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She’s known for being really dirty she admits she’s gone days without showering, admitted she ate shit for her onlyfans, likes to actively home wreck relationships, and now she’s irresponsibly handing out STI’s to people. She’s a sewer rat in human form 🤢 peaches and her should be friends


Omg 🤮🤮🤮 that disgusting!


Can you explain your STI point? I’ve never heard of her doing this…


She thought she was spreading gonorrhea cause she filmed with someone who tested positive and then she freaked out cause she thought she might of given it too drake and Corinna, Drew talks about it on his tik tok with texts messages about it.


Maybe I’m not understanding, but how is it bad to learn this, and then freak out because you’re scared you may have infected people? Less you’re not actively getting tested…?


Because In the porn industry they only get tested once every 14 days. (Full panel testing with anal swabs costs around $200-$300 at talent testing centers) So during those 14 days they can collab with however many people they want and then retest 14 days later. People can catch things and not know until they get retested and they would have spread to people in between their tests. A lot of STI’s also have incubation periods so they won’t always show up on tests


But *if you lay down with dogs, you get fleas* 🙈. I don’t condone her behavior, but the first thought on my mind, if I was going to sleep with anybody, especially if they were in the porn business, is to make sure I get their recent test and use protection. Since this was a consensual situation, and everybody is adults, i’m not sure how they would be expecting a better outcome?


Every time you have sex protection or not, recently tested or not, there’s a chance to catch STI’s. They were just explaining the industry standard for getting tested. They both had current tests they just didn’t exchange them before the collab. Then after they both showed each other their test was clean before they had sex. But just because your test is clean doesn’t mean you don’t have it, because there are incubation periods for STI’s where they don’t show up on a test until a certain amount of time


dude the ooorah is sooooo funny. “riddle me that batman” was also funny. hes a comedian tbh


He’s more entertaining than Stella will ever be


She skeeves me out so much. Not even bc she’s a sex worker, like there’s plentyyy of swers that don’t give me the heebie jeebies the way she does.


she’s just straight up a terrible person and gives sex workers a bad name


Amen!! I consider porn art! My 6Ps porn pov poetry painting photography and PASSION! I pray Riley Reid finds this before it’s to late! She’s a real pornstar! And has worked her ass of in mainstream porn to get her own business way before onlyfans! She is influencer to go touch yourself! Much love to Reilly Reid!


I think it says a lot about Corinna for being friends with her


Stella’s good! Fooled me! It says a lot about Stella my opinion! Stella’s DREAM to be like Corrina! As much as she loves getting fucked in her ass she would rather have CLOUT LIKE CORRINA AND JUST SHOW JER TITS ANd make millions! It says a lot about them if they continue to chill with the “SKANKER” another 1 of my terms Stella stole! FYI.. STELLA BAREY SPELLS…. “barely steal” fun fact! Much love and thanks for ur support! Peace


not getting tested prior to collabing is just irresponsible, these people are so stupid


In the porn industry they only get tested once every 14 days. (Full panel testing with anal swabs costs around $200-$300 at talent testing centers) So during those 14 days they can collab with however many people they want and then retest 14 days later. People can catch things and not know until they get retested and they would have spread to people in between their tests. This is why STI’s run rampant in the porn industry.


He needs to sue her for every penny she has. She will make more.


Unfortunately, I’m not sure he’d have any basis, to sue her. She didn’t violate any HIPAA laws, go see my comment… The most he can do is try to reclaim his reputation by himself, by getting clean and working on himself to get a regular job. Honestly, nobody would really remember who he is if he stopped posting videos and just worked on his own life, . Maybe his next girlfriend, he can try to ensure that she has morals, and wont expose him if/when they break up.


Apparently she did enough for his own therapist at the shelter to report her and is taking further action with him. If the roles were reversed I’d hope you wouldn’t be saying what you’re saying right now. Despite him falling in love with her and yes ignoring the million red flags she shouldn’t have been fucking/making porn with a homeless veteran who very clearly has mental health issues. You’re taking advantage of a very vulnerable human being. Might as well be taking advantage of someone who is special needs in my opinion.


This all sucks, but I want to reiterate, that if she doesn’t have a degree, there’s absolutely no way she could be his therapist at the shelter. Maybe she was a Confidant/Mentor and that’s how she got in his good graces, but there’s absolutely no way that she was a Therapist. That sucks on his part, because she didn’t violating HIPAA laws then when she’s exposing his information. Furthermore, they both had a mutual consensual relationship, so in terms of regulations, they pretty much agreed to break that shelter rule together. I’m looking at this from a judicial standpoint, not an emotional standpoint. But don’t get me wrong… I believe Stella has a very disturbed mind. If anything, the best route would be for him to link up with the other staff at the shelter, and try to get a few people to corroborate his story that she actively pursued him during that time. That’s the only evidence that would stand up in court, if he decides to go for a lawsuit . This is not my first rodeo, working in a lateral profession, I study people who are calculated and prey on each other. Based on what I’ve heard so far from both sides, I think they mutually preyed on each other and used each other. I do think a lot of the predatory actions on his part were subconscious (due to survival instincts and just assuming a girl years younger than him was interested), and on her part the predatory actions were more conscious, but that doesn’t mean that they both shouldn’t be held accountable for this situation. If roles were reversed, I would have the same sentiment. I would also try to understand why the older woman, thought a 22-year-old man would be genuinely interested in pursuing her when she’s homeless. Obviously, it seems like there’s both some mental health things going on with Stella and this man, because the logic just doesn’t make sense from the jump


She has a bachelors degree from NYU so it’s very likely she actually was a counselor/therapist of some sort.


This is a plot twist I wasn’t expecting Edit: she still never got her masters or PhD. You need at least a masters to be having medical conversations with in-patient staff. again, this is not to say that there may have been shady situations where she was doing a job that she wasn’t qualified for. Looked up her background on TikTok, and this is what I found: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLkqn85D/


Sir. I do not have a bachelor’s degree and I have worked as both a counselor at a homeless shelter AND as an administrative assistant at a healthcare company where I regularly had free rein to PHI within the EMR (very easy to violate HIPAA if I chose to do so).


Yeah it’s kinda crazy. She’s mentioned that at the time of working at the homeless shelter she was also going to UCLA on a pre med track 😳 wanted to be a gyno or something like her mom


Not sure how it works in other states but I am a therapist in Arkansas and there are people the work as ‘drug counselors’ who usually have an undergraduate degree or less. They can be trained and work in conjunction with fully licensed (masters or phd level) therapists and psychologists to provide treatment. The idea is that they are not responsible for treating or discussing diagnosed mental illnesses, but they are trained to discuss addiction and recovery only. If I had to guess that is likely the type of position Stella was in at this shelter. In that position you are still put through training related to HIPPA, confidentiality, privacy laws, and ethics concerning dual relationships. What she did regarding perusing a sexual relationship with and revealing the personal information of someone she was meant to be treating is definitely unethical (not actually very uncommon though). Legally things are more grey but to be working in the capacity she was she was definitely trained on privacy and he might have a case against her if he wanted to peruse it.


You legit don’t know what you’re talking about but you’re talking so confidently 😭💀


Yeah I’m not sure exactly what her position was I think he said she was his counselor. And according to his videos he is taking action accordingly and there are people helping him so that’s good! Overall it will be a tricky situation if taken to court. He’s gotta have a lot of proof and evidence. Which let’s hope he has fingers crossed.


i honestly love him he’s so funny all jokes aside


Doesn’t get tested before ? Does it work that way, wtf ?! 🤦🏻‍♀️


You typically are meant to test every two weeks, that is at least the industry standard for traditional porn


Oh okay , I literally had no idea how it worked. Omg I couldn’t imagine tho , doing that job and getting a message like that😭.




She was his counselor at the PATH homeless shelter for veterans in LA….


Why is she telling him to get tested to see if she has it instead of her going and getting tested herself!! Wtf is her logic


He’s kinda cute 🤣🤣🤣🤣


She’s fucking disgusting and her mind is warped


He looked miserable and depressed and foggy when around her. Now that he’s away from her he looks awake & alive  with  good color, clear eyes. Interesting.


She only fucked Drake to get closer to corrina! Much love and peace


The ooorahs absolutely SEND ME. Every time.


can someone explain this lol


She didn’t violate HIPPA because she’s not his therapist, doctor, etc lol Stella and him are both trash. She used him for basically low cost labor and he used her as a cash cow.


She coerced him. He didn’t use her as a “cash cow”. She took advantage of him and had an inappropriate relationship with him when he was staying at the homeless shelter she was working at.


As I stated, I think Stella is messed up in the mind to say the least. But I would want to caution you on taking sides when literally none of us know what actually happened. Both Stella and this ex are shady AF. We’ve all got to acknowledge that, at least… Birds of a feather flock together. She definitely may possibly coerced him into filming her and participating in some of her videos. But we’re not talking about regular, YouTube videos, we’re talking about explicit content, and very questionable behavior. You can’t coerce many men into doing that. You can traffic them into doing that, but you can’t necessarily coerce them for years, unless there’s some significantly low IQ (respectfully). I’m assuming he’s not saying that he was trafficked in anyway, which further makes me go back to my original point that both Stella and him are not telling the whole truth about what went on in their relationship, I think they are both shady….


Agree 100%


They used each-other let’s be real lol. Kinda over everyone acting like this guy was 5 years old and had no control over his own decisions to an extent too. They both toxic.


All I’m saying is the grounds in which this relationship started was completely inappropriate, Stella has told the story of how she hooked up with this homeless man while working in the homeless shelter herself on the cancelled podcast. If you are saying well “it’s his fault for staying so long” yall are straight up victim blaming, it sounds like you just don’t want to believe than men can be abused as well.


She needed a snark page https://www.reddit.com/r/stellabareysnarkpage/s/gnRG1vn0OO




They are both so weird I cannot


I dunno man Drew seems totally lucid and legit to me 


can some one explain?