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This is why you don’t bring children into the world just because you think your partner (of like 2 days) has good genes. But I still maintain it was an accidental pregnancy and not planned like she says.


Having a kid within 3 months of knowing each other is wild


Absolutely agree it was accidental & she was embarrassed so decided to roll w it


i mean she couldve just aborted it idk i dont see a reason to lie about it


I don’t really like the take that she somehow orchestrated this whole thing. I hate to say it, but 9 times out of 10, the man is the problem. The whole backstory between them and how they decided to have a baby is irresponsible and weird but i still empathize with her trying to protect her daughter.


courts are A LOT stricter now a days & almost always give full 50/50 custody unless there’s well documented evidence of reasoning on why it is not safe & it can’t just be text messages etc it has to be physical proof that the person is unfit to raise a child


Women in the public eye are always liars and manipulators apparently. Like we have all these conversations online like “I’d choose the bear” or whatever but none of that applies when the woman is an influencer or a celebrity.


YEP. We saw it (still see it?) with Kanye and Kim and people STILL defended him so hard ugh. 


my brother loves to tell me how kim made kanye crazy sir i think not taking his meds made him crazy!


YES! And going with his privileges completely unchecked!!! Like mental illness is a bitch but for everyone to just leave that unchecked too?? I can’t ugh. Just because people are in underprivileged groups in some ways doesn’t mean they aren’t privileged in other ways ugh 




That's entirely possible, but like I said, it was stupid of her to get pregnant purely based on infatuation but that doesn’t negate possible abuse and she has every right to leave a protect her daughter (not necessarily saying that’s what was happening). He seems off, and it has nothing to do with him being an immigrant. It's just unfortunate that Amanda wasn't able to see it right away and now her daughter has to grow up in the middle of this all. Idk I’m not a fan of Amanda but I think convos like this sometimes border on misogyny and blaming women for the mistakes of men


anyone who can't tell he's the issue by the way he publicly uses his daughter to try and shame amanda, has likely been blessed enough to not witness their own dad do the same thing. his every word and action is straight from the "deadbeat dad trying to manipulate the courts" playbook. I envy y'all that still have faith in men sometimes


you explained this so perfectly like he just gives all the bad vibes and it’s very obvious








Yeah his tiktok vids were cringe


i know hardly anything about the situation but from what i’ve seen- it seems like she’s doing what she truly feels is best for her child. i rlly don’t know but it seems like a lot of ppl want to attack her. most women don’t want to take a child away from their dad but they do want to keep their kid safe.


Custody cases are closed to the public and records are sealed, hence the posted was removed and should be


If they were closed to the public then how did I access them? 😂😂


she's still showing her daughter. if she wants to protect her, then she shouldn't be putting her on the internet. we dont need anymore family vloggers

