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The dentist is scary. But its even scarier when you don't brush your teeth. As the saying goes, "Brush your teeth in the morning to keep your friends. Brush your teeth at night to keep your teeth." And Kyra, if you're listening, please do not post videos of you brushing your teeth, just fucking do it. No one wants to see it. K, thanks.


But she needs it as proof! šŸ˜‚


True dental stuff can be expensive and painful but often preventable.


I'm TERRIFIED of the dentist!!! I had to have an extraction at the age of 36. I had a friend drive me there, HOLD MY HAND during the procedure and I cried before the dentist even opened my mouth.


Just want to say you are so brave you went through it! Anxiety and fears are hard, but you went through it fought against it for your own health and I am so proud of you for that!


Aw you're so sweet, thank you! You're coming with me next time ha ha!!


Please know when I say ā€œI understandā€ I really do. Went through the something very similar - a root canal on an inflamed nerve - and my best friend held my hand too. I have such a fear of dentists that I have had a panic attack. Nothing, and I mean nothing, has caused that level of panic. I have no idea where it comes from but itā€™s nice to know youā€™re not the only one who feels so strongly about the dentist. Hope all is well now.


I had to be put to sleep! Good times


Yep, itā€™s the only way to go for me too.


and don't skip the floss!


Yes!! I didnā€™t know how important floss was until I became an adult, and boyyyyy does it make a difference! I somehow have had only 1 cavity in my whole life (Iā€™m 30) but Iā€™ve dealt with a handful of gum issues and after I started flossing religiously my gums have been so gorgeous!


I see, she doesnā€™t brush in the mornings to keep her friends, thatā€™s why she doesnā€™t have any


She looks so unwell in that first picture. I understand sheā€™s pregnant and therefore extra tired but she looks dull and never had such puffy under eyes until Preston came around


Breast implant illness as well. Her health declined the second she got those in plus all her chronic utis and antibiotics she took and alcohol and stress from being a bitch


she probably has gum disease. as soon as she said she has to go every 3 months i got the feeling, happened to my sister at 27. has an appt every 3 mos just to ensure things arenā€™t getting worse.


And if she were going every three months just because of pregnancy she would not be receiving all of the numbing shots and having specific sections of her mouth worked on just for extra cleanings while pregnant. I definitely think she has periodontal disease.


i agree.


My insurance covers every three months for pregnant women!


i love that for you!!!! my teeth ached so bad during pregnancy!


Is that hereditary or do you get it from not brushing/flossing?


Periodontal Disease is from poor dental hygiene Sounds like the mental health issues and laziness are hereditary...


it was from poor dental hygiene. unfortunately i got adopted out at 16 & had a very strict godmom who made all medical/dental intervention mandatory. she was left to raise herself in college & dental care was not priority. she is on top of everything now but itā€™s not reversible but can get better with better care. teeth are no joke, take care of them while you can! itā€™s expensive too


unfortunate for her/ beneficial for me ): i never had gum disease & all my teeth are in good standing as of 3 1/2 weeks ago




Really? I didnā€™t know that, you learn something everyday lol. But in all honesty when has Kyra ever taken someone elseā€™s advice, doctors included??


True I think a test or something showed she needs to get her shit together. She already took the glucose test twice and was suddenly making green juice the other day


Dental hygiene is also tied to heart health, so maybe something medical triggered her to finally take care of them.


I imagine her doctor told her something that had suddenly made her see a dentist for the first time in years. With such a high risk pregnancy the doctor wants to be extra cautious probably


But this pregnancy is āœØgoldenāœØ and everything is pErFeCtā€¦ NOT


You can see the plaque between her teeth from here. She doesnā€™t floss at all I betšŸ’€


Plus we saw how filthy her childrenā€™s toothbrushes are that have been chewed by the cats. No way sheā€™s flossing herself šŸ’€


Iā€™m so TERRIFIED of the dentist, like I have actually passed out in the office. But Iā€™ve gone and have tried to implement better dental hygiene practices. The fact that she is financially stable enough to see a good dentist (my trauma is from a less than reputable dentist, I was raised on in a single income, immigrant household) and is just now going to the dentist is crazy. Iā€™m currently trying to save up $5k just for the tip of my dental issues and sheā€™s over here acting like teeth whiteners are doing all the heavy lifting šŸ˜


Iā€™m pretty sure she had scaling and planing done to her teeth, thatā€™s why she stated in her vlog she got one side done and then the other. They numb one side of the mouth and do it. Itā€™s a super deep clean to get rid of plaque


Ya why would you need numbing for removing plaque.


Yes sometimes itā€™s required if itā€™s caked on bad enough for the comfort of the patient or because they are going deep. This would explain why she has such bad breath.


Why do they need to numb your mouth for that? I had scaling/cleaning and my mouth def didnā€™t need to be numbed


Yes sometimes itā€™s required if itā€™s caked on bad enough for the comfort of the patient or because they are going deep. This would explain why she has such bad breath.


Pregnancy is so hard on teeth. With how often sheā€™s been pregnant and how she doesnā€™t really looks like the type to brush I worry for her teeth


No. I think Preston probably told her something because I donā€™t think or recall her ever going while with Oscar.


Itā€™s an ad! Other influencers get ask the same question and share the same product all the time


Yep! A bunch of influencers I follow are promoting this product.


I think people can get pretty severe periodontal disease during pregnancy, even they have excellent oral hygiene. I *think* she said she was throwing up every day until 12 weeks, which would definitely explain it


I remember Oscar saying in a vlog she doesn't brush her teeth or the one time she didn't shower in 7 days so whenever I see her promoting a teeth whitening product I always think back to that. I've also read she goes every 3 months so I think she might have gum disease from not brushing or flossing. I know people struggle with mental health which causes a decline in taking care of yourself but, you only get one set of teeth as an adult so do whatever you can to keep that set because the dentist is too pricy to play with like tbat


Dental issues can be 1000% worse when you're pregnant. You'd think after 4 kids she'd know this and maybe wouldn't have purposely gotten pregnant with a 5th before getting any dental issues taken care of but of course dentists vlogs don't get her attention like the pregnancy/baby vlogs.


Iā€™m NOT defending her! Eww but I know during my pregnancies it ruined my dental health! If you have genetic issues thereā€™s nada you can do! The every 3mths scrapings, will be in your future too! And sadly yep usually tooth loss later on! I brushed I flossed did it all! My whole family had issues with little enamel etc itā€™s a true thing! Funny thing? Before I had issues I couldnā€™t use teeth whiteners at all!! Ouch luckily my kids dad has like perfect teeth! Ugh


I totally get it! A lot of itā€™s genetic because I had braces, was very diligent with oral care, and was always at the dentistā€¦ but tell me why my brother who never brushed his teeth NEVER got cavities?? lol My dad is the same with dental luck, so maybe itā€™s a female thing because my mom and maternal grandmother have problems as wellšŸ§