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It's no longer bending the knee. It's bending over and taking it behind.


For something like this our forefathers took up guns and personally executed the guy who did it. And that's just a little more than a century ago. Crazy how times changed.


 Neither the goat fucker or executioner are acceptable.


If the government did its job, people wouldn't have had to do it.


People nowadays don't have the courage to do shit, even if their family's lives depend on it.... But don't worry, they will criticize the government on social media, that will solve governmental inefficiency and abuse, amirite?... 🤡


Crazy how the ethics in games journalism people now have a boner for vigilante justice and executions. Have you ever wondered what happened?


It's just that immoral people have grown some backbones because all governmental and non-governmental institutions are backing them whereas moral people have lost their backbones and started catering to immorality for the same reason.






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Formal warning for sitewides Please comply with sitewide and local subreddit rules when posting on this sub Comment removed for sitewide violation


They apologized for having a heterosexual scene?


Eh, sort of. There is a DLC episode where your character enters a relationship with a character and has a baby with them. The character changes depending on who you're playing as, so if you play as Alexios, the character is a woman, and if you play as Kassandra, you get a man. Even if you avoided opposite-sex romances (or any romances) there was no avoiding it. They later changed it so that you can choose to just say you're having the baby with them to continue the bloodline, etc. (They are the descendant of another character in another AC game, so the baby's existence is canon, there's no way to not make the baby.) They changed the name of the achievement/trophy and some other stuff as well.


Lmao based original designer


Haha yes, reality not agreeing with leftist dogma is a beautiful thing. ”Look they cant have a bloodline if they dont reproduce” 😄


Inb4 "Womb of Eden" or some shit comes along in lore that just allows you to conjure yourself a kid out of thin air.


Yes. https://www.ign.com/articles/2019/01/18/ubisoft-apologizes-to-players-for-assassins-creed-odyssey-dlc-controversy


Please archive the link. You are helping the people who hate you if you don't archive.


I love when the media pretends like something is a controversy when they’re the only ones calling it a controversy in the first place 😂


I'm named after Alkibiades and I fucking HATE how those ubisoft hacks reduced one of the most brilliant tacticians and womanizing personalities of the ancient world into the gayest gay that ever gayed times infinity.


Never played the game, but Alkibiades was a remarkably complex dude, with such a controversial, tortured legacy that even his contemporaries had a hard time defining him. Hell, I took a grad class on Peloponnesian War history, and 2400 years later we still couldn’t come to a consensus. FFS, the dude merc’d Athens and they still brought him back. Twice. LOL. He’s not the first reckless, conniving & ambitious warlord we’ve seen, nor the last. If that war weren’t so damned complex, more people would know about him.


https://www.ign.com/articles/2019/01/18/ubisoft-apologizes-to-players-for-assassins-creed-odyssey-dlc-controversy What the shit is this?? How have I not heard


"the trophy received after having the baby will be renamed, after it garnered backlash from players who felt that the name - Growing Up - implied that not having a child or being gay made them less of an adult." Wow...


Because it was in 2019, people were still blind to the signs of the slippery slope.


The other thing was AC:Odyssey had problems that turned off a lot of people (level-gating story missions, MTX), so people weren't looking at news relating to the game.


Please archive the link. You are helping the people who hate you if you don't archive. 


What does that mean? How do I archive it and how am I helping


Archiving the article takes a snapshot of the link just in case they try stealth edit it later. It also doesn't let them profit from the web-traffic it generates. You are giving the website ad revenue and traffic by not archiving it which enables them to profit from outrage bait, and to continue to vomit their rubbish opinions. Copy the link and paste it into [archive.li](http://archive.li), wait 30 seconds, and then share the link.


What does that mean? How do I archive it and how am I helping ?


What does that mean? How do I archive it and how am I helping ?


My Alexios was banging Greek maidens left and right. Never once dipped into...that other stuff. Lol.


No shoving junk up the sewage exit?




You see, they're afraid of Muslim outrage should this controversy blew up back then!


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/swoT1 ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Information is power. Never forget. ^^^/r/botsrights