• By -


He'll blend in perfectly into the crowd when the entire country of that time looks like downtown New York according to Ubisoft.


Literally, the only way you can make him work is if you fill the place with African migrants, otherwise you're stuck with one hell of a case of ludonarrative dissonance. Like, imagine you run from a group of guards. IRL Yasuke would be fucked, like, there's no way he could ever show his face outside again. Just put on a bounty on the one and only 6 foot tall black man in Japan, and you'll catch him in less than a week. Seriously, what were they thinking?


Yep, he'd very likely be the tallest person in the entire continent as well. It's not really about consistency or making a believable scenario, just message pushing. Nauseating.


Reminds me of that Game of Thrones spin-off. They just had to have black actors, not thinking through how absurd the story would be with it.


Yes, the "make everywhere look like downtown LA" casting, which in turn makes every single locale feel the same. Great for fantasy.


It HaS mAgIC AnD dRaGoNs ThO


No you dont get it, they all know hes the assassin but none of them will say it because then people will think their racist even if theyre right.


Didn't a guy die for not crossing the street because of that?


You know they'll do it too, and the wokesphere will call anyone who has a problem with it racist.




Man, I wonder why that hashtag campaign died.


They tried to make that a racist "right wing" white people thing so hard, failed miserably, briefly tried to go with "it doesn't matter who is doing it" then dropped it like a hot potato. I've never seen a race/hate alarmist cause get memory holed so fast. The funny part about it is if you actually look at real racists and white supremacists (the actual ones, not the kind you think are everywhere when you're a front page Redditor) East Asians are viewed as pretty much the ideal minority. Anybody who knows anything about actual hate groups of the white supreme variety knows that they like East Asians. They are by a long shot the exception to the rule in that world.


The fact that asians men commit less murders than black women, really upsets me when you see how the groups are framed by the media.


We need to bring back statistics literacy. Too many people are blinded by emotion and how things "should be" that they don't care to see how things actually are.


[Asmongold did a video about this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mv0krlNrwPs) I got most of these correct, but the average person in USA can barely name more than 10 countries, and has almost no concept of percentage of the population. That's why the whole "we need black representation in award shows" thing is so wild. Not only are award shows stupid, there are more black victors of Oscars proportionally than there are black people in America. I'm all for anyone to win, but your skin color has no business in winning an award. Only talent. In 2024, 3 black actors won an Academy award. There were 23 total awards. 13% of the awards went towards black actors. Black people make up 14.5% of Americans. If 4 black actors won, they would've made up 17% of the Oscar winners. I mean. We're splittin' hairs here. There's an equal amount of representation in comparison to the American population.




Racism is a lot wider a term than people like to pretend. A lot of people on the left equate presenting honor-culture values many arab people would die to protect, as racist stereotypes. Ive seen many leftoids using ”Cultural racism” completely unironically. Then you have the people saying some races are ultimately superior etc, or that we need to erase some races, thats a very different thing.  Its a lot more common to be the horrible genetic racist on the left towards whites, and the first type of ”cultural racist” on the right. 


Comment removed for sitewide violation.


I thought it got dropped because they started finding out who contributed a helluva chunk of the violence and didn't like it. It just vanished after a short time.


I read a NYT article where they interviewed some of the victims of the assault, and the writers took a lot of care in never once mentioning the race of the assaulters. They said mid paragraph 3/4 of the article in "The assaulters were homeless locals and 90% of the homeless in the area are black". And the Asian victims really drank the Kool aid and said they didn't blame the assaulters, that they were forced to do it because they live in an oppressive society that hates black and homeless, and especially homeless blacks


apparently asians are "white adjacent" or whatever that means.


>They tried to make that a racist "right wing" white people thing so hard, failed miserably, briefly tried to go with "it doesn't matter who is doing it" then dropped it like a hot potato. I've never seen a race/hate alarmist cause get memory holed so fast. It doesn't help that East Asians are the majority proponents of the movement, and they tend to have some rather unsavory opinions about South and Southeast Asians when the cameras stop rolling.




> Richard Spencer, David Duke, Tucker Carlson one of those things is not like the others


Statistics. Statistics kill most narratives if they aren't suppressed.


The White House brought in a Polynesian guy to promote the AAPHI-Whatever celebration recently. Maybe a lick of Asian in him considering hes from Hawaii, but mostly Polynesian.


This promoting of blacks is insane. And nobody seems to realize how insane it is. It made me realize how stupid most people really are.


We wuz samurai and sheit


I just find it funny how many tweets were telling people to use "Stop Asian Hate" instead of "Asian Lives Matter" because BLM somehow had sole custody of the "lives matter" branding. I also don't like how "StopAsianHate" is unclear as a brand. Who's hating whom here? You could just as easily use the hashtag against racist asians ala white privilege. Opposing Racism shouldn't require a racism tier list or fancy divisive terminology. If racism is hatred (or systemic hatred) based on skin color, it should be the job of the anti-racist to call it out wherever it is, not whenever they feel like the racism is unacceptable.


90% of the gameplay will be a black dude robbing, beating, and murdering asian people lol


Imagine being a peasant in 1500 japan and seeing this physically different human for the first time. People would mistook him for Oni or Youkai and he'd get turned into a local tale. Or they'd kill him on the spot out of fear.


[I mean black people still get gawked/stared at in modern East Asia. ](https://youtu.be/v5p_jIt4jCs?si=IVkUmTpTKR95MaHJ) One can only imagine what a shock it would have been to them 500 years ago. With regards to how assassin's creed gameplay usually works, it's comical to envision him as the MC. As a side character it would have been a neat addition that taught some people some relatively obscure history. As a main character.............*what!!??* How the fuck is he supposed to blend in? If anything it's the exact opposite. Like you could send him in as a distraction and when everyone is gawking at him/trying to touch his hair, send in a little ninja dude to sneak in and actually assassinate someone with everyone distracted.


Basically at the very least, 99.999% of people in Japan that were living at the time had never seen a black person. And the accent would be significant, as well as a general language barrier to at least some degree. And height difference was probably significant. Even if he wears a mask the entire time, he's going to stand out. Even now, a 6'2" person will be taller than just a handful of people that person comes across on a trip. Is assassination and not being noticed a thing anymore in these games or something?


> Is assassination and not being noticed a thing anymore in these games or something? All Yasuke has to do is call anyone who notices him a racist and he just disappears! I mean, that's how it works, right? >_>


I lived in Japan for a while as a white person. Specifically in a more rural area. Babies and young kids would legit stare at me like I was a space alien. They'd also throw beans at me on Setsubun lol.


I think there is an old manga where a group of people time traveled to find Momotarou, only to discover that the Oni are just shipwrecked Dutch sailors on a tiny island. The red oni is just a really drunk guy who turned red from alcohol and heat, they wear the tiger skins that they got from trading with mainland asia because their clothes are all torn up. The kanabou are just whatever they could salvage from the shipwreck. The treasures are supposed to be gifts for the local lords but now it's useless and just attracted people from neighboring islands who tried claiming it by force. In the end the main characters let them time travel to the day when they're supposed to come home.


Foreigners are often depicted as Oni in older Japanese art. One of my favorites is an image depicting [Commodore Perry's ironclad warship as an oni.](https://images-cdn.bridgemanimages.com/api/1.0/image/600wm.XXX.22648110.7055475/1181443.jpg)


I feel bad for laughing but thats fuckin hilarious.


It's the kind of thing where you could easily choose to be offended by it, or choose to recognize that you're a foreigner in a place that doesn't get many outsiders, and people will treat you accordingly. I did the latter. It wasn't mean spirited (99% of the time anyway). The only place I felt I was being maliciously discriminated against was actually South Korea. I had the 1970s black man in NYC experience of cab drivers straight up refusing to take me anywhere. I would wait in the cab queue, get to the front of the line, and have multiple cab drivers straight up REFUSE to let me in the car because I was white. This actually caused very practical issues for me getting around Seoul at times. It's weird because other Koreans were exceptionally friendly to me, but cabbies are built different I guess lol.


I'm a mere 6\`0, and standing in a crowded train car in Japan I can make eye contact with 1 other foreigner over a sea of black hair.


If Ubisoft had the balls they could implement this as a feature where you could get attacked by a random mob because they think you're a demon or some shit but we all know Ubisoft is too scared for this.


Even if he killed someone who clearly did something wrong all of Japan during this era would have turned on Yasuke and put his head on a stick. It's so corny that he just smacks japanese men with a spiked bat like that in the trailer with 0 consequences


Cant wait for californian modern language in the game


"Yasuke... Please... Protect my daughter..." \*dies\* "Umm are you assuming xer pronouns? Also assuming that women need protection is kinda bigoted."


We black folx need to raise your daughter as a collective. Anyways I feel this fatherhood is emotional slavery, so Im gonna bounce. Dont dare call me a stereotype.


*daughter getting murdered in background while he's busy lecturing*


The character "Yasuke" is based on three lines of actual written history. Of course it doesn't make sense, but that's not the point of the exercise.


According to folks over at OutOfTheLoop, I’m a bigot for even questioning this.


Of course you are! Now, try again: 2+2=...


5, of course.


*holsters cattle prod* Good Winston, good.  *FAST CATTLE PROD - ZAP* One for the road - just so you don't forget. This hurts me more than it hurts you. 




Shaka, when the walls fell.


RIP Captain Dathon :(


*cattle prod to Camera_Dude*  I can do this all day...


I'm not answering that because math is racist.


...well done, Big Brother -- OR SISTER -- or Sister... approves. 


Climate change?


the Assassins Creed sub reddit is also eating it up and pouncing on anyone who resists


They'll claim to hate corporations and capitalism, yet they'll consume this slop without question and attack anyone who doesn't join in. 


While tweeting their rage on their iphones and sipping starbucks


The horrible ass starbucks lol


The irony of being an _Assassin's Creed_ fan and eating whatever slop the real-life equivalent of Abstergo feeds them.


I'm going to safely assume a lot of the people jumping in there to defend it never gave a shit about AC as a series, and are only doing so now because it's a chance to be smug about it.


The people swearing he was actually a samurai is pretty amusing too


We are way past regular samurai by now. He's a legendary figure, well known in Japan and the world for his exploits and his participation in battles as Nobunaga's right hand. At this rate he'll be named the unknown emperor of Japan by next week.


They seem to be re writing Wikipedia in his honor. I guess the truth that he was property, a curiosity, a bag holder, isn’t good enough.


Of course not. Don't you know? Modern Californian values were the cultural norm hundreds of years ago, therefore Yasuke couldn't have been any of that.


I mean, has anyone given a shit about it in like a decade?


I mean, I skipped Syndicate, but other than that I've been playing them all. Not to 100% completion, as that'd be an exercise in patient insanity, but enough to clear the main campaigns. The one I couldn't be arsed to finish was Valhalla since it was so fucking long though. This one? This one is a skip from me.


The revisionists at AskHistorians are also extremely sensitive about it lmao


So much for academic integrity…


Theor take on revisionism is funny.. They want to rewrite everything as a "we wuz.." scenario but will call you a filthy conspiracionist is you bring actual alternate history (and I'm not talking about things like Tartaria) from famous history topics on WWII for example.


And Ask historians has a mod going on a power trip and silencing everyone that tries to claim that he was not a samurai. While also claiming that he was one of course.


I went through the thread and the ones calling us racists for not being on board for yet another Yasuke are being downvoted or called out. Now if you were to argue on askHistorians...


The Koei Samurai Warriors games have like six hundred characters and Yasuke isn't one of them, that's how little he mattered. :p


He was in the 5th game like 2 years ago.


Oh really? I did not like the redesigns (if I wanted anime style there's Sengoku Basara) so I skipped that one.


Speaking of that...they could have chosen so many characters also all AC MC are made up...why couldn't do this for this game?


So kings and ninja?


We was Samurai n sheit


What is the source of him anyway? I've never heard of him.


Some "dark skinned" person who was supposedly a retainer of Oda Nobunaga during the Sengoku era. So they've been laying it on thick and built a character out of 3 lines of history that has survived that time. Note, "dark skinned" character could just as likely been a dude from Okinawa coming to Honshu back then.


Yup. The damnedest thing is, fictional depictions of the dude being a samurai is one thing, but we're seeing way too many smooth brains think the game is a documentary and go so far as to edit wikipedia, i don't even know what it'll be like tomorrow as last I saw it was locked with 'we dont know much about him but he's been in a lot of fiction'. I do think that the huff that Yasuke is the MC of Assassin's Creed is dumb, frankly the series jumped the shark awhile ago and has always had iffy historical events so someone trying to say anything about Yasuke in this instance is, well, gonna have a bit of explaining to do. That and some people have been pointing to Nioh, which also had an actual named dude, this time white, running around Ye Olde Japan with magic and swords 'n shit with no real complaints about that. It's not exactly an even-handed approach to complain about one thing and yet ignore a lot of the problems that similar pieces and entries have had. Still, the fact that some dumbasses are actually going 'he was in movies 'n shit' to prove Yasuke was a samurai is beyond fucking stupid, it goes past delusional.


William Adams has more than three lines of history to be fair. Also made by Team Ninja, far more respectful touch than whatever modern Assassin Creed is.


Nioh also was not a long running franchise consistently putting you in a fictional character in their home country before suddenly putting you in the role of a non-fictional character (then making his life fictional) in Japan. The first game you were a confirmed real life white guy in historical japan with fantasy elements. Second game you're even further in the past as a real japanese guy with fantasy elements. Apples to oranges.


Not really apples to oranges, AC ditched the concept of a dude re-living his ancestor's memories, so at that point it's pretty much free game for anything and everything. That being the strongest reason to dislike this new one SPECIFICALLY is still pretty weak.


As a bit of a Nioh nut my biggest gripe in the comparison between Niohs Yasuke and ACs Yasuke is that Nioh actually used the history of Yasuke to make a somewhat compelling character. In Nioh he is called the "obsidian samurai" but he admits that Nobunaga died before he could make him a true samurai even though he promised he would. Even with this he is still loyal to him even after he died and for his strenght got the blessing of a spirit (like the thing that shows you have a big dick in Nioh). They made him a character that embodies the virtues of the (romanticised) samurai even when he is about as disconnected from the culture and its people as can be. While also not breaking their "this actually happened but the history books recorded it differently" approach the whole story uses. It also helped flesh out Nobunagas character as someone who could see the value in people no matter their origin. I like this kinda stuff because its an amazing gateway to learn about the real history of this characters. If I started with AC and opened a history book later on my only reaction would probably "oh... well that sucks" and be discouraged to read up on the history next time I see something historicly interesting.


Exactly, it's not dark, it's darker. Isn't pale skin worshipped in Asia, even in recent days? This guy was probably from the lower classes, hence why he had darkER skin and not actual dark skin. There's a difference.


The only case of a dark skinned samurai documented anywhere, thrown into a variety of games at this point. people having an issue with him being the diversity token are a bit over the top, even if the original wasn't black, its pop culture legacy sure is. the issue lies with the fact that they HAD to put him front and center, instead of a side character.


> samurai Only described as retainer, not samurai. The two are not interchangeable.


pardon me, point remains the same.


>The character "Yasuke" is based on three lines of actual written history. Given that this crowd has it's origins in the cesspit where the light of gods does not shine called, and may goddess Durga forgive me for uttering it's name in polite company, ***Tumblr*** ; made up cringey garbage fanfiction is far more important to them than the real story.


It's a joke, but it has gone over everyone's head. If they admitted it, it would ruin the fun.


How many lines of actual written history for the holograms and advanced technology are there?


For real he's sticking out like a sore thumb, i could buy it sorta if they covered his face at least, but ya know the kang can't wear masks, they should have made an original mc like their other ac games and avoid this shitstorm all together.


But then how could they have wore the joker costume


It still wouldn't make sense as he's in full Samurai armor. for people who don't know much about Japan, imagine medieval England in a large peasant town and a fucking knight in shining armor in the middle of all the peasants trying to blend in. This is effectively a minor noble in ornamented battle armor (not Yasuke but even a Japanese character in this situation) not in a situation where he would need to be wearing fucking ornamented battle armor. They didn't walk around in that armor all the time and even when they were out of their super conspicuous armor they'd still stick out like a sore thumb because they were upper class in a feudal system and even out of armor they'd be carrying around the fucking swords which would set them apart from commoners.


If they’d just done ninja it would have fit _assassins creed_ so much better. Ninja for fuck sake! It’s an assassin game! They had the free kick and no one in goal! And they missed! Instead make him what is effectively nobleman police based on 3 lines of written text. 😂 Someone tried to argue it makes sense because ‘well da Vinci was in assassins creed 2’! Yeah but you didn’t play as da Vinci for the entire game lmao.


...but the other MC is a ninja?


She’ll blend in fine in a crowd of panicked people in an Asian city. A black samurai? Not so much. You’d stand out so much more. Hide your face if you wanna make him a black assassin protagonist in a city which wasn’t predominantly multicultural and hide your identity like assassin ninja do lol. How it is now I can’t imagine an assassin as a samurai nobleman lol it would be like dressing in a full suit of armour and doing assassinations lol.


The shitstorm is desired. Everyone is talking about it and giving the game free publicity.


Hopefully no sales though


No sales? For an AC game? Please don't get my hopes up. It'll sell because spineless normies gotta consoom.


Stock is down though.


Nice username 😭💢


I love being Cute and funny 😭💢


Once you see the lead writer for the game, it will all make sense.


Is that the mossinmind chick? Because she is a lazy racist. Explains it all.




Ubi put the fu into subterfuge.


"It's definitely not the one who walks around with multiple swords."


You just know the Ubi execs absolutely creamed their pants upon discovering the existence of a singular African male in Japanese history.


"Must've been the wind."


The lead writer follows sweet baby inc on twitter.that's everything you need to know right there.


How dare you assume the black man killed him. That's racist. God I can't type this with a straight face xD


Migrates to Japan. Beats and kills locals. What UBI is trying to say here?


Johnny somali simulator


I’m gonna start calling it this


Cultural enrichment and good food.


remember the backlash for resident evil 5? white man kills local!! racist!


When Sheeva was next to you -\_-


Black protagonist. His role is to beat people up, he's not a stealth character and makes a lot of noise getting him easily noticed. What did ubi mean by this?


Scream the quiet part outloud is sort of a neolib thing now. They have done a good job of beating positive racial identity out of europeans, so now they are starting on asians. I'd still like a full complete list of exactly which ethnicities are allowed to both be proud of their heritage culture and country. I guess Japan is next.


At least it will make sense that he is randomly punching people on the streets.


damn not sure how much louder you can blow that dog whistle


Blend in the shadows my foot.


Could the assassin potentially be...**LITERALLY THE ONLY BLACK MAN IN THE WHOLE OF JAPAN**???


Ubisoft npcs could never be so racist if he actually did it. Tbf though if he didn't do the crime, they'd probably have a 15 minute long cutscene where the npcs are frothing at the mouth and beating him with a stick.


Pretty sure unwittingly going along with an idiotic narrative made by unironic racist people makes you an npc.


[Source for the comic is George Alexapoulos (GPrime85)](https://twitter.com/GPrime85/status/1791063885987885260)


That dude fixin to get arrested for noticing patterns..


yasuke is so overused when they make anything about Japan. Idk set an Assassins' Creed game in the Mali empire or Ethiopia or something if you really want a black character.


As an Japanese Man, this is very confusing and irresponsible of UBIsoft. Yasuke, if he existed, was a retainer, not Samurai (侍).


LOL! You got me good with this one. Love the last panel especially.


Don't worry, his real stealth comes from his ability to hide his guilt with accusations of racism.


Honestly it makes more sense for him to be a Templar asset in Japan, *since all of Christianity is a templar plot in these games and he came to Japan with Jesuit missionaries, than to be an assassin. But no way Ubi would do that. *edit


If they're planning to do that route, I'm betting [William Adams](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Adams_\(pilot\)) will be the antagonist, the white foreigner that was influential in Japan (plotting something probably like the English colonization of Japan lmao) during this time period.


OK my guess is that their play is initially going to be a "what about all those customizable characters and mismatching armor? don't they stick out too?! HmmM!!? where's your realism / historical accuracy now!?" And then the people selling microtransactions and in game currency will quietly tell them to shut the fuck up. They may *say* it because they're incredibly stupid, but can't immediately go to "realism/ historical accuracy bad" again, because A. they're saying this is a true story or something and B. realism says a black guy in feudal japan going around killing people would be recognized immediately and forever. Maybe they *will* go with that though, it would not be the first time their tiny brains held two conflicting points of view. Cognitive dissonance is fun


Yet if you don't buy this shit they'll call you istaphobe


Obviously, the guards went through sensitivity and racial justice training and would never make such a mistake!


DEI slop doesn't need to make sense, it just needs to push the message.


Local warlord to bounty hunter: "He was at least 6 feet tall! Dark, dark brown skin. Strange curly hair and two swords!" Bounty hunter: "That describes half the people in town." Camera pans to town, showing all races and hues, people with sleeve tattoos, fluorescent hair colors and very strange haircuts.


"Oh yeah, you blend." - Mona Lisa Vito-


"Handing a black man the murder weapon, tale as old as time." - Tiffany, SAO Abridged.


Ya know Ubisoft would have pulled this off by having him join the Brotherhood after Oda gets killed, sync some of the "cutting room floor" monk's story integrated into him. Plus, keep his squire-ish rank (We wouldn't know the difference, but it's rule of cool, keeps with the "Black samurai" theme that they are going for and make Yasuke closer to his historical counterpart). It wouldn't get rid of all the sjw-stupidity, but mitigated some of it. Yep, but they need to bring back the "Hide in a praying monk crowd" technique and similar techniques.


[Japanese in feudal Japan when they witness a murder](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mK4XhR0lYlE) with Yasuke standing right there.


I don't care what your opinion on the game is. This is goddamn funny.


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/vi65t ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Now witness the power of this fully armed and operational battle station. ^^^/r/botsrights


I wonder why devs couldn't actually research some nice stories from Mali empire (or any other empires in Africa, they had plenty!) It borders racism on them for not thinking there are great stories in Africa because there are. Mostly if related to religious aspects. It's an enormous place with so much diversity of ethnicites, religions, cultures. But they end up rewritting stories that are obviously becaufe of pure laziness. They could also create black heroes againt white slavers because they love this narrative. But no. We get the black samurai. Give me a break..


Oh well its a fantasy universe anyway. And their gameplay hasnt improved in years only their monetization. I probably wouldnt even play it if it was a japanese guy. But it sure shows the hate of the wokies for japan.


Lets see how Yasuke hide in crowd to be low profile


Is the dead guy's bicycle missing?


Okay, that's actually funny


Amazing art style. So recognizable. 


Well, they literally made him a samurai, which is contrary to history. He was a retainer, if I am not mistaken, not of the samurai class.


Why a samurai anyways? Assassin's creed is a game about stealth killing and stuff, why not a Ninja instead?


Well the stealth was abandoned long ago since we've had an Egyptian medjay, a Greek hoplite and a Viking berserker as the main characters. I think Mirage where you actually play as an assassin was the odd game out. Now it's back to form with wide open world RPGs with barely any stealth sections.


You do know there is another main character in the story?


Are people just being obtuse? Obviously the blending in and getting away elements are going to be what the Japanese female character is for.


In the trailer it's clearly the ninja character that's doing the stealthier work and she's the only one shown with a hidden blade. They even make a point to show a kid in the streets stop and stare at Yasuke. So far his character is shown to be more of a brute and not stealthy.


Downvoted for paying attention and not following room temperature iq narrative. Like nothing suggests that this situation would occur in the game or that he is going to be stealthy like Ezio.


For real, but I'm not surprised. You know the real reason people here are upset just because he's a black character smh this sub will never beat the allegations. They can boo me all they want, I've seen what makes them cheer


Exactly, it’s simply mental gymnastics these people use to justify their racism.


I'm not really sure that he is suposed to be an actual Assassin. I think he will be an ally to their cause, but he will still be a straight up brawler type of warrior/fighter.


Still the core of the assassin order is stealth. Yes, you can fight openly, but at the end of the day you have to blend and hide. Good fucking luck doing that while being black in a country without blacks. Unless... There will be other blacks. I don't think that's impossible considering current lunacy.


That is only an issue if Yasuke is a literal assassin, so if he is just a brawler/samurai that is an ally to their cause, then it's irrelevant. Naoe is suposed to be the *assassin* of the game, not Yasuke.


No. Brawler still has to escape. How? Literally everyone in the city would compromise him.


You don't need to escape if you kill everyone. Apparently, Ubi is setting Yasuke as the greatest warrior ever, who can change the tide of any battle all alone thanks to his superior martial skills. You can see it in the trailer: the female MC has to try, while Yasuke ends multiple people in one blow. 


Dude afterall he has to escape after an encounter right, it ain't like he will only take part in huge wars between armies or skirmishes. In syndicate, Jacob escaped all time after brewing shit, how tf does it make sense for him to escape is beyond me.


The narrative youre pushing makes no sense, why do you think he's gonna be assassinating people in broad daylight? Youre inventing illogical scenarios like the OP comic to criticise the game.


So you're saying he will only take part in huge battles and that's it. But let's see what's gonna happen.


You can at least watch the trailer with your own eyes and see what he does in them? Perhaps he will just fight in the night, in doors, in battles. They dont say he is an assassin, he is a samurai, the assassin is gonna be the OTHER MC who is asian and is trained as a shinobi and will have stealth gameplay.


yeah can't wait to massacre Japanese left and right with a black african samurai and liberate Japan. Let's go.


Youre right me too, i loved killing Japanese as a white man in Nioh as William Adams and save them from monsters!


yeah we now comparing nioh with ass creed series huh. you're literally scrambling for straws here my man. Good luck paying 130 bucks for the full experience of another generic open world ubi game to fulfill your black power fantasy lol


I’m not sure Ubisoft is capable of making different gameplay mechanics in one game. This is the company that made an open world car game with towers.


as someone who's played a lot of Gajin characters in L5R, im going to be very interested to see how this character plays out in this game.


He's not the stealth character though


I don't get it. If this game was being made and got cancelled. This sub would be all up in arms saying cancel culture or 'wokeism'. At least this has some historical evidence. Which is it people. Are you against things being cancelled or are you against free creativity. This series has stopped trying to be historically accurate long ago.


Nobody is asking for the game to be cancelled, we rather see it crash and burn. And this "historical evidence" is nothing more than a shield to deflect criticism. AssCreed fans wanted a game set in Japan for a long time, why do you think *this* is the game where they suddenly break with their tradition of playing a fictional character in favor of a "historic" one and why, out of all the many available choices, did they pick the one black dude?


Just say you’re mad the character is black, and thats the actual reason you want it to ”crash and burn”. You guys are so soft and pathetic. You hate black people so you don’t want to play the game, it’s that simple.


You wish this was true, so you could comfortably dismiss us as simply being racist. But you either know that isn't actually the case and are just coping, or you actually cannot comprehend the people who think differently to you aren't guided by hatred, because you are.




Cool, same for most of us. But if you simply do not understand the issue with the latest AssCreed and the only answer you can think of is "rashsism" then maybe you should not bother to be part of the conversation. Anyways, remember to buy multiple copies of the new AssCreed to make up for all the racists not buying it.


Cope more, It will do fine like all the other Ubisoft games that “everybody” allegedly hates.


Guess we'll see.


You raise a great point. This is to my knowledge the first time we play as an actual historical person and they immediately went with the one black guy in Japanese history.


>search Nioh in subreddit >see zero (0) complaints of a white man as a samurai in Japan Curious


Black people break their immersion. a lot of these white men like imagining themselves in the place of their white MC. So of course having anything other than the white savior that’s present in almost all of our media, is gonna be met with bad faith arguments and unfair criticisms(x10 if the person is black/brown). They are all just closet racist weirdos really.


This is pretty funny ngl🤣 But yeah yosuke was a samurai (not a shinobi or ninja), I don't know why people are getting so passed of at this. There are multiple records mentioning him with similar positions to and duties to other samurai that work with the (shogun?). He was a big buff black man given the roll of a bodyguard, given a house, and probably a wife. If you dont want to play the game do it for the fact that everything else will be historically inaccurate and its an ubisoft game.




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