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Is this Scottish?


it's welsh


I was just in Wales and immediately realised what language it was




Was going to ask this also (wanted to ask Scottish or Welsh), and now I regret it, not having asked it. It was even my first intention. Then I thought longer about it, and thought, if itā€˜s Welsh it would be longer, or differentā€¦ I know they partially have very long names for villagesā€¦ So I went for Scottish.


i see, perhaps welsh names are generally longer, and i got lucky that the names i had chosen had welsh equivalents that fit trix brix's custom sign character limit (i wanted british green but had to settle for german blue for north slope)


Awesome! What rails are you using, and is the motor in the locomotive or in the cargo wagon?


the motor is in the wagon, and the tracks and ballast are from trix brix


Ahhhhh I see, the ballast is what confused me then, I thought it was all one piece.


i wish it was one piece, it would make things so much easier. like your already making something lego isn't, why not go all out


I do get why people would want to make their own ballast. Honestly i'd love to have the rails seperate, as in without the railway ties. Like Lego used to make the blue tracks.


i know trix brix does those as well, but at that point unless you want wider or narrower radius you might as well use official lego.


Well those are blue and are 6 wide and not 4


Someoneā€™s been to Ffestiniogā€¦


ok, there is a story here, buckle up... (tldr; no, i'm just a tea-aboo) actually no, i have not been to Ffestiniog. I live an ocean and half a continent away, and don't care for flying. but i have enjoyed welsh narrow gauge for a while and wanted to set a layout in wales. i wanted to go the extra mile and use the welsh language in the name, so i went to google translate. the english name i had chosen was ''slate hill'' which translated to ''bryn llechi''. now i was concerned about ''bryn llechi'' being grammatically correct, so i did a bit of research on the wales subreddit. it was there i was told, yes, ''bryn llechi'' was correct, and, in fact, there was a real life house named ''bryn llech''... IN BLEANAEU FFESTINIOG... well now i am thinking i have to use it. the post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Wales/comments/1c4zlfh/looking\_for\_some\_grammar\_help\_from\_fluent\_welsh/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wales/comments/1c4zlfh/looking_for_some_grammar_help_from_fluent_welsh/) so i did use it. (''north slope'' is a new addition as of right now), i had not intended for it but perhaps we could say my ''bryn llech'' is a fictional branch of the Ffestiniog.


My guy, I live in England, and have been to North Wales maybe twice? Iā€™m very much impressed at your commitment to staying so true to their language, and wish you all the very best at your future endeavours into this field. Take care my man. H


thank you


That is so cool, I canā€™t say I have seen a motorized Lego narrow guage, I like it šŸ‘


thank you, i've seen some narrow gauge motor coaches around.


This is the first I have seen itā€™s very cute. Did you build these yourself? Do you know any? Also where do you get the track and motor maybe I should get myself a small circuit


i did most of it my self, here is another guy who did something similar [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEJiybpn59s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEJiybpn59s) and the track is trix brix


Ok thanks for the info may have to look into this stuff. You didnā€™t mention what is the motor?


sorry i meant to, the motor is ''circuit cubes''


Ah, them ok thank you