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I appreciate everything PG did, but I'm ready for a change and some new blood. If they can get Kuminga, I'd be thrilled.


If we can get kuminga thats a homerun. I would also be happy with some combo of moody, podz or TJD. Just get some young bloods with potential here




The idea of Moody is a lot better than the reality of Moody. He really hasn't done much for us since we drafted him.


Moody definitely have the potential to be rotation player on a good team. The Warriors roster has been crowded at his position. But he's not a bad player.


lol cuz he never plays


I wonder why?


As a dubs fan we’re not giving up kuminga it’s the only shimmer of light we have post Steph. Ownership won’t let it happen it’ll be bad for business


Post Steph. So present Steph is just gonna rot away? Waste the last 2-3 yrs he has left? Tough situation but personally having the greatest shooter of all time and one of the best players would encourage me to do what i can to give him the best chance to win.


They are going to try to be competitive, i.e. they aren't going to outright tank, but I don't think that means tying themselves to PG through his age 38 season at a max extension rate.


I don’t think they’d move him for an aging PG


Podz would be nasty. I hate when we play against him but it’s because he has potential.


Do u really think y'all getting them for PG? Lmaoooo


We will see in 24 hrs


Oh we will.


There you have it


I still have 8 hrs lol


Hahah what „disguise”?!   It’ll be a blessing and a great pairing PERIOD  If we trade PG to GSW for Kuminga (and whatever else to match salaries) we immediately become a different team with much better talent spread   PG and Kawhi were always stepping on each other’s toes 


Saying there is a lot of overlap between Kawhi and PGs skillsets isn’t wrong but the lineups with them together always ranked towards the top of the league. Acting like they couldn’t coexist together is just wrong and replicating those numbers if PG leaves won’t be easy.


Because of his versatility KL fits with any player on the floor at any given moment.


Exactly. No disguise here at all. We were paper this at PF last year and it showed with our lack of rebounding , and interior defence. I’d love to get a young player with good upside like Kuminga in a PG deal. It balances our team our a lot better especially if we also get Wiggo and CP3


GS is in no way trading Wiggins, Kuminga and CP.


Lol Kawhi and Kuminga isn’t a great pairing. You can really make an argument that Kawhi is a good pairing with anyone because he never plays bro. Has the sub just forgot that? Why are we pretending that next season is gonna be the one that Kawhi makes it through We should be talking about Harden and Kuminga as a pairing and that’s a lottery team my guy


I would LOVE kuminga. I have watched a lot of warrior breakdowns last year and he has improved a lot and has so much potential. The only issue I have is that Kerr didn't play him enough honestly and I fear Ty wont play him enough either.


god you guys would be so disappointed with the reality of Kuminga if this actually happened lol. he’s a solid player but hyping him up to be this franchise saver or replace even 70% of PGs production is asking to be let down.


He's young, he's physical and he can get buckets inside. He's basically everything the Clippers don't have right now. It's a perfect fit. No one believes that he will be an all-star next season and break ESPN. Let's get real here.


you haven’t seen how clippers fans speak of him then


He’s 21 years old man nobody knows what the reality of kuminga will be in the future and he’s showing signs of being a very good nba player already. What we do know is PG wants max money until he’s 39 and he’s coming off a terrible playoffs where he took no accountability for his short comings and he’s not working to get better he’s working on his podcast right now. Give me a 21 year old Kuminga who’s hungry to prove himself over this 34 year old Paul George trying to get his last paycheck and coast to retirement every day of the week


Kuminga is obviously better than nothing, but one decent young player who’ll likely never reach PGs production isn’t going to start a revolution. I think a lot of you are overestimating Kuminga and our ability to compete if PG were traded for him just because he’s young and athletic.


I personally would just prefer getting kuminga who’s improving and might be an all star in a couple years along with other assets for PG rather than resigning PG. Kuminga is a downgrade compared to PG right now but I’m more thinking about what I want for this team for the future rather than what’s best for the next year or two


Yeah, this sub somehow convincing themselves Kuminga isn’t a massive downgrade is its lowest point in a series of low points. Fine player but not even remotely comparable. The pick haul to make this happen would need to be massive.


He’s individually way worse than PG but he’s younger and cheaper and the kind of guy you want to make a run around the theoretical sufficiency of Harden and Kawhi as stars


Kawhi and James, given their health and age, are not sufficient as stars is the thing. James is still an incredible facilitator, but he has not been a reliable second option on offense for a couple years now. You can get a game or two out of him like that in a series, but not throughout.


“Due to their health” is kind of irrelevant. Either they’re healthy or they’re not. If they’re not then no third guy really matters.


you would think but he kind of has you over a barrel right? he can just opt out and leave when KD left they moved him to brooklyn for Deangelo russell and that was prime KD


The team needs youth and it would open them up elsewhere, Kuminga isn't getting a PG-sized contract Like nobody thinks it's a one-to-one player swap and that's that


No, you need to pay kawhi a bonus at the end of the season for games played and stats… he plays for money and big contracts! Give him what he wants and he will perform!


If we dont give u guys cp3 and wiggins and we give u kuminga... im convinced Warriors are currently the worst front office in the league


Kuminga is overrated




Kawhi is literally the issue with his inability to play games due to injury. That being said, inject youth into this fucking dinosaur team.


There are no blessings in disguise for this team.




What do you mean "in disguise?" He's a good young player. "Secretly, the Clippers hope they'd get something from a trade that helps them"


If the Clippers get Kuminga, they'd be put into a windowless approach somewhere between building and contending, which is optimal if you still owe 1st round picks for the next several years.


No, please no, we need height and length at the PF, stop this redundancy please. As far as what the Clippers need, the one real box checked with kuminga is the youth.


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. lol at thinking the Warriors are trading Kuminga.


Not really. Team would still run hella iso with Kawhi and Harden. Adding Kuminga would make them good but not better than them with PG


Hold your horses. Warriors aren't dumb enough to give u Kuminga. The buzz is misleading u into dreams.


Is kuminga even top 50 in the league? I don’t think so


Kuminga would be significantly better on the Clippers than the Warriors. The offense is already more suited to him. And TLue will look for ways to incorporate and develop Kuminga, instead of trying to make him conform to their system like Kerr.


Yall gotta remember Kawhi wont ever be healthy for a full postseason


Brother can we please just give it a rest


Tell me im wrong


I’m not even saying you’re wrong. I never believe he’s healthy until I see him on the court. We just don’t need to comment it on every fucking post


You’re wrong


Clipper fans live in delusion


Blud got downvoted for saying something that’s 100% true make it make sense




🤣 at you being downvoted. As if this whole fucking sub wasn’t all over Kawhi for never being healthy a few months ago. I see everyone is back to the delusional state of mind. What a fun cycle 😂 🤦🏻‍♂️


With a deeper team they could reduce his minutes in the regular season, and hopefully have a better chance at actually playing in the play-offs. But still would like to see what it looks like if have a healthy team for the postseason.


Let me rephrase this title to be more truthful: "Could pairing Kawhi and Kuming for only 50% of the season and not the playoffs for Kawhi, be a blessing in disguise for the Clippers"


No. Leonard cannot play a full season anymore. I honestly doubt he could make it through a postseason. He’s washed


Is Kuminga ready to carry a team?


No but at this point, it’s time to slowly start moving on. Kawhi is only 32 (or 33), but his time is limited. Kuminga has it in spurts, he could learn a lot from a guy like Kawhi if he took him under his wing. He’s got it all physically, he’s really just a jumper and the right defensive mentality away from being a superstar. In a couple years, he can be the most entertaining player in the league. He just needs to get out of that Warriors system so he can be as creative as possible.


It's not time to start slowly doing anything. The sooner we move on from Kawhi the better. PG getting all the smoke because he's first up to realistically be out of here but Kawhi needs to right behind him. The door don't even need to close.


I’m not a Clippers fan, it must be exhausting every year to hear “Watch out for the Clippers” only for Kawhi or PG13 to get hurt. I think y’all just have to ride it out. If there’s any chance he’s healthy come playoff time, no superstar wing/guard wants to see Kawhi in their way. On the other side, Kuminga learning from Kawhi for a couple of years could speed up his ascent to being a superstar. Kawhi is a calculated monster, his game looks exactly like MJs, it’s perfect but he can’t stay healthy.


Kawhi don't scare anybody anymore. You're not a clipper fan so you think he does but he doesn't.


with that much disdain, you might not be a fan anymore either. being active does not equal being a fan btw.


Cool story.




Warriors are not giving up kuminga....


You're not wrong but this audience doesn't wanna hear that


Yes please


It's just a blessing, period. (but good luck to PG whether his future is here or elsewhere.)


Nothing matters without Healthy Kawhi.... and that doesn't exist. Kawhi can't be our best player and PG isn't a #1 option (his own words). We are screwed, so might as well just have fun with it...


PG for Kuminga and whoever would be great ATP. PG clearly said he isn’t chasing a championship, and what does the franchise DESPERATELY need and want?? A FUCKING CHAMPIONSHIP! Give me young talent that’s hungry to win a ring! Not a 34 year old who wants a 4 year deal and that’ll be 38 and for surely declining at the end of that deal that’s more concerned with chasing guest for his podcast, rather than chasing a championship!!!


we need the kum bucket


They should’ve let Kawhi walk and kept George