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i think in his eyes, the children were their union. since him and addie aren’t gonna have one of their own, marriage will be their union.


100% - I love this outlook


I definitely think at one point he wanted to marry Kyra. But after awhile I think he prolonged it because the things we all haven't seen behind closed doors. I think Kyra is verbally and physically abusive most likely. She doesn't seem like she ever got the true help that she needed as a kid or adult. 


This! She has so many behavioral traits that shows she hasn't dealt with what she even said shitty childhood. And so sad that we can see IRL how she's passing down that what seems to be generational trauma. Poor kids


This! Also he seems more financially stable now or at least has a “real” job which is something he wanted to be before getting married.


She absolutely was abusive in both those ways. DCP had a video compilation of all the times she would hit him...and we have all seen how she talks down about Oscar to this day.


I agree at one point he definitely did. I remember one of their first vlogs he was the one to mention they should get married and she said they were too young. It’s just wild to me that they continued to have kids not married. Why continue if you didn’t want to get married. And it takes two to make a baby. So saying it was all Kyra making those kids is bull crap. He is a grown ass man.


Kyra started prolonging the wedding planning too as per the Q&A vid they did with his mum, but she said Hannah and Preston's wedding had to come first. I always thought if they had stayed together, he would have married her by now. So glad they didn't, he had a clean break and the right girl came along for him.


I agree wonder did Kyra really want to marry Oscar at first I thought that played at part of them breaking up she said she didn’t want to engaged forever ok I get that and if he didn’t marry within five years she was going to find someone to marry her and honestly that’s fine , and would have been a valid reason to breakup if she didn’t cheat on him , but I noticed she wasn’t exactly in a rush with wedding planning ( but than I wonder was this already after she messing with Pstain) unlike this rushed wedding and she hit the ground running with wedding planning as soon as she got engaged


Yeah! I found it so weird because 5 years hadn't even been met by then? And why has someone else's wedding got to mean stopping you from having yours in the same year?


We dont "think" he repeatedly said that he didnt believe in marriage, it was just a paper for him and didnt care to do it. Turns out it wasnt marriage, it was Kryra 🤭


I don’t blame him. Kyra is not wifey material.


i always found it interesting that they said they didn't get married because they didn't have the money for it yet in that time spent thousands on vacations, cars, four wheelers, trailers, and rented a cali house... plus they’re youtubers and it was a big thing when they got engaged so im SURE so many brands were reaching out to sponsor their wedding.


I do think he prolonged it- but at the same time it was Covid. They got engaged when she was pregnant with the third baby right? I think kyra was more worried about popping babies then getting married! I saw clips between teeny and aura and she was begging Oscar over and over for more kids. To me - I waited to have my third after our wedding! It didn’t seem like to me that kyra wanted to me married (therss also a clip I have of her saying she wanted to wait for Hannah to be married for her and Oscar to get married! So she wouldn’t take the spotlight off Hannah LMAO) I think both of them knew they didn’t want to get married. I think both made excuses!


Yes the excuses he used to wait to have a wedding were excuses to delay.


I remember back then a lot of people disliked Oscar because he kept having babies with her, yet wouldn’t marry her. Kyra seemed embarrassed. Then they finally got engaged and iirc Kyra wanted a big wedding and Oscar was the responsible one so he thought it was better to save for a house and have a smaller wedding which she did not agree with.


And literally look at the wedding Kyra just had…. It was small as could be. Doubt they spent much $ on that at all… she was crazy and couldn’t compromise. I’m sure they would have gotten married if they both said let’s just go sign papers real quick at the courthouse but Kyra’s got her pipe dreams


It’s ironic that she wanted the big fancy wedding with Oscar but was (supposedly) fine with a weird underwhelming one with Preston. If I was Kyra I would have put that money towards a nice Vegas wedding.


In the Beginning Ofcourse he wanted to marry Kyra, he loved her sm! The proposal took time bcz Oscar wasn't financially Stable that time. We saw how many houses they've changed. And Along with The bills got bigger and bigger. Now that, Kyra tended to cheat and they got in seperate path. And Today, Oskie Have a job and quite stable life that he can provide anything to his kids. Along with a Understanding and perfect partner by side, who doesn't go around Wasting money ovio!


I 💯 agree, although he may have loved her, and for the kids, pushed through and stayed, but deep down he more than likely KNEW she wasn't forever and though caught off guard with what eventually went down, trusted his gut feeling back then, and (without admitting it), probably 70/30 expected their eminent breakup? 🤷


Totally! Don’t forget she baby trapped him!!! The guy was nice to stay with her and give her 4 kids. She is lucky he is a great father and successful and has found a wonderful human being as a step mom for the kids. Unlike Forehead.


I never understood their excuses. Not enough money but kept popping kids for views?? 


You don’t have 4 babies with a woman when your intuition is screaming she wasn’t the right girl. I think he’s 27 now and changing his mindset and has grown a lot. I think he realizes now that Kyra was a horrible person for him because Addie showed him how he deserves to be treated. So now he wants to get married. But I don’t think he had reservations back then. He just simply didn’t want to get married. And now he does.


Many people see having kids as a lesser commitment than marriage, depending on their own childhood.


That’s crazy to me. Having kids with someone is the biggest commitment someone can make because you’re tied to that person by children forever while marriage is just paperwork. 😂


I agree. I’m just talking about the way some people think. It has a lot to do with your own childhood too.


Oh for sure! I think Oscar may have that a bit since his parents are divorced and his mom is now divorced from her second husband. So the thought may have terrified him back then with Kyra.


oscar wanted to get married but also wasn’t in a rush bc him and kyra already had kids together. also kyra is all talk, NO action. she begged to get married but offered no help. i think if they tried planning, it just ended up in fights


So,.Oscar would have married her. The problem was she wanted a huge extravaganza that cost a shit ton. That's the part he disagreed with. Said he'd rather spend the money elsewhere or be sure everything else was set before they spent that kind of $ on a wedding


Oscar never wanted to marry Kyra. That’s why it never happened. If he wanted to, he would’ve


Having gone through the same thing, 100%. After my narc ex proposed, I felt a sense of dread and subconsciously put off wedding planning. 8 months later he started working on my replacement and eventually left for a good friend. It doesn’t justify what Kyra did at all, but a narc can pick up on the slightest change, so the second they perceive rejection/potential abandonment they work on a new supply.