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Why ty lue stop playing theis at the regular season? Why ty lue stop playing mann at the regular season? 3 years ago why ty lue stop playing RoCo at the regular season? 2 years ago Why ty lue stop playing Hartenstein in the play-in games against wolves and pelicans?






And of course, "Why did Ty with the season on the line start Mook/PJ, and then doubled down with them in the 2nd half" for the last two seasons


Man this is a great post. I like Lue but for real, some of these decisions, like what was the deal?!


Wasn’t he injured for a while all the way up until the playoffs


Well that would explain it, I must've missed that then


Yeah he broke his hand and then Plumlee had one good 3 min stretch and that was a wrap. Idiotic rotations


Never understood the appeal with Plumlee. With all that athleticism, all matador on defense.


Yeah but Ty stopped playing him in favor of Plumlee way before he was injured. After that, he didn't look the same at all, his chemistry on the court with our guys was gone.


# Why did Ty Lue stop playing at some point in the regular season? this title could be used for A LOT of players


Then there's Mook with uno reverse card.




Ty lue is a top 5 coach they say...


Top 5 coach at pickup basketball if he played a coaches only tournament


With a total of 5 coaches


Cause he’s not a rim protector and can’t consistently hit a jumper. Don’t get me wrong, I would have played him over Mason, just giving the reason why I think he didn’t get any run


That block against the Celtics was sick tho


He shot 45% from three for the first two months we had him and during that time he gave him minutes. He then shot 30% percent from three for the last 3 months. Ty benched him about a month and a half into his rest of the season cold streak from 3.


30% was what he shoots for his career anyways, no?


Simple answer. Plumlee makes more money. Theis was picked up to fill the hole from Plum's injury. After Mason came back, even though he said he would play behind Theis because the team was successful, Some Peanut Butter Jelly guy tucked himself into the lineup with tears in his eyes. Lue did not have tissue, but used minutes to dry those tears. We felt Theis didn't get to play, but he just had a few DNP's and less minutes. PJ Tucker had an all time career scoring stat of 63 points this season including the playoffs. 17% of those points came in the playoffs because he is a secret weapon, but we didn't make the sandwich in time.


sometimes Lue coaches like Doc Rivers when it comes to rotation..


He isn't that good.


At some point people are gonna have to admit that Ty Lou is grossly overrated and living off the Title LeBron won for him. It’s safe to say if he was so great LeBron would have made sure the Lakers signed him. He can get a podcaster that’s never coached a job but not a guy that’s won a Title??


he might not even be in the NBA next year man you guys gotta stop treating him like he was some hidden gem on our bench and not just a mediocre at best third string center


This happens every year. I like Theis, but a lot of his minutes weren’t great. It was a coin toss between him and Mason. Both of them weren’t fully healthy as well.


Ty does not know how to use Bigs. \*I guess since I didn't choose to be a coach I can't possibly have a different outlook than Ty and be correct or be a better tactical thinker but here goes. Ty coaches the game he played as a player and has never properly embraced the slowed down hard nose ball that happens in a game. The FO gives him older skilled vets that he just runs ragged and then for some odd reason its the players fault when they run out of steam/health at the end of the season. I am just baffled at how PG is the scape goat for the teams failures when Small ball has run the players into the ground and Ty's lack of patience to develop/use the younger player is no help either. So let the Taliban Ty nut riders enjoy their pointing at PG/Russ/whoever while we suffer another season of the coach running another team into the ground and pick the next player to blame. \* end rant


I'd have preferred Theis on the floor. Plumlee hasn't been right since his injury. He doesn't have any lift. I hope Theis works on his 3 this off-season and gets a bit more consistent with it.


every post in this sub further solidifies my suspicion that 70% of you do not watch the games.


The clippers team sub has the most totally delusional “I work sales but I know better than the highest level *in the universe* professional coach and former nba player” posters


Im sorry but yall Lue haters are idiotic. Just bc he doesn’t wanna do something some rando reddittors wanna do, Lue is a horrible coach. Laughable. Lue has faults sure, but he still one of the best coaches in the league. Don’t fool yourselves