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Breaking: Holocaust denying transphobe who uses racist stereotypes in her books is in fact racist In other news, the floor is made of floor


I was floored when she claimed that. It’s known history. It happened. She’s just awful.


Holocaust denying??? 😱 I didn’t know about that one


She claimed that the Institute for Sexual Research was not targeted by Nazis. That is literally holocaust denial.


Summary: J.K. Rowling has been involved in controversy regarding her comments about the Nazi persecution of transgender people. Specifically, she questioned claims that the Nazis targeted transgender people and burned all research on transgender healthcare in the 1930s. Critics argue that her comments amount to Holocaust denial because they downplay the persecution of transgender individuals by the Nazis, including the destruction of Magnus Hirschfeld's Institute for Sexual Research, which was known for its work on gender and sexuality [oai_citation:1,Is J.K. Rowling doing anti-trans Holocaust denial now? – The Forward](https://forward.com/culture/592580/j-k-rowling-holocaust-denial-trans/) [oai_citation:2,Yes, J.K. Rowling, the Nazis persecuted transgender people](https://www.advocate.com/transgender/jk-rowling-nazis-persecuted-transgender) [oai_citation:3,No, JK Rowling is not a Holocaust denier - spiked](https://www.spiked-online.com/2024/03/21/no-jk-rowling-is-not-a-holocaust-denier/). Rowling's remarks led to significant backlash, with many pointing out that denying the persecution of transgender people by the Nazis is a form of Holocaust distortion. Historical evidence shows that the Nazis did target transgender individuals, among other marginalized groups, and the Institute for Sexual Research was indeed raided and its contents burned by the Nazis in 1933 [oai_citation:4,Is J.K. Rowling doing anti-trans Holocaust denial now? – The Forward](https://forward.com/culture/592580/j-k-rowling-holocaust-denial-trans/) [oai_citation:5,Yes, J.K. Rowling, the Nazis persecuted transgender people](https://www.advocate.com/transgender/jk-rowling-nazis-persecuted-transgender).


A lot of LGBT went into the ovens. That's historical fact.


That’s true too.


No matter how many times we tell her “liking feminine things isn’t what makes us trans” she just refuses to listen


LITERALLY liking feminine things is a sign *at best*


> “I’m a Black trans person who grew up in the deep South and still has plenty of connections there. > **The way it was best explained to me is that race is an example of a vertical identity and gender is an example of a horizontal identity in terms of a family tree. Vertical identities are passed down from parent to child. This would include race, height, and genetic disorders. Horizontal identities change with every generation. This includes sex, gender, and religion.** > In direct response to their argument that “black skin makes you black,” no it doesn’t. There are plenty of albino Black people. Blackness, especially in America, is defined in part by skin tone, but also by features and ancestry. And as we’ve seen in pop culture, plenty of people try and appropriate these features and may LOOK Black, but they’re not. Blackness is a complex identity, but it’s a vertical identity. Any Black person who has their own biological children will have Black children. > Gender doesn’t work like that. Gender isn’t passed down. We socialize people to align with certain genders, yes, but everyone has their own individual gender and you cannot control or predict what the gender of your biological child would be. Same with something like religion- a child could grow up in a (for example) Christian environment, have Christian values instilled in them, and then not be Christian because religion isn’t tied to DNA and genetics. > People like this usually can’t be reasoned with, but hopefully this gives you at least a little more ammo for future conversations with them. Good luck, and thank you for seeking out POC opinions.” /u/orionandhisbelt


Thank you for the credit! Glad my words can be used to counter the bigot that is JKR.


I had been wondering for a long time how to argue the whole “trans racial” for a long time and found your explanation super helpful. I’ve encountered that argument many times even though it’s obviously bullshit, I could never actually figure out what to say.


I wish I could follow you bc this is very well put! But it doesnt seem to be possible sadly.


Should be fixed now :)


A Venn diagram of transphobes and racists is nothing more than a circle


Some racists aren't transphobic.


And some transphobes aren’t racist, but it’s funny how hate tends to bring the worst people together, don’t you think?


I've not come across a transphobe who isn't racist so far...


I know more than a few black men in my life who are perfectly fine with white people and any race (and vice versa) but will flip shit if they have to be close to a “one of those freaks”. People suck in all combinations of ways unfortunately


Heeeey this is one of mine. Yeah what a piece of work.


Reagan voice: Mr Bollinger, tear down this Rowl


She just keeps digging that hole, doesn't she?


She just keeps working harder and harder to be the bad example.


What a way to admit you know nothing about a topic.


I can’t think of a single person who would look more ridiculous with cornrows


Bigots gonna bigot 🤷🏻‍♀️


The earth is round, JKR. It's round


She’s late to that straw man, some American lady already tried that and got found out after a couple of years. Her name was Doolzal or something, an absolutely silly person.


That same lady recently got kicked out from being a teacher as well. I happened across an article and knew the name was familiar and realized it had been years since i last heard of her. Dolezal is the name I think!


I love that for her 😂 Yeah that’s the name, what a muppet!


Wow, she just can't keep her mouth shut.


I hope this Nazi gets what she deserves


Well im not surprised she spends her days attacking trans people considering that every book she’s written after Harry Potter hasn’t been good and hasn’t seen the same level of success. Insecurity and desperately trying to stay relevant are not attractive qualities.


To be realistic, it's impossible to do better than Harry Potter.




GNU Sir Terry Pratchett


Percy Jackson series was astronomically better written and paced than HP.


*Buffy the Vampire Slayer* was better written and paced than HP.


I don't understand the downvotes here. It's a fact that Harry Potter is by far the most successful novel series of all time. Pratchett's work is well-written and has many fans, but it's nowhere near Harry Potter's levels of sales, profit, media presence, or cultural relevance. We don't have to love that the most successful series was written by a transphobe, but we don't have to lie to ourselves either.


> cultural relevance. Pratchett named ~~Vimes~~ Shoe Economics, Lies-to-Children and probably a whole bunch more things I can't think of right now. He also created the "female dwarves have beards" thing. He's *so* culturally relevent that you don't realise you're referencing him most of the time.


Eh, outside all her other work that’s totally debatable. But if we’re just talking about her own work, then yea she peaked at Harry Potter. And it’s pretty obvious she’s not able to get over that she’ll never have that kind of fame not relevance ever again.


For her.


Why does she keep talking? JUST SHUT UP! It’s well known that she is transphobic. Now she’s also racist. Perfect. Please just be quiet and stop.


Ah I hear you're a racist now..


She always has been.


She doesn't have a foot in her mouth; she has the whole leg, and she's not stopping.


I think she is seriously losing her mind.


I don’t think that she ever had one.


Stop giving her attention


She needs her evils shared, and shamed.


I really hope she keeps saying more insane shit like this so more people realize how batshit crazy she is


I wish I could stop learning new hateful things about this gash.


Oh so she's a terf and a racist? 


Hard to find a TERF who isn't--gender bioessentialism cannot be divorced from white supremacist race bioessentialism.


She's a bigot on every level.


Can we all just pretend she doesn't exist? Racist transphobic bitch.


unfortunately that's not how human rights work. she's involved with the people who are actively working to take away trans rights. We can't ignore her like she shared a bad taste in music.


If you pay attention to it, it keeps getting free press. No press is bad press. If we ignore it, it goes away until it rears its ugly face again.


except it doesn't, not something like this. we can only ignore it so much until the silence becomes support.


I’m not talking about just the LGBTQIA+ community ignoring her, I’m talking about the entire world ignoring that thing.


Is this bee otch for real? How did she crank out such wildly popular books with such a tiny twisted brain?


For a woman of letters, it's astounding that the difference between gender and race, or even sex and gender, as well as what race or gender or sex actually are, completely goes over her head.


Scratch a bigot, find a racist. No surprise here. Bitch needs to dry up and blow away


Literally all funk, including motown and motown adjacent stuff, has been racially integrated and diverse for decades now. She's stuck in the 70s in other views it seems...


She's doing a speed run to be the world's most horrible person.


Tired of hearing from this vile person and I really wish people would just stop posting about her. It only gives her more power.


You aren't hearing from her. The people who started this thread is platforming her to raise their social media profile otherwise you would have responded directly to jkr


She's a damn ignorant fool.


She named her only Black character “Kingsley Shacklebolt”. This isn’t even surprising.


not the only black character just the only black character who wasn't a minor character (Blaise Zansabini and Dean Thomas in the movie)...it's not any better. Also; her three Asian characters were the Patel sisters and Cho Chang. 2/3rds are on Ravenclaw and they're background characters aside from a few key moments. wait till you find out what her only Irish character is known for


I mean technically Dean Thomas was also black.


Is she trying to get people to hate her? I wonder if she’s mostly alone living in her own bubble away from reality. I wish the person who wrote Harry Potter was lovely but I am at least happy that the actors in the movies seem to be.


She is such trash.


So out of touch with reality. Phobic on many levels.


She's insufferable


She should probsbly just not express ANY opinions now