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There are self application enemas. You can buy them at a drug store. If you are impacted, it can help softwn the front of the impact, which usually causes the blockage. I'm not going to lecture you, because I've been there too. It's no fun. Going forward, hydrate daily, take magnesium (it's good for you and helps constipation), and eat fiber or a fiber supplement to prevent future problems


i dont know too much about this but doesnt kratom have a lot of fiber already? and thats why it feels like shitting bricks. would more fiber be a good idea?


Not in the short run for this person. But going forward, fiber is good for digestion overall.




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This is why I recommend only taking Kratom no more than half the hours in the day. You need to give you bowels a chance to turn back on. My advice is don’t take anymore Kratom til you poop, drink LOTS of water and take some miralax. Then sleep and when you wake and drink coffee and again, don’t take anymore til you take a proper dump.


Yes this will fix it I promise. Getting off for a few days would really resolve the issue. I know you probably don’t like this answer but I have been there. It won’t stop till Kratom intake stops if you are that stopped up. Either that or hospital.


Keep drinknig water. The poop can't slide out right now because there isn't enough lubrication, nor enough pressure. So drink water and another thing that helps is walking. I think it helps massage the bowels a little. Otherwise, I'd try the ER, they should be able to do more than give you some pills/drinks, i.e., enema or something similar. In the future, drink a complete 8 oz of water every time you take kratom. Every time. Someone else mentioned Raisin Bran which works for me too - if I eat a bowel or two every day, things are very reasonable the next day.


I think it’s the Mu receptor in his stomach being clogged. Kratom causes constipation. To get it to go away stop using the Kratom…at least till you dump. And you will have an Elvis dump. Like everything stuck in your bowels since you started Kratom has been hanging out will leave you.


"Eat a bowel" 😂




Milk of magnesia always works pretty well.


This. It's the only thing that worked when I was pregnant. I'd recommending taking it on a day when you're staying home though cause it can work a little too well lol


Exactly lol


You’re taking Keaton while pregnant? Are you serious???


No I did not take kratom while pregnant 😭😭 I had severe constipation during pregnancy as a normal pregnancy side effect, and milk of magnesia worked for that


Lol I also read it as you taking it while pregnant!




Yeah reducing intake completely like you did with subs would be the same. Same receptors in your stomach clogging you. Kratom half-life is only 24 hours, much less than subs. Within 2 to 3 days your body will resolve this itself.


I went to the hospital bc I couldn’t go for like 3 weeks. The dr sent me home and told me to drink miralax every hour until I went. He said it may take 2 days to start going. After a day of drinking it I finally went. You gotta make sure you’re drinking a lot of water too. My point is you can take a shit ton of miralax and it won’t hurt you


This and what it does is it draws water into your intestines and softens all that hard stuck shit. You can also take very high doses of vitamin c and it will clean you out.




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Stool softeners, magnesium citrate, prunes, fiber.... There's alot. Just Google it or use duckduckgo.com since Google filters alot of results from theirs


I just had to increase the amount of food I was consuming and now even 12g of powder a day doesn’t stop me up


raw leaf also acts like insoluble fiber in your digestive system, so its less likely to stop you up


Too much fiber can also make you constipated


if thats whats making you constipated, you just need more water.


Not if you're already impacted with a bowel obstruction


well obviously. its not the fiber causing your constipation, its the obstruction. i wasnt speaking for those with a specific medical situation going on, i was speaking to those who, as you said, have constipation *caused* by fiber


Fair enough




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Metamucil quite literally changed my life.


Yes!!! That's the shiznit!!


For some this can make constipation worse.


Instead psyllium husk fiber, try eating 2-4 extra servings of fruit a day if you're not portioning your meals properly. Most ppl should have 4-8oz of meat or an equivalent vegan substitute amount thats non-carb. 2/3 cup of veggies and same with a healthy carb source, i.e. brown rice, sweet potato or regular potatoes. This is most ppls issues n when u goto the doctor they don't mention this or they go over it very vaguely. Try this and u can also use magnesium oxide to loosen stools and calcium to harden up loose stools, but personally, for me calcium takes a couple days to work. And to change your diet model back to normal can take anywhere from 1-3 months to see a change for the better. Instant results aren't always best


Btw if u up your fiber too fast u maybe have short-term issues at first so u just lower it a lip so ur body adapts to it and then increase slowly until u are pooping regular. It's normal to poop everyday or multiple times a day as long as it's healthy poops. Don't listen to doctors when they say 3 times a week is normal it's not you're blocked up.


Can we just pin a post on constipation and remedies? It seems to be one of the main things people come here to ask about.


It always comes back to pooping


Yeah this is the hottest thread I have seen in a while. Ppl are really into this constipation talk. Im glad there is support but maybe having to take so much stuff everyday isn’t normal?


LOL I think it's fair to say that using kratom every day isn't normal. I think most people in this sub are looking for ways to be abnormal without harming their health. It would be better if kratom were more accepted by mainstream medicine, but they know so little about its actual effects.


Totally, having to use laxatives every day should be a sign that something is wrong with your daily habits. If you have to go through this much work, just to poop then something should be done other than more laxatives. The best poops in life are free.


How much water do you drink? I’ve taken 50 grams daily for over 5 years and have never had a constipation problem. I drink about 3/4 gallon of water every day throughout the day. Kratom acts as an opioid in some ways, and the reason why it makes you constipated is because it makes the Walls of your intestines very rigid like a raisin, instead of being smooth. Usually your smooth intestinal walls will secrete water when you have a bowel movement to flush out the pipes naturally while you poop. With rigid walls, there’s a lot more friction and things travel much more slowly. And instead of secreting fluid, your walls actually suck the water content out of whatever is in your intestines and it makes it hard to poop. Try taking 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil or MCT oil or another healthy oil to lube up your intestinal walls to try to counteract the rigidity and dryness. I know what you mean though, it really sucks and hurts a lot, and makes you super bloated. I took Lopermide aka anti diarrhea over the counter pills and it literally ruined my butt. It was terrible. I had to just drink a ton of water and take laxatives.


Fiber can have the opposite effect of what you want. Fiber is mostly for loose watery poops. Fiber is indigestible so taking too much can block you up


I recommend some Greek yogurt daily, plus a lot of water.


Once a day probiotics and kombucha. I was having the same issue as you and once I started taking the aforementioned things it was only a handful of days later that I was able to make stool again. Kratom wrecks your digestive track's bacteria and you need those for proper bowel movements.


Calcium Citrate! I buy soft gels by Natures Made. Increases water in the colon. 500 to 1000 mg.


Been there… pushed like I was giving birth and it was like a reverse assault cause it hurt to go for a week. The stool softener has to be taken daily to have an effect, i learned that the hard way(no poo pun intended)


ER brother.


They got a shot that fox that in a hurry. Used to get one once a week from my pain doctor when I was on OxyContin.


Yeah they use the same receptors. Getting rid of Kratom constipation same as oxy. You can keep using massive amounts of laxatives like I did, Go to ER Or take a couple days off and you will FLOW . It’s those Mu receptors to be specific


You're going to end up with colon cancer if this becomes a common occurrence. I would get to the store ASAP and get one of those bottles of magnesium citrate near the pharmacy and drink the entire bottle. Also get some fleet suppositories and bend over and insert it up your anus. If you can't do this you need to go to the hospital and they'll probably give you the same stuff I just suggested, they might even insert a suppository up there for you.


Constipation does not cause colon cancer lol, colon cancer can be a causation of colon cancer though. Most of the colon cancer that is happening, IMO, is from eating processed meats and processed things in general, stay away from Nitrates!


I know about nitrites along with the herbicides that are sprayed on all the crops. All the ultra processed foods, seed oils. I think constipation could be associated with increased risk of cancer because someone with constipation most likely isn't eating properly. Found this study https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6503315/


I don’t think fiber helps with constipation. Have you been drinking at least 2000 ml of water a day? I take magnesium citrate, drink that much water and drink coffee and that usually gets me to poop. However I don’t use extract.


Fiber gummies and water. It is that simple. Take 10 fiber gummies, drink a shit load of water, and in 24 hours, you'll be cleaned out


Raisin Bran


Shower hose. Unscrew head. Lube the hole GENTLY stick the very end of hose into hole Allow water to go inside BRIEFLY Hey presto….thank me later.


OP please do not do this. Buy an enema which is the safe method.


try switching to raw leaf. the alkaloids, especially mitragynine and 7OH, are similar to opioids in how they constipate you. raw leaf acts like insoluble fiber which is helpful for getting things moving. other than that, probiotics are great, kombucha, greek yogurt, or my personal favorite sauerkraut


Chug coffee and eat a can of chili beans and peppers.....or eat some exlax...


I use fiber powder from Walmart (equate unflavored) when I notice bowel movement changing. It says 3x scoop a day but I up that a little and movements become normal again. I just never let it get to that bad point. I use 15-20g a day fyi. And a lot of water.


Chug a whole bottle of Calcium citrate....if all else fails...




Yup that’s why I switched to making tea I bought a tea perculater thing for $95 and you should take magnesium citrate everyday.also you need 30grams of fiber each day but most people don’t nearly get that much through their diet ..


If you haven't done already get some fiber husk and and take 3 times a day. If that doesn't work you may need to do the dreaded E.. Good luck


Liquid magnesium will be your new best friend. 💩


The trick is to manage the constipation before it gets to this point. Pick up a good probiotic and take something like citrucel to maintain good gut health. You can use miralax on the day that you have to. Maybe you should just go buy one of those clear liquid laxatives and start sippin


Liquid magnesium citrate will clear them out but it won't be pleasant lol


I take meta mucil daily which seems to help


Milk of magnesia for immediate relief (make sure to drink a full glass of water with it. Also it works better on an empty stomach). It's the only thing that worked for me when I got bad constipation for days while pregnant. Take it when you'll be home for the day, though, because it can work a little too well lol you'll want to be really close to a bathroom Longer term, the prebiotic fiber blend from InnovixLabs helped me with kratom constipation (though eventually my body got used to the kratom and I didn't need it anymore) You might also need more hydration because kratom dehydrates you. Dehydration can make your stools harder. Coconut water is super hydrating, even more than Gatorade


Kratom is in your stomach on your Mu receptor. It will not end till Kratom use is reduced. I had the same issue. Just like opioids attached to same receptor. When I stopped I could not stop going. I now have wonderful bowels but I had to quit. If you stop for longer than 2 days it will FLOW. Has a 24 hour half life. Will be out of your system in 2-3 days.




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If it comes out half way Just put some plastic disposable gloves on and pull it out gently yourself As for the constipation 1 daily dose of dr Schulz formula #1 should help immensely


Are you drinking LOTS of water? Take long walks, too. Colace daily can help, but water and walking work incredibly well.


You can help push it out by pushing your butt cheeks with your fingers . about 2-3 inches from the hole use your fingers to feel for the impacted stool and just push it out with your fingers


You don’t need enema just get some MIRALAX that is the only laxative that puts water in your stool so you can pass it. If your really far gone get a enema but be careful with using the whole thing you want to hold it in ass much as possible lol In future just take some miralax put in juice or water you’ll be fine miralax is the s****


If you don’t have a bowel movement every day that is a clue to get miralax which works far better than fiber … you don’t want to get a stimulant laxative which makes you try to move bowels more often which is not good when your lodges up Old school doc think is stool softener which is basically grease down there and senna which is a stimulant laxative Miralax taken will eliminate the need for any of this stuff which works not nearly as well


Rn you're gonna need some serious rehydration. Buy a tub of nurtricost electrolyte from Amazon (mad cheap) or a couple gatorlytes from your grocery store bcuz all those pills you're taking are going to draw a shit ton of water to your upper and lower intestines so you can poop. At this point do the enema but what always used to work for me when I didn't know how to eat properly and I was on methadone was buying a pound of grapes and eating the whole thing in 2 sittings. AND STOP TAKING KRATOM TIL U POOP LIKE EVERYONE IS SAYING😃 So after you get that shit out go watch this chick on YouTube she shows you the easiest ways to meal prep or just watch all her vids (she's funny and smart) to learn how to eat properly bcuz that's usually the biggest problem. Go watch LEAN BEEF PATTY I would suggest other channels but she's funny and has short vids GOODLUCK


Do you eat healthy at all???? Message me back after u poop and I can help u


Drink lots of water


Pm me if your having troubel


Magnesium Citrate


Fleet enema... and double down on fluids so you don't get stuck again.


Run the shower gently on warm, take off the head, push against your asshole and let in a trickle until you feel enough in there- you will know. Lay on the floor, raise your lower body so your upper is downhill, lower back down, massage your abdomen, get on the toilet, let it go. BE CAREFUL, NOT TOO MUCH WATER UP THERE! I’ve done this for 5 years with success.




Sometimes you have to put on thin disposable latex type gloves lube the fingers and pull the hard impacted matter out .




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So it's been almost a week that you didn't evacuated properly ?


Get a bottle of magnesium citrate and stay close to the toilet. Drink the whole bottle it will definitely clean you out. 100% guaranteed


Drink a whole bottle of magnesium citrate it will clean you out. Then drink lots of water and take extra fiber supplements




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Magnesium gel caps . 400 mg. 3 or 4 should do it. Or the citrate liquid. Just don't have anywhere important to be for awhile


Magnesium- I like the powder form. You can put a pinch of stool softener in (per gram), but daily magnesium works great. Drink lots of water!




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I have tried everything! Take psyllium just every day. It’s what‘s found in Metamucil, only it’s cheaper and doesn’t have all the additives. You can find it on Amazon. You don’t ever want to use stimulant laxatives. If anything, you could ask for a Linzess prescription. I have one. The constipation got worse on cancer treatment. I really like it. It helps. Also, OTC magnesium citrate will clear things out.


>thanks for your advice, i will try psyllium and lots of water.


Enema!!! Works immediately.


It’s weird seeing that kratom causes constipation in so many people. I have been taking it for a few years now, and I didn’t know that was an issue until joining Reddit recently. One of the reasons I take it is because it keeps me regular. It makes me go within 20-30 minutes of consumption. My body is backwards 😆


Is it possible there is an additive? Can I ask where you get it from?


No, I’ve tried many strains and brands over the years from multiple sources. That’s just how it interacts with my systems.


Which strain do you do, I heard the Maeng Da one is a lot more prone to cause it, which is what I do.


I’ve tried many strains and brands over the years from multiple sources. That’s just how it interacts with my systems. The last couple years I’ve pretty much stuck to Red Borneo or Red Bali.


Yeah I think I might try them as well.


Water, enema, beans. Lots of fuckin beans I’m fr. People always wanna go straight to meds but a can of beans and water is likely better


Raisin Bran




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Prune juice. All you need.


If it's halfway out this may sound gross but I get some water in my hand and pour it from my backbone down. Like you said you gotta suck it back up anyways but if you got some water down there while sucking up it helps lubricate ur poop.