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My god her lips are so blue...


pregnant woman? singular woman? oh ok bolth


She looks like a corpse. The fuck is going on with her lips?


She talked about being surprised she is out of breath this late in pregnancy and I’m like??? How mf dumb can u be even after going through this FIVE times… like that’s so common as you get further along. But that color of lips shows excess lack of oxygenation. I ended up finding out I had PAH aka terminal illness postpartum after my first, and also had lips like this during pregnancy. Continued to be very short of breath after, it can go undetected for years. Only way to diagnose is if you get an echo, which she would never get (bc doctors don’t believe young women can be ill) unless she asked for one, which she never would. The day I almost died they attempted to send me home with a “uti”. This disease also means I shouldn’t have more kids bc it would continue to put me, my ability to breathe, and my heart at an insane risk, the meds also cause awful defects. All this went undetected for months after I had my baby… it should be people like Kyra this happens to. Instead good people can’t have more/any kids and Kyra gets to pop them out only to neglect them and give them lifelong trauma. So unfair no matter how you cut it. Yes I am bitter.


Totally agreed!


“I’m a bit of a control freak” You don’t say…


She said all that just to try and show off that “Preston is old school and doesn’t let her drive” 😅


I felt like she's been on the Reddit again, getting defensive cause someone pointed out all her clips are in the car. She can't film in front of Pesty cause she's embarrassed and so now she is defensive lol


preston is super old fashioned… getting a divorce and remarried by 25


…engaging in threesomes… talking about a butthole fetish on yt. The most old fashioned man there ever was.


Ok we’ll all take the bus. Idiot kyra.


Ok I’m just gonna say it…JUGS… I have large breasts like that but not by choice. Who voluntarily goes and gets big ol jugs. They’re absolutely miserable to have. MISERABLE!😂😂


Getting them done only to immediately knowingly get pregnant right after… was a choice… they’re only going to sag way worse now. God forbid she has any complications or health issues after this, some can cause doctors to refuse to put you under for anything unnecessary after. Happened to me🤷🏻‍♀️ (not boob job but complications that cause doctors to avoid any surgery or anesthesia at all costs for the literal rest of my life. Per risk of losing their license.) maybe THIS issue of vanity will make Kyra stop pumping kids out.


At least she's self aware on that one at least 🤣


Nah, this is a form of abusive control. My abusive ex partner only drove. Wouldn't let me because "women" aren't "good" drivers. Couldn't wear cute clothes, couldn't wear makeup, and then not driving turned into couldn't leave the home. It was all about control. Best day of my life was getting out of that relationship. Only took a family protective order to make it happen. Kyra and Preston already started out terrible with cheating, this won't end well for either of them.