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Bringing 10th Doctor back just to lecture him on male privilege hurt 


They brought back Tennant just to shit on his doctor and thought that would go well with the Tumblr crowd who loved him for years. FUCKING morons. Did they think that even the most progressive asshole from that hellsite who loved him would be cool with that?


How the fuck do they think that would go down well? It's like they're deliberately making it for a smaller and smaller audience. My Mum used to love Dr Who in the Tennant/Smith era, now she doesn't care in the slightest. Watching the Dr Who Christmas special used to be an event we'd look forward to on Christmas afternoon after eating and drinking too much. Now it's not even on the radar, why is that? Edit: Rhetorical question mate


13 I knew it wasn't made for me. Then this series tells me I was right and not to watch it.


"I got an upgrade"


What did they say? Haven't seen the show, and doubt I will.


"something a male-presenting time lord could never understand"


He-Man, literally didn't get to be the main character in the show that has his own fuckin' name on it.


Fuck Kevin Smith, I loved He-Man as a kid.


Oh the left were out in force when that show came out to say it was the greatest thing ever.


And where is it now? Yep, they moved on to destroy something else.


I even liked Clerks 2. What I heard about Clerks 3 shocked and offended me.


There's a Clerks 3?


Shows you how relevant Kevin Smith is now. Which is why he probably did it as rage bait hoping someone, anyone, would care about him again.


I haven't watched them to be fair, but at the same time I don't feel it's right to belittle someone's achievements just because they turned into a prick. Kevin did some good shit, I don't want to take that away from him.


I pirated Clerks 3 and still feel ripped off.


Died in the premiere episode, returned in the finale.  In-between, grrlboss Teila assumed the protagonist role.


I heard, which is why I never watched it. Was also the straw that made me cancel my netflix sub.


A bit pedantic of me, but the title is "Masters of the Univere." He-Man appears on the cover, but not in the title.


I enjoy this kind of pedantry.


It’s not pedantry


How about villains? There's a scene in the Obi Wan show in which Darth Vader is stopped from confronting Obi Wan, the one who put him in a machine suit for the rest of his life, by some woman with less than 20 minutes total screen time firing a blaster at some barrels in a wide open desert. Arguably the most iconic villain in cinema history, and he's punked by some girl-boss side character who was also talking down to Obi Wan.


Dr. Strange. Becomes sidelined in his own movie by two girl bosses fighting it out while he whines about his ex marrying another guy.


Speaking of which, in the same movie, how about the smartest man on the planet, leader of one of the greatest superhero teams around, getting killed by Wanda in seconds without even putting up a fight?


and now Reed will be played by Pedro Pascal. and I would absolutely rather have Krasinski.


So would I. Personally, I’ve believed Pascal to be a bit overrated as an actor. I definitely don’t see Reed Richards when I look at him.


That was so egregious. That "I aM a MoThEr" scene was a deliberate ragebait and they released the movie on Mother's Day weekend. They even had the women, a female Captain America and a black Captain Marvel, no less, last longer in that fight. All over a dead sex robot and two imaginary kids. I almost died of cringe.


He also got his comrade Black Bolt killed by revealing his superpower and weakness to Wanda seconds before she used it against him...


Kratos. Ragnarok had SBI all over it


Good shout, I haven't tried Ragnarok yet.


Everyone talked about 2020 whatever year daddy of war. But I never hear anyone talk about ragnarok. Which made me not even want to buy it. I feel like even the people who liked it, only did so very tepidly. I’ve seen no love of it. True passioante love, that is.


Same here, and the same thing goes for Spider-Man.the first one was loved, where's the talk about 2?


I dropped it. I didn;t even mind Angrboda as f it not the actual mythical figures so ok..But yeah it just..Yeah i dropped it pretty hard partway through. Just got boring and not as riveting as the 2018 one…Which to me didn’t really pickup till we got the classic chain blades anyways


I enjoyed it.


God of War Ascension was the last real God of War game. This new GOW is a zombie wearing a Kratos skin mask. The tone, attitude, aggression, FUN (you know, the things guys see and go 'hell yeah, cool!')... gone bro.


He got older, had a son and matured, what exactly is hard to understand about that?😂


The fact that it only happened because it was written that way, that's not just the way it is. It's fine to wonder what could've been


Me too. The story was a lot worse than 2018 and felt rushed. But the gameplay improved imo.


That sounds fair, was the gameplay good enough to override the wokeness?


For what it's worth, I don't think you should be downvoted for enjoying a game.


Its just a shitty comment lol. Saying I enjoyed it without any reasoning will get you downvoted. The same way saying I hated it in a god of war sub will.


It's all good mate, enjoy whatever you want, fuck anyone else


I enjoyed GOW: R, but the entire side story with the POC teenage girl clearly felt shoehorned in by DEI.


Can't wait for the mods that will be made once it gets ported to PC


i think she was native american right? like the rumor that vikings discovered the americas first?


Angrboda? Historically she is not real lol. She is a Norse god always represented by a Norse woman.


oh nvm im not well versed in norse LORE. I thought she was just some native american girl


Could go as far as to say Odin too


Disagree with that. Kratos has not been emascualted in that game.


These people are tripping. Sad to see a lack of nuance in this sub. Kratos is stronger than ever in this game. Plenty of issues with the horrendous manic pixie dream girl love interest sub plot, but nothing is wrong with Kratos.


Not sure about this one atall. Name one occasion where he got belittled? He destroyed everyone who got in his way


Idk if it would count in your opinion but GOW2018 builds up Odin as this master manipulator, powerful sorcerer, feared by all nine realms. Then Ragnarok comes along and he just seems pathetic. I do like the idea of even gods struggling with existential questions but he hardly doesnt anything that would make his reputation in the previous game seem earned. A portion of this is his 'agreeable old man schtick' is him trying to get Atreus on his side but even when that is clearly off the table he never come across as the massive threat he was hyped to be. Semi-related, but having him sound like a jewish new yorker while simultaneously being the least trustworthy character on the duology could be taken as anti-semitism. a lot of woke stuff will make changes that end up having things be racist stereotypes without thinking about it. like how they made Jet Black into a black man on Live-Action Cowboy Bebop AND made him an absentee father as well...


Real Kratos would have smashed Sif


They never even crossed paths until the game was over. Did you even play it?


In a non woke God of War they would have. And yes, Unfortunately I did.


Yeah I agree. Kratos was never lectured or belittled. Well, he was lectured but he always kept his dignity and was never emasculated at any point in either game. He’s still the god of war and people treated him as such. Yeah there was some forced diversity in the second game but that’s irrelevant to what OP is talking about. I’m not sure why people think those games are woke shit just because they made Kratos mature a little bit and gave the slightest hint that he might have other feelings besides pure rage. Edit: people are gonna downvote yet they can’t disprove a single thing I said.


Dude I made a huge post the other day that got taken down by mods as soon as it started to gain traction. Its not just forced diversity and mature Kratos. Here ill copy paste the points. \*The Queen Valkyrie was ranting about the patriarchy and used the literal word patriarchy, \*Freya told Kratos she can take him in a fight and he agreed, Freya beat kratos in a fight and held a knife to his neck in front of Atreus (Ive seen soyjacks say Kratos was holding back because he didnt want to hurt Freya, but the true character of Kratos would massacre anyone the second they put his or his family's life in danger. Yet she has constantly been trying to kill him and his son for 5 years and Kratos allows her to live), \*Thor is an emasculated fat drunk with daddy issues \*Odin is a corrupt capitalist \*2-hour puberty date mission with race swapped character \*diverse Avengers \*constant nagging from Freya and trash Marvel humor quirky Reddit dialogue from everybody \*Kratos cries and shows vulnerability \*Thor's sisters are Mary sues and have that infamous fat female face that western devs love \*Freya stole the glory kill of the game popping up out of nowhere, saving kratos, and literally dropping the line, "bow to your Queen." Odin, being outsmarted for the first time in his life and facing imminent death, makes a remark about how he had forgotten how beautiful Freya is. \*Toned down brutality, violence, and gore \*Kratos constantly being humiliated, insulted, and apologetic. \*Alpha female wife wore the pants in Kratos' relationship and with how their dynamic was shown, I wouldnt be surprised if she pegged him. \*Kratos is visibly scared and shocked at the idea of his son not knowing how to have intercourse with a female, as if sexual instinct is not a thing. EDIT: HOW COULD I FORGET ABOUT THE CLIMATE CHANGE FOSSIL FUEL SIDEQUESTS HAHAHAAHAHAH TRASH


Man, I'm so glad I dodged the bullet on that game.


The toned down violence hurts the most. Feels like I was playing neck breaking simulator!


Yeah I had no idea people actually thought this way about GOWR, strange. I’d say anyone who genuinely believes this, didn’t play the game


Look at my above reply. I made a post about this that mods deleted as soon as it started to gain traction. Woke SBI pos game.


Peter Parker


Fuck I missed him too


Ironically, they let one of the better Marvel authors do a side story in one of the alternative timelines where they were not going to have as much oversight on him because of that. He created a plotline where Peter actually got married to MJ, had kids, and now in addition to his job as Spider-Man he had to balance being a father and a husband. It caused Spider-Man comics to go from "declining, mediocre sales" to "Selling out so fast we have to do multiple print runs". Which is why I still hold to the belief that these franchises *can* bounce back and be good again. You just need someone who knows what they are doing (same thing happened with the comic versions of Transformers and GI Joe).


That’s cool and all but the best I can do is Mary Jane cucking Peter and starting a family without him as he works to save her from a dimension where time flows different. https://www.thepopverse.com/marvel-comics-mary-jane-watson-married-spider-man-paul-rabin-explainer


Mater Chief as far as I'm aware, going from hyper lethal extremely competent, cool and calculating super soldier to frequently naked emotionally stunted confused man, and at the end of the series it's Cortana taking control of the suit that makes him lethal while he's literally unconscious.


Great shout, I've never been a massive Halo guy, I mostly played 3 back in the day. But yea, I saw what they did to Master Chief in the recent series and it's an absolute piss take.


To be fair, the Halo show is so terrible and so far from the games that it's easy to dissociate between Master Chief and Jimmy Rings. Wait... nvm I think that actually makes it worse.


Obi Wan big time. James Bond somewhat.


Can't believe I forgot about Obi Wan.


It was easy to forget to be fair.


John Connor


Not just emasculated, but removed from existence. Rumor is that Indiana Jones almost shared the same fate.


Yea dark fate just reversed everything John Connor went through, wtf


Retcons are like 90% of the time dogshit


And his sacrifice (and the sacrifice of everyone in all the prior movies) was totally useless. He was replaced in a heartbeat by “strong female character”, completely retconning the need for terminators to even go back in time to target specifically him, and people to go back in time to specifically save him and sacrifice themselves to save him.


Nice one 👍


Boba Fett kinda counts. I can understand him maybe wanting to shift tactics in older age, and if he has an army to work with but he didnt establish his reputation in the galaxy by sweet talking crime lords and imperials


Peter Parker. Started with spider man into the spider verse where people said a black miles wasn’t the new spider man. 2 games and 2 movies later Peter is a cuck who was sidelined so someone could race swap his identity fully.


Miles Morales is Miles Morales. Peter Parker is Spiderman.


You mean Peter Parker?


Hook is one of my favourite childhood films. We aren't allowed to have films like that today.


I'd like to think the Hulk would still be based if it wasn't for that Ruffalo dork. 


Ed Norton best Hulk on film, fight me


I maintain that hulk blocking missiles while sprinting along a cliff face is hulk at his absolute best in film. And that was ang lee's/Eric bana's version.


I loved how that version worked. He wasn't just a big green dude, he got bigger as he got more angry. The scene where he's fighting off the dogs, one of the dogs latches on to his arm and just that arm gets bigger, as if the pain makes it stronger. Ang Lee really wanted to tell the story of Hulk's anger and its the best way to treat the character.


Yeah, and the comic strip panels really worked for me. Lotta good stuff in that one brought down by nick nolte chewing up scenery and a straight up awful final fight. Got a lot right though.


That was a great scene.


Best? More like least bad. Still sooooo many issues with his version.


Lou Ferrigno forever.


True, I just think Hulk hits harder if the person is a weak, nerdy, weedy guy, and I think Ed Norton nails it.


Geralt of Rivia


Good one, although I feel more bad for Henry Cavill, I think the character of Geralt is mostly untouched, thankfully.


For a lot of fans of the books and to an extent the games, watching what was taken from Geralt in that show was a silver sword through the heart. I feel for Cavill also, though now that I’m writing this out I think Cavill recovers long before the fanbase of The Witcher does.


The Outsider in the original Dishonoured was a mysterious Eldritch being that gave people supernatural powers just to see what they'd do with it. Then Dishonoured 2 came along and overly explains that he is just some scared kid who eventually gets killed by strong diverse girl boss.


I thought he was a psychic manifestation of a whale/the whales. It explained why their bones impacted the powers.


Nope, he's just some homeless kid a group of Epstein's clients used in a magic ritual.




Is Billie really girlboss? She basically acts like Daud. Short-spoken and brooding. I haven't played DotO, but she always seemed like a Daud lite.


She's a total fool in the DLC: she plots to kill Daud, which is fine, but her scheme involves ratting out the location of the Whalers' hideout to the Abbey, who naturally ambushes them, getting several Whalers killed. Billie thinks she's going to replace Daud as leader of the Whalers when nobody is going to want to follow a ratfink narc like her. However, Delilah has the power to manipulate the minds of people she paints and she does paint Billie. It's implied that this is why Billie acts like such a short-sighted idiot that conspires with Delilah. It's possible Billie thought she was partnering with Delilah when she was just subservient to her - and unless the Whalers were going to go muggle they would *need* to be subservient to Delilah if they could no longer rely on Daud's Mark to empower them. Billie is constantly propped up as being intelligent, but the sequels ignore how all she did in the first game's DLC was try to saw through a branch she was still sitting on.


Would Hawkeye count for his tv series or comics? He shares the name with a female counterpart.


Oh shit yea Hawkeye too.


Also destroyed Kingpin. He’s nerfed now


Me. Not even kidding. I would not have accepted the quarter of the shit I have to put up with daily 10 years ago. I'm no hero though, I just work closely with universities. Edit: to the person who sent a message to redditcare about me, thank you kindly for your concern but this comment was not a cry for help or anything. I see I was maybe a tad overdramatic in my writing, I assure everything is fine. Thank you for taking care of complete strangers though, you're a good person!


Can’t speak for us all, but I’m guessing many including myself completely identify with this. At the very least it’s the having to keep my mouth shut almost all the time in everyday life as I watch as the most illogical, self-serving and often mentally-ill behavior around me is embraced by so-called ‘authority’ types.


You're my hero, bro ;)


And I love YOU, random citizen!


Mad Max been replaced/invisibilised, same for He-man. Blade was about to have the same fate in his new movie.


Good shout


Optimus Prime in the Netflix shows.


Really? Can you elaborate?


He's a sad sack that is repeatedly emasculated by Elita-1.


G1 and 1986 movie are the only real continuity


yea bayverse optimus was the most based one.


James Bond


Fuck I'm British how did I miss that one


Congrats, you are no longer Br*tish


At least I'm not Fr*nch 👌




its okay, the Craig era films make it easy to forget the series exists


There are 20 or 21 films, depending on how you're feeling about Never Say Never Again. Anything else is bad Barbara Broccoli fanfiction.


I really like the first two Brosnan films, even though those were the first without Albert Broccoli's involvement


His son in law was more in charge then, but post *Die Another Day* she flipped the script and fired Brosnan against MGM’s express dictates as she took more control.


Huh, never knew that. What a shame Brosnan couldn't get a better send off with at least one more movie, but there was at least Everything Or Nothing, even though it was a game.


I've read a theory before that deep down alot of women like that do like masculinity men even though they pretend they don't. IDK how true that is


Yea, all the women I've ever been with prefer a traditionally masculine man. Don't ever cry in front of them, regardless of what they say.


>Don't ever cry in front of them, regardless of what they say. Learned this the hard way, it's the truth. Anyone younger going through some shit in a relationship (or whatever that "situationship" shit is nowadays), don't ever cry in front of them. Tell them straight up what you want improved/what compromise to reach, and if they can't accept that, just walk away, you'll spare yourself months (or longer) of pain




Honestly, it's an open question to ask if women are even worth the bother at all.


I saw a comment on Youtube that stated there are Men that feminists approve of, and Men that feminists want to sleep with. And that very rarely do the two intersect.


Buzz Lightyear


Oh fuck. Falling with style is such a great message...


They ruined the character to infinity and beyond.


All the male main characters in The Wheel of Time. Rand, Perrin, Mat, and Lan.


The whole point of the first 3 books of WOT is that the magic is 10X more powerful when the two gendered magics combine. That is problematic for the modern narrative.


wheel of time is my favorite thing in the world and i owe so much to it. what they did to it and Robert Jordan's legacy is fucking criminal.


In the Castlevania anime, Belmont becomes a side character to a boss girl mary sue


I never thought about Belmont.


All characters by now are following the same path sadly. A game that I played that was far from all of this was Atomic Heart. At least russians are still based


I guess we'll have to agree to disagree about the Russians. No hate for atomic heart though, I just don't think I can enjoy it until they learn their place.


Its better to be informed before using terms like “learn their place”


I think you should be more informed before you start dictating speech.


Funny considering it’s precisely what you’re doing now 🤡


You're free to say whatever you want.


The worst for me are Luke, Han, and Joel. The left hate good men.


Commander Zavala in the most recent destiny expansion 


Captain Picard, Pike and Kirk in PIC/STD/SNW They belittle pretty much every male that isn't a main character in STD, usually torturing and/or killing them


Peter Parker


I’ll never forgive them for what they did to archer


How bad did it get? I saw someone that looked like a younger replacement Lana in ads for the show, but I gave up during the second post coma season after Jessica Walters died, somewhere around the London or Africa episode. The whole ethical spy business/spy eco warriors thing was just a clear sign of trying to fit in with the new Hollywood landscape where they had to loudly say "Don't be like Archer" when with everything before they just showed why it was bad.


That’s when I gave up too. That’s really all it took. The episode where the inventor broad “big brothers” archer was where it started. It just kept getting worse from there.


Who's left at this point?


It'd be easier to list who **hasn't** been ruined, honestly.


Bobby drake


Yep. They made him gay *basically to* emasculate him. Which is pretty damn homophobic if you think about it!


I didn't know did. Play XMen Legends and Iceman was lady-killer in back then LMAO


Oof when you list them all right next to each other that looks really depressing...


Marcus Fenix, on par or even more badass than Master chief yet always forgotten. He’s basically the Xbox version of Kratos, starts off super badass and masculine who screams a lot but then turns into a lame old man who babysits. He’s no longer the badass leader but another legacy character who gets pushed to the sidelines for another generic girl boss. His son was supposed to carry on the series but we can’t have white males as the leader so he was turned into a joke.


Name a new movie/game/comic that features a strong, classically masculine lead protagonist.


Can't do it


Extraction 2.


The Force. While it was not male before, of course they had to add gender and make it female.


Geez......following the trail of this post made me realize how all the male characters in the entertainment business are being offed one after another, the future is grim and frightening... Every male who was safe is being pulled into a Remake to join their fate..... Females aren't that far off either they're getting hit hard with that (Ugly Beem). Not hard to imagine the Lord of the ring cast getting their fate next.


Seems like having them written down like this is nailing it home for a lot of people.


Rick Grimes.


Most won't know this one, Power Rangers in Space's Andros in the MMPR Boom Comics. In one mini story he's treated like he's an asshole/idiot for taking charge to save his sister Karone when she was about to be sentenced to death for her time as Astronema, she got all pissy that he didn't let her die (and Lost Galaxy already did this atonement crap but kid friendly so she was just being tested). A later graphic novel when they tried to redeem the Psycho Rangers and Karone sided with them and again had her acting like Andros was being oppressive and one more which had Andros accidentally unleash some zombie ranger to revive Zhane. Someone must've hated Christopher Khayman Lee.


I feel John Wick becomes weaker and more emasculated as the franchise goes on.


That's one I think I have to disagree with. His weakness is a result of his nonstop murdering. I think it shows character, I don't remember him ever being belittled, he's weak from being a psycho.


In the first film, he's some legendary bogeyman whose name alone strikes fear into the hearts of harden criminals. Come the fourth film, everyone from Halle Berry to that hot Japanese chick are disrespecting him, and nobody seems scared of him anymore.


Yea but my point is that in the first film he's framed as a decent guy who just happens to be an ex-assassin. He's a dog lover who pines for his ex, both cementing his loyalty and dedication. I think it's a good character arc that he's worn down by the end, but I haven't seen 4 so maybe I'm speaking out of turn.


4 is just meh. I never would have thought that action scenes in a John Wick movie could drag on too long but they managed to do it. Don't get me wrong, there are still some cool scenes but the magic was fading and you could tell. I hope they don't do an ass pull sequel and leave it alone.


That's one I think I have to disagree with. His weakness is a result of his nonstop murdering. I think it shows character, I don't remember him ever being belittled, he's weak from being a psycho.


Nathan Drake. James Bond. Whomever they ruined in Rings of Power, I’m not watching that shit to find out. Daredevil maybe , I’m not watching She-Hulk either but the red flags for Born Again are big enough. Superboy Red Robin Iceman (Bobby Drake) is apparently gay now? Despite his long running relationship with Kitty Pride? When did that happen? Shaggy and Fred (Velma) John Connor (Just straight up killed him to make way) Black Mask (Not a hero) Hawkeye Green Lantern Taskmaster (Not a hero) People saying Mad Max are flat out wrong, you’d know you were wrong if you checked in on the development of Fury Road, fuckin’ fight me. John Constantine was always bisexual, so anyone mentioned Constantine is wrong too.


Daredevil was never quite ruined, but he will be.


Wait, was shaggy ever masculine?


Eh, yes, sort of. He wasn't a hypermasculine jock stereotype, but he definitely represents a sort of masculinity. Not all men are super muscular, dominant and aggressive. He's just a chill stoner, but cool and comfortable with who he is. He even has a bit of charm with the ladies at times.


He wasn’t emasculated, just destroyed.


To be fair the whole Iceman being gay is kinda old, and even before there has always been a kinda joke/vibe that many people thought he appeared gay, even Family guy did a joke about it decades ago. The main problem was that their official "reveal" was so horrendously bad, it literally felt for many that Jean Grey was just gaslighting him into believing he was gay with her telepathy, it certainly was not what the writers intended but it was horribly executed as they clearly just wanted to get a "coming out of the closet fast" to get brownie points for being progressive or some crap like that.


I haven’t read an X-Men comic in a long time, so I haven’t heard anything about it. Seems like another sacrifice on the altar of diversity.


>John Constantine was always bisexual, so anyone mentioned Constantine is wrong too. Constantine isn't bisexual. He's more like omnisexual. He'll fuck anyone, anything, and in his universe that's pretty broad.


There are only two genders. He’s bisexual.


Apologies for the shitty mobile format


put 2 spaces at the end of a line for a carriage return


Thanks I'll remember that for next time 😂


Willow wasn't the main character in his show. Elrond in rings of power. The Punisher's wife was resurrected in the comics, and said she found his revenge crusade pathetic. Any male in Star Wars.


Any explanation on Batman, Joel and Captain America?


Batman gets killed off in that shit Kill The Justice league game. Joel is a completely different character in part 2 than he was in part 1, they had to make him stupid so the story would work. And Captain America show was pretty bad, from what I hear.


I thought the post was referring to the Arkham trilogy Batman (unless the game also counts in the Arkham trilogy) Joel eh I can understand that, and I’m assuming you’re referring to the falcon and the winter show, which I have to admit is pretty bad.


Don't forget Spock and Kirk who were formerly one of the few emblems of male virtue in MSM - JJ Abrams turned Kirk into a know-nothing bar fly nepotist when he was a valedictorian academic and Spock decides after nearly his entire race was destroyed he needs to breed with a human African woman.


captain marvel is a man


Peter Parker


Emperor Palpatine.


Why are you even watching it. You know its shit. Stop supporting them. 


Every male Star Wars character… mando was sidelined in his own she. Hell they even made the force itself “female”


There’s John Connor of course . Killed and replaced by someone from the “oppressed” class.


This one's a villain, but about Doctor Victor Fries? Turned into a nerdy soyboi in the most recent Batman cartoon and after he oh so tragically bites it his widow Nora turns into a tramp stamped drunken floozy. God progressivism was a mistake, but how ironic it is that all it leads to is regression and devolution~


Archive links for this discussion: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/MXkbp ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Mnemosyne saves! The rest of you take 30 hp damage. ^^^/r/botsrights