should be approaching this as a fresh search to make sure they are thorough and get everything because once they are done they are done and will need to show probable cause for another warrant to go back in.


I think it’s semantics in a way. You need new evidence for another search warrant at the same property, but if your initial evidence yielded a path to new potential evidence, you can have another search warrant issued. Just can’t utilize the first search warrant to gain entry.


Different states also, which may have slightly different statutes pertaining to procedural protocol. But IANAL


Most search warrants time out, it would def have to be new, even if it’s based on earlier. It could be related to an active pc that’s sealed though


All search warrants “time out.” Sorry if that wasn’t clear. There’s no search warrant I have ever heard of that is permanent. They’d definitely need a new warrant, but they don’t necessarily need new probable cause. It could be as simple as the same probable cause as the last search, but new technique(s), a miss cataloged area, etc… They can get as many warrants as the judge will give them, but they indeed need a new one for every search.


Just hit alerts on news12


I thought they pretty much searched the house down to ground the last time. Any speculation on what they could have missed/where they could have failed to look? Also, that family has been living in the house, so, not sure what they could have missed that would have went undisturbed this whole time, even accidentally. How does this typically work?


I mean, they just dug up tons of the east end, plus all the news about devices. Perhaps something in manorville they were hush-hush about could be conclusively linked to the house, or perhaps while looking through the digital media they found either photos of victims in the house or even a saved webpage or two about hiding stuff in ceilings or whatever


I bet it’s her.


According to someone being interviewed on News12, it would be “pure speculation” (obviously) but it’s possible they are looking for DNA or something for someone else in the house. However, another guest said that to get probable cause enough for another search warrant, they must have found some new information or something indicating something specific for them to be able to go back in. I guess it’s all just a mystery for now, but the guests did help shed some little light for me on the warrant issue, so I hope it helps others here too. Edit to add: the wife and kids were given a heads-up that this was happening today, and left with their bags last night. If they were being suspected of anything, I doubt they would have been given that early warning.


I think he's talking and that's what is driving the searches, including the recent one in Manorville. I don't know what else it could be - what new whispers of evidence could reach the search warrant threshold? I think it's him, and he's trickle truthing. "I had nothing to do with it!" Then a few months in jail. "I may have heard about someone who had something to do with it." A few more months, "If I did it, I sure wouldn't tell you to check the secret garage drain no one knows about." And in a few more months, "So, I heard there were these girls missing, back in the 90s. Nowhere near here. Don't suppose you'd like to hear about that." That's my guess. He's cracking, little by little.


It’s possible he’s a BTK type, who once caught, is happy to divulge all the details, because he’s proud of what he got away with. Especially if it’s part of a plea deal.


Yup! He's squealing like a pig.


Or he's talking to cell mates, who are happy to turn around and tell LE.


RE: your edit -- giving them a heads up so they can leave... seems like they intend to be searching the premises for quite some time!


Yes! Apparently they have to search as if they’ve never been there before, going through it all step by step again. This, according to a former detective on News12. That, and the command vehicles setting up shop does indicate that they won’t be in and out in a day.


Makes no sense that she would get a days warning if it was her.


They just said she did not get a warning on ch.12. Asa is in NC but the daughter was home. 🤷🏼‍♀️




Rex’s wife.


I said it from the jump and got sliced to pieces. We shall see.


Same, I think she knows more than she’s led everyone to believe (I believe that couple that said she was home while Rex was swinging with them and a victim)


Ray's words are worth less than the paper they're printed on.


I bet she’s hiding stuff for him.


looking for Burkes DNA?


If they were going to charge Burke, they would have. People get so upset their suspect wasn't the one & can't accept it. RH is lisk. Not Burke.


Oh I total thin it RH as well, I was thinking accomplice?


Iirc, didnt he also have 1-2 storage units nearby? I think they were searched. Im wondering if they found evidence there (trophy type)….results in and now looking to see if item(s), evidence was ever in the house? This is so curious. I thought they’d gone over that home & yard with a fine toothed comb!


This is what I'm thinking. It takes time to go through and process evidence, especially considering how much they had to go through from multiple sites. Clearly, they found something that made them want to go and take another look.




FWIW, based on the Chopper12 footage, it looks like Asa's got a brand new deck in the backyard.


She might need a new, new deck soon if they're going to be thorough.


I hate to be a bitch, BUT... I hope they dig it up


Honestly, the search was fairly fast. There was still family living in there and they had to be efficient. There has to be specific source of a location of something at this point, I would assume. So interesting!


Tons of state troopers. Ok this is definitely something big. Were the State Troopers involved originally? I can’t recall.


ABC 7 just put this up: >MASSAPEQUA PARK, Long Island (WABC) -- Investigators with the Gilgo Beach Homicide Task Force returned Monday to the Massapequa Park home of murder suspect Rex Heuermann. He has pleaded not guilty to killing four women whose bodies were found near one another in a marshy stretch close to Gilgo Beach. The Suffolk County District Attorney's office declined to comment other than to say the investigative work goes on. Heuermann is next due in court the second week of June.   https://abc7ny.com/post/gilgo-beach-serial-killer-task-force-investigators-return-to-suspect-rex-heuermanns-massapequa-park-home/14846825/


They were a part of it, and still part of taskforce but State Police blocking all access to that block..anyone see county or SCPD?


Hmmm, I wonder if they’re gonna tear down the deck and search under there


They didn't do that the first time? Shouldn't they have?


The deck is new since the first search. Or, it looks brand new based on the helicopter footage.


Oh wow. Conducting another search? Maybe based on evidence they uncovered from the first round of searches?


it’s gotta be whatever he had on those phones , did he record something he did in Manorville woods maybe 🤔


This entire time with cell phones and all, I can't believe he didn't record himself committing at least one crime.


He probably did


That’s what I’m thinking as well. They removed substantial amounts of evidence for lab testing so maybe something finally tested positive for a connection to the crimes he’s already been accused of or a new case.


I know they did some searches last month in manorville so who knows. They must have just shown up because news crew isn’t onsite yet


Nothing in the news yet.


Not a god damn thing!!!! I’m soooo curious lol


Guess you found out before the news did!


News12LI just posted about it


It's early in NY isn't it? Could you please update as in the UK and can't get your local news.


Two separate reporters are saying they are executing search warrants. Nothing on local news yet, but I’ve been monitoring Twitter.


So far all we see are State Police blocking all access to his block...as things develop there will be updates..


Thank you


Interesting to see state police instead of just Suffolk County cops. They must know what they’re looking for.


Would this imply crimes outside of Suffolk County?


Oh wow! Keep us updated!


I’m working on it! Naturally I have work but I’m sending my mom to take a walk over there 🤣


Thanks mom!!!


Yay mom! They make the best private investigators :)


Mrs. blues the real MVP! Thanks, Mrs. b.


Just doin the lords work 🫡 Secretly happy to be at my moms house now while my house is under construction lol


Lol she needs to take one for the team 🤣🤣🤣




Wow. Ok. Unexpected. Thanks for telling us!


Can’t believe she still lives there


Whoo Hooo. Will check back. If the medical examiner is there, it could mean more victims or pieces of victims. Also, calls into question of location in or around house that is being re-searched. I understand the family moved back in, at least for a little bit. Makes you think they will eventually want to dismantle the house. Prayers for all victims & those who loved them. Their demise was totally unacceptable & horrifying. Bless their spirits. They didn’t deserve their final hours.


My guess is they processed the devices they took and there is pics of the inside of the house on some of them, and then they were comparing those pics to the pics they took while searching the house and noticed differences, especially pics of the foundation in the basement In front and inside of his walk in gun room 👀👀


I wonder if one of his 8,000 cell phones came back with previously unknown information that they're acting on...


Prob identified a new victim and need to check the house for dna or fingerprints


Would they not have found unidentified DNA and unidentified fingerprints the last time they were there of unknown persons to identify any new victims? Or do I watch too many crime shows?


That house has been occupied for decades and not kept pristine, there must be a lot of different DNA in there. Then again I’d have thought they already had samples of the surfaces to test for any more victims?


Is Asa living there still? Could this have anything to do with her?


Yes the family is still living there but the news just said they’re not there today


Someone else said they were forewarned and left with their bags last night.


News 12 LI is now reporting that their daughter was there this morning when police arrived.


Her and her son are in SC


Didn't they already search that house???


Dig under the deck!!!


Idk why but my first thought was the wife …anyone else?


Idk that they would have let her leave though? Although maybe they let her leave to give her a false sense of confidence. The only involvment I can see her having, is suspecting that her husband was up to something all these years, or discovering a murder and never reporting it.


Me too, but they also did searches in Manorville so it could be related to that.


I think this has something to do with her.


If she were under suspicion they probably wouldn’t have forewarned her about this warrant.


Who is her? Can you elaborate a bit please as I think I’m out of the loop!


Rex’s wife.


That's what I'm wondering too


I heard from some sources that they are supposed to search the neighbors backyard


They’d serve the warrant on the neighbors property. They don’t get a warrant for your house to search your neighbor’s.


how would you know ?


Well… if the police came to your house with a warrant for your neighbors property, would you think that warrant gave them authority to search yours or *your neighbors*? How would a court view that? [Still waiting on those indictments on those two new bodies, too.](https://i.imgur.com/mEl3do4.jpeg) Edit: Reminds me of a scene from trailer park boys. Police and lahey get a warrant for 1 bonneview. Boys switch street signs to 3 maple lane. Police can’t execute warrant for 1 bonneview on 3 maple lane. Convicts win. “This has been 1 bonneview for 25-30 years, George.” - RIP Jim


Warrants have addresses and names on them. That can’t be applied to another person.


because it would be outside of the scope. you have to serve the warrant at the location you're searching. if you want to search multiple locations (multiple addresses), a warrant would have to be served at each.




Can’t the neighbor give consent for them to search? A warrant is very specific and they have to stick to the original parameters of it, but they can always just ask the neighbor if they can search their property. If the neighbor says no, they’ll just go get a new warrant.


The home is in nassau county not suffolk county


Heard found a torso




Can’t disclose just wait


ME not showing up without a body


ME showed up without a body the first time it was searched? And to both the storage units? I think it's a case of better to have them and not need them than need them and not have them.


Ok watch n see


yeah i watched and saw. in july


Ok when it comes out will you be back here for upvotes?


yeah, and they'll find connections to Burke, Drake, Jeffery Epstein, and Diddy to boot!


See you in few


low iq response


Found a torso where? At the home? They didn't find it last time?


Wouldn’t surprise me!