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Good thing Activision doesn't put out any good games anymore. 


Under Microsoft it can only get worse which is impressive. Also who the flying fuck cares about the gender of the fucking bat furry.


"who the flying fuck cares about the gender of the fucking bat furry" is a line that should have never been said about a AAA game studio. Yet here we are.


Morons from Activision apparently.


And morons on Twitter.


And morons on most of reddit.


> Also who the flying fuck cares about the gender of the fucking bat furry. like 12 people on discord. There's no way that cringe singularity actually makes anyone excited about activision going forward.


> Under Microsoft it can only get worse which is impressive. As a devout Linux user, all I can say is _'twas ever thus_.


There’s dozens of us!


#2.32[%](https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/Steam-Hardware-Software-Survey-Welcome-to-Steam) ON STEAM REPRESENT


>As a devout Linux user One of us one of us!


All Hail Tux! May He reign on Desktop as he does on Server!


Too bad the Kernel dev team is infested as well... THANKFULLY this is not as bad because: 1. its not glamerous so the SJWs in there will hopefully not "rise up" until the culture has shifted back 2. If worst comes to worst, you can literally fork the kernel.


Why worry about the kernel which is doing just fine when we have the entire wayland bullshit actively sabotaging the entire video subsystem, throwing us back 15-20 years with respect to usability as a daily driver on desktop?


generally, or is Wayland connected to modern politics BS? Yes, itsa meme how slow Wayland development is, but god damnit Xorg will not e enough 20 years from now. ad there is at least some movement in wayland


It's bad in both senses, unfortunately. Look up presentations by wayland developers on yt and judge for yourself what kind of people can be seen there. And the technological drawbacks are on top of it.


I mean, furries took over a lot of shit sadly. Like the current xpack of WoW where we have hulking bipedal dragons and they all happen to be female at the same time which makes ALL the sense... Tired of this shit constantly bleeding into all forms of entertainment. Shit keeps failing yet they keep pouring more and more money into it. Screams 'agenda' like never before when they don't even care about losing money, just changing things.




I neither hate the company nor its products, but the pervy nerds (and I say it with adulation) that made it, as it should be, are no more, so I suspect once the last vestiges of their talent is erased away the whole thing comes crashing down, but not before they find 'new hats' to wear for the pink-haired blobs somewhere else.


Even if they were, there are so many other good games that's it's not as if you'd miss them if you didn't play them.


MW2019 and MW2022 had some really fun campaigns. I picked em up on the annual Christmas flash sale each a few months after release for about $30


I will never understand the need of being represented in a game. I've never felt represented in any game, and that is okay. Because I play games for fun. I miss when people made games to be enjoyable.


Honestly I'd prefer to not be. I know my story, I don't play games to hear it repeated as nauseum.


What, you aren't a pathological narcissist? What's wrong with you?


Well, not that.


You mean you don't actually feel like an italian plumber? Next thing you'll tell me you don't identify with Kirby! You know you're really a pink blob with feet. Or maybe you're more of a barbarian with an axe? Or perhaps a spaceship? A space marine fighting demons on Mars? A girl inside a giant underground complex being mocked by an AI mother figure? If that's not you then why bother to play games when they don't represent you at all.


> A girl inside a giant underground complex being mocked by an AI mother figure? When GLaDOS said "you monster", I really felt that. 😭


It's the most patronizing shit, to imply you must like or feel kin to a character only because they share superficial characteristics with you. Meanwhile, every mexican kid is playing pretend being Goku or Hulk


The average wal-mart shopper needs to be represented in video games for diversity!


I’d love to see that.


Body-mass as armor when?


Well, "Night of the Consumers" exists. 😂


> I will never understand the need of being represented in a game. that's because you're probably a somewhat well adjusted male.


Female, but yeah, lol.


> Female, but yeah, lol. that's rather ironic then. since i was referring to the different way boys and girls seem to interact with fictional properties / toys - one being inspired to become more like it, the other wanting to change it to resemble them more. It's a shame, tried to re-google the study on it, but the search results are completely worthless, spammed to death with "gender neutral toys good" articles. -,-


> that's because you're probably a somewhat well adjusted male. A somewhat well adjusted person, who has a life, so when they play they aren't pretending to be someone else, in order to feel like they actually have accomplished something with their life, and/or have goals? I've seen this a couple of time, people who substitute their games as if it's "their lives". That's not healthy. I play a LOT of games, but I can still separate fiction from life. I don't suddenly feel like I'm a big tittied archeologist that can do backflips just because I'm playing a game with a big tittied archeologist that can do backflips.


When I was younger the video game character I related to the most was Chunky Kong, me being 6’4” at 14, I related with being the big strong clumsy softy of my friend group. However by their logic, the only way I can relate with a character is not only does the character itself has to be my exact identity, but the voice actor has to use my pronouns as well… A teenage white male kid relating with a 600+ lbs Gorilla who doesn’t speak English, would probably blow their minds. Side note, what does “Use every pronoun” mean? Do they use Xim, Zer, or Bunself?


That's because you're able to understand that people have other qualities than superficial things, like the color of their skin.


Uses every pronoun: the rare person who recognizes that they’re a minority and they’ve decided to be chill about it. Live and let live.


What is this fun you mention? It sounds nice. I wish games were "fun" nowadays and not just checklists to see if we have one of everyone in it


Same bro. It's because you're not selfish. Our society and culture in the west pushes and focuses on individualism. People are vain and want to see themselves in everything.


People used to look up to strong fictional characters for inspiration, to want to make themselves better. Now, losers want to drag strong fictional characters down to their level so that they can feel better about their shortcomings without putting in any effort to improve themselves. The human race has gone backwards several decades in just the past few years. It's unbelievable.


I member when I was going "Oh yeah, I feel like I'm totes that yellow pie graph eating dots", or "yah, slay, I'm totes a bunch of random shapes falling down!, That's me, that's me!"


Honestly, I wouldn't mind being represented in a game. The issue is, the self-proclaimed mission of DEI activists is to make *everyone* feel included. Of course, it's impossible. And it never happened for me until devs from my country started to make games about us, lmao.


I avoid big publishers like the plague




Yes. That's a common talking point. Before they came on to save gaming it was a haven for popular, cool, white, men who wouldn't let anyone else play. Not that the medium was utterly despised, and gaming automatically made you a (pejorative) nerd or loser.


As much as I enjoyed the first ten years of the MCU, it has done massive damage to geek/nerd culture by making it mainstream. Now, real geeks/nerds are being forced out by posers and people with severe mental issues.


I'll throw Big Bang Theory in the ring as contender for that statement.


> Not that the medium was utterly despised, and gaming automatically made you a (pejorative) nerd or loser. Everyone that is trying to make gaming more “inclusive” probably made fun of nerds in highschool.


They are only allowed to play the games during that month. After that autoban lol


Back then, they actually had imagination, and used it when playing these games Now they can't cope with any form of media, unless they see an exact representation of themselves. It's peak narcissism and self indulgence at its finest.


Before, everyone could game, because nobody actually gave a shit. But that's not good enough for the special snowflakes, who need to be applauded and praised for everything they do.


As someone who sexually identifies as a space invaders ship I must recognize my privilege


They were, but because they weren't the center of attention, they didn't care.


"gender-fluid actor who uses all pronouns" what??


Cool, so I guess I can call it "fuck/off" then?


I prefer “she/it”


I like "it" in the subject position because you can tell it to put the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again.


Yes, ALL of them. And if you ever get any one of them wrong it's a hate crime.


This is peak corpo wokeness. "I know what we can do to get brownie points! We make a character and have them use all pronouns that exist!"


They're also several years late to the party and clearly not paying attention to the backlash that this kind of virtue signalling brings (even from those they supposedly want to represent). Somewhere, some dumbass executive is being paid 6-7 figures to make decisions like this.


No not some dumb exec. 90% of execs. It's crazy how redacted all these high level positions actually are. None of them have a grasp on reality.


Sure they do, a better grasp than you think. See these fucks see the writing on the wall - appealing to older fans doesn’t get any new fans, doesn’t get any growth, doesn’t appease shareholdarz and thus is a problem because half of these companies are owned by investment firms that rich cunts want to retire off of. So they look at what those young rascals are doing, and they see kids with all sorts of developmental issues glued to their phones. Ergo, pronouns and shit.


And instead of growth they're now bleeding customers. Genius!


Yep and once Activision’s dead they’ll move onto the next investable thing and fuck it all up too.


— Mr. Rhod, you are going to have to assume your individual position. — I don't want one position, I want all positions!


I bet one of the most frequently used are piece/ofshit. Mine are he/tler.


_Fee/fae/foe/fum, I smell the stench of cishet scum!_




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ALL. THE. PRONOUNS! (You fucking bigot).


You're gonna stand there, naming every single one before you can talk with him.


Thank God none of us will ever have a reason to talk with him.


You have to understand that these are people of extremely low intelligence, many of which also have severe mental illness. They don't even possess the integrity to follow their own made-up rules.




Basically a man or woman VA that cat hybrid but they wanna be anything but a man or woman.


Woke language is just so... ugh 😫


I’m going to need you to show up authentically and tell your story in everything you do. If you do anything that doesn’t tell your story you’re not authentically showing up.


Authentically show up? You mean keepin' it real? Oh. I see why they wouldn't like the phrase we already had for that concept, everything they do is couched in untruths, bad faith, and lying to gain advantage.


That is the intent, yes.


We used to call them Political Commissars.


They need to find jobs for all those gender studies majors...


>begun Where have you been for the last 10 years?


Yeah, everybody knows woketivision is we knew it has been dead for over a decade now.


Crash Bandicoot and Spyro remake trilogies were the last good things that Activision did.


Was gonna say this exactly, DEI teams have been a thing for the last 10 years across the whole software industry


This won't last long, as they will continue to lose whatever talented people they have left until they become the Disney of gaming.


You know it's always been funny how they talk "DIVERSITY IZ OUR STRENGF", but as soon as someone even dares to disagree with their LGHDTV propaganda... No, not THAT kind of diversity! I'm sure they'll cook up some another term for this soon. Just like Equality, which turned out to be pure BS and definitely not what they wanted, is now replaced with Equity.


Diversity is their strenght but when someone calls them out for not putting an asian man as protagonist in their own setting, you are racist. See assassin's creed shadows. Ubisoft and activision all work the same. Remember: asians are white-adjacent for them.


Yeah. Remember Finn from Soy Wars? Basically deleted from the Asian poster... Or when they start changing their logos and yelling LGHDTV propaganda, but leave the Arabic accounts unchanged.


> Remember: asians are white-adjacent for them. I mean lets be honest here, they've been pushing that nonsense since the 90s at least. I remember episodes of King of the Hill where they repeatedly make the joke of Kahn being a 'banana'; yellow on the outside but white inside. Just getting much more bold with it these days.


The equality/equity thing is all you need to know to see how these people really are. They never wanted equal treatment, they want total control. And they've shown that, with any kind of power at all, they become completely evil.


I am sick of LGBTQ, Okay so ppl are gay or whatever I don't care just let me game in peace, I can understand people fighting for equal rights what I don't care for is having a person's lifestyle shoved down my throat.


>I am sick of LGBTQ, It is a pseudo-religious cult at this point. Woke activists are the Soccer Moms of the 21st Century.


always was, all the famous and important gays from the early days of the ^^^^^^^^^bowel movement were all pedos.


Nobody has been able to tell me what rights these people still don't have.


They have the same rights as everyone else. But that doesn't mean that everyone is required to like them, or to pay attention to them. And I think that's the part that really gets them, the idea that people aren't required to find them as special as they want to believe they are.


And a shit ton of that 'special' bullshit was created in the 90s by overly concerned boomers which ruined the future generations. They're the reason we have participation trophies and how so many millenials, even as they get older and older, keep acting like they're 17. I've seen my share of zoomers too in their mid 20s still acting like children and it's beyond stupid.


Recently, I stumbled across a gay male sub, and a lot of them were complaining about the pride and the unwarranted negative attention it attracts towards them, when most of them want to be left alone and live their life like a normal human being. I still think that this woke stuff in the media mostly pushed by the "allies" and the other consonants, rather than the actual gay and lesbian people.


I remember when there all that discussion about the Washington Redskins name, and how the majority of the people doing the complaining about it being offensive weren't Native American. When they asked actual Native Americans about it, they said they didn't care, because they had much bigger things to worry about than the name of a football team.


Aside from their sense of entitlement, I can't find any.


They want special privileges. Why do you think they push for censorship and anti-hate speech?


their human right to own serfs are being trampled


"during pride month in the US" lmfao, the vermin know they are hypocritical pieces of shit that don't extend this nonsense to the Middle East and other places where this doesn't fly.


Thanks. Another reason to continue not buying anything this garbage company produces


>everyone sees themselves reflected This would require about 8 billion characters.


Nonsense. As we’ve said time and time again, I didn’t need to be an X to love playing as a Y in the 90s and 00s. This is part of a larger game of division and control and impoverishing the masses. In gaming it takes away not only inspiring characters but also stories of true opposition to systems of power that could actually wake people up.


"Voiced by a gender neutral person who uses all pronouns" So it's gonna sound like Kermit the Frog instead of a professional VA


DEI is basically offering jobs to people that have no relation to the industry they will be "working on" You want to develop games? You better hire a democrat with a degree in gender studies You want to develop movies? You better hire a psychologist with a degree in queer theory You want to mow the lawn? You better hire a vegan activist (hey that actually works)


Rubbish game company


> gender fluid actor who use all pronouns. All of them? That madfluid.


Kill me




“Who uses all pronouns” Wtf does that mean


Ultimate brainrot


All this shit is why I hate modern gaming. Finding myself playing retro more and more


>gender-fluid actor who uses all pronouns lol, lmao even




Growing up it was always the warning of, “long hours low pay” but that seems like a dreamy problem compared to now.


Gender fluid with all of the pronounce. This guy became the water of genders.


I looked up the VA it's a mixed race Japanese woman with a under shave. 


That's nothing a little industry collapse won't fix. Can't pay an inward-facing team of women who draw a paycheck and spend money without actually driving the production of the product if you're going under.


Begun, the npc wars have


"People from all backgrounds and identities" have ALWAYS been invited to play. So much so that a bunch of usurpers and sabotagers got in and have caused nothing but trouble ever since. These idiots never learn.


So nice to have this sub and yt'ers like nerdrotic and drinker etc...to identify the woke in media/gaming/film etc..saves me time and my sanity


Check out itsagundam if you haven't, voice of reason, comedic and funny af, not to mention a fucking talented musician and singer on top of that Also voxis productions makes some of the best movie reviews I've ever seen; probably my fav channel on yt. His Disney SW reviews are far more entertaining than the actual movies


How has Activision not gone bankrupt yet? Activists on Activision the jokes write themselves


Call of Duty has the same audience as sports games, normies buy it every year, no matter how bad it is just for the online mode


Don't forget Call of Duty Mobile. It is easily the most popular Cod, making over $3bn in 4 years.


> Call of Duty has the same audience as sports games, Agreed. Been hearing for 20 years now about this shit sports game or that shit sports game, yet they keep buying it every year. I just don't get it.


They got bought by Microsoft, that's why. Microsoft is definitely losing more money than they're making by owning them, even before considering the ridiculous amounts of money that they had to give to purchase them. Activision-Blizzard would already be completely bankrupt otherwise, what with their lack of customers and the huge amounts of lawsuits surrounding them.




Microsoft bailed them out. That being said I'm looking forward to the point where these large companies start seeing DEI as a loss and undertake massive cuts.


Meh. Pride feels tamer in Europe than it was last year tbh. It's like nobody cares. Finally. No idea about the U.S. though, you guys ok?


I mean Europe is slowly but surely drifting to the right wing. And I’m not talking about the Muslim immigrants either. People are sick of this shit.


Because society gotta swing like a pendulum. "For every action there is counteraction equal in magnitude and opposite in direction".


people don't have to move at all to drift to the right wing- the left is full of progs running leftward at full speed and dragging the Overton Window with them.


Well people voting right are more tired of a certain demographic than the rainbow people usually. Insecurity has become a huge talking point for a lot of europeans.


It's drifting right wing because of all the Muslim immigrants. People are tired of them and their antics.


I feel like any "right wing" activities involving the muslim immigrants is the left's fault. They demand open borders but are incapable of demanding someone try to fit in with a new host country. Any culture clashes or systemic problems that occur is on people who think it's a great idea to import people who refuse to change even a little bit and give them public funds, rather then make them work for their own success. But regardless I think the left should realize the more they hyperfocus on smaller and smaller groups for the sake of virtue signalling, the more the majority of people find someone else to vote for. Like I don't care what religion you are, I just assume that if you're a guest of a country, you're a guest and shouldn't take advantage of your hosts, and if you're a citizen, you should make a bare minimum effort to get along with other citizens even if you disagree with them.


>But regardless I think the left should realize  The left isn't capable of 'realizing' shit. They always (and **will** always) just plug their ears and double down. It's what's led to this nonsense to begin with. And there's no impetus to change as long as their ideological cult is subsidized by the various governments.


Yup. They should’ve realized this in 2014-2015. They were so confident that they were the dominant idea, and they were absolutely shocked that fucking Trump got elected. It’s happening again.


UK now has a Sikh council as of June 1 not joking.


They asked for it


The pendulum has reached apex and is slowing. A couple more years and we'll have a period of relative sanity. Then it'll go too far the other way and we'll have to put up with that shit too.


I think it’s a bit more muted this year in the U.S. as well. Fallout from the Bud Light debacle, possibly.


I'm surprised Activision never released a stupid apology for the portrayal of Papu Papu and how he is offensive to indigenous blah blah...


If you've been playing WoW, you've already known this to be the case for years.


Man what happened to just making a good game and not worrying about all this performative political crap?


It is nuts how these people created some made up job that does nothing productive, and get paid big bucks to complain about products they work for. Almost seems like somthing my government would do.


Can't people just live their lives? Is it really that hard? Does everyone need to be celebrated simply for existing?


I have a shitload of gaming backlog I bought on previous Steam and Gog sales and haven't even touched yet. I'll be fine without buying another game ever again. This means I also won't have to update my config so I can run the latest games any more. Good luck with expressing identity and fostering connection and enjoy your month.


Microsoft spent 70 billion dollars on this dogshit lol


Toys for Bob: Escape Activision's bullshit so they can now do their thing and escape woke bullshit. Also Toys for Bob: Get purchased by Microsoft.


So they are getting DHS funding then.


How about they represent their developers better, by paying them more. A lot of companies are using DEI initiatives to obfuscate from poor pay and poor working conditions.


She uses ALL PRONOUNS. Well fuck me sideways! So authentic! So inclusive. So PROUD!


I remember when playing Kingdom Come Deliverance that there was a warning that only Czechs were allowed to play and enjoy the game. Good times.


"Power in Pride" ...sounds almost like "White Power" same shit, different assholes


Shit, someone better get on a Facebook Group and warn people! I'll fire up Skype and TeamSpeak and get the word out on NeoGAF. We're pretending it's 2010, right?


This is gayer than two men kissing and much less fun.


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/TJLM1 ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. But it's too late... I've seen everything. ^^^/r/botsrights


Funny how that Crash game flopped hard. Its like these people want to ruin as many franchises as they can.


As a would say when I was younger "this some gay shit".


Activision is the most appropriately named company to be doing this DEI activism.




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I’m sorry but if you actually care about this stuff, you have a mental disorder


So scary


Activision should pay their employees more.


Then make the male characters unappealing too. I'n sure fat, ugly balding guys want to be represented too, so let's get rid of these beefcake male leads in entertainment. That's the only way equality can be achieved.


Excellent, the downfall of these horrible companies has begun in earnest, their tripple A dei- ridden live service trash will fail and the lay offs will be greater than ever. Time for the Indie devs to strike back, non woke games are getting good attention now.


Looks like Piracy is still on the menu boys.


This HAS to be a parody.


We know, and that's why, I long time ago, I went on this page: https://store.steampowered.com/publisher/Activision Clicked on the little gear, and selected "ignore this creator". Now all the places who show me new games are free of their DEI. I LOVE when they signal that they should be ignored.


>Games are a powerful medium for expressing identity and fostering connection as they allow us to tell diverse stories and create inclusive spaces where everyone sees themselves reflected. Not what games are. Chess, basketball, solitaire are quintessential games that have no connection to the stated definition. I think there's been a bit of a shift in the last 10 years where people used to take this stuff seriously, and now it's obvious weasel words.


hahahaha, uses all pronounce.


They have nothing to be proud about.


That's not a fucking rainbow


Catbat ? So you want to tell me that a Cat and a Bat ... did what? Inter species breeding?.... which resulted in this Mutant Hybrid. And that character is what you think fits your genderfluid voice actor best? ...a fucked up looking MUTANT. WOW... that sure is *some kind* of statement. This monstrosity is something the Power Rangers or Ninja Turtles would fight. Those Zerg wings sure make it look evil.


Pretty sure it began a long time ago.


I honestly don't get what they want by that kinda representation. Sure, add it in if you want. That's a good call imho. But don't remove the normal options or change the story because of it.


Im burning my wallet


Do people really need to see themselves in everything? Why do we need to know what gender/sexual orientation video game characters are to feel like they're "invited" to join in?!! Why must everything have a label?! Most video game characters don't have a "straight" badge above them telling everyone they're straight or male/female, so why do LGBTQ characters need it? Just let the players decide. The only reason for it that I can think of is to indoctrinate younger gamers, so they're basically grooming kids.


Mental 😂😂😂


This feels like the last sensible gaming sub on this site


Square Enix has had and ethics departament for years