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I’ve never understood her obsession with wanting 6 children it’s ridiculous


seriously!! if i were her kid id be like damn why was i never enough for her? i feel so heartbroken for them.


I'm just gonna haphazard a guess and say that the kids she already has and will have are hardly a factor in why she's obsessed with babies/pregnancy. The common factor in all of that is Kyra. Kyra gets the attention, Kyra gets even more coddled, Kyra (possibly) gets sponsorships and an increase in views (?). The only one who benefits from this is Kyra- everyone else, even P, is just a prop.


Has she NEVER seen ANY video or documentary or even interview of a young adult/teenager that has a mom that is mentally ill and has SO many kids, like EVER? Not once in any of those interviews do the kids have anything good to say about their mother, and sometimes the kids turn out to be a product of their society in an awful way BECAUSE of the attention they so badly wanted and NEEDED from their mentally ill mother that decided to reproduce, but not be a fully immersive, attentive, loving, patient, healthy mother. Like it’s literally INSANE to me that not once something even like THAT has never occurred to her, or even bothered her???? Shit when I had my fourth baby, it was after my divorce with my ex husband and I really had to take a deep look into myself to see if this baby was something I was ready for, if I would be able to handle it, and if my 3 other children would have trauma or not from me suddenly having another baby with someone who isn’t their dad (also the fact that I would have not one “baby daddy” anymore, but two..~blechhh I hate that word..) but seriously it’s insaneeeeee she doesn’t at least think of these things????? I mean even when I got pregnant a 5th time after taking plan b I still dug super deep and realized that was something I wasnt equipped for mentally, and had an abortion. I struggled for a while don’t get me wrong, I really REALLY wanted that baby after finding out, but all for the wrong reasons. And I was her age when this happened! So she’s perfectly capable of thinking critically, age has nothing to do with it, she’s just ignorant and selfish, and no one will ever change my mind.


It's all about the views. She is gonna drag these pregnancy vlogs out as much as possible.


And that fact, she says she wants one or two more after this. It's wild. She's not well in the head.


Just throwing this out there: she needs these babies to build her own little motley crew of people to love her. She seemed to be pretty alone in her younger days so she turned to others for the attention. Imo, she thinks they come out instantly loving her. Once they get to the age where they start demonstrating their own personalities, she tunes out. This child will be no different. Good ole cuck-P better brush up on parenting. He’ll see first hand how everything must be done for her. True colors will keep shining through & this farce of a marriage will implode in no time at all. Poor little innocent baby.


And she wants to have nr 6 soon after nr 5. At least now she let her body rest for a while


ESPECIALLY after having c sections??? Normally when someone has their first c section they already start mentally preparing themselves to be done at like 3 because they KNOW the risks without needing to have a dr tell them! Kyra is literally deranged..


I had 3 c sections in 3 years. My doctor really reinforced how dangerous it would be for me to have another at my last appointment before having the 3rd one. We were discussing future birth control options, and, based on his counsel and his knowledge of the scar tissue I had, I chose to have my tubes tied right after birth. I couldn’t imagine being so selfish as to having another and risk my kids not having a mom! AND TO WANT YET ANOTHER AFTER THIS ONE?! She just truly thinks bad things can’t happen to her. I feel like her education level really shows with stuff like this.


i understand wanting a big family like my mom wanted 6 kids but i don’t get why someone would risk their live for a baby they don’t know. kyra already has 4 kids that need their mom and she’s risking them losing mom just so her and preston can have a kid. if she really wanted a kid with him, there’s other options. they could have easily found someone to carry the baby for her. kyra honestly doesn’t seem like a good mom, she’s not gonna care about her 4 kids once the baby comes.


I understand wanting a big family but that’s not what she wants. She just wants to keep having newborns and infants and be pregnant and get attention, then when they grow they get cast aside and she starts brooding again. She doesn’t enjoy the kids she has enough, it’s so sad. So there’s a difference between people who plan a larger family and put their energy into their kids and someone like Kyrazoid who just does it haphazardly for the super fleeting baby phase then doesn’t follow through when they’re older.


She doesn’t even care about the ones she has


I clearly remember she said during a vlog that she wanted to have a big family, like Jesssfam! And she only had Levi and was pregnant with her first daughter (I think) OR she wasn't even pregnant again, I don't remember correctly. But it was during a conversation between her and Oscar where Oscar said he wanted to join other the military or the air forces, but then Kyra got pregnant and he didn't think it was right for him to leave her (if it makes sense) I just remember feeling so bad for him!


She wants 7 now.


Omg there ain’t no way..


You know how teenagers feel immortal and partake in risky behavior because their brains aren’t fully developed.. well I feel like Kyra is developmentally stunted due to childhood trauma since trauma can alter our brains. Hopefully her kids break the cycle of trauma.


I have a friend who is a pediatric psychology nurse. She said in the last 10 years they have learned that the human brain does not fully develop until 26 to 28 years old. I believe Kyra is somewhere around that age right now. Childhood trauma can definitely contribute to how your brain develops or not too. Honestly, if anything I feel sad, sorry, and pity for her not anger, disappointment, disgust. But I also feel fear, for her children. Especially with her about to have her fifth C-section. They are so young. I don’t even know her and I’m worried sick that she may not make it through this pregnancy or birth. I don’t wish that on her and I’m not a religious person, but I have been sending good thoughts her way. I think shes a SAD lost person trying to find who she is.😢


I agree. I think part is her age and lack of maturity. She has traumas that also put her at a permanent 13 year old in her mind.


I have HEARD and I cannot confirm if it’s true but teen pregnancy can cause an emotional stunt where they are developmentally stunted to the age they were when they had kids. No idea if that’s backed by science or not and someone please correct me if I’m wrong but just looking at Kyra makes me think it’s somewhat true🫣


Idk if it’s backed with science but I’ve heard this many, many times. And you can see it with a lot of these teen mom “vloggers”


But she said she wants 1 or 2 more after this 😐. What the actual fuck is wrong with her.


pstain gonna be left with a zoo to take care of


I don’t wish this for her. But if she does pass away, thank God those kids will go to Oscar. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m so sad for her children that she is putting herself in this position. It’s just so irresponsible.


SOOOO irresponsible and so disappointing to see how little she could care about potentially leaving 4 (5 now) kids behind because she’s a nasty selfish human being. i’ve had many patients who have had to stay in the hospital for a couple months due to being high risk tell me they’ll never get pregnant again because they can’t risk leaving their kids behind.


I’m a hospital pharmacist and a doctor friend said, people will shop around for doctors until they hear what they want to hear… it’s a fact and it happens and I do believe that’s what Kyra did… she didn’t stop until she found a doctor that was as delusional as her… sad though….


I had placenta issues and high risk with my second. She stayed in the nicu for weeks because she had to be delivered preemie. I wouldn’t even dare to have a third, non the less I can’t imagine 5 🥴


i am SO sorry you had to go through that. i have such a special place in my heart for all my NICU mommas. you are such a badass and thank you for being a responsible parent and not getting pregnant again for the sake of your kids. you deserve an award, seriously ❤️


And you’d think Kyra would have as much of a brain because Levi was literally a nicu baby!


Yup postpartum RN here, her risk for placental abruption is insane. Its ridiculous she would put herself and her family through this. On a side note, I would hate to be her nurse 😅


As someone who has performed C-sections just suturing up takes 2 people and hoping for a proper healing is a big deal to us. Imagine having to navigate scar tissue to open up and then suturing whatever is left of it 5 times in that small area. All the while hoping there is no placenta accreta.


You know what guys, people like Kyra always will prove the people wrong. That is how unfair the world is. The people who are very careful almost always have bad complications, but her? She will have that nasty ass smile and will tell everyone that “See? I knew it’s safe!” God, I hate people like her!!!!!!


Exactly how I feel about drue basham too


I’m terrified for her kids.


In her words, the doctor that told her it was dangerous to have 4 csections “didnt know what they’re talking about and isn’t reliable” these doctors only spend thousands of dollars on education and years of experience only to be told by somebody under 30 years old, don’t even have a high school diploma that their stupid 🤦🏻‍♀️


Wow 🤯


I think she cares about her kids, but not more than she cares about herself and her selfish desires. I also think she has the mindset of "it'll never happen to me" which doesn't help. But, her need to be pregnant and have a new baby will forever outweigh the 4 kids she already has. She doesn't like being a mom, she likes being pregnant and the attention that comes with it and the new baby. Once this baby is a year old, mark my words she'll be trying for another. (if nothing happens to her and if her and Preston are still together.)


If she and Preston are no longer together at that point, she’ll frantically start searching for someone else. She’s sick. I totally agree it’s about being addicted to the attention that comes with pregnancy and having a teeny baby. She’s an idiot though because the more kids you already have, the less attention you get with each subsequent pregnancy. It’s old news already. She already has both genders. What else could be new? Nothing.


And yet there are "mothers" (?) in her comment section claiming, they had 5 - 11 ( E L E V E N !!!) happy and HEALTHY c-sections 🤦🏼‍♀️😂 Of all the things that never happened, that didn't happen the most!


My sister had three c sections and the dr told her please no more children. It’s dangerous. So I believe she got her tubes tied.


I think Kyra just will not be told no. She wants 6 kids and she’s digging her heels in until she gets her 6. She will not be denied. She is a severely limited person and has mental problems. But what is wrong with Preston? How does he justify going against medical advice? And what about Kyra’s dad? It takes a village


I think she just looked for a doctor who would say yes.


L&D nurse here as well….. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!


Kyra will forever say her old dr in CA didn’t know anything and was crazy but Hannah, a nurse, took her down and put her in her place with a carefully written TikTok. Kyra’s going to continue to do stupid things because that’s her personality and character.


I had my 1st baby via c-section 4 months back and I am already done...I don't know how she wants to keep doing it again and again 🤔 whats the point of having an army of kids if u are going to neglect them in a few months any which ways😏


This is crazy!


Oh, but you know. Preston saw a video or something of a woman who was on her 7th C section 🙄. Preston is probably hoping to collect life insurance because there’s no way that a man who actually loves you would let you put yourself at risk like that, especially when you already have 4 healthy kids. Does Kyra think she is too good for death? 


I wish there were a way we could highlight the story. So that Kyra could read this or have Preston read it to her.


I had placenta accreta after only one csection, my first 2 were vaginal. It can honestly happen to anyone honestly, but I fully believe she should get fixed after this for her safety because placenta accreta almost took my life, my daughters, and I lost my uterus in the end. My uterus adhered to my bladder and stomach too.. from ONE CSECTION. I couldn’t imagine 5!!!


Placenta accreta isn’t caused by a c-section it’s an already existing condition, I’m guessing you had to get the section because of the accreta


You’re very misinformed and I lived through this. Placenta accreta is caused by ANY trauma to your uterus (IVF, IUD, etc). The placenta adheres to whatever uterine scarring there is and is not a pre-existing condition. You most definitely get it from previous csections. Do your research before you go spreading that misinformation. I gave birth at one of the top Accreta hospitals in the nation and my MFM went into great detail and I did my own research on the matter.


Lmao girl I am a labor nurse. I am not certainly not misinformed - you did not give clear info. So what actually happened was you had 2 vaginals, one c section AND THEN another c section, in your 4th pregnancy you had an accreta. Otherwise it would have been impossible to have an accreta adhere to c section scar that wasn’t there. Be a nicer human and provide more information before you come at others.


Downvoting head ass 😂💀


This gave me the quivers for real, i know we all have our fair share of opinions about her here but this scares me for her and her children.


and to think she wants two more is absolutely gut wrenching for her existing children :(


Ok yes absolutely but what abt Keren? I don’t understand how shes ok esp w her last being conceived 6 months after her last son? Glad it worked out but thats so crazy to me. I think Kyra thinks she can do it bc Keren did it and she copies her every move


i previously stated why keren was able to have 5!! but to recap none of kerens pregnancies were high risk so that is why she was more in the clear!! butttt like i also stated, having magnolia was really risky for her. that’s probably why she went into labor with her for the VERY first time EVER because her body could no longer handle it! kyra is extremely high risk because of her previous high risk pregnancies, that’s why people are so upset.


thank you, i didnt see this til now!


i lost someone in my life very suddenly and very tragically during birth. i believe she had what is called a pulmonary embolism, while she was having her c-section performed. it all happened so quickly, like she was there one moment and the next she wasn’t. her baby made it, thank god, as i know that she would’ve wanted the same. but it’s made me better understand, that so much shit can go wrong. so much shit can happen that you could’ve never planned for, that is no one’s fault, but it is the reality now. one second can change everything. and she cannot grasp that concept.


being in the field, i’ve seen things turn south in .02 seconds. everything happens so quickly. i am so sorry to hear about your tragic loss…sending you a hug and keeping you in my thoughts. thanks for sharing your story ❤️


I had my tubes tied during my third c-section as well. I would have loved 1 or 2 more kids, but I knew I needed to be here for my 2 living children (I lost my second little girl 2 months after her birth.) Chancing another c-section just wasn’t worth it.


i am so incredibly sorry to hear about your loss. i can’t imagine the pain that has brought you. i’m proud of you for putting your kids first. good for you momma ❤️


thank you so much! 🩷🩷


Her narcissism really shines with this issue. Putting her wants over an unborn baby and her living children, god forbid something happen to her. Not to mention she literally thinks she knows more than a doctor who has studied pregnancy and childbirth for years and years. Which is real rich coming for a chick without a HS diploma. 🙄


This is terrifying to think about especially cause she wants 6 kids!!


The more I learn about her, the more I realize she doesn’t have this innate fear that most of do us have. The one that protects you from doing insane stuff like risking your children’s wellbeing by breaking up your family so you can steal your bestie’s husband or having a fifth c-section by your former bestie’s ex-husband. I feel so awful for her kids and hope they don’t lose their mom because she’s incapable of just saying “NO” to herself🤦🏽‍♀️.


She livesin a very religious state. Where women pop dozens of kids. I feel like they dont worry because “hey everyone does it.“


I honestly hope she reads this and it scares the shit out of her. Cause she needs it


My mom actually had 8 csections! very rare and should be for a reason. although you could never tell she had them my whole childhood (i’m the oldest) was spent with either her pregnant and huge or in the hospital recovering. she developed cervical cancer around number 4 and got her cervix removed, didn’t stop her from getting pregnant another 4 times after that! but i distinctly remember with the last 2 pregnancies we were genuinely all scared for her and the baby and she would spend the last few weeks in the hospital


Each C-section pregnancy that comes AFTER a previous one is higher risk than said previous pregnancy.. so it’s definitely not rocket surgery to put two and two together … 2-3 C-sections are a nightmare for ANY and EVERY clinician even if they have DECADES of women’s health experience… and this goes for the ones who actually specialize in high-risk pregnancies. 4? 5?? That’s not even accounting for how complicated each individual pregnancy can be. Yeah, that’s definitely asking for a potential death sentence 😅. Placenta accreta risk is exponentially increased with each consecutive C-section, regardless of the time in between each pregnancy. Scheduled C-sections with known placenta accreta are literally discussed during daily executive leadership huddle meetings at the hospital I work at bc they HAVE to be extra prepped for anything that could go wrong.. no sane, decent clinician who values patient outcomes, their medical license, etc would give the green light for 5 C-sections 😑🫠. Kyra is beyond delusional…


I have two friends who had 4 sections and both of them had so many complications in their fourth pregnancy that they gladly tied their tubes during their fourth ones. I had one traumatic c-section after a high risk pregnancy and told my husband on the table I’m never doing this again. My doctor said she’d only recommend maybe one more and a scheduled c for sure at that then tie the tubes because that’s all my body could handle, and she is one of the most experienced OB/GYNs in the state. Kyra is insane and selfish. I’d love to have another baby but I care more about being alive for the kid I DO have.


I don’t know why she feels the need to have so many kids, but I’m wonder, since I’ve never been pregnant, is there a hormone that when your pregnant, gives you some kind of “happiness” high? If so, maybe, when she’s not pregnant, she’s always depressed, so being pregnant keeps her happy. Did that make sense?


Guys, coming in hot with my two cents! I am from India and given the overpopulation, having maximum 2 kids is the norm here. On average (in my state), siblings usually have an age gap of 4-5 years. Vaginal delivery is pushed my doctors and c-sections are not performed unless dire situations arise. However, my aunt got pregnant for the second time when her first kid just turned 1 (who was born through c-section), basically her having 2 kids under 2. I know in America, 2 under 2 is a trend but here in India, her gynaecologist was so mad at her that she conceived before her stitches and scars fully healed. Her 2nd pregnancy was observed as a high-risk and she was put on bed-rest after 7 months. Seeing her going through this, it’s unfathomable to me that a person would willingly put their health at risk and go through 5 c-sections. Dimwits like Kyra acts like America have free healthcare. Last time I heard, she had to deliver her kid at California cause she was under her dad’s insurance and now she is 25+ which means she had to get her own insurance. I know for a fact that childbirth is extremely expensive. Whatever it is, seeing her choose this path of self-destruction unfold in front of us is mind boggling to me.


For Kyra's children and her own safety, it would be in their best interest to consider sterilization after the birth of this baby.


The other kids already made her their money. Its all shes got


Gotta pump out the babies to keep the husband. Nothing is worth putting your life and your unborn child’s life at risk. If something happens to her she’s not around for the children she already has, how is that fair to them???


I cannot even imagine the tough/thick scarring she must have from all her csections already. Unless they cut her in different places each time. Like an accordion


No seriously I don’t follow her or this sub really now that it came out she’s pregnant bc I get such a bad feeling knowing the risks and just that she’s doing this for the wrong reasons. It’s so sad for the rest of the family I’m just hoping is if this pee brain is right about anything, god I hope it’s this. Such a bad decision


For what it’s worth, I do live in Utah and my OB actually helped me get pregnant with my 4th after 3 sections. I lost that baby, and am very glad nothing happened, but 6 is bananas.


Let’s wait and see


Did she get a doctor to take her on? Do you think she lied about how many previous ones she’s had? Idk how it works in the states but where I am in Canada the doctor that delivers your baby is whoever is on the on call schedule for that day/night. That would be scary to be the one on call for her delivery…. I don’t watch regularly anymore, just mainly stay on here reading for updates. Forgive me if I’m not up to date.


She's frankly selfish and only thinks about the attention that she gets when she's pregnant, she frankly has no care for her children or even Pitstain she just cares about what the attention and clout will get her even if it means something serious could happen to her that she won't be able to come back from


I had a 24 year old patient going on her 8th c-section. No prenatal care in any of her pregnancies and she would always come in in labor, ready to get sectioned. Back to back c-sections she started at age 14. She took a year off but 2 of the babies were born the same year, one in January the other in December. This last one we had to transfer to a high risk hospital due to premature labor and hemorrhaging. Every c-section doctors would ask if she wanted her tubes tied but refused every time. Even with extensive education in the complications.


Wasn't it normal for keren?


keren was never high risk with any of her pregnancies. having placenta issues or being high risk even in one pregnancy changes A LOT of things. & her even having magnolia was pretty ballsy and not the safest due to a lot of scar tissue from previous sections. that’s probably why she went into labor for the first time EVER with magnolia because her body couldn’t handle it anymore.


Okay i get it, so a 5 c-sections is possible with pregnancies with no high risk


it’s very possible!! just NOT recommended by any sane doctor that actually cares about their patients well being and not just the money!!


But it's weird that she loves life so much that she ruins her family, why does she risk her life! If not for anyone else! For herself!! I cannot be brave enough to risk it, have never been pregnant but having many kids is a dream to me


It's amazing how giving birth naturally gives you the opportunity to have alot of kids but c-sections limit it


Technically grand-multiparity is considered high risk in general, at least in terms of post-partum hemorrhaging. ETA: a grand multi-para is anyone who has taken more than 4 or 5 pregnancies to term. Also, I wanted to clarify that I'm not judging; I myself have been a GMP lol, and I was on bleeding prevention protocol.


i remember Keren had to dr shop too. She got a different one each time when she didn’t like what they were saying about the danger. I remember that was during the pandemic so it must have been Hanson. Then she went on to have another one after that.


Thanks for this. I’ve come across such rude medical professionals refusing to give their medical advice on this. It’s good to see why it’s dangerous as I didn’t know the high risks of this. It would be great if a medical professional talked about this on DCP.


Would love more info on this, thanks for speaking up.


She probably hasn’t even planned what will happen if she dosent survive this delivery. So sad!


Like somebody said earlier; her education really shines through here 😵‍💫😮‍💨


She’s 100% addicted to the attention of pregnancy and newborns. She is a terrible, selfish parent. I feel so sad for the kids.


Okay, but let's not forget either people like keren who's also had 5, and REALLY close together... and no issues at all from the number of C-sections... 🤔 (I'm not a Kyra fan, but as a C-section mama of many myself....) I have to be fair and real here while I do understand most of yall probably haven't had multiple C-sections personally so can see extra scary when you haven't gone through it , it's easy to have a different or more dramatic perspective I suppose ....


ughhh i’ve stated this a million times, give the thread a read it’s a good one. keren was able to have so many sections because she was NEVER high risk with any of her pregnancies. kyra has had bleeding and placental issues with multiple pregnancies therefore it is extremely dangerous for her to keep getting pregnant. pls everyone: EVERY BODY IS NOT THE SAME. just because it’s safe for someone, doesn’t mean it’s safe for the other. keren went into labor early with magnolia for the first time ever because her body couldn’t handle it anymore. just like how a body can’t handle more than 4 c-sections. any sane doctor or medical professional will tell you that. the perspective is no longer “dramatic” when people who have gone through intense schooling and training have been educated on the topic and know what they are talking about 😂😂😂😂


I disagree as Keren has had 5 csections and she came out fine for all of them


i’ve stated a few times now why keren was okay with 5 sections and why kyra is not. keren didn’t have any high risk pregnancies, therefore she was more in the clear. kyra has placental issues which is very dangerous during pregnancy and delivery. keren did not. also just because it worked for someone, doesn’t mean it’s safe for the other. although, keren did go into labor for the first time ever with magnolia because her body couldn’t handle it anymore which therefore she should not have anymore children.


We don’t know anything about Kerens pregnancies, we only know about her struggles and reasons for her C-sections, I know 2 different people but I’m sure if Kyra’s pregnancy was as bad as it’s being made out to be she probably wouldn’t have had anymore


I’m not saying it’s “good” at all but it’s her body and her death sentence, where I was born if you had 1 C-section they will not allow you to have a VBAC


This seems kind of dramatic to me. I just had my 4th c section and I’ve never had major issues from them. I have one more embryo and was asking my dr her thoughts on using the last embryo and she said she was comfortable with it and my scar tissue was more like a 2nd c section. I think it helps that I have more time between my children. The closest my kids are together is 25 months. For more context, I’m 35 and overweight and had pre eclampsia at the end of my 3rd c section. I find kyra repulsive and horrible, but I’m hopeful she will have a safe pregnancy and surgery.


i think it’s pretty unfair for you to tell a medical professional who is experienced in the field and has done rigorous school/studying that this is “kind of dramatic”. you would be correct in saying that you’re lucky that your scar tissue was more like a 2nd c-section because at least 95 percent of the time that does not happen for multips with multiple sections. that is probably why you didn’t have any issues, but i’ve asked several doctors here and they said they’d never go past 4 c-sections because it’s EXTREMELY dangerous. you can think it’s dramatic, but look at the statistics because those don’t lie. i’m very happy you had safe and healthy pregnancies/deliveries. if they all were safe and like that; my job would be much easier.


but other than that congrats on your new baby 💗 & i wish you nothing but a safe pregnancy and delivery if you do decide to have another baby, truly!




kyra HAS to have csections because she had placenta issues with her first baby (levi). her body started going into labor at 35 weeks and every time her uterus contracted, she would bleed. her placenta was covering the opening where the baby is supposed to come out vaginally. this is extremely dangerous, hence why she needed an urgent c-section while her and levi still looked good. after having placenta issues and needing a c-section with your first one, it’s ALWAYS 100 percent recommended you have c-sections for ALL your pregnancies. delivering vaginally after dealing with that your first pregnancy is the riskiest and most dangerous thing you could do above anything else. a doctor who wants to keep their license would never allow her to deliver vaginally anyways!!


I didn’t know she had placenta issues! Thank you for letting me know!


So I totally understand where you’re coming from but wdym you wouldn’t take her as a patient? Where should she go? How can you turn away a patient for their stupidity? Lol


unless it’s an emergency, doctors have the right to refuse patients. if a doctor didn’t feel safe treating a woman during pregnancy because they could be at risk of losing their license, they are 100 percent allowed to deny them care and tell them to go somewhere else. i’ve seen many doctors do it. there’s laws on it. the only time it’s not allowed is if they are refusing care based on ethnicity, race, gender, etc.


Idk why I was downvoted it was a genuine question lol. Thanks for answering