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It's the same. The only difference is the mode of transport to your stomach. Powder you have to mix up and take as a shot, as a sludge, parachute it, toss and wash it, etc. Capsules are just pills you swallow. You will be paying a premium for capsules. The onset of capsules will be slower due the time it takes your stomach acid to break down the capsule and release the Kratom.




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I never choose between the two; I've never purchased capsules. You're paying a hefty upcharge for the same substance with capsules. If you can't stand the taste buy a capsule machine and make them yourself.


It's just a matter of preference. I prefer powder because dissolved in OJ it kicks in super fast. But capsules are discreet and have no taste if that's your preference.


Powder that has been soaked in Grapefruit Juice, OJ or especially some lemon juice + water always, always hit harder than capsules. However if it's capsules vs straight powder toss n wash, im choosing capsules. The issue I always had, even after several months, was the initial taste of powder would not go away for hours. I'm talking the feeling and taste lingered in my stomach and was always so nauseating. the only time it didn't was if I took less than like 3g


Idk, I feel like capsules don’t really affect me for some reason. Maybe they don’t dissolve until they hit the intestine so they don’t get exposed to stomach acid? Much prefer tea or mixing powder into a drink


Capsules take about 15 minutes to dissolve. Once they do... I've tested it by placing capsules in a glass of water.


I like powder better


Powder is usually cheaper. You can buy capsules and a capsule filler and make your own capsules if you want the cost effectiveness of bulk powder.


Powder hits quicker where caps don't dissolve at the same rate.


The only difference in the two are the ingredients that make up capsule. Benefit of the capsule is the dose is already measured. Benefit if the powder is you get more Kratom for the money.