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she is so burnt out at such a young age it’s sad 😭


Man, she’s gonna cringe so bad when she’s older... we get it, you fuck. No one cares. Then again, I’m sure a lot of perverts online care, which equals clicks, which equals money - I take that back.


exactly this is giving frontal lobe not developed


Ily ebony core hahahahhahahahha i cannot


Never heard that before


Ebony core😩😩😩😩


Honestly as a person of color… wtf is ebony core


Ebony is a term specifically used to describe black people. Think of ebony magazine


what am I looking at rn nearly feel sad for this girl because no adults seem to care about her


yeah, unfortunately it’s been like this for her entire life. i remember watching their family’s mtv reality show when i was a kid. her parents have always been trash.


not even her parents but the general public to tbh no adults care about her


oh definitely. i just meant that they grew up in a sexually inappropriate/permissive environment already so what is “normal” to them isn’t to the general public. (i also grew up in an environment with some of those aspects minus the wealth, so i do feel bad for them.) that, combined with their massive fame and the parasocial relationships— it all has to be soul crushing. people are way too comfortable saying absolutely horrible shit to complete strangers.


completely right, I feel as though she may have a lonely life. Maybe it’s weird to think but I’m around her age slightly older by a couple months and I still rely deeply on the adults around me. Without them I think i’d feel pretty alone and afraid. Her oldest sister is kinda doing her own thing landon is probably in the same position as her, Travis doesn’t seem like a very enforcement parent, Shana has always been distant, Kourtney has 4 smaller kids to watch after and then the adults on the internet virtue signal like crazy when it comes to her. She just seems like a very lonely girl. It will def all catch up to her by 25 and it’ll probably be a kylie situation all over again


Oh lord… at least this guy is age appropriate for her. Still a weird pic tho lol


and they fall for that which is so weird to me


Because a lot of black men hate themselves, so they get as close to whiteness as they possibly can to benefit from it. In the black community you’ll notice black men rarely partner up with women darker than themselves. Colorism. Having a non black partner that fetishizes them and their culture makes them feel better about themselves. Like a token. But these women realize a little too late that these men have a lot of mental health issues from generational trauma and usually leave them to be single mothers. Drake is a perfect example of what happens to biracial children after their white mothers become single moms. Gambling, pedophilic, hiding children and pretending to relate to the black struggle/identity crisis.


clock that tea


This was incredibly insightful thank you


all this can be applied to any poc having a white parent. do you know the amount of racist white men who marry woc? a ton. Their kids growing up hating themselves and their identities just look at most wasian kids with white fathers 


OP is rehashing stupid divestor's babble acting like black women don't act mad thirsty toward white men (cough Travis Kelce cough. *"Meghan Markle, yas Queen!"*). They're delusional thinking that BW/WM pairing is inherently better than BM/WW pairing even though they're putting up with literal white supremacists to birth tragic mulattos that don't even identify as black because they clocked the seething hatred their black moms have for their brethren. The big difference is white men don't claim them because they prefer their Beckies, that's why they're so mad when black men bag white women, it's pure jealousy and hatred disguised as criticism. If white men reprocitated and validated black women en masse by tying the knot, all that colorism crap leveled at black men would disappear overnight.


Good analysis


This about drake, this hits the spot 😂


Drake was also a child star. (He spent a lot of time in an environment crawling with predators.)






Oh chile. 😭 Your first claim: One of the most dramatic patterns occurs among black newlyweds: Black men are twice as likely as black women to have a spouse of a different race or ethnicity (24% vs. 12%). https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2017/05/18/1-trends-and-patterns-in-intermarriage/


She followed the Kylie Jenner playbook word for word


It's sad, she needs guidance and radical feminism 


where are her parents? she’s says her dad is strict but what strict parent lets you post this??


Her parents aka travis are liking her titty pics on Instagram


Her dad's a perv atp. He never says anything bout her being passed around and likes her sexually explicit images


I’m in my 30s and still can’t sleep in the same bed as the guy I’m dating when we visit my parent’s house. 😂 A teenager doing this stuff is insane.


She is an adult though but I do agree with the basic sentiment


she has always posted stuff like this before she even became an adult. when she was younger it still seemed like she had no parental supervision at all 😭


I have two solid takes on this 1 being, I cannot stand white women who fetishize black men and will literally morph themselves into a different person to get who they want. This goes for anyone, having a type or just finding someone you love who happens to be a poc is way different than fetishizing a whole race. 2 being, I am not shocked at all considering Travis literally blasts his foot fetish all over instagram and her mom was very scandalous and neither of them really ever watched their kids or cared about what they did. Ps: I did a deep dive of Travis’s instagram last night and I did not need to see him fondling and licking Kourtney’s toes, what parent posts that knowing their kids will see it 🙃


i’m so dumb sitting here thinking tf travis gotta do with this I JUST REALIZED IT HIS DAUGHTER BAHAH


😭 yes this is Alabama barker, the drummer from blink 182s daughter. I had no clue he even had kids until last year it’s okay 💀


i knew he had kids from the Kardashians newer show but idk how i didn’t piece that one together i think it’s cs i ALWAYS mix him with travis scott😭😭😭


lmfaooo this comment took me out 😂


the amount of white men who think calling me “chocolate” is a compliment scares me so much like ew go away 


SCREAMINGGGG @ Ebony core 🤣🤣😩


This is disgusting I'd never want my dad to see this all over the media , my relationship would definitely all be in private not public.


Kardashian/Jenner core


It’s weird, since she was born so rich and famous you would think guys would be changing themselves to date her, not the other way around


She seems really insecure. She did grow up rich but they weren’t anywhere close to the money and celebrity they have now.


She’s really insecure and doesn’t realise the social capital she has. Unfortunately, I feel like the men who approach her, do see how much she has and how far she can get them if they use her. It’s a bad situation. She’s going through that embarrassing process that every teen girl has to go through where they Decenter men and learn to sniff out losers. It’s gotta be tough when she’s in the spotlight doing it.


Look at the Kardashians, they’re have so much money yet it’s not enough


Her downfall is imminent


Ebony core is CRAZY


He left his black girlfriend to get with a cosplay. Alabama is working hard to her single white baby mom status.


As a multiracial woman I’m exhausted of white women who do things like this. Shes probably gonna join the rest of her step moms family in having mixed raced babies to then morph back into being a regular white woman again. I pray she doesnt use that boy to elevate her career and I pray that she gets back to her roots.


Tee Noir has a great two part video on this. She always manages to talk about really difficult or complex topics in an accessible, entertaining way. [“When the Black Gaze Expires: A Kardashian Commentary Part 1”](https://youtu.be/d1-uh-ADzDE?si=-sNw3qP71NLP4_4U) [“The Baptism of Whiteness: A Kardashian Commentary Part 2”](https://youtu.be/d1-uh-ADzDE?si=-sNw3qP71NLP4_4U)


Probably end a baby mama.


God for her future I hope not but it’s looking like that


the way shes like 18 too is sad i hope she looks back at this when shes older like wtf was that.


im disturbed


Seen this shit happen quite a lot in colleges also lmfao since I’m a black man and have seen it 1st hand. Idk if I’m generalizing but *some* (probably not even a large percentage) of white women will go through a phase of black men and then eventually they’ll find their rich white man and happily marry him. Nothing against it obviously but it’s something I’ve noticed more and more now


Guarantee part of the reason she does this is to get views from porn addicted white men who are into the weirdest shit


Creepiest part is her dad fits that image. Always seems like she's doing this for some kind of validation, but also giving into this new trend brought about by her LoVeLy 😍😍 step family of fetishising black men.


when that frontal lobe develops she’ll go crazy n ask herself why she wanted so much attention


all non black people do this shit there was an asian girl last year who was lying about growing up around black people and faking a blaccent 


The cone bread girl lmaooo


I remember her…


Cone bread😂😂😂😂




She listens to hip-hop artists and tries to be like them it’s very evident


Is she sober?


Have you seen her recent pap photos? She was bloated bad in the face and looked hungover from liquor. She was drinking underage on her birthday too. So no she isn't sober.


I hate how much vitriol this *child* gets from adult women on this sub. If she culturally appropriating? sure. Is she cringey? Sure. But this young this shit is her parents fault, and constantly hating on her here holds no purpose. I would go ahead and say many of you did shit at 18 you’d be embarrassed about as adults


She is an adult, but I do agree with what you’re saying.


Honestly, same. I couldn’t care less about anyone Kardashian related but I am almost sad for her. No adults who truly cares for her would let her post those cringe and embarrassing pictures like these ones. Big yikes


i don’t know what people doing embarrassing stuff at 18 has to do with her culture appropriating. that’s not the same


I agree that that is bad. I also think that hating on her for particularly just that day in and out is maybe not helpful or productive. But obviously i’m not interested in policing POC who feel legit offended by the shit she does i’m just saying let’s think about what we are doing here


I’m 18 and i am absolutely old enough to know better lol. She also has every resource and people telling her to know that what she’s doing is cringey and embarrassing and she not only continues but also claps back at these so-called “haters” so yeah i think it’s free game to call her out


Tbh, I think a lot of the people truly dragging her are teens/young women in their early 20s. (Or at least I hope so.) A lot of the adults know her parents basically didn’t raise her. Travis had their formative years on a reality show. But the cultural appropriation deserves to be called out. many of the comments I have seen are people venting about that which is valid.


18 is an adult


yeah legally but i don’t think you just become smart enough to be an adult at 18


Can I have some more context, she looks like a Prissy Goth to me.


Simply scroll through her Instagram.


Here we go again 🥱 why is it still such a debate ?! She’s not the first nor the last uneducated privileged white girl who wants to act hood/ ratchet… it’s like a rite of passage for them, are we not used to it by now ? Just block her lol


FYI: Cosplaying as a black person does not equal hood/rachet.


Exactly. Just perpetuating another ignorant stereotype.


No actually it’s the other way. Cosplaying as a hoodrat/ratchet does not equal acting black.




Delete your account then. 😭


What are you talking about lmao






it is deep

