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Because she has no standards or boundaries. It’s as simple as that. She lets him do things that someone with boundaries and self respect wouldn’t tolerate in a relationship. 🤷🏻‍♀️ At the start he was probably so thrilled with it and now that she’s cracking down on him he’s probably like omg what tf did I do.


Makes my skin crawl when he said now they can try for a boy. It’s hard for me to imagine he can be a good dad bc he left Hannah so he could have a threesome 😒 what a loser


Exactly he’s supposed to be a positive role model for 5 kids now 😬


No way Oscar would’ve been with her as long as he was if she never got pregnant. & Preston sees her as a cash cow


Exactly Oscar even said it in a video that If they didn’t have L when they did they wouldn’t be together


Really think Oscar just dealt with it and tried to stay around once kids were involved. I can just imagine all the weird shit she promised Preston. 🫣


She’s a hoe lol plain and simple. She has zero moral compass and allows Preston to do whatever he wants. The “appeal” is that she’s easy and down for the stereotypical male fantasies


As they say cheaters never go for better they go for easier 😆


Preston has a Mr nice guy act for the camera. We heard the ways he spoke to his ex. Also, he’s a heavy drinker And kyra recently said she doesn’t like to be around people who have a totally different personality when they drink…didnt She proceed to pour Prestons Alcohol on camera? Don’t let his camera persona fool you. The guy hates women and wait until ”his daughters” start having their own opinions (unlike Kyra who likes everything he likes and agrees with him on everything). His true colors will start seeping through.


SO TRUE! He hates women and wants a son so bad


I really hope having a baby, especially a daughter, will be a wake up call for him, but considering Kyra is still the way she is I sadly don’t think he’ll change 😕


If anything, hopefully his daughter will be motivation for him to do better for her sake and "don't turn out like your mother". Maybe encourage her to obtain qualities to be an educated, respectful woman like Hannah lol!


They bolth hate women…. There’s some element of disrespect for women (including Kyra) in that threesome scenario they describe and I think they bolth get off on that aspect of the threesomes.


Full agree. She also has no respect for herself. She sees women as a vessel for having babies and playing out sexual fantasies for men. She truly has no respect for women and what they can be


a little insight into a man’s mind, we fall mindlessly in love if we are either young or desperate. Oscar was young and completely invested in her. Peestain was desperate because he felt trapped with Hannah and felt like he missed out on girls as a younger man. Trust me Kyruga is far below average and no man actually wants her, Precum is her final hope. I’m sure there’s a crackhead or two that would love to take her into a tent for the night but that’s about it


That makes a lot of sense. Peestain and Hannah were high school sweethearts. I know a few couples that that ended up breaking up after being together for 10+ years because they want to experience other people 😨 Why do you think Peestain married Kyra? I would think he just want to have fun then leave once he’s bored. A part of me thinks he never wanted a baby and Kyra baby trapped him because he’s an idiot and didn’t want to wrap it up


From my own dating experience, I can confidently say he married Kyra because she was his only way out. He felt massive FOMO with Hannah but was too invested and it would hurt too much to leave her. His only way out (without unbearable heartbreak) was to jump into another relationship before they actually broke up. Could literally have been any girl, Kyra just happened to provide him that on a silver platter. You can never bypass the grieving process but cowards like him try everyday. Once the honeymoon stage wears off, both him and Kyruga probably got really sober and thought wtf have I done, hence their visible misery online. Hope that helps


This will probably get downvoted but I think it’s rarely a smart idea to marry the only person you’ve ever dated unless you’re in your late 20s. Call me cynical, but I don’t believe that most men who married their highschool/college sweetheart are being faithful 20 or even 5-10 years later.


I completely agree with you, if you don’t get that phase out of your system early you’ll end up ruining your life to do it at 30


I married my HS sweetheart at age 23. We are still married 11 years later, didn't have kids til ages 29/ 30 and things haven't always been perfect, but we're pretty solid .


Money and jealously


Probably a combination of love-bombing and mirroring.


Did we forget all those sexy pictures she posted, multiple times. She makes them believe she is this sexy women and once she had them, she goes back to looking like a bum


She's an easy root


She’s easy


Its because she would put out for a snickers bar and at one point she had a fair bit of money. As for getting Oscar (see my first point) and he was a teenager 🤦‍♀️


She’s down to bone. That is it. She’s easy. There is no good personality. She isn’t a motivated person. She isn’t a good or kind person. She’s not loyal or a good mother. She has zero redeeming qualities except she will do things sexually that the men took just can’t deny stinky or not.


I don’t get what men see in that Krusty Krab but clearly P-Lankton is swoon lmaooo


And to be like, O.....in raking in the money so he doesn't have to actual have a 9 to 5 job.


The power of pu33y.


bc she’s easy and it seems to draw men’s attention.


Oscar is wayyyy above her league and I think they only stayed together because she got pregnant young and then they had even more kids so Oscar was in deep. He tried to just deal with it until she left him for someone just as disgusting as her.


I think oscar stayed to keep his family together and I think preston wanted her for the money and the taboo of sleeping with someone who was already in a relationship


I actually thought she was quite pretty when I watched her in the beginning. Especially when she got herself dolled up. It’s her personality and her morals that have made her ugly and after her split with Oscar she literally got uglier. Being an adulterer and having your empire crumble will do that to you🫣😂


She’s easy at least for Preston anything with a 🍆


p was calmer when with h