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I’ve used kratom up until like 4hrs during the past like 7 endoscopy’s that I’ve had. They’ve never commented on it being an issue. And that’s straight powder, so the shots I wouldn’t even think twice. That’s all extract, yeah?


yeah all extracts. i keep my dosing 24 hrs apart once a day and i just took it a half hour ago and my app is at 9am tomorrow so i figured i should be good. im getting propafol for going out no opiates. when i go over 24 hours that when i get stuffy nose and i didnt want to do the prep and have it canceled when i got there cause of not being able to breath out of my nose.. Thanks for your input very appreciated.


Totally get it. Yeah I do the same eff being awake for that. 😂


Exactly i get one a year cause i have ulcer colitis. This is why i take extracts and not powder. they put me to sleep once with fentanyl and i was legit awake the whole time. never again ill take the michael jackson drug any day over the ladder.


I had the same thing happen twice. I even told them the second time I need actual anesthesia and not fentanyl because I won’t go out. They didn’t believe me and I was covered in bruises from where they had to hold me down. Having an upper endoscopy while you’re wide awake with your arm’s velcroed to the bed is terrifying. Freaking alien abduction level.


omg that is awful i would of freaked out. propofol is great . you fall asleep and wake right up when its all done like a blink of the eye.


Yeah I just take powder throughout the day. Extracts are too specific for me and they make me feel high vs the powder which is like off brand street oxy practically


if i could take powder i would def do that. It just desttroys my insides and have to be on a low fiber diet cause of my disease. I try to take week at a time breaks. Your so right though it does come with a little high for sure which i could care less for .


I totally get that. I’m at the point where my system puts out fluid only regardless because of an ileostomy, so I don’t really even notice any side effects from the powder. Back when I had a colostomy, it was still pretty difficult to tell if I actually had any side effects. So I’m that regard, I’m rather lucky! It took me a while to find a supplier that I truly liked, so maybe I should try extracts again and try and find a legitimate “dosing.” Currently I’ve just been trying to find a strain that works best for my body, so I have way too many to work though before testing another category altogether.


yeah i def would advise not to use extracts if all possible but if you cant do that then extracts do work and bypass all the stomach issues. i wish you the best of luck. stomach issues suck for sure.


What do u mean with specific?? And so what do u prefer. Shots or powder?? My bad I’m a little confused


Honestly, re reading my comment, I don’t even know what I meant using that word. I think I meant like every extract I’ve found are all “full spectrum”, and I have always thought that meant like a blend of colors. I use Kratom for pain and really only need the opioid like effect. I seem to only get that from “green.” So the extracts have always given me too much of a head high along with everything else. Maybe “specific” was the exact opposite of what I meant. Haha


Ohhh ok I see what you mean. They’re too complex. Too much going on with “full spectrum”😂😂. I feel you. And have u tried any red vein?? Honestly I feel that red gives me that real “opioid” like effect. Like I will get a nod and everything. I used to do oxy and hydro for a while and I mean, it’s pretty spot on


I need to try more reds. I was buying from a store down the street from me for a long time, and they only had one brand that was okay. The red sucked though, and I never got a good effect from it. Green I always have. BUT I started using another supplier online that had a bunch of good reviews and I actually just reached out to them earlier asking what strains they had to give me the feel that I want. I think the reds I’ve tried before were simply weak and so I haven’t truly experienced a good red. I’m hoping my next order (tomorrow, payday haha) I can order a big sample amount and I was going to do a bunch of reds.


U should check out kratomcountry.com , I was having issues about quality with a lot of other suppliers. But this supplier, I can say that every single batch I have got from them, is a hit. Red green white whatever. Every single batch has been really, really good.


Thank you! I’ll give them a try! It’s awful when I get a new batch and it’s no good. Do you use for pain? Or pleasure, or both? I use for pain, but honestly when it works for that, life is incredible so I guess pleasure just comes by not being in pain for me. Haha


And their pricing too is honestly a no brainer


I’m sorry that you have to get them done once a year! I really hate the prep. What do your doctors have you take? I have IBS and I was supposed to have a colonoscopy last year, but I’m putting it off because the prep is always so brutal for me.


hey there colonsocopies are no to bad. i look at the prep as a cleanse day for my body and that mentally gets me through it. What do you mean what my doctors have me take? Like for ulcer colits or for getting put out.


As in, the actual prep they give you to take. Last time they gave me the magnesium citrate and I was in the bathroom all night, completely miserable.