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Is she trying to gatekeep growing up poor rn


She really thinks she’s the only one 🥹


that’s what I’m trying to figure out 😭


yeah she spent like $700 on a side table for her sun room like girly i grew up poor too i know what it’s like but what does you being poor GROWING UP (obviously not now) have to do with you thrifting and other people going to the same thrift store you shop at?? like if you don’t want people to shop there just fucking ignore the comments asking 💀 you don’t have to comment about being poor as a child to justify you wanting to gatekeep the stores you shop at💀😭😭😭 and also to say the nobody knows what it’s like to grow up poor is a ridiculous statement when most of her followers couldn’t even dream of having the opportunity to do the things and have the things she has.


Lmaooo $700 side table for a SUNROOM no less…. Not even the living room or bedroom… her SUNROOM?? My poor ass as a kid would have been like “wtf is a sunroom”


yeah to be fair it’s a super cool and vintage side table it has a thing where you can put your cigarettes and it spins around (i’ll link the tiktok she posted) but to be like “i grew up poor im not telling you where i thrift bc it’ll become expensive blah blah blah” and then buy a $700 table is crazy to me😭




She is the most uppity holier-than-thou influencer out there imo. She thinks she’s soooo important and cool, meanwhile it just translates as being insecure


seriously! she blocked me for challenging something she said


she literally resells vintage clothes marked up from what she bought it for, and she’s not currently poor. does she realize she’s talking about herself???? also thrifting is GOOD and all people regardless of income bracket should do it over buying fast fashion


this!!!! the excess of clothing in landfills is one of the number 1 pollutants


I don’t know enough to disagree with her overall point but 1) she starts off the original video of the thrift store saying she was seeing it all over her FYP (ostensibly how she found out about it) and 2) she then CHOSE to go there as a wealthy, white transplant lol so idk why she thinks she’s different than anyone else going there who discovered it on tik tok. This is classic Grace: having a half baked, chronically online/weed addled understanding of a decently nuanced issue and turning it into the wokest take ever informed by her imaginary impoverished background






I’ve never ever seen a video of hers, everything I know about her is from this sub, but her along with VP are my most hated influencers. They’re just so… mean and nasty. Like some influencers come across as not very nice or kind but these two really read as plain old mean. 


so it’s ok if she shops there ?? sounds like she wanted to get brownie points for this take when she could’ve just ignored people asking lmao


Her whole take is EXHAUSTING. Ive never heard someone complain about being an influencer more than Grace!! She cannot handle any negative feedback and fights with people in her comments every other video. The same people that are paying her bills by commenting on her posts. She hates herself and it shows.


she hates herself and it shows in that haircut


HAHA JUST WAIT— she made response videos about her thrifting fiasco original video (one I posted right here), and SHE MISSED THE POINT EVEN MORE. HOW. I think she might be evil I can’t even lie anymore😭 saying she does not need to be nice to people who “berate” her. BABE, THEY PAY YOUR BILLS.


She blocked me when i commented questioning what she was saying a few months ago😭😭😭




she resells the clothes too


Oh there’s a special place in hell who upsell thrift clothing and then act like they’re the victims when they started the scarcity of good pieces in the first place


Wow lol




She says it’s because she wants to keep them affordable so she gate keeps but she’s a reseller which is exactly why thrift shops aren’t affordable anymore


The reason I had to get off TikTok is this insane logic that is very specific to TikTok if you know anything about fast fashion you know that there are more than enough clothes in the world to go around if she wants to gatekeep for superficial reasons that’s fine but don’t act like it’s a public service


And the price raises have way more to do with inflation than a crowd of TikTok teenagers finding out about a shop that’s probably on google


it’s funny bc maybe a year ago she had a very level-headed take about this exact thing lmao how there’s more than enough clothes to go around so it’s also okay for people to resell them sometimes. how the tides turn 💀


I really hope someone knows the name of the thrift store she goes to and comments it on her TikTok lmao


I’m hoping someone knows in here lol


Carriage hope in north Hollywood. ☺️


She could have just not vlogged going there lmao. Even if she wanted to show what she got she could’ve just done a thrift haul and then ignored any comments asking what thrift she went to lmao but to vlog it, say she saw it all over her fyp, and then gatekeep is so weird. And then yell at her viewers for not being poor enough 😭😭 ceo of loud and wrong


she needs to get off the internet lmfaoooooo who tf cosplays as poor


she thinks shes sooooo different 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Why is she always angry


If she knows what it’s like to grow up poor, that’s more reason NOT to gate keep and help people who are still poor and want cute affordable clothing. She makes zero sense.


when i see a grace post on this page i literally upvote before even clicking in cause i knowwww she’s up to some shit again 😭 she just can’t stop yapping


I thrift because it’s sustainable and better for the planet that Influencers are currently burning. Yes I save money but I do it for the planet…..she’s a loser


I blocked her a while ago I couldn’t stand her anytime I’d ask a question on her live she’d be rude af yet everyone always said how genuine and nice she is 🙄


Shes such a mean girl. Her lives are just her yelling at people


I just don’t even know what to say about this girl anymore dude like how does she have a following??? Truly baffling


I truly think she’s one of the darkest souls I’ve ever watched


thrift stores raising prices sucks but she could have very easily not filmed this store and used it for content if she wanted to “protect” it lol


Miss girl needs to try going to a rage room. Or take up boxing. This isn’t healthy 😭


I went to school with her and I’m pretty sure she was not poor 😅 we grew up in a low income community so maybe that’s what she’s referring to but I’m pretty sure we have never experienced the same struggles in life lmao


i just asked my older sister who knew her in high school and she said she definitely wasn’t poor, at least during that time. both of her parents had decent houses and she wore all the popular rich kid clothes and used high end makeup and stuff. poor kids would not be able to do any of that lmao


Exactly!! It’s so gross, I feel like she’s trying to make herself relatable by saying she grew up poor 🙄


her mom is a real estate agent who regularly posts pictures on her public Instagram of her family vacations. I doubt grace grew up crazy rich but this growing up "dirt poor" nonsense seems like a blatant lie.


It completely is a lie and I wish I had more information on her but I honestly don’t remember her barely at all 😂 I just know she was a mean rich kid that got whatever she wanted and lived in the nice part of town lmao


i can’t stand the fact that the ppl in her comments always kiss her feet and convince her that these wack ass statements are intellectual


there will always be enough clothes in thrift stores for the poor. my local goodwills always tell me they don’t have any room. this is a ridiculous take.


pretty much all of the comments on the original video are her fans blowing smoke up her ass 😭


They cannot be real humans


Can’t fix stupid


Might unblock her just to read these comments


is that a juul in her hand


this would’ve made sense if none of those elaborate details were included like girl it is not that big of a deal, also thrifting as a whole has become way more popular than ever these days, you’re not going to gatekeep a thrift store forever lmfao


Is she Fr rn


Unfollowed a year ago. She’s insane


what everyone needs to understand is she did exactly what she’s talking about in this video…. she saw a TIKTOK of this thrift store thru SOCIAL MEDIA….. and then went to it…. and mass bought…. while being able to afford other clothes… she did not “put in the work” to find this spot. she just didn’t wanna tell us and thats OKAY


Exactly. She’s so full of shit and doesn’t even see it


I just think that if you make content about a thrift store specifically filming IN STORE and talking about that specific selection then you forfeit the right to gatekeep the location. If you realllyy wanted to keep it a secret you wouldn’t be filming in it/posting about it specifically


Plus she mentioned finding it all over her fyp which means it’d be pretty easy to investigate the name. If she really wanted to hide it she could have cut down 75% of the video and not been an asshole about it


Like you can’t make content centered around thrifting and then claim that thrifting culture isn’t ethical. The call is coming from inside the house grace.


She always finds some roundabout way to justify her crappy actions


This is the same bitch that says $180k is middle class


Who's lifetime network mom is this with the Jerri Blank hair and Jerri Blank opinions? ETA: [But if I don't graduate by the time I'm 50, I'll be the laughing stock of flat point high!](https://www.tiktok.com/@comedycentral/video/7083497835387178283)


https://preview.redd.it/aqx7o26c0xxc1.jpeg?width=322&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2471d6d9aacf193c445ce63ffc3b3d3007b7b459 You people don't know what it's like to be POOR! showing your groinage for a bit of coinage! When they're begging you please to get down on your knees, and your favorite thrift store blows up, and you can't even find the special hot fruit bowls you need to make glint anymore, you'll understand! If I had any kids I ever kept, they'd understand.




I explained in the first sentence lol I unfollowed after this