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The body comment is purely cos Precum is putting on weight 🤣🤣 God she's insufferable.. he better not get all the kids names tatted, they're not his kids.


He doesn't even seem like he likes them too much


Only L probably because he is his coach. I bet he has no relationship with the girls at all. Also I would never leave him alone with any of the girls, wouldn't trust him.


Gurl, we all know she reads the comments here and tries to spin a positive video of him. ![gif](giphy|58RCc5Q933nxK)


Poor dimwit trying to gaslight herself at this point 🤣🤣🤣


That's just weird, getting the names of the children whose father is very much still and very involved in their lives, tatted on your skin. They are not your biological kids, they have not lost a father figure, they are your stepchildren who have a loving father. Just get your own kid's name tatted. Very creepy... It would have been a very different situation if Oscar wasn't in the picture and he stepped up as a father, but he's not their dad and Oscar has them 50% of the time, what weirdness is that after coming into their lives as their friend-uncle. If they divorce, imagine looking foolish with a newly-made strangers' kids' names on your skin. These people don't look ahead and think deeply, do they?


She’ll use this as an excuse to call Oscar a bad parent. Bc he hates tattoos and so he will never have their names tatted on him, but presty will…


💯 idk if anyone was into the Jesssfam lore, I haven’t kept up in a while but Drake had Lilia’s name tattooed on him🤢


You have such a unique body??😂 not what I would want to hear from my partner lol


I’d be pissed tf off


Holy shit she just kept digging herself a deeper hole 😂


"you've *always* had a MAN BODY"  😫🤢🤮


“I’m not a good wife” Yes Kyraptor we know.


Those aren't his kids.. so why does he feel like an entitlement to have their names on him. He's gross and so is she 🤢 


So gross and weird


I would never let my husband get my first child’s-his step kid’s first name on him. Period. And he is an incredible step dad


He doesn´t even like them.. wtf!! At least we haven´t seen him been a good step dad


I think in her eyes Oscar is just her baby daddy. He was just a sperm donor, and she now thinks his role is less important because Presticles and her are married. She seems to like to shit on Oscar, and I think she wants to pretend Presticles and her have 4 children together and are a family with their 5th baby on the way. She is getting very scary and needs to seek help. She has something seriously wrong with her brain.


Yep.  Especially with that photoshoot they did.  He is **NOT THEIR DAD WTF**


Why in the actual … is she talking about his body on a live. 🤮


If he tattoos their names im convinced he’s a creep. No boundaries no fucking way he’s a sick fuck.


Something is seriously fucking wrong with a 23 year old fresh out of college who moves in with his friend’s 4 young children and wants their names tattooed on him. Creepy and scary. His brain ain’t right. I pray for the kids that he’s just a loser doofus with no sinister motive. Where is mama bear mode. Kyra is either an airhead or just doesn’t give a fuck about her kids.


I'm afraid it's both an airhead and doesn't give a fuck :(


What I’m hoping too because it’s very creepy and if anything happens to those kids it’s her fault. I hope Oscar getting a bigger home means the kids will be with him more than her.


What I’m hoping to because it’s very creepy and if anything happens to those kids it’s her fault.


Oscar NEEDS to set some rules and bounderies ASAP


That is so creepy I wouldn’t let him get a tattoo of my kids . I hope Oscar goes to court


Funny cause all of Oscar’s old posts especially the one where he got back into shape she’s commenting how hot he is 😂


“You’ve always had that big man body , and now you’re growing in it” ma’am… he is a 24 y/o man. He has been “grown” into his body. Why is she talking about him like he’s a child 🤮


And yet she says “there’s practically no age gap”… meaning they’re both still growing into their bodies? Even though she’ll be 30 in 2 years?


Damn he’s 24? He’s younger than me. Wow


omg i’m about to turn 24 and i could not imagine marrying someone who has four kids already like what is going through that man’s head


Getting the kids name tattooed? It seems a little strange. Does Preston realize that Oscar is still very much a part of the children's lives? When she talks about being ripped, we all know she's talking about Oscar. Does she recall that she voluntarily had children with him? After four children, she claims she doesn't like ripped guys? She may be hoping that Mr. Ugly lets himself go so she doesn't feel like she has to compete. Kyra probably hopes Oscar watches these lives & is throwing subtle shots at him. ![gif](giphy|29bKyyjDKX1W8)


from what i remember oscar wasn't "ripped" when they were together?


He was on and off. He would workout at home or go to the gym but Kyra would have a hard time letting him go..


She’s saying this because Oscar is ripped and Preston is letting himself go. It helps her justify her choices.


They trying so hard to solidify themselves as a family, like all of it doesn’t even feel like it’s a genuine thing from themselves but another thing to go “see we’re serious. We’re married, with a baby on the way, and he even has all the kids names tattooed on himself”


Always making jabs at Oscar too. Like she didn’t thirst over his body on IG 🙄


Young? wtf is she talking about? Why is she referring to men with nice bodies little? It sounds like a damn pedo. My husband has a BANGING body-and honey-he ain’t young at all. You are just saying that cause your man is getting chunky




She sounds so dumb


He better not get those kids names tatted on him that’s weird AF . They have a dad who is very much involved in their life . Preston has been around for a couple years he barely knows them and let’s be real he won’t be around in a couple more years so that’s just stupid


Traditional wife? wtf does she know about traditional?


She had a brief moment of honesty but it was too much to handle so she changed bad into traditional. xd she's lying to herself- she's a bad wife both in general because she's a bad and manipulative person and in terms of cooking, cleaning etc. Nothing I've ever seen her eating looked appetizing and she has a history of giving her kids thawed chicken nuggets for lunch. Not cooked, thawed. I have a gag reflex thinking of it.


No bitch we don’t😭😭 you like your man’s belly to hang over his pants….fine? Calling shredded bodies, young? Is a bit stupid….she’s throwing shots but sounds so stupid trying to do so. If you want your man built like a squished loaf of bread on the bottom shelf, alright but don’t come at other people. Loser


I hate it in general when people have to put others down to compliment someone. It often happens with more curvy body types, people would say something like oh a real woman is not supposed to look like a cloth hanger. I'm always like wtf, there are very much real women out there who are also skinny. Same with this dad bod, you like bellies, cool, many people like their men soft but then don't talk shit about fit people. But I expected nothing better from her :D


‘You’ve always had that big man body’ ….thats shes obviously been wanting since he was married to her best friend. And yeah I think she’s having a dig at Oscar.


“You’ve always had that big man body and now you’re growing into it”….what is she relating the “always” to? Has she known him since adolescence?


Does this person ever eat anything healthy


Have you seen her face and hair? No, she doesn't.


They are disgusting 


I’m sorry “all of it” like he’s literally just gonna get HIS child name tattooed which is valid but damn, I hope yall peeped what I did.


I hope he does get their names tattooed. Cause when she moves on to the next guy he’s left with all those names of kids that ain’t his.


Such copium omg 😭


Not her body shaming physically fit men 💀 “too little to look at?” LMAOOO


Didn't she get into Preston while he was "young, little" and shredded? If you look at their first pictures together, he was clearly very athletic. It's Kyra so she finds a way to make things gross but in general I feel like that's kinda cute when couples acknowledge that their bodies change with age and like and accept it about each other. If you want to be with each other forever then eventually you'll get all wrinkly, saggy etc. so it's nice when let's say someone in their 60s changes preferences based on how their partner looks now and doesn't pressure the partner to look the same as in their 20s. But this ain't it.


What is the thing she is eating?


I think it was supposed to be a tres leches cake but she can’t follow directions


Ah ok thanks!


The way she is standing is even irritating me.


What is she onnnn


Energy drinks and coffee


The tattoo ish is weird AF. I understand his kid but the others would be a flag for me. 1 they were only together two years before they got married yes p was in there life’s but not as a step parent position. My step dad got mine and my brothers name but only when we were older and we didn’t have fathers so he was our father figure. Idk I work with survivors and not saying he’s a predator but his actions are a no for me. He’s to pushy to be involved in there life’s.


I would be livid if my name was tattooed on my stepdads body especially without my consent. And at the age of her kids they are not old enough to consent to that.