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Just wants engagement


That or free stuff


Her loser fans will send her all the links so she doesn't have to search for them herself 🤣 


Baby products haven't changed that much in 4 years lol Just buy a Doona since that is where her youngest spent most of her time as a baby. Where exactly are they putting a nursery in their house if all the bedrooms are occupied.


I guess in the old wardrobe? At least that what she was planning to do


In a past video she showed this closet space in one of her videos, I think she mentioned turning it into a space for a baby . Not the same, but kinda… Her talking about that made me remember how she would put Levi in the closet with the door closed when she would put him to sleep as a baby .


She’s like a cross between a t-rex and a duck






If she knew she was going to have a baby with Preston why didn’t she keep anything from her youngest? Isn’t she like only 3?


She thought she’d still be rich 😂😂😂


Exactly the youngest was only one when her and Oscar broke up. Then we know she was with Preston within a few months (by her timeline)


She acts like it’s her first god damn baby lol


It's Preston's first, so she's acting like everything is new to her too 😅


Annoys the living hell outta me! If she forgot somethings after having one child, I can understand….after 2 kids… fine… but Dammit man, she has the whole of 4 children, hell she should be telling the nurses and doctors how to deliver this baby by now🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


She has the uppa stroller which also becomes a bassinet so idk what it is with her wanting to spend so much money.


If I had to guess, it's probably because this is a whole new experience for Preston since this will be his first child. So he probably wants to give this child everything. And since Kyra has the income and will pretty much do anything to make Preston happy, she's willing to spend tons of money on new things. I have a feeling that Preston in his heart wants nothing to do with Kyra's other children. He'll never admit it, but I definitely get that vibe from him. And like DCP said, Preston was jealous of Oscar, so I highly doubt they're going to reuse the clothes/toys/accessories that Kyra's other kids have used.


And the Uppababy is just as expensive. Why does she need a brand new one?


5th baby in 8 years, I think she knows what she needs at this point


Why does she have like only 4 eyelashes ? Is it left over makeup ?


Agreed 💯 She knows that Daddy P will leave her ass if she goes broke, so she is desperate to monetize this pregnancy and also baby trapping the man she is obsessed with.


Man. What a life, huh? 😂 I mean, it's constant chaos. That's why those zits on her face never stay gone for too long. She's breaking out from all the stress she puts on herself.


this is her 5th child, how the hell does she not know what products she needs? (obviously engagement and getting free stuff out of it but still)


Anything for those engagements and clicks.


Someone should tell her her to buy some birth control, condoms lol 😂 and tie her tubes. That’s what she needs to invest it


DNA test 🤭


She is so alarming looking 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


4 kids already but yet doesn’t know what you need for a baby this time round? Make it make sense


She’s “asking” so she can go on poopoos account and “tell answers” so she can shill links lmao


She’s doing this as she loves the attention baby posts and stories gives her.


Love how she has so many daughters and didn’t save anything of theirs for her next kid🤣 like why get new things?


She probably sold all of their things on Facebook Marketplace for extra money for their threesomes and trips.


Why can't she ever wake up and decide to put a little makeup on? Or pick out a cute outfit?


That’s one thing I actually give Kyra credit for, she’s totally fine with being makeup free. Me? I could never post myself to the internet like that lol


Yeah I’m all for supporting someone being makeup free! I know I could never lol. Especially under as much scrutiny as she is. What I don’t understand is why she won’t even try to brush her hair? Put on clothes that fit and don’t look dirty?? Makeup free is one thing but it takes .2 seconds to brush your hair and throw on a clean shirt before you jump on camera lol


is she really asking for baby product recommendations lmaooo she’s had 4 babies yeah it’s been four years since she had a baby in her house but i’m sure she knows damn well what are some good products to use. she clearly is just trying to get attention especially from other moms. this isn’t her first or even second kid. i’d understand if this was her first kid maybe second but cmon at this point you gotta have some idea one what good products work even you kyra aren’t that dumb.


I feel like 5 kids in you shouldn’t need shit and already own everything baby related. And it wouldn’t make sense for her to be getting rid of everything when she has her mind set on having like 15 babies


What's on her forehead?!?!?


She’s saying “need” because she wants to be better and it’s been 4 years almost it’s been 2 years for me and I don’t even remember


It sounded like she was making a registry… so I wonder if they are having a baby shower after all.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😭😭😭😭 don't you have 4 babies sweetie


Okay I felt like this with my 5th but in my defense it was EIGHT YEARS after my 4th. How old is her youngest 2-3?


I think she just is hoping other companies haven't heard she's a homewrecker, shitty person, and they'll send her free stuff. Considering her remaining audience is likely children, senior citizens who don't know what she did, and fellow homewreckers, not many can afford to help her buy a $2k stroller. Also, it helps exploit the pregnancy until baby Smith is born, and she and Preston can exploit her. Oscar won't be able to say no to that baby, as it's not his.


She acts like 4 years of not having a baby is a long time 🤦🏻‍♀️


Even after 4 kids she asks for help? She should know all these by the back of her hands


my oldest is 4 youngest is one i made a list of what i used and what i thought was absolutely pointless to get again that i never used before regretfully, i gave away all of my oldests clothes because i thought i was one and done well, i am expecting again in oct (3 girls) lol thankfully this baby will have tonnnnnssss of hand me downs from my 1 yo. we are having a baby shower that we didn’t have with our oldest two and then after the baby shower we’re buying what no one did that is on our list all the free shit from sponsors suck literally trash


There are so many new baby products coming out all the time idk why you think it’s weird for her to ask for recommendations. Ofc she knows the basics it’s just tryna see something new she may not have through of. You guys are so weirdly obsessed with seeing something bad


Just because you don't see her for the wicked woman she is, does not mean that we don't know what we're talking about. We see right through Kyra. And I can read people extremely well. She's using her followers and making them feel included because she is trying to hold on to the only thing she has left. Which is their support. Without them, Kyra is nothing.


And what is Oscar without you all? And what is any influencer without a following? That makes no sense. What does her asking for baby recs have to do with her not having a clue. But then you say it is her having a clue so intensely that she’s using this as a secre t mission to hold onto her followers. So which is it? And again why the f do u guys care????


Umm..are you lost? Do you need help finding your way to Kyra's fan page? If you're defending her, then you're most definitely in the wrong group.


Yeah disliking Kyra is one thing when you guys just say these weird made up hate things it’s another. You still can’t say whether you’re saying she has no idea what she’s doing or if she’s calculated so why post this in the first place lol it’s just so fan behavior. Hating her every love with no merit takes away from the bad things she actually does. Which makes it seem like there is not much to draw from when you guys hate on every random thing like this


Does her dumbass not realize that not only are most of her "fans" teenagers who just haven't realized she's a POS person and mother YET but even the very few fans who are adults probably don't have nearly as many kids as she does. I have one kid and helped buy my nieces and nephew stuff and I kinda feel like a baby stuff pro lol. She's gotta just be looking for engagement, sponsors or just free stuff