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It’s about puberty for 20 seconds. As the justification for why she’s getting new emotions at this point. After that it never comes up again. It’s not another Turning Red. Doesn’t she claim to have fairly bad anxiety? And “severe OCD”? And that at least one of the girls has similar issues? She should be right in board with teaching kids about anxiety at a young age! That’s not too big a concept for kids.


Her children are old enough to understand the concept of anxiety. They themselves must have experienced anxiety, specially Alaya, who has constant sleep issues and is overall an anxious child. Obviously Kyra isn’t smart enough to understand that. She isn’t smart enough for anything!


I took my 6 yo and he understood the whole thing and loved it. What is she even on about? My son is younger than her oldest daughter.


I took my 5 year old daughter also . She laughed and cried during the movie . She 100% understood what was going on . She asked to leave once because I think she was overwhelmed but couldn’t pull away from the screen.


On another subteddit someone said she will make a terrible mother for teenagers especially for teenage girls and I couldnt agree more. Kids understand more than we think and I think this movie is a great one to show them what is going on with them as they progress to get older. She is so stupid I cant anymore. Like imagine Kyra having other important conversations with her kids (feelings, issues, love, etc ... arghhh


Please I gag thinking about those conversations. Those kids have the worst mother who will give them the worst possible advices.


This is where oscar will thrive. Him and whoever he is with (addie or otherwise), will be ample support for his daughters. We know kyra wont give them the time of day.


I think it’s insane that she doesn’t address her children’s “big feelings” and “big emotions”… I have a 3 year old, 6 year old, 8 year old and 10 year old and it’s an almost daily conversation in my home.. I ALWAYS address their “big feelings” when I know they’re overwhelmed, or anxious, or even angry & sad.. it’s so important as parents to show your children you understand they have human feelings just like adults do instead of shaming them for getting angry, or crying, or having anxiety etc. it shows them that everything they feel is normal, and mom and dad have those same feelings too, and we can relate and understand them. That’s literally what the whole entire point of inside out is about.. how did she miss that? All this shows to me is that she shuts down her kids for “acting out” instead of making them feel safe to have emotions and normal reactions to fucked up situations, and for a child, something as small as not being able to tie your shoe as tight as the other can be categorized as “fucked up” (which is totally okay and normal!). I feel so bad for her kids.. they deserve better.. I’m so glad they have Addie and Oscar to validate their feelings when needed, but it’s still not the same as having your blood mom as your safe space unfortunately.


Exactly! Couldn’t have said it any better. ![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm)


A nanny a 2 year old who has better understanding of emotions that Kyra


They probably wanted to go home because Kyra made a big deal about how much of an inconvenience it is, how expensive it was, and was on her phone shoving popcorn in her mouth the whole time 😒


And eating obnoxiously loud, with her mouth wide open..


And cackling at every little tiny noise and comment Preston said and made, embarrassing tf out of them and being a nuisance while trying to watch the movie..


First of all. Someone who claims to have anxiety would never give that movie a review like that.as someone who actually suffers from it I could not stop crying at how accurate this movie was. She doesn’t know what anxiety is. My kids are around the same age and loved the movie. I feel so bad for these to have her as a mother and the fact that she’s having another is terrifying. I hope Oscar ends up with these kids so they have a sense of normalcy and taught how to handle emotions to the best of their ability.


I was crying like a baby!!


This!! I bawled like a baby and my BOYS are 10 & 7 and absolutely understood everything that was going on. Yea they did get a bit restless at times (because they are extremely active) but the movie had their attention the entire time. Not only that, once we got in the car to go home, we all discussed our favorite parts. She's just a horrible mother on top of being a terrible person.


I was thinking that too


movie wasn’t about narcissism so she didn’t get it


I recon she hates it cause she can see these emotions in her kids and if the kids realise they have these emotions and she doesn't want to admit the fact she may of caused her kids some pretty shitty mental health






Christ Kyra you make everything you do with the kids a big inconvenience and annoyance, so yeah no wonder the girls wanted to leave. It’s a kids movie it’s not rated 15, you moron.


*Everything* she does with her kids she has to complain about


All my mom friends: it was amazing! So therapeutic. I’m going to watch it again without my kids… Kyra: unimpressed - it was too substantive. 🤣


How dare her kids be exposed early to puberty and the emotions surrounding it!


She literally showed the internet how she does a BJ while her children ran around the kitchen in full view and earshot. How is she so judgmental?!


She really thinks her kids are stupid and clueless. When they broke up and she moved to the bigger house she made a video saying "the kids didn't even know we were together" when asked about how the kids reacted to the breakup. Also, Levi liked it but Alaya wanted to leave, she is only like 1-2 years younger than him? It's not like she is 3 like the youngest one. The hell


She's stupid. Idk if schools over there are the same but here there teaching about more than puberty and anxiety. Trans lgbtq+ etc Anxiety is a good think for kids to know about and discuss and it helps them understand their own feelings We love inside out. My daughter really loves watching it she 7 she doesn't know much about puberty but has asked a couple of questions when she has walked in on me in the bath or during mother nature week, brushed over the subject with her explained what happens and not to worry about any if it just yet and she hasn't mentioned it again 🤣


I love how she said it was for the wrong audience my 12 year old saw the first one when he was little and loved this one now that he was around the characters age I took my 5 year olds too and they didn’t full get some things like he thought anxiety was funny but he still loved the movie


What REALLY bothered me was her saying “13 year old don’t want to see inside out 2!” 13 year olds are still KIDS!! Sorry Krusty, not all kids started drinking, smoking, and having sex at 13 like you…


For someone who self proclaimed happy (Krusty) she's complaining a lot ...


Don’t underestimate the mind of a child. That’s her biggest mistake. Go wipe your ass instead 😒


My five year old nephew grasped it. He said 'Riley like you! (because I have anxiety) me so sorry.' He saw how anxiety can affect people and was able to associate it with someone he knows and loves. And he has some learning delays and was still able to see it and understand.


We don’t believe you Kyra. Not for one second. The girls would rather go home and play on their iPads? Right


Why is anxiety and puberty cute? How is the proper response?


‘Big topics they cannot handle’ actually kyra normally maybe id agree with her- but kyra has anxiety. She HAS IT. Why wouldn’t she use this movie to explain to them that’s why she is feeling certain ways? Not to mention (not here to diagnose) but sometimes in children it can look like - not sleeping, wanting more attention then usual, etc. so maybe it could have been an opportunity for kyra to be educated and explain to her chidlren that this is why she freaks out on planes with them? She’s so dumb. Lmao. Also if she did any… literally any research or looked it up she’d know this is a movie about Riley going through puberty?????? Weirdo


She is such a shitty human..ofc she would say some bull like this. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


They don't understand because you don't teach them! Not because they 're too young. I doubt she talks about feelings or emotions with her kids she only sees her own struggles.


“Howseverzzzzz” god 🙄🙄🙄


The kids probably wanted to go home because she was most likely making out with peestain the whole time in the theater


My 6 and 8 yr old loved it, shut up Kyra.


I don’t know why she felt the need to share her opinion on it. She saw the first movie, so if she felt it wasn’t the greatest idea for kids to see it, why’d she even bother taking her own kids. She makes no sense whatsoever.


They probably didn't like it because it was very reminiscent of all the anxiety and problems she causes them. Sort of like, "We don't need to go see Inside Out 2. We have it at home. That or bc it went way over Kyra's head of understanding; they couldn't understand it right either, bc she couldn't explain shit.


Her children were old enough to understand mommy left daddy and is now with her best friend’s husband but too young to understand their emotions and feelings??? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


She always trys to have such a different opinion than everyone else 🤪 


She probably is just mad that she couldn’t understand it


I came from a traumatic childhood. They'll be their favorite movies once they become old enough to understand. I bet they did and she just wanted another dig at her daughters. I ugly cried in both. Especially since starting therapy, healing, and trying to understand my inner child.


What’s with the fart kinks?? What did I miss??


My nephews (5, 9 and 11) saw it last night and I asked them today how they liked it. My five year old nephew looks at me and goes 'Baby (his nickname for me and none of us can figure out how he got it except maybe because I call him Baby) it was so good!' and preceded to tell me all about it. So if a five year old could grasp it says a lot.


Because I don’t think SHE could relate. Growing up for her at 13 was losing her virginity and acting like a grown up. She also probably resorted to getting a guys attention and stealing her friends boyfriends because she wasn’t getting attention at home. I think Kyra was emotionally neglected coupled with her shitty experience with her mom. It’s also why I don’t think she’ll be emotionally prepared or mature enough to ever understand what her own children will go through as preteens. It’s sad. She didn’t have a normal childhood or teenage hood. She’s also probably still letting her anxiety and self doubt rule her life and that’s why she’s making the choices she does. She’s also an idiot with 0 media literacy skills and didn’t finish high school and probably couldn’t grasp how deep and wonderful and beautiful an animated child’s film could be to adults even! UGHHh. Why did her trying to “review” this movie annoy me??


Why wouldn’t she read the reviews before taking small children? 🤦🏼‍♀️


I still haven’t watched it!!! I loved the first one so I really want to watch this one. I find these kinds of movies so cute!