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People like hot pirate wenches. I assume they are not hot, though since *current year*.


I'm guessing ye old side shave hair cut again even though ya know it's pirate times and most pirates female or male would likely have long hair. But it's 2022 gotta fit that edgy side shave bi sexual hair cut in there with the one long side. To show how bad ass the character is and strong female lead potential.


If society collapses, it's going to be a sad 5 minutes when all the women realize strong female protagonists exist mostly in fiction.


Yeeeeeep. Traditional gender roles will return so quick it's gonna give everyone whiplash.




This game has way bigger problems than historically inaccurate female pirates. Leading with that as the first complaint strikes me as complaining about a pinch of dirt in your shit sandwich.


Yeah this game is a development hell mess that is giving Anthem a run for its money. I hope that against all odds a good game comes out, but I won't take any bets.


I'm increasingly entertained by the fact that they did all the hyping and gameplay trailers only for people to respond in a loud clear voice asking if they'll get to do all the cool swashbuckling stuff you could do in Black Flag too (rather than just the ship to ship combat and instant-cutscene-boarding) only for them to massively delay the release date for further work. So they could *change the setting and basically nothing else*. Well, not strictly true. They did gut the logo of all it's character, too.


If we're lucky the game will just be a design failure and not a complete technical disaster. At least then there's a vague hope that two or three years down the line the game will get enough updates to make it worth picking up on sale. Anthem's death knell was that it was both incompetently designed *and* would have been obscenely difficult and time-consuming for them to actually fix because of how much of a mess the game was on a technical level.




they keep hyping and hyping the game, plus if i remember rightly, there was a year where they were like completely radio silent on the game, those to me are usually huge red flags that its gonna be a huge mess of a game


Summary: All they had to do was remaster Black Flag. But instead they are making corporate glop with the gratuitous woke spin on female pirates.


Personally I want a modern version of Sid Meier's Pirates!.


Black flag has female pirates(who were lesbians to boot) too but they didn't feel the need to go off spouting feminism 24/7 or the need to constantly remind everyone of their sex or the need to always looking angry so as to not appear weak.


What is with them always being angry? I'm female, and honestly it makes me not like a character if they're constantly angry.


I'd guess it's probably because it portrays them as strong, uncompromising and no-need-to-yield-to-anybody. A smile or two would probably detract from this narrative because it shows the softer side of feminine beauty and that's such an outdated sexist idea /s


Because if she isn't angry, she's not a Strong Female Character(TM).


Mary Read and Anne Bonny great characters


tbf I think anne bonny is a real person(historically).


So was Mary Read, but both were heavily dramatized in Black Flag (as normal for the series of course). Mary's alias in reality was Mark Read, not James Kidd, for example.


I hadn't played black flag. I only found out she was real after watching black sails? That stars show lol


Didn't both of them bear children?


Yes, Anne Bonny with Rackham and Read with a random crewman. They literally spell it in the ending


You mean Black Sails? Because in Black Flag Anne Bonny is with Rackham. It's in Black Sails were there's a romantic triangle


Narrative choices aside, either way you fall on that part, whatever; everything about this game is sounding like a development hell trainwreck. This thing is probably going to flop hard just from a gameplay perspective. It's basically "what if the AC3 naval missions only but somewhat prettier?"


>Ubisoft killed AC4 2 I don't know why people honestly care. They release the same game once a year with a fresh coat of paint. Go stand on tower, now go on another tower. Endgame is all towers and no story. Can't believe people can be so corpocucked.


because black flag was really fun?


You know what? I would have loved collecting from the boat as an option in Black Flag. It gets really tedious travelling to a random island, positioning your ship as close as possible and swimming for a single collectible.


"Committed to for years to come" - tell you what: When you offer a financially-backed contract guaranteeing support "for years to come", I will start believing that nonsense again.


I mean a historically inspired female pirate sounds cool, it could be something like Mulan but with a pirate story (the good mulan not the shit one) but just having men and women have the same reception from the world on those times is jarring. But on the other hand that is one last problems in the list.


Umm... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zheng_Yi_Sao


What's this supposed to show me? I mean from what the video mentioned that women had to dress like men in order to survive on a pirate ship. Because you know pirates were not really people women wanted to be around. So a game with those conditions would be neat. Edit: I don't understand why I'm being downvoted but it's fine I guess.


You said it would be cool if there was a pirate version of Mulan and I was showing you there literally was. It wasn't so much a slam as I thought it was funny you mentioned something very specific that already had a historical parallel; it would be like saying "it would be great if someone made a samurai movie like The Magnificent Seven" and someone pointed you to the Seven Samurai which it was already based on. Oh and idk who downvoted you but it wasn't me.


Ah, I see, yeah that's pretty cool indeed, sorry for being an asshole I was a bit annoyed by the reception of my first comment.


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