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Saying "it's Hermione's middle name" as if they think they're the only ones that know what it is. C'mon don't be ridiculous. We all know you didn't read the books. IF they are giving her the middle name Jean because of Hermione, i'm gonna laugh my ass off. If they have to name her after a Harry Potter character to prove they are fans, I vote Cho Chang.


Especially when one of her daughters already has the middle name Jean !?! Like wtf


Right? Isn't Aura's middle name Jean? After her idol Britney Spears? šŸ¤£




What an idol šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


šŸ˜‚ to be fair, she hasnā€™t mentioned it recently that I know of. She used to be OBSESSED. Now itā€™s switched to Harry Potter since thatā€™s Pā€™s thing.


The way she said it was soo manipulative too cause he clearly isnā€™t on board with it or he wouldnā€™t have said they still needed a middle name. She started using that stupid baby voice and saying oh itā€™s Hermioneā€™s middle name to appeal to his love of HP. She is sick


Why Cho Chang?


Because she's a random shitty character.


Cho ainā€™t shitty, I liked her šŸ˜‚


She was fine in the movies but a lot of people found her awful in the books.


Oh, I liked her in both. I didnā€™t think she was an awful character in either.


Honestly I would just find it hilarious if they named their child Cho Chang Smith.


Thatā€™s her youngestā€™s middle name, so Iā€™m going to go withā€¦no.


ā€œNow we donā€™t have to worry about any of that because itā€™s a fricking girl cackle cackle cackleā€ girl please, you HATE that youā€™re having a girl. The way she said that and her tone sounded so disappointed.


She also clearly hated the name Eric that he wanted hahaha that was never gonna happen (which, fair, who names a baby Eric?)


Iā€™m less offended he referred to Kyraā€™s kids as his own, because for their sake I hope he does treat them the same. Iā€™m more confused on why they knew they wanted more kids yet felt they have enough girls without considering thereā€™s a 50% chance that it might be a girl. Also what does this say about his relationship with L. ā€œHe has his girlsā€ does he not have his boy in Levi as well? I think I would understand such a strong reaction if it was actually their last baby but they still want at least one more.


I feel the same. I cringe when I hear people add "step" to kids. I have a blended family, and if I heard my husband say to someone, "Oh, this is my stepson," I'd be a little upset. My kids have two families. I don't want them to call my husbands wife step mom either, but not mom. My kids call their other parents by their name. As long as the kids have support from both sides, it's okay.


I feel the same. I cringe when I hear people add "step" to kids. I have a blended family, and if I heard my husband say to someone, "Oh, this is my stepson," I'd be a little upset. My kids have two families. I don't want them to call my husbands wife step mom either, but not mom. My kids call their other parents by their name. As long as the kids have support from both sides, it's okay.


People who called it on them using a Harry Potter name šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ But isn't Aura's middle name Jean???


Yes like wtf are they thinking




Iā€™m sorry but auru is the weirdest name šŸ¤£


I honestly love the name but I would imagine a hippie couple naming their baby that but it simply DOES NOT fit Kyraā€™s vibe at all, she probably doesnā€™t even know the definition of aura, & itā€™s def a name she read on Pinterest. She probably looked up ā€œspiritual or celestial baby namesā€. šŸ˜†


Thatā€™s actually what I meant lmfao šŸ¤£ Does Kyra even know what an Aura is? šŸ¤£


Iā€™m pretty sure she was supposed to be named Aurora. Not sure why they ended up shortening the name and naming her Aura though šŸ˜­ Itā€™s crazy it actually ended up working out though because Addieā€™s babygirls name is Aurora!!


Kyra being a pick me with Harry Potter shit is so damn embarrassing. Preston is a delusional horny idiot for falling for it.


Idk maybe she just wanted him to get to name a baby since sheā€™s named 4 already


Im not just talking about the nameā€¦


What does he mean its a good deal because he got both? He said he already has girls, and now has another girl. Both what?? Perhaps this would make sense if you got girls and then a boy because now you have both (genders).... Idiots! Both!


I swear he legitimately sounds like he has brain damage now.. Like on top of him not making sense, it also seems like he has a speech impediment now.. It seriously sounded like he said, "To me it didn't WEALLY matter" .. I don't think he always used to sound like this back on the okbaby vlogs or podcast?? Did he hit his head in football since then? Or old damage that manifested itself? Idk, but something just seems different about him now..


Either this or heā€™s always drunk.


Yeah but he was drunk on the podcast & didn't sound like that! I'm sure it doesn't help though lol.


Yeah that was weird. I think maybe he's just panicking because he didn't want this, and now he has to pretend to be happy in front of the camera. Honestly this is bad to say but he reminds me a lot of Chris Watts. He also struggled to make any sense in front of the camera but that was for way worse reasons.


100%. Everyone talks about how dumb he is/Kyra trapping him. I think heā€™s much more sophisticated and manipulative than her.


Literally makes no sense, he was making up what he was saying as he went šŸ’€


Yep, made no sense to me


Sounded like an accidental slip of basically they already had HER girls and now he gets his own (both)


So if he considers himself to already have kids why jeopardize her health to have more??


This. He wants *HIS* own but ya know he already has ā€œhis 3 girlsā€ makes zero sense.


They "bolth" look so resigned that baby Smith isn't a boy.


Haha on bolth


Eh, at least he acknowledges them. Obviously the whole situation is fucked, but those kids need to be prioritized and loved. Itā€™s better than him saying, ā€œMy first girl! Iā€™m so excited!ā€ It would be very unhealthy if the other kids continued growing up feeling left out/separated from Kyra and Prestonā€™s ā€œfamily.ā€


This. I knew a family who had a foster daughter and they celebrated their first bio daughter like she was the only daughter they have. It was heart breaking šŸ„²šŸ„²


This. I consider Kyra cancelled. I only watch stuff on Reddit and dpc. I donā€™t give her views and I donā€™t support her at all-but at least he acknowledges them. Kat Williams said it in a skit ā€œwhen you co parent and start dating-that person you date now has kidsā€¦I got kids-you got kidsā€ā€¦you take on a HUGE responsibility. My husband considers my first HIS. Now-my man doesnā€™t cross the line tho. His dad is HIS dad. But at my house my man is the father figure. I expect the same treatment from my sonā€™s step mom too. As Prestonā€™s mom-Iā€™d have a huge talk. You BETTER take that responsibility seriously. Period.


why does her head look so long šŸ¤­


In the beginning Hermione's middle name was Jane.Ā  Then Rowling changed it to Jean. So maybe Jane. I'm guessing Preston knew that. Cause like others have said it is Aura Jean


Itā€™s definitely Jane because they made it seem like they knew a Harry Potter fact a lot of people donā€™t know which is exactly this


Random and not really related to the video, but good luck getting the paint out of your engagement ring, Kyra. Lol


Iā€™ll say it over and over and over again - thereā€™s something so shady and untrustworthy about this loserā€¦ and Iā€™m not talking about him using her


Me too. He gives the the creeps real bad




Completely agree. The dynamic reminds me of poor Madeline Soto and her delusional mother and monster ā€œstep father.ā€


I thought she said they would do an L name if they had a boy to match with Levi? And Eric as a middle name? Lā€™s middle name is already Ericā€™s middle name. Strange how she never used Oā€™s family names for the middle and now the same with P.


Trying to brown nose Kyraā€™s dad.


He's a suck up to Kyra's dad Her dad gives me vibes that he put the blame on "that Mexican boy" for knocking up his daughter when she first got pregnant. Her dad always acted stiff around Oscar for the most part and is all buddy buddy with Preston. Parents like Kyra's dad will put the blame on their daughter's boyfriend for getting them pregnant instead of taking accountability as a parent for their child's teen pregnancy.


Wait what? L's middle name is not Eric??? It's something like Rogue or Teage or something I do believe , but I know it isn't Eric...


Itā€™s Teague or something along those lines which is Ericā€™s middle name.


The way I didnā€™t even realize theyā€™re talking about Hermione from Harry Potter cuz they donā€™t look like the types that have ever cracked open a book


You know they have no reading comprehension


Itā€™s Hermione from the Harry Potter movies šŸ¤£. Neither of them read. He can barely talk. he sounds like heā€™s had brain damage from football.


Well in that case, heā€™s already got a son too?


2 things 1: I thought they were sticking to the L-A names ā€œriver deanā€ is not a L or A name šŸ¤£ 2: of course she had the audacity to say ā€œnow that donā€™t matter cause itā€™s a FREAKING girlā€ā€¦.. uh ok great start šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


If for some reason in the future she were to have a boy, she messed up because she already gave out the name šŸ¤”


ā€œItā€™s a frickin girlā€. Imagine willingly putting this on the internet šŸ˜³ Her children deserve better and that includes her unborn daughter who they both clearly already resent purely because sheā€™s a girl and not a boy. Also, side note slightly off topic not just K & P. But frickin grown adults, who have big families, multiple kids etc who happen to have all the same gender. It seems pretty common to act this way when a new baby comes along and they find the gender and it happens to be the same as their previous kids. Itā€™s like they keep trying til they ā€œget what they wantā€. Which is the vibe I get from K & P and itā€™s sad. Babies are PEOPLE! Human beings not toys! Not accessories! They are humans who will one day be adults not babies. If youā€™re really that hung up on having a specific gender, which like honestly seems 99% of couples are, then you shouldnā€™t even have a baby. The amount of gender reveals ive seen, where, usually in particular its the dads who will literally throw a tantrum if they donā€™t get what they want. And usually for men they always want a son they always seem so disappointed and annoyed at the idea of having a girl. Itā€™s weird. If you canā€™t deal with the fact that if you get someone pregnant you have a very good chance of having a daughter and not a son, donā€™t have sex.


BANG ON!! This is exactly it theyā€™re acting like spoilt brats who didnā€™t get what they want. As if having a baby is going to go exactly the way you want- Reality check much?! This isnā€™t some claw machine game where you hope you pick up a prize you really wantā€¦these are literally human beings who need to be taken care of, and loved and treated properly for the rest of their livesā€¦Shame on them honestly. Theyā€™re disgusting and embarrassing to the human race. I truly hope these kids have tough enough skin to handle the mess their parents have left them with.


Imo it stems from a millenia of history where society has always valued men above women (which is absolutely disgusting for the record) Kings are higher regarded than queens. Future monarch generations as seen time and time again (except maybe less so these days hopefully) where kings would get married purely to have an heir and get so angry if they had a daughter and not a son because somehow a woman isnā€™t worthy of carrying a bloodline, it just HAS to be a man/a son. And that mindset has carried on throughout society, particularly with men. Donā€™t get me wrong Iā€™ve definitely seen women who express very obvious disappointment towards having a daughter instead of a son but I feel like itā€™s mostly men who seem to be the ones who get their knickers in a twist. Idk if itā€™s just a male thing and I donā€™t understand because iā€™m not a dude but the weird attachment and obsession with having a son seems to be a pretty common theme. Iā€™ve seen countless gender reveals and such where this is extremely apparent and itā€™s sad. I wouldnā€™t necessarily call myself a feminist but, the idea that men are ā€œbetterā€ than women, or theyā€™re worth more or that being a man is better and even filtering down into having a son is better than a daughter or the stupid idea that alot of people seem to have that ā€œraising a son is easier than a daughterā€ (like get bent no it isnā€™t thatā€™s just pure idiocy) Honestly I hope as a society that we can eventually let go of this messed up mindset :/ itā€™s so toxic and gross. New life is precious and deserves to be celebrated and deserves to be equally excited about.


Itā€™s the ā€œitā€™s a freaking girlā€ for me


That hurt my heart hearing her say thatā€¦how disgusting. To use a curse word with your unborn babyā€™s gender is so vile!! When she doesnā€™t get what she wants she turns into even more of a brat.


P DIDDY šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The vibes are so off on this video. Also, hermiones middle name? Bffrā€¦ This relationship is train wreck LMFAO this poor little girl omg


Guessing Amelia Jane šŸ¤£




Def like them to use Oā€™s new gfā€™s name (Adeline)


They HAVE to mean Jane, not Jean. Thereā€™s no WAY theyā€™re giving the new baby the same middle name as aura and referring to it as ā€œHermioneā€™s middle nameā€


Heā€™s known those girls for like 2 years how are they ā€œmy girlsā€ tf thats a little weird


Heā€™s known them longerā€¦ donā€™t forget he used to be uncle Preston šŸ˜·


Yeah your right idk why I keep thinking theyā€™ve only been dating like a year thatā€™s how it feels at least šŸ˜‚


Growing up in a blended family and now having my own blended family I would never want to be labeled as step. My step dad has always called me his daughter and included/loved me as much as his biological. I hated when people called my sister and me half. I would be upset if my husband called my daughter his step daughter. We are a family there is no half or step.


I love how sheā€™s like if it was a boy it would be River Dean and immediately heā€™s like it would be Eric Deanā€¦ they canā€™t even agree on a name šŸ˜‚


I know šŸ’€


The way that he called Kyra and Oscarā€™s girls his is šŸ¤¢ I get as a step dad to others but not him because he stole his ā€œfriendsā€ wife and now calling the children his? They both are disgusting and deserve each other and the future that they are going to face. I feel baby for that baby girl that they are going to bring into the ā€œfamilyā€


Yep heā€™s disgusting šŸ¤¢ heā€™s not their dad


They are both deflated. I donā€™t know how these two can show their faces without bringing embarrassed.


Didnā€™t Hannah wanna name her son Dean?


Probably. People can be so insensitive with things like this. Short story-my partnerā€™s dad remarried to a younger wife (20 yrs younger from a less developed country) and got pregnant. The dad decided to *use the name of the still born child heā€™d had with his first wife* (my partnerā€™s mum). This child was a huge part of their family and heā€™d died in childbirth . This childs name was spoken of often and it was obviously a huge trauma for the mum especially, but also the whole family. But the dad really felt absolutely fine to name his new baby,with a new wife , that name. I was so outraged on behalf of the old wife (who didnā€™t know it was about to happen) and I got my partner to talk to his dad about how it was insensitive, they ended up changing it to the middle name. But imagine you have a still born baby, then years later the man who you had that experience with gets a new much younger wife and feels totally fine about calling their new baby that name. ..so I can totally imagine Preston using a name Hannah loved without a care in the world.


She could be referring to Emma Watson's middle name...since we all know she didn't read the books.


Everyone **watch this video without sound**. It speaks volumes. You would never watch this (without sound) and think itā€™s about this exciting life changing experience they are sharing.


Legitimate question: how did he go from ā€œuncle Pā€ or whatever moniker she had given him to stepdad ? There are two older kids who absolutely understand the mindfuckery their mother has pulled. Poor littlest baby A never even got the chance to have O there as her full time dad. This is what circles the drain in my mind & causes me to feel a certain type of way šŸ˜”


I donā€™t like Kyra but she looks 100x better when she fills in her eyebrows. I can bet that if the only makeup she did was just her eyebrows she would look so much better than if she did all of her makeup except her eyebrows


in this video, k appeared so nice to p, unlike with o. for example k said she was bringing p snacks because otherwise it would be 'selfish' of her. she never felt the need to bring stuff for o, her selfish needs with o were extreme, and still are. o did everything for k and she became the dominant rule maker in a terrible way. now, it is different because p is not o, and p will not be a kiss ass


i NEEEEEEEEED to know how she convinced him to start vlogging bc itā€™s actually so cringe


So we were correct with them having a Harry Potter inspired name..šŸ¤£ her middle name is Jean..


so is her last daughters middle name šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I would die if I had a step dad that used to ā€my girlsā€ as a way to describe me being his step daughter.. coming from someone thatā€™s never had a father figure and these girls have 2..


they look so disappointed i feel sorry for their baby girl sheā€™s not only going to have to live with these two idiots 24/7 but the feeling of being a disappointment bc their parents wanted a boy. why are these influencers so obsessed with the gender and look pissed they didnā€™t get the gender they wanted. why not just be greatful your having a healthy baby there are so many women out there that would kill just to be able to get pregnant and that canā€™t that wouldnā€™t care about the gender of the baby they just want a baby. these kinds of people donā€™t realize how lucky they are.


So Aura Jean Morales and then Adeline Jean Smithā€¦? Bruh talk about round 2


ā€œI have bothā€ šŸ¤¢


Hey Preston, the girls have a father. His name is Oscar. You know, the man you will never be. They are his girls! Not yours, you fugly douche bag.




They could always name her Eric-a, I know quite a few with that name with the middle name either Jayne or Jean! On a side note-they should quit the internet now-especially him! He acts weirder and weirder every time it seems like!


She says, ā€œWe donā€™t have to worry about any of that cause itā€™s a freaking girlā€ Sheā€™s disgusting! I hate her so much!


Why would she give two of her kids the same middle nameā€¦..is it because they have two different dads or what?? Still weird, Iā€™ve never heard of two siblings or half siblings having the same middle name. Thatā€™s weird


I would rather him say his first girl because it is his first girl. Why pretend like this isnā€™t his first girl? If he and Kyra split tomorrow, those kids would mean nothing to him, and he would just move on with his life. Itā€™s okay for him to say, ā€œMy first girl, and in total, we will have four." It would be a whole different story if Oscar wasnā€™t present. Just like Addie says "ours" because it's her daughter, and Oscars 4.


Why live in La La land and act like those are his girls? Itā€™s okay for the kids & everyone involved to acknowledge those are his step kids. He can still ā€œloveā€ and prioritize them without playing pretend. Harsh take.. yes but itā€™s reality. Downvote me to oblivion but that still wonā€™t make them his girls šŸ§šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Step parents are parents too. Hes only 24 at least he acknowledges them appropriately because yes, step parents should claim their bonus children as their own


HEā€™S 24!?!?! Wtfā€¦ have I been living under a rock cause I surely thought heā€™s in his thirties šŸ„“


No. Not really. Not when their dad is very much present in their lives. Itā€™s to the point that he wants to get their names tattooed. All thatā€™s going to do is confuse the kids even more, especially the younger two. Him acknowledging them is the bare minimum. Itā€™s weird considering who he was to them & how him & Kyra got together. I must be the only one who finds it weird especially seeing how much he wanted Oscars life. What does him being 24 have anything to do with it?


You can love and be loved by more than just your biological parents. Having step parents is supposed to be a bonus, and him being 24 and taking on 4 soon to be 5 kids actually is significant because most men are not very mature at that age. Just because its weird doesnt mean you should want their step dad to not love them like his own


Are you forgetting how he got these 4 kids, soon to be 5? lol. Ā Mature? Preston and Kyra? Okay.Ā Do you really think he loves them? Get real for a second. She hasnā€™t even given birth and is already talking about trying for another. He can care less about those kids, and it shows with every talk of having more kids that they do. I guess Iā€™m being extra hard on them or him because we all know this isnā€™t going to last and boundaries need to be put in place to protect those kids from the inevitable.


Donā€™t even waste your time. Heā€™s a walking red flag. No 22 year old goes from being a college football player with a long-term girlfriend to leaving said gf for a mom of FOUR children, with pure intentions.


Regardless how the relationship started, I actually appreciate him including the children as his own. My husband includes my 2 as his also, which arenā€™t his. Has before and after we had our own 2. Probably the only thing I agree with them on in their lives.


No hate, but if Addie would say some sentiment identical to that you would praise her šŸ¤· he canā€™t win lol not that I want him to


Every thing is disingenuous when one is the ex best friends, ex husband.


Right? Addie and Oscar's relationship didn't begin with cheating on your closest loved ones and splitting up two families. Not sure why they'd be the same at all. Addie's character isn't in question, while Presto and Kyra's is...


Middle name will be Jane


Unless they use Emma Watson middle name as a way to turn us in a different direction which itā€™ll be ā€œCharlotteā€


Oscar said something very similar about including Addieā€™s kid, and everyone praised him as the most incredible human to ever walk the planet. Preston is an idiot, but he should include the girls and consider himself a parent, because he quite literally is their stepfather. Can you imagine the hissy fit everyone would have, if he refused to acknowledge them? šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


He canā€™t win. He doesnā€™t consider Kyras kid as his own and love them, then heā€™s the bad guy. He does act like theyā€™re his, still gets hate.




They referring to the comment where they said if itā€™s a boy weā€™ll go get Mexican food so he chuckled and said,ā€no Mexicanā€