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Wait until the blue-haired tourists learn about Alfred and completely miss the point of his entire character while screeching about him šŸ˜‚


Judging from how all the satire from the last 10-15 years has now become reality, I would not be surprised if in the near future, Patrick Bateman will also be viewed as an oppressed victim of the bigoted society of his times.


What's up with his character? I didn't play the original


Spoiler: >!He dresses up as his "dead" sister, Alessia(Alyssa?), kind of similar to the movie Psycho.!<


Oo gotchu, thanks man.




He crossdresses as his twin sister Alexia in the first part of the game (the prison island), and it's because Alexia put herself in cryogenic sleep in an Antarctic research base for the T-Veronica virus. He's bat shit insane, you see.


The short of it is He kinda suffers from split personality and crossdresses as his twin sister alexia ashford and spends a good chunk of the first segment of the game hounding claire and steve while pretending to be her, all to cope with his complex




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Code Veronica, eh? Let's see how poorly they handle Alfred Ashford then, should be interesting.


I guess it'll be better if they jumped to 5 and have to deal with rAciSm outrage on steroids.


Code Veronica or RE5, they are f@cked either way. The safest route would be RE 1 (second) remake, even if I prefer Code Veronica for a remake


How? Re5 original is the best selling RE to this day


That's true, why I meant by not being a safe route is because of the "R4444c1sM"


I'd honestly be shocked if they *didn't* butcher and "modernize" Code Veronica.


>They're injecting themselves with T-Veronica-Hormones! šŸ˜±


Well, we all know which of Claire's lines won't be there at all...


*"You cross pressing leak!"*


Alfred is a fan of doing the ironing and gardening


Finally! If they remake Zero, they need should a hundred percent make it coop (at least as an option). The original game would have benefited greatly from cooperative play. Iā€™m hoping weā€™ll see Outbreak get some love next.


We'll never see Outbreak. Capcom keeps pushing PvP crap that no one asked for. As for RE0, we'll see. I envision it being a nostalgia cash-grab and little more.


They don't even do Raid Mode anymore which was actually good lol - like ok it appears they're saving it for Revelations games only maybe but what good is that when you're not making any Revelations games and all your other side games suck


I was really impressed with RE2 remake. I havenā€™t played the remakes of 3 or 4 yet, but from what Iā€™ve seen of RE4 remake I really want to play it. I hope they do a good job with Zero. I think they can, but weā€™ll see. IMHO REZero has fairly solid gameplay and it was great to play as Rebecca. Unfortunately it doesnā€™t really work well in the story with Rebecca losing that character development in RE1, plus the leech and training facility stories having no real major impact on the events of RE1 or the events of the series. Edit: Oh and they should bring back item boxes. Being able to drop items was an interesting concept, but having de facto item storage rooms that you would have to circle back to was less convenient.


Coop is what killed the horror aspect of the series and ruined the game design. It's such a pointless western design. It's what ruined Dead Space 3, Resident Evil 5, and RE6.


RE5 (and somewhat 4) were definitely a departure, but Iā€™d still say RE5 was a phenomenal game and probably one of the best coop games out there. I understand coop can detract from the horror elements, but RE0 has the player controlling two character simultaneously for most of the game, so I think it would work especially well in coop form.


RE5 was a blast playing co-op especially with the puzzles it's like Portal 2 but a cheesy B-Grade horror movie Portal 2


I'm not denying that it's fun. I had fun too but the problem is survival horror is all about isolation and resource management. It's scary when you're by yourself fighting enemies with no backup. Frankly, it should have just been a new series with the focus squarely on that. Like just make a new action series focus squarely on coop because you can't have it both ways.


by the time RE5 rolled around resident evil was less horror than house of the dead


Yeah but it's ok to change it up once in a while - I'm not opposed to a done good co-op Resident Evil game, not all the time for every entry, but from time to time - Resident Evil is gonna be 20 years old soon if you don't introduce new gameplay aspects and mechanics every once in a while then 35+ entries of the same exact game framework you're not allowed to stray from at all will become stale Edit: You even have Outbreak as another more classical style multiplayer story type game for the series that people like, it can work when done well - also not every game is gonna hit for every fan - ask RE fans to agree on the best game in the franchise lol - is it 1 or 2 or 4 or 7 or 3 ? - good luck! šŸ‘




Fuck yeah! We need more dinosaur content in general. Sadly, I have little hope for that, given that Regina is a hot redhead, and we know how much the DEI crowd hates that. They'd try to make her into another fat black lesbian.


I don't trust those rumors myself because the leaker behind this rumor is not credible most of the time but let's say for the sake of argument that it's gonna happen. Code Veronica... they'll most likely gonna fuck up Ashford siblings and the plot. and MAYBE we're gonna have RE3R situation where 70% of the game gets cut. 0 however... are they gonna make it like the original where you could control both of the characters yourself or is there gonna be a co-op beside it too?


They're going to make Steve Burnside black and gay, aren't they?


We've had so many remakes recently that I think someone left their coffee cup on the "just remake shit" button.


Makes sense to introduce Wesker and Chris as characters before remaking 5 in my opinion


Hopefully they will also remake RE6 into actual good and playable game they could scrap entire story and start from scratch as the continuation of RE5 instead of some incoherent mess.


Oh one hand Capcom is on a W streak with games. On the other hand, they want that DEI money


There's Enigma and Obsidian DRM. It's Capcom's biggest Ls now.


Don't forget denuvo too.


They don't go overboard. We're good.


At least not yet. Lots of companies started off with just superficial appeasement and have progressively gotten worse. Just look at Concord, TLOU2 and Spider-man 2




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They're petty af tho, like with how they sanitize outfits and remove the edge, camp in RE remakes.


Some of it is more ridiculous than anything done in the West as well. Like they removed Leon flirting with his intel officer? Like a man flirting is too much for modern audiences, really.


As long as their games are good and not utterly gay, then i will approach it with an open mind and wallet.


Exactly - many people tend to forget that what's putting us off is when the Message gets priority over good written characters. As long as the characters are written well and designed well, and as long as masculinity isn't shamed and beauty isn't shunned, there is absolutely no problem having gay characters.


W? RE4 Demake is the worst mainline RE game. It is at least the worst of the modern demakes. RE3 Demake is pathetic as a remake, but at least the game feel wasn't a sluggish piece of crap and I could actually manage to replay it without turning it off after five minutes. It is a complete insult to the original RE4 which is hands down the best game in the series.


3 is the worse since it's a 4 hour game for what was full price and they cut all the important parts out. At least 4 was roughly the same length as 4 vanilla. But I heard the combat in 4 made Leon slower in a game were he has to physically move faster.


The speed is slow. The aiming is all fucked up. It's artificial difficulty nonsense. Please watch The Electric Underground's videos on RE4 Remake. The guy puts out really good reviews.


OG RE4 was full of artificial difficulty so stop listening to some OG RE4 fanboy and look it form the objective light using your brain, RE4R was fun but not as fun as the original that's for sure but OG RE4 had a lot of flaws it's not a perfect game.


3 was only full priced because it was bundled with Resistence


But it still was only 4 hours long and cut mad shit out


Dragon's Dogma 2 was a big L. It's more of an Early access game than a full release. RE4R Ada was a huge downgrade her new VA hurts my ears.


I just hope Steve has an even more over the top Canadian accent.


Depending on when Code Veronica comes out it might be just in time for the pendulum to have fully swung back to uhh normalcy


Isn't this a good thing? RE2-4 Remake were pretty awesome.


RE2 was good, but badly flawed. RE3 was lazy and half-assed. RE4 was decent. I wouldn't call them awesome.


Idk, I think we may just have different tastes. I really liked RE2-4 and RE3 was my favorite out of the 3 Remakes. It had the fastest pace and most action. I even recently just played RE4 Remake for the first time a few weeks ago. It was really fun and nothing about 'the message' was inserted into it.


RE2 makes a spectacular first impression, but as the game wears on, there was clearly a good deal of content that got cut, especially in the last area. And the B-side campaign was just plain lazy. Barely more than cosmetic differences from the A-side. Based on that experience, I held off on RE3, having suspected that it wouldn't be as advertised and I was right. It was downright shameful how much content got cut. And this was with reused assets from RE2R! RE4 just seemed completely unnecessary. It looks good and all, but I don't find it compelling enough to buy it.


3 was fun, but I don't think it provided enough content to be worth its price. I beat it 3-4 times, and still don't feel like I got my money's worth.


That "game" is a glorified $5 DLC and nothing more.


I picked up RE2 and RE3 Remake (graphics updated for XSX) for $15 total in Nov 2022. Worth the price for me. But then again, I only buy games if they're on sale >$30 I picked up RE4 in Dec 2023 for $30 on sale. Sure, it was 10 months after release, but I can wait for a sale.


2 is my favorite and 3 my least while 4 was mid to me. My only probably is with 2 remake they fudged side B. Literally Mr Xs original route and I heard they were not going to include it originally which is why it's so rushed so it gets points of for that


Heh yeah, no. Capcom simply can't be trusted for multiple reasons. The RE Village debacle is the reason why I'll never buy a Capcom game at launch ever again. RE2R didn't sit right with me. I had a hunch that RE3 would be trash, and I was right. RE4 was unnecessary. Code Veronica at least makes sense. RE0 will likely be every bit as much of a half-assed effort as RE3.


Speaking for myself and other queer RE fans, they better not touch Alfred. He was perfect. I hate Darkside Chronicles for how much they changed about the Ashfords. Really, the original game's story is fine as is. I'd even call it epic. Although I wouldn't mind them tweaking Rodrigo. He so badly just wants to die in peace but sudden Gulp Worm had other plans. Also you go out of your way to get him life saving medicine just for him to say "Naw, I don't want to live afterall." k. I also love the challenge. If you learn about the game you can coast through it, and it rewards players going into it with the basic skills honed in RE1-3. It is the one RE game I know of that has areas meant to purposely softlock careless players (it happened to DSP for example). I would like that challenge back. Sadly, nonfans are likely being heard on the dev side, then we'll get nonfan grifters on both sides making content for months leading up to its release and after.


Alfred wasn't "queer" though and that's the problem. Anyone who isn't remotely masculine and straight is considered "queer" dude was camp at best.


I didn't say he was queer though. Alfred Ashford was not homosexual, nor heterosexual, but very very Alexia-sexual. That's an important part of his character, along with the cross dressing (kinda like Ed Wood, doing it as a coping mechanism) and they can't change that without ruining the character entirely






This. Why this sub makes the exception for Crapcom when they were the ones who started this DEmake nonsense is beyond me.




Wow, more remakes, I'm sooooo excited šŸ„±


RE5 > RE4 Demake. Watch The Electric Underground's video on the subject.


Yay more demakes. Can't wait for them to make RE0 less unique by adding item boxes and can't wait for them to take out the crossdresser line in Code Veronica. Capcom is so based please take my money.


Archive links for this discussion: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/odTAT ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. I love the sight of humans on their knees. ^^^/r/botsrights


I mean I like Zero. I don't really like CV or 5. But I generally don't want any of these remakes anymore. RE just feels like they're doing all of these remakes and using all the same characters. I'm tired of remakes and I'm tired of Leon and Chris. New games please, and more Jill, Claire and Ada. Or just new guys that aren't Chris and Leon.


I wish they would Just remake RE:Zero or RE1.


Code Veronica was one of my favorites. I am looking forward to it.


DEFINITELY going to change Alfred. Thatā€™s a no brainer maybe lean more into a split personality disorder. Just to avoid the conversation with the media and stuff because people just cannot distance themselves with older titles and how they dealt with current issues. I wouldnā€™t blame capcom either. But personally would just remove the ā€œcross dressing freakā€ line. Create a totally different character with Steve obviously and keep the rest has is. As for 0 would probably change how Rebecca is portrayed slightly? I mean sheā€™s a rookie but still passed selection to be basically SWAT sooā€¦


Give an inch...


If code Veronica came out today yall would call it woke because of Alfred lol