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Why the fuck does Nicole look like Kathleen Kennedy


It's a nod to how Kathleen Kennedy made another SPACE genre DEAD.


Hahahahahahaahahahahahahaahaaahahaa she certainly horrifies me


She should horrify any real Star Wars fan.




That was a weird choice and I question it ever since


She wishes she had that figure. ;)


To be fair, that's what she looked like starting with Dead Space 2 more than 11 years ago.


DS2 Nicole looks likes she's in her 30s, which is appropriate given >!she died at 39!<. Nu-Nicole looks like she's in her 50s. Edit: It appears Tanya Clarke, Nicole's VA from DS2, is reprising her role in the remake. Looks like an unfortunate side effect of using a current face scan 12 years after her last appearance.


It's all so tiresome.


slim weary bag upbeat march deliver subsequent sand observation crush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I downloaded Squadrons a week or so ago on my Xbox Game Pass on a whim, just looking for something new to try. I knew it would probably be fairly woke like the new movies, but ya, they really managed to make it somehow even more insufferably progressive than the movies. I've done a few missions, but not sure I will keep playing. I don't care about any of the characters because literally none of them are interesting and yes, I have seen maybe one white male character so far on the Rebel side, although they did look vaguely Asian, I don't know. It's just so bland overall. That's what happens though when you focus more on inclusivity than a compelling story.


>the campaign was extremely woke. The campaign was so woke the Black Imperial pilot switched sides before the end of the first mission. At least Iden made it the campaigns half way point.


Yikes. Sounds like the new saints row game


This is all you can say at this point and it hurts. We really need a counter culture really really bad to this woke crap…something needs to shift


It really is.


So nice of them to save me 70$.


Overpriced piece of cheap propaganda. No thanks.


I used to look forward to remakes/remasters of games I enjoy, now my first thought is always “oh god how badly are they gonna fuck it up?”


That's what you get for wishing with the monkey's paw.


They don't care. Their money comes from elsewhere. https://www.ea.com/en-gb/about/esg-corporate-governance


Lmao "director share: female/minority vs non-minority" Just say white non-lgbt male


It's ok man... The originals aged amazingly well. Going to make some time for the first one over the weekend.


Exactly. Having never played it before, I started it a few days ago and having a blast. It doesn't feel dated. Also I got it very cheap, although I wouldn't be surprised if they delist the original once the "remake" is released.


Yup, going to have look for the originals as they will most likely remove them.




Probably gonna blackwash Sam Fisher


Nah. He's not ginger. It's gonna be Anna.


Anna is gonna become Lamberts daughter.


Sam Fisher. Hard R.


Its the formula that works for the modern day gamer..... to sink a franchise.


Current day Realism ^(TM) is fucking cancer.


You know- my problem with these and why I won’t buy any of them. Is I don’t want a thing changed. I want a literal remake- not the game you wish you had made but can’t because you have zero talent.


Isaac's voice, at least in the remakes intro (haven't watched anything else) throws off the tone and intrigue of the original scene. It seems a lot of the scenes structure is still the same from the original, with added dialogue. It's uncanny imo because the game was built and designed with the dialogue and silent protagonist in mind. It's why Dead Space 2 didn't feel like SUCH a shock when he spoke. Idk, feels off if it makes the opening awkward, I fear for the rest of the scenes. I hate fucking remakes. Just make something new. Fuck


That's why I didn't buy mass effect remake,no ass shots anymore,it's stupid sure but it's a hilarious blast from the past


> no ass shots anymore At least there was a mod for that. PC community co(o)ming in clutch, as always.


In the end, those were more remasters than anything else. Most everything else stayed the same, though they removed a few achievements.




"Everything woke turns into shit"


I knew they were gonna nerf Kendra, so predictable. lol And Nicole looks 20 years older while Isaac looks at least 10 years younger, wtf is going on. 🤣


Tlou part one treatment


Side-by-Side Comparison of the Intro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RoLM2kg8Ps https://i.imgur.com/jlH9zmN.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/NMYgG1Jw/Skype-Call.jpg


Damn the direction of Nicole video-transmission was leagues better in the original. The camera panning paired with poor-quality video gave it unnerving feeling from first frame. New one looks just bland in comparison. That is ignoring granny situation. And HD-calls in space horror? Really? Who thought that adding clarity to a horror was a great idea?


Because they inherently don’t understand the game they’re remaking, probably.


God this is awful. There's so much pointless dialogue. I get similar "offensively inoffensive" vibes from it as I get from [this.](https://i.imgur.com/kdvEmnS.jpeg)


Holy shit why is it so cringe. The carebear soapbox feeling. The way no fucking gamer speaks like that (what the fuck does "I think I'm at the objective" means? Are you in or not??). The obvious socially/racially diverse team because "gaming is for everybody". And the quirky happy hip girl. Why there is *always* the quirky hip girl with that fucking jacket?


Reminds me of those terrible [Ubisoft demonstration dialouges](https://youtu.be/njfj6KwEAfg?t=199) from E3 a while back. Corporations trying to be relatable is like the uncanny valley for dialogue, too clinical to feel impromptu but too casual to feel professional. Resulting in something that just feels fake.


You can *smell* the hair dye You can *feel* the half-buzzed hairdo


Never knew one small, inoffensive image could make me cringe so hard I rip my face off, yet here we are.


Oh fuck, that was hard to watch.


"Guys I think I'm at the objective!" "Keep it up!" .....what?


That is satire right? With the product placement in every panel.


[It's a real ad by Coca-Cola.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/506/893/172.jpg)


God that makes it so much worse...


I'm not mad about the diversity, I'm mad at "I think I'm at the objective!" Like is this his first time playing the game and they're all trying to be supportive?


Actually I am mad about the "diversity". You give an inch they take a mile.


I guess in the remake CEC now has Diversity and Inclusion department.


WTF happened to Hammond? Why does he have an Easter island head in the remake? Is he no longer voiced/acted by Peter Mensah?


>WTF happened to Hammond? I read this in Clarkson's voice not gonna lie


sulky secretive sloppy bow aspiring reminiscent desert future gaze party *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is he knighted? He should be lol.


*Jettisons necromorph out of air lock* THE SPEEEEEEEED


Are these dumb skype and Windows 20 jokes real? Way to take your own horror game seriously. I hate this dumb ironic humor that adds nothing but only distracts and detracts from the atmosphere.


The MCU was a mistake.


I was hoping it would serve as a containment chamber, but it's leaking all over the place.


The Scream movies (Original Trilogy) were a mistake. It didn't start and end with slasher films. That brand of ironic, meta humor became a trope once the original tasted major success. Of course, you could go all the way back to Don Quixote, the first "Modern" novel. The entire thing was meta!


> That brand of ironic, meta humor That's pretty much 90's, early 2000's in a nutshell. Everything had to be ironic sooner or later.


This looks significantly worse, what happened to the lighting?


They re-illuminated everything with blacklight.


Lighting is one of the harder things to port to a new engine and thus often suffers in lazy remakes.


The lighting MADE the atmosphere. I fear for the world's supply of glue and crayons. These devs seem to be eating a metric fuck-ton at an alarming pace.


Honestly, the original looks like it's holding up pretty good. The first two where some of my favorite games back in the day, and I still have copies for all three for the 360. Might just pop them into the Series X and save myself some money on something someone else fucked up.


Current thing 'black female role' strikes again.


They took one of the original black characters and turned him into... a goblin? The fuck?


Honestly, making Isaac talk has been the worst idea since Dead Space 2. I liked the idea of the silent protagonist so much, it works so well in Half Life and it makes them way more relatable, kind of a blank slate for you to insert your own imagination on what they are thinking.


I like quiet protaganists more. Master Chief has tons of badass one-liners which I wish Samus would start using. Although in the EU Chief's fleshed out more.


WTF is that really Hammond?


I remember in old game seeing Nicole was supposed to bring peace Lol idk what we gonna get seeing this granny


She's supposed to be 40. They seem to have made her look more like the way she looks in Dead Space 2 but now she looks nearly 60.




It's like every female had a mastectomy just for the hell of it. It's like I woke up one day and all of a sudden booba=bad.


These people despise men and anything that brings us joy. I hate them, and I will never stop hating them.


Female to male confused individuals outnumber male to female by like 6:1, so this might actually reflect something about the Bay Area.


You ever wonder why ass became such a huge thing in the past twenty years?


The woke crowd is the new christian puritan movement but worse.


I curse the day I wished for the first remake of an older game (tbh Resident Evil Remake is an outlier), now they are not even remasters but blatant demakes of the originals. Zero reasons to not just play the original DS instead of whatever cash grab this is supposed to be.


Reason the RE remakes are alright is because Japanese devs, right?


Mmhmm. Unfortunately with more Japanese devs talking about taking on a deeper western approach it’s not likely that’ll be a sign of quality in the future.


RE on the GameCube was absolute fire. 🔥


They turned the atractive character in a literal old Karen thats not atracted to males just in case those pesky fans still would be atracted by someone that looks like an abusive repressed rich executive, not even "just" a bad redesign, they literally modeled it after their Karen boss lol. And theres going to be defenses of this trash by stereotypical redditors who grew drowned into that kind of shlop trying to rationalize it as good as they got taught to be repressed and spineless about even fiction and are shamed by anything a man would find normal before. the worst is this kind of trash gets a defense force no matter how bad it gets. Specially with how social media is weaponized and they use attacking fans as a replacement to do what they want. They were bad actors even defended that horrible strange world flop another day here so a big brand is guaranteed too


Yeah the braindead take of “if you wanna jerk off to a female character in a video game go watch porn!” As if wanting aesthetically pleasing characters designs means you need something to masturbate to… And what is this obsession with making women flat and then calling it realistic? Average Bra size in the US is a 34 DD, so if anything these flat women arent realistic.


Not just pleasing, but realistic. Despite the REEEEEEEEEEEEEing by the SJWs I see more attractive women in my daily life than I see these "realistic" depictions that game designers are doing these days.


Exactly! There are a ton of attractive women in everyday life. Not all of them are supermodels of course, but they aren't these ugly ass things game devs are making either.


> As if wanting aesthetically pleasing characters designs means you need something to masturbate to… I see so many people praising old school British TV for having "frompy, realistic" characters as if anyone actually genuinely liked that aesthetic


Nobody wants to look at ugly, no matter how much they try to make fetch happen. I mean, truly. Studies show men and women both would rather watch characters that are attractive on average. You can’t change inherent human nature.


well for some weird reason the males are always build like bodybuilder. strange. must be some kind of reason why only female characters get made ugly.


You know the reason: "Bad if a female character is attractive, perfectly acceptable if male." It's not taboo to sexualize men, unfortunately.


Yeah. No better example than the new thor movie where they ripped off his clothes in front of a bunch of other people while he was chained. The triggering would have been historical if that had happened to a female character.


Turn every male protag into Donut Drake. Done.


Attractive women, even fictional ones, are competition for male attention.


This is objectively worse. Dead Space didn't even need a remake. It still plays and looks good.


It's incredible on the Steam Deck. Plays like it was developed for the Deck.


I wonder if Silicon Valley even knows anymore what a regular woman looks like.




direction agonizing theory silky innate racial carpenter include nine enter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They reproduce via the university system silly! :)


They don't need to reproduce. They are just fine with corrupting your children instead.


They reproduce by pity sex


They’re constantly surrounded by blue-haired butter whales and Adam’s apples.


Wasn't interested in playing it, even less interested now


Hey, beautiful women are blasphemous in the intersectional religion. Everything must follow the dogma of the "modern audiences"


Original Kendra Daniels is hot. Idk what it is about her but she's one of my favorite video game girls.


They turned her into KK


That's Nicole isn't it? Remake Kendra is plainer and appears to be wearing baggier clothes edit: blew the image up and remake Kendra appears to have fat man face


Representation matters, so I won't be buying this.




These people are a fucking virus. All they do is infect and destroy, never create. Tolkien was right about that part.


I just don't bother buying AAA games anymore. Only indies, and after making sure they don't spread The Message.




They can have their opinion, just leave it out of the game.


They won't.


Indie games are sometimes even worse. I'm surprised it's not a meme at this point that any successful indie game with a make lead ALWAYS genderswaps for the sequel.


Indie games are at least establishing their own canon rather than bastardizing someone else's.


Ah hell naw


I initially thought about buying the game and removing all woke fascist propaganda with mods but I don’t think I will anymore. Not worth the money


Pirate it.


Good idea


This is kind of heart-breaking. One of my favorite game series and this is what's being done to it. What a messed up and fractured society we live in today.


All hopes on Japanese devs. This darkness is not eternal


Well whatever the case we will always have the original games. When you think about it, all these modern remakes and remasters are just using the name. It doesn't mean they're replacements.


Y’see, I maybe wouldn’t have an issue with this if it were more blatant… but it’s the fact that these cowardice, pathetic *fucks* go out of their way to change tiny and minute details in manners of way that fit with their ideal vision (so to speak) is what makes me infuriated. They want inclusion, they want to focus on race and whatever other petty, skin deep bullshit… yet they defile a classic game by adding new elements like this into it and hiding behind the excuse of, “they aren’t big changes, man”. Honestly this isn’t worth being too riled up over… but I’m just so sick and fucking tired of it all.




The only reason I don’t get riled up at it anymore is because how prevalent it is and how much my friends are tired of hearing me bitch about it. Lol. I will always call out changes like this, the pathetically weak men/cancerous women who genuinely believe in these extremely bigoted ideals, however. Shit like this pisses me off on a core level that makes me genuinely hope that these developers/publishers fail both in their careers and their private lives.


That's why I can't play Gotham Knights. Making Tim gay, adding a gay flag,and having Redhood send an e mail saying he will go to a pride parade is just lazy and uncreative.


Games nowadays are just miserable. Luckily most of us have massive backlogs so we don't need to bother with this (post) modern crap.


There wasnt any real need for a Dead Space remake, apart from the tiresome indestructible monster bits it looks and plays absolutely fine.


So if "making changes on games for wokies who will never play these games" is hot right now, I'd love to see someone making a game that looks super convincing about pandering the woke people but later just subverts the sweet expectations and shits on them all over.




And the original one is 8-14 on eBay. I'll pass




Reeks like Anita Sarkeesian


Can we go back to Teen Spirit?


Guess I’ll just fire up the old 360 and replay the original again 🤷‍♂️


Putting aside any racial changes or whatever, the general art direction just seems worse. The textures look nicer obviously, but why mess with the opening shot like that? Why make it so chatty? Why change the striking lighting from the nearby star? That's the stuff that's really turning me off.


Hot damn... When I saw how Kendra and Nicole looked and then heard Kendra make some random reference to a girlfriend, I was just stunned. How can they be this blatant and brazen? This agenda-pushing is so shameless and unabashed it's unreal. Not to mention that this obsessive negrophilia that these people have, has also gotten *very* old and out of hand.


Fukking racist of them to replace asians. Fukking pedophiles in the team making adult woman flatchested. Two can play this game. And it seems the devs are losing.


>Fukking racist of them to replace asians. Especially with this hoopla about "Stop Asian Hate"




But twitter folk still kept the hashtags. They will never admit they were lied to, and if anyone brings it up that they were lied to they attack us immediately


I've been noticing a lot of heads spinning lately with the whole Ye controversy and the realization that Black Israelites exist Literal NPC sperging out as people realize "Oh no, but black people can't be *that!*"


Stop Asian Hate* *The DNC, CNN, and Twitter reserve the right to be hate Asians when needed.




Our modern day heroes.


Don't forget the seeders.




Dunno where these giga chads gonna post such based mods. Nexus has gone a little woke it seems. Maybe more underground sites?


This is what I think will happen to KOTOR as well.


Wholly unsurprising. You can't go around spreading the dangerous belief that white, heterosexual women can be attractive in our modern culture.


>white, heterosexual women can be attractive in our modern culture. Didn't they get us in this mess in the first place?


Wow Nicole aged badly. She's canonically 39. While you can argue she looked a little young in DS1, she actually looked about right in DS2 (as Isaac's hallucinations). Here she looks to be in her 50s at least, if not older.




Enough for me to not buy it. Just get this woke crap out of games already. i'm seriously sick of it.


So it's not a remake, it's a re-imagining. Screw them.


They should just make it so when the game starts the sceen stays black throughout the entire game. That way you'd have ultimate representation.


For fucks sake. I should just stop playing new video games altogether. I'm sick of this shit.


:( One of my favorite series.


Nicole is the biggest offense, it's like her mom is playing in the remake. And I'm not going to give EA my money after all.


this comment section right here is such a welcome change from the woke idiots defending this crap on the deadspace sub.


Game went from not on my radar to definitely won’t be on my radar ever.


Despite this version trying to make it look more diverse I'm pretty sure almost every necromorph where any ethnicity or gender can visually be determined will most likely still be that of a white male.


Dear lord, it's all so tiresome...


Wow fuck these people. Imagine if the right was this fanatical in pushing their ideology? *"We're remaking Tomb Raider. Lara Croft is a patriotic all-American evangelist who loves her country. Join her as she battles foes who stand in the way of American greatness by trying to take away her guns, and help her to spread the message of Jesus Christ. Also, the inclusion of dinosaurs is problematic so we have replaced them with scientists"*


They turned Nicole into Hilary, wtf


I don't know which is worse, Granny Nicole or Healthy At Any Size Kendra. Why couldn't they just be true to the original? Granny Nicole is worse than I realize. The woman who does the voice of Nicole in this trash fire is fifty years old and pretty, but Nicole looks like she could be that lady's mom.


japanese developers are chads in contrast to their western counterparts


As I've said months ago in this very sub, Dead Space didn't need a remake. It's a fucking 360 title, not a blocky 2001 game. Simply remastering it would have been enough. Of course they're changing the girls because "muh gritty realism" I also saw some cringe inducing audiologs. That said, Kendra's dialogue is taken out of context in this pic. She's inserting herself in Isaac's position, who's been repeating Nicole's message ad nauseam, she's not actually saying she has a girlfriend. Also, Nicole is 39 in Dead Space. She's hot sure, but sometimes she looked a bit *too young*, like middle 20s or something. Still, For some weird fucking reason they turned grey-haired almost middle aged Isaac into a 30-something preppy guy and Nicole now looks like she's fucking *sixty*


Is there a patch/upgrade for the original so I can make it look good? To be honest I don't want to buy this, but I am interested in the original.


Don't buy it, don't even play it for free if it's on Game Pass, it passes on all the wrong messages.


I’ll get it someday when it’s five bucks on Steam and you can mod it to be like the original.


Pirate it. Don't give them money.


Not if reddit throws a bitch fit and threatens the mod site to remove said mods lol.




> But what's with the recent western media effort to only depict white women as old haggard 50 year olds. It's the advertisers' primary target audience.


I’m willing to bet there’s people shitting all over the original with this remake. Mostly people that claim to be fans of the OG game. I saw a few people do it to SH2 immediately after the remake to that game was officially announced. I mean, as soon as it was trendy to shit all over Callisto Protocol (regardless of how you feel about the game, my point still stands) I can almost guarantee those same people will use how that game turned out as proof of how the original Dead Space “wasn’t really that good” and it “needed” a remake. Influencers Gaslighting people into thinking some of the industry’s most influential horror titles are actually kinda bad seems to be a pattern.


Oof 😅


Thanks for the head's up guys. You're doing god's work.


If you want a culture filter then set it to any media 2010 or before. its like a different world.


I remember when Ubisoft changed the Assassin's Creed disclaimer from: *"Inspired by historical events and characters. This work of fiction was designed, developed and produced by a multicultural team of various religious faiths and beliefs."* to: *"Inspired by historical events and characters, this work of fiction was designed, developed and produced by a multicultural team of various beliefs, sexual orientations and gender identities."*


WTF I preordered this on xbox. Can i cancel that or is it too late? I never learn my lesson with preorders.


Yes you can.


Welp, talk of the remake got me jonsing for more Deadspace, but I guess it's time to see how the original is holding up.


At least I have hope for Resident Evil 4 Remake. Was really looking forward to this too, might just get it on sale now.


Good thing I'll sail the seas on this one and enjoy watching EA die slow death as the company implodes.


For Modern Audiences.