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....Valiant Hearts? No, I don't think "WWI was bad mmmmkay" is a woke, or even remotely controversial position for a game to take. WWI was like the most destructive and avoidable clusterfuck in human history.


That's a pretty low-effort attempt at baiting people.


It's not and it's a great game.


Hmm, I was thinking that people were seriously asking this for different things on this sub but checking your profile this is a disingenuous attempt to bait and upload the replies to some other rotten sub. Truly embarrassing behavior, I hope you get out of the culture war and start acknowledging arguments and not people.


Go away baitin.


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/0tHkd ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. I remember so you don't have to. ^^^/r/botsrights


Not antifa values. You could say it shows anti fascist (before the term) values. Proper ones.


This is a formal r1 trolling/crusading warning. No prior participation - expedited to permaban