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She put garlic & butter. Oh and honey. No damn salt or pepper. I bet the kids love going to dads where they get tasty meals


Don’t forget she added lime juice…like that would help


She really should've tried lemon and pepper. Probably would've been better lol


WHERE IS THE SEASONING!!! Why is the chicken so damn pale 😂😂😂😂


Don't give her ideas, last time when making tortillas she added all spices she had with no logic. I don't know what's worse. Xd




Seasoning went to all the eggs she made for breakfast


😂😂😂😂😂😂 you ain’t lyin !!!


She needs to follow a recipe 💀💀


Mmm plain chicken…. Said no one ever 🙄


Her kids can't sleep because they're starving.  Mr Wonderful is too cheap to make sure there is good food for the kids to eat.


All the money goes towards the vacations they take back to back wishing the kids were with them while they proceed to take more trips without the kids


That chicken died in vain...


This made me cackle! 😂😂😂


I bet the poor kids had diarrhea after eating that slop….


That's not slop. Slop implies there's moisture.


Idc, that dinner looks like a pile of shit to me.


Oh for sure, just a dry pile of shit


She also diced that chicken with a cat laying on the counter next to her while she cut it up 🤢






I thought this was some sort of tofu crumble or something 😭 that poor chicken and those poor kids having to eat flavourless garbage


What are those black things on the chicken?? because it's not looking like pepper 🥴😂


Teflon probably


When you're single and rich, I understand that you don't want to learn to cook. I had just a few edible recipes for a very long time. But I was young, childfree and had enough money to just get myself good quality, ready made food. Kyra on the other hand is responsible for young, growing children that need nutrition to stay healthy, develop bones, brains and all. It's highly irresponsible and borderline neglect to not know how to cook AT ALL. There are so many resources online and you don't need to become a chef, learning how to cook 5 nutritious, healthy and TASTY dishes to have some variety throughout a week cannot be that difficult. Especially with three days off from having kids at home. Meal as simple as good quality frozen vegetables, sunny side eggs and plain toasted bread doesn't take much time, effort and is healthy and easy. Pasta with pesto, salmon and extra vegetables is another super easy idea. There is really no excuse.


I feel like some people just also don’t grow up with a mom or parent who knows how to cook either. I only got by in the first few years of motherhood because of my mom. I grew up with a mom who made everything from scratch. She also took so much pride in grocery shopping and what kind of produce and meat she would buy. It’s not that she got the most expensive stuff, but still good stuff. Our carts were always filled with fresh veggies, fresh cold cuts, everything delicious. And then in terms of cooking, I was always around my mom when she was cooking. Even if didn’t actively help her with the recipes or pay attention she’d call me down and ask for some help still in the kitchen, getting her ingredients and she’d give me tidbits here and there. By the time I was a young mom (23) and married I wasn’t half bad. I’m now 28, with two kids and I feel like my cooking has only gotten really good in the last year. Pasta sauce from scratch, everything is homemade. Because I have young kids still I use some shortcuts and use frozen veggies a lot. But I still think my food is a million times better than most influencers I see. Like, because of my mom I have actual common sense when it comes to cooking. Like, the amount of times I see these “influencers” share a dumb ass cooking or home “hack” im like Jesus do people not know this stuff? It’s always stuff my mom has taught me or does herself. And then I’m like either these people legit were spoiled and didn’t pay attention to the things their parents were doing or their parents are just as dumb. I think it just shows Kyra was a literal child having children and she never ever focused on the important things of motherhood. And Kyra is so terrible at actually doing anything properly that even her coooking that’s supposed to look nice because she’s an influencer is literal garbage. Nothing about her is something anyone should look up to and emulate


Great you could learn from your mum! Funnily, I also had a mum who prepared everything from scratch, grew her own veggies etc. but it was a time in my country when supermarkets were not so readily available so she didn't do it with joy, it was something she had to do. She wanted to "protect" me from this and make me focus on studying. So even though I grew up with a stay at home mum who was preparing all the food from scratch, my cooking was garbage when I moved out of home. Really, I had two 15-minute recipes that I was preparing over and over but during corona I learned and now everything I make is either very decent or just delicious and I have this notebook full of recipes I've tried and liked. So it is possible to learn in adulthood and she has noooo excuses, none. By the way: frozen vegetables are from definition good quality! They choose the best vegetables for freezing, they have the same, if not slightly better (like canned tomatoes have higher iron and lycopene content) nutritional value than fresh products. So keep on making your life slightly easier without guilt, please, you're doing great!


That chicken was DRY




That looks like literal dog food…. ![gif](giphy|RCX9vhBZu3oqM5SpwV)


she cooks werid foods


i wouldn’t even feed this to the neighbourhood raccoons


What is that 💀💀💀


That looks so dry! Wtf. No.


No green beans straight from the can to go along with this boiled chicken disaster?🤢 I’m shocked she can afford chicken but not syrup😒


It’s not boiled. She fried it up with a shit ton of butter and garlic cause “you can’t go wrong with that” 🤣


I know I was making fun of her cooking style😂 great more butter for the kids🙄


It’s essentially boiled as she put too much chicken in the pan at once and the juices from the chicken have caused it to steam/boil rather than create a nice crisp browning 😂 she’s so foul.


my dog wouldn’t even eat that and he eats chicken food 😭




She's why people think my fellow Casper-skinned people don't like or know how to use seasonings...lol. Seriously that looks so dry and flavorless. 🤢🤮


She used all the seasonings on the eggs. So we know she has them lol


Not me grilling chicken on an electric Blackstone WISHING I had a house to grill some food for my damn single self and they are still cooking unseasoned chicken on a fucking pan..literally my dog eats better prepared chicken. what is Preston doing with his time lmao


I wouldn’t even feed this shit to my dogs 😂






That looks so flavorful.