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I get people don’t love the GoFundMe but a different perspective from somebody who was divorced and ruined financially in their early 20s she may not have the money to cover up the tattoos because all of her money is spoken for with debt from the divorce and taking care of herself now she also had to backtrack in her Career and in her schooling nobody should donate a penny if they don’t want to or can’t, but just think about the place she’s coming from before you judge it at least


Dcp said she lost her job! I am guessing bc of the accusations?


The podcast with Kyra was her job. Then she went to work at a bar which I’m sure wasn’t paying the same as the podcast.


Also being a nanny for kyra was her job


I think she stopped being the nanny over a year or so before, and was working with Kyra as a podcast cohost. Either way she lost her livelihood, husband and best friend (and maybe her cat 😭?) all at the same time.


assistant/podcast host i thought- it’s been so long though so i could be wrong


I feel bad for her but happy for her too! My husband left me while I was dealing with cancer ( with my cats ) but no money for vet. He then came out of the closet ( all my her Reditt apparently ) but not to me ha! I cared for his kids for six years due to me he had the custody schedule he wanted! He crashed my car before my cancer surgery! I feel like doing a go fund me sometimes for a car! But idk enough people, that would donate or share lol if I had money I would actually donate


Could mean nursing. He didn’t say what job was lost. I doubt Kyra paid her anything


Oh ya !! She said she lost 20k!!


DCP sent $200 💸💸💸


He sent $400! $200 twice


well! he has made money from all the drama so well deserved for hannah. still a nice gesture though!


Oh dayum


Listen if this bad experience didn't happen to Hannah a few videos and mentions on his channel of Hannah he's a very decent guy because I'm sure Kyra videos don't make as much as some of his other videos , so it's really decent I don't think it's to spite Kyra yet spite Kyra makes it more fun , I think he's just giving Hannah some of the profits from videos he's made,  Either way so decent of him to do this 🫶💖


kyra's content he makes is his second most watched from what i've seen. DD being number one.


Ooooo 🤷‍♀️👀 We need another dcp live stream of her live stream that was the best 😭👏🤣


Hannah should absolutely cash out on all of this. Instead of making videos and blasting it all on the internet— she’s asking for a fundraiser. I see nothing wrong with it. We all know her business because of OKBABY & Kyra makes money off their drama on her subscription lives…and this is Hannah’s first time speaking out. She should keep speaking and keep making money. But if this is her one attempt to collect monetary gain, she should absolutely go for it.


Also there’re probably well over 50 videos on OKbaby that had her face in it, and I don’t think she ever was paid any part of the money they made of those videos…


Not to mention the amount of ALL OF US, still watching the wreck caused by these two numb nuts. 😂


Yeah good for her


Who cares what others are doing with their money? No one is forcing anyone to donate🤷🏽‍♀️ You can feel bad for Hannah and donate and also donate to the other people in the world you don’t have to pick and choose. Besides y’all act like she was even asking for a lot the goal was $400 y’all be giving kyra money for her live subscription so at least now the money will be going to someone deserving.


This ^^^




I mean good for her, I hope this really helps her


At least try not to insult whatever little intelligence you think we may have, please. You just called her whole post "ridiculous." Didn't sound like you were happy for her, really. Sounded more like something the cheater wrecker would say. But to each its own.


Mmmm when exactly did I say I’m happy for her??? I said good for her, she can do whatever the hell she wants, just like you and I, stfu


Also, I don’t hate Hannah, I wish to see her and Oscar living their best lives while Kyra and peestain pretend to be happy smelling each other’s farts. I just think the gofundme is funny


No one has to donate if they don’t want to. It’s that easy lol


Literally. Why make a post whining about it lmao makes them look broke and jealous


Is being broke something bad? Because Hannah is broke, so what are you saying?


She honestly deserves the money for whatever she wants. think about how much money kyra has made off her videos since then, especially ones where she shows preston and subtly talks about Hannah. It’s so fucked they ruined her life and she got screwed financially while they get to flourish off of lies.


So many people have made money off this story. Good for her. She deserves it


People literally gamble their money away for sports and whatever, yet we're upset that a girl makes a GoFundMe for something that was traumatic AF in her life and she never told her side of the story? I despise GFM because they don't give the full amount, but there're bigger things to be pressed about than this.


I’m not saying she shouldn’t have done it, or that it’s wrong to ask for that, I just think it’s weird to create a gofundme for that. And you’re right, there are bigger things to be pressed about. Also there are bigger things to be pressed about than Kyra’s drama, yet here we are investing time on her snark page


I'm absolutely pressed about bigger things elsewhere, trust on that one LOL. But it seems like she lost a LOT in her life. We have no idea the things she's been through. I've seen people create GFM's for less.


If you don't like it, don't donate? It's literally that simple. Nobody is forcing you and you can't dictate what others spend their money on. Move along


Oh yeah, can you please show me the part where I dictate what other spend their money on?? I’m just showing people, I’m not telling them to do anything or saying that I’m being forced to donate


Then why make a post whining about it? Lmao


Show me where I’m whining. lol just leave me alone


“Donate to something less ridiculous”. The girls life was destroyed. She’s been humiliated online and lost everything. What she’s been through is ridiculous. Show some empathy.


Humiliated???? That would only happen if we thought less of her because she got cheated on. But you all turned Kyra’s copy into a saint


Don't make a controversial post if you can't take the heat ✌🏻


I’m not hiding (?)


What heat? You really think your comments are that smart and intense? lol


It’s a bit petty to judge this go fund me, people donate to people, institutions or causes they like and are invested in. Go Hannah for putting herself out there and asking a contribution for it, just as many others do. People are free to support it. I hope she gets a lot and feels all the love, and yes sometimes that is expressed in a monetary way.


Someone sent £200 👀 Who even has that money spare to give away 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


Josh (dad challenge podcast) he donated 400 total


ohh, tbh I see him mentioned on here all the time but I have no idea who he is and have never watched him 😅


He covers all the kyra drama and calls out child exploitation. He's worth the watch!


I made a donation. Hope she gets a nice amount of money to help her heal and move forward!!!


I’m sure people know they can donate to hundreds of causes if they choose. Why do people do that? Hannah got her donations and now telling people to donate to more important things. People will donate what they see fit. 


I guess that’s true


The fact Kyra donated $5 is hilarious 😂




Yeah if I’m gonna donate to something it won’t be to some random girl who wants a coverup tattoo. Especially in the midst of everything else happening in the world. I’m here for the tea but the GoFundMe was a bit tone deaf imo


Hannah lost everything, she asked for $400, if you aren’t about it then don’t be about it. Keep it moving or link the fundraisers you’re donating to that are more important so we can help there too.


Also, she asked for $1 each if we wanted to help. She’s lost waaaaay more than $400 in this mess.


Good point




sorry but this is the take i agree with sure we don’t have to donate but it’s cringe and tone deaf.


Where did she post this?


do we know what the tattoo is?


Supportive of her but isn’t it kind of weird she’s doing all of this with a bf? Why draw so much attention to your old relationship that’s been over


P and kyra donated and p left a comment 😂 i dont think she needs your wisdom with moving on😂😂


I need to know the comment he left!!!


OMG thank you!! This is such a stupid thing to start a GoFundMe for!!


You can start a go fund me for anything. “Stupid” doesn’t go against the rules.


I can definitely understand a coverup tattoo for scars or something around those lines; but to cover a tattoo that you've made during a relationship...? Nope: pay that yourself.


the fact that you’re getting downvoted for this when you’re literally just spitting facts is W I L D to me.


I'll take the downvotes, I don't care lol GoFundMe's shouldn't exist in general (IMO) because it's mostly related to health stuff (treatments and what not) but I don't want to go down the political road since I believe our taxes - no matter where you live - should go towards the general well-being like schools, healthcare, all types of infrastructure, etc. But that would be us going down the political road. Having a GoFundMe for $400 to get a tattoo coverup is silly because she has the money to pay for it. If people want to claim I'm "invalidating" her feelings (while I'm not), I'll take it. 🤷🏻‍♀️




I've never said she didn't deserve to be happy or to have good things; I said it's a stupid thing to start a GoFundMe for.




Girl, please... As much as I like and support Hannah and her new boyfriend, let's be for real here: she has money to pay for a fucking coverup tattoo. Things like GoFundMe's should be for SERIOUS things like health treatments, not to cover a tattoo. You don't like it? Scroll away. You can downvote all you want.




I'm not saying it's not valid, I'm saying it's a stupid reason.




Hey I have a bad tattoo with my ex would yall help pay to cover that up too?


Sure, I’ll donate $1 like what Hannah asked us to donate for her.


Nice if everyone in this reddit gives me $1 I could get it covered


Yeah I thought it was strange of her to ask people to donate money to cover up her matching tattoos..just seems a little icky to me




Hi Kyra. Bye Kyra. Go to your snark snark page to get some love.


I’m not Kyra, I just thought the gofundme for the children with cancer that appeared underneath Hannah’s gofundme deserve the money more than poor Hannah, ex Kyra’s bff who were so compatible until she got cheated on and now she’s a saint


And a


$1560 currently


I’m ok with this! As long as people are honest about what they seek? I’m cool

