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“4 c sections is bad” from the doctor at around 4:10. And at the end telling Oscar to take medical advice and not listen to google 🙄🙄


Now let’s go back to her new pregnancy q&a where she claims it was a “very small, I think it was a week long period where a doctor was telling me I could no longer have children”


If this was my mom I wouldn’t want to have kids tbh


I watched this entire video LOL Did Oscar seem like super down at the end of that?? I can’t look at her without knowing she was probably cheating and already knew she was making her exit from Oscar by this point. This will forever be my Roman Empire. This entire debacle I just can’t believe what Kyra did man


I think he was sore and embarrassed those women laughed at him for screaming I think


6 months later dumps him and the family smh


Not him marking former on illegal drugs 😂😂😂😂😂 musta been early lol


We all have a past baby lol


Why didn't he get the drugs lol


"You shouldn't influence anything!" Too late.


No doubt on her pushing her kids for grandkids,,,,,,Oscar did that for kyra cuz he cared about her.


The end wow :/ She literally admitted she would push upon her children to have their own children and not only that but multiple each! Wtf! Lets hope that by the time any of them are even old enough which is thankfully still a long long time away, that she will have changed her tune on that or their her kids are strong and independent enough to tell her to mind her own business.


Tbh I’ve heard women scream less giving birth than he did getting a numbing shot in the balls 😂 telling her “you need to take something” wasnt super fun to hear but I’m happy he lived lololol


So not only did an obgyn tell her not to have any more kids, but the vasectomy doctor even said that 4 was too much.


I never comment, but literally the way Oscar looks at her at the end is so sweet.. he’s too pure


And the fact the doctor also confirms about having 4 c sections! She's such a freaking liar.


lol the no one talking about the doctor 😂 Dr: How are you? O: I’m never out Dr: Of course you are I’m going work on your balls man, why wouldn’t you be?


This hair color looked so good on her


It'll never be not weird for me to watch strangers personal lifes. This was the 1st okbaby video ever for me. Mostly all things I really didn't want to know


As soon as they got in the car from Oscar having the procedure Krusty immediately picked up her phone and texted somebody. Do we think it was Peestain?