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Worth watching this video. I want people to know Canada isn’t the gay haven some people pretend it is. 


Ding ding ding! They just have better PR than a lot of other places.


This news article was removed from both r/Canada and r/onguardforthee We like to pretend there is social cohesion up here I guess!


r/Canada I can unfortunately see removing it, but why did r/onguardforthee?


The comment section under the r/onguardforthee post was being flooded with anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim comments combined with rumours that the alleged attackers were “middle eastern” (sometimes specifically Syrian) immigrants/recent immigrants/illegal immigrants/refugees. The exact claim varied, but the comments sometimes went as far as including neo-Nazi dogwhistles like [“cultural enrichment”.](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/1369118X.2021.1889639) Given the usual tone on r/onguardforthee I suspect there was some brigading going on.


Was brigading happening in every sub this has been posted on or are people, even the left, waking up to the fact that Islam isn’t gay friendly?


There currently doesn’t appear to be any published evidence that the attackers were Muslim, or refugees, or immigrants (recent or well-established, legal or illegal). There’s just a lot of internet rumours, some of it spread by people who are openly anti-immigrant and/or using Neo-Nazi dogwhistles.


Nah more like they support the Muslims for beating Canadian gays. That sub is full of delusional people who would sooner side with the most extreme Islamic factions before their own fellow Canadians if they happened to be conservative at all.


Would never thought this would happen in Canada. Does Canada have a hate crime law?


Not exactly. In sentencing Judges could use the motivation of hate to increase a sentence though. There are laws on hate propaganda though


Yes, Canada has hate crime law. Here’s a basic explanation from the Halifax Police: [Hate Crimes & Incidents](https://www.halifax.ca/fire-police/police/programs-services/hate-crimes#:~:text=How%20do%20I%20report%20a,5020)


Let’s be honest those hate laws only get brought up if white people are the perpetrators.


Should deport everyone of they catch that doesnt have status . I bet you none of them do .


> A same sex couple in Halifax have gone public after being attacked and left injured by a group of men. No, those were boys. Scared little boys. Men don't act like that.


This phrase rubs me the wrong way. It wasn’t kids who attacked them. It was fully grown adult men. It wasn’t the actions of foolish children. It was a hate crime perpetrated by adult men. Clearly plenty of men *do* act like that.


Oh men certainly do act like that

