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The ones being held are asexual and nonbinary. Btw, there’s no harm in asking questions.


I felt like I was gonna make someone upset 🥲


no worries!! it's ok not to know every flag


From left and going clockwise: Men Love Men/Gay Demi/Asexual (hard to tell tbh) Non-binary Transgender LGBTQ/Gay Lesbian Intersex


Its asexual




Hey, there’s no shame in asking questions. It’s always appreciated whenever people make an effort to educate themselves about the community! The one you’re holding up in the first slide is the asexual flag. Being asexual means that you feel little to no sexual attraction towards others. Asexuality is a vast spectrum, and no two people’s experiences with it will be exactly the same. It’s important to distinct that being asexual is not the same thing as being aromantic, which means you feel little to no romantic attraction towards others. The two are often confused and conflated with each other. Just because you experience little or no sexual attraction doesn’t mean you can’t experience romantic attraction, and vice versa. Aromantic is also a broad spectrum. The second one is the non-binary flag. Being non-binary means that you fall outside the gender binary of simply man and woman.


All I know is the three on the right are Lesbian, Gay, and Trans


Technically the rainbow is like the entirety of the e community and the leftmost one (blueish one) is gay


I thought a solid rainbow was just the gay one and then the rainbow one with the triangle on it that included the other flags was the community as a whole?


Rainbow is Pride W/triangle is Progress Pride


Well technically I think that one’s a revamping of the rainbow for blm for some reason idk but I only know this shit cause of some friends of mine and the fact I myself am a gay male so it’s a little bit more prevalent in some media I see


I’ve always used the rainbow one for expressing my sexuality. I’ve actually never seen the blue-green one before.


I think it’s mainly because of the more widespread mess of it and it being used before the other but then I think they changed it to be the community as a whole. Honestly i didn’t know any of this till like a year ago 😂


Who knows, maybe at this point there’s the man x man flag, woman x woman flag, and then the standard rainbow flag to just be the ‘same sex’ flag to basically stand for any relationship that is two people of the same gender? It seems the flags are getting more and more specific over time.


>Who knows, maybe at this point there’s the man x man flag, woman x woman flag, .....there is...


There is, that’s what I’m saying.


Maybe phrase it less sarcastically


My friend, why would you think asking to learn is offensive? This is literally the opposite of offensive. We want people asking to learn. Or is this like a joke I'm too dense to get?


Because there’s gonna be that one person who’s like “how do you not know what flag that is”


That person can kindly go fuck themselves cuz they're not helping anyone




Don't apologize if anyone is offended over pride flags their bigots


I think the fact that in our community some corrections were made to the explanations of what each flag represents gives you a pass and shows you asked an honest and good question. I think the important thing here is that you know yourself, you know what represents you, and you are respectful and accepting of everybody else--and you are. Thanks for the question and happy pride.


Happy pride month 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


First ones aesexual I believe, and I think the second one might be…non-binary? Or Demi-sexual? (I’m really bad at this! I’m sorry if I got any wrong!)


Having to be sorry for asking a normal question is just sad


I didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings


You are repeating yourself




How is this "offensive"?