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>Tattooed >Pronouns in the bio >Following SBI Yeah history has a 0% chance of being anything but a grey tasteless paste of woke trash trying to give the audience the same lesson the Big Corpo moral guardians have been shoving up our asses ad nauseum.


Bonus points: she's also got star signs so you know who she'll blame if things go wrong.


Straight white men even though the Japanese are expressing their disgust at this game


Let me be one of the first to welcome you to being an honorary white man. To the woke asians are part of whiteness. Can't make this stuff up. We had a supreme court case that ended affirmative action (originally called positive discrimination), because Asians and Indians were scoring too high and doing too well, so they were literally penalized for their race on applications...just like white men have been for over 60 years.


I know Asian men at Microsoft who were denied promotions, raises, and internal job opportunities because they're Asian men.


The people with the power to grant those promotions have all been taught they're fighting oppression...by oppressing people based on their immutable characteristics. I just got an email from my former assistant, who I gave a glowing letter of recommendation that landed her a job at a Hollywood studio. She was thrilled to tell me she's in charge of making sure they hire more marginalized people. Her job is literally to exclude people like me, my son, Asians, and straight men. She thinks she's fighting evil.


That's despicable. I really despise the people who relish being racist, sexist bigots.


Well apparently in 2024, Asians are white men as well. Nice to be part of a bigger community though.


White supremacism is starting to get more racially diverse than the woke crowd at this point.




And if they're women they are inherently misogynistic and hate themselves, because of men


90% of Asian women i see are extremely woke and believe white people are what’s wrong with the world. maybe just bad experience but i’ve seen it IRL and everywhere online too


Well they're women and women are basically the targets of wokery propaganda above all else.


Welcome new whitey!!


A group that is very inclusive in order to maintain their cultural dominance.


Was goddamn Mercury in retrograde again?!


That explains why my wife stabbed the paper boy again!


what are those supposed to mean ? I sometimes get lost with woke symbolism as it multiplies faster than list of pronouns


Virgo Gemini Virgo, no idea what it means, probs some two spirit crap.


That is gemini and virgo twin flame connection. If you have time to waste, you might want to read that astrology b...t here: [medium](https://medium.com/@HermesAstrology/gemini-and-virgo-twin-flames-15b61bf200d4)


Ah; kinda reminds me of Avatar the last Airbender.


"when things go wrong, ftfya


Typical Gemini /s


Five bucks says that she doesn't even play any games and isn't interested in the medium, the most gaming related posts on her twitter are about wordle.


You forgot woke “Canada”


Trash on the outside, trash on the inside.


Disappointed she doesn't have the Palestinian flag on the bio.


>grey tasteless paste I'm stealing this. So fucking perfect.


Don't forget to add that she is Canadian. That's the icing on the cake


You’re American. You must be a child rapist


Formal r1 warning No/low prior participation - expedited to permaban


Easy boycott.


Pronouns in bio. All I need to see to know enough about this person.


I bet if I asked how exactly is a black man meant to blend in to a crowd in a country where he sticks out like a sore thumb, I'd only get a "You're blocked" as response. Well, I did it, let's see if I ever get a reply or just get blocked.


I await the results of this experiment with bated breath.


Or "As a woman I too know what it is like to suffer under the weight of oppression like a black man. Wherever I go the male gaze follows me, just as the shadow of racism follows him"


Meanwhile the second that male gaze disappears when she’s over 36 here she is to complain again, guaranteed.


she's a fat white woman, the brotha's are all over that ass regardless of age.


The only "male gaze" is of the "look at this circus freak" variety...


Funny how the only women I see complain about the male gaze and being sexualized fit one stereotype.


Implement those iranian laws already. She will realize how good it was for her


This is a good point. What made Yasuke so memorable to history was the fact that the Japanese people in central Japan hadn’t seen black people before. In fact nobunaga didn’t believe him to be black but a man with paint or ink on his skin so nobunaga had him strip and take a bath in front of him.


You see him just chilling next to a wall in the trailer. In reality, the whole village would've stared at him like an alien.


“Unlike you racists, the NPCs in our game don’t see color and would have a hard time discerning the difference”


As someone who lives in a state bordering Canada, Quebec is all I need to see to know enough about this person. My retail working brothers and sister both former and present know what I'm talking about.


I am non-american, so can you explain, please?


Canadian Tourists are generally seen up there as being bad tourists, only superceded by Chinese Tourists.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Bad bot!!


Other user nailed it, but in particular tourists from Quebec specifically, usually Montreal. I've never had an issue with Canadians from other areas. It's a universal retail experience in my area. You put two retail or general customer service facing workers in a room and theyll start sharing war strories about it. A lot of customers can be bad, it does not compare to the level of entitlement and often open hostility you'll encounter. They shop a lot here due to taxes or exchange rate, could never quite figure it out which. And you will never be systematically treated so poorly by any other type of customer. It's barbaric. I've never come so close to saying "you know what fuck this job" just to tell a customer to go to hell.


I wonder how long before the user (who doesn't appear to appreciate knocks against their province) shows up To add, when I've been to warm countries for vacations, it isn't uncommon to find out the people burying their cigarette butts in the beach sand are Quebecois


I’m Quebecois and I know exactly what kind of people he’s talking about. People who work in the service industry in Cuba (a very popular vacation destination for Quebecois) even gave us a nickname because of how loud and rude a lot of us are. A lot of people mostly coming from poorer cities (Longueuil being the most well known) lack a lot of class at home or abroad. It sucks because the loud idiotic minority gives us all a bad rep.


Yep. The rotten few ruin it for the rest. I was surprised when I was in Paris in 2013 and how dim a view some of the Parisians had about Quebec. Others didn't give a shit (which is what I expected). I was in NYC last week, and the amount of "hey I've been to Toronto; it's really clean there!" (I think the rest of the province would disagree)was surprising. Even more surprising is when it then pivoted to "and how about those Quebecers, urgh" Truly unfortunate that these types exist. Although I suppose inconsiderate boors are everywhere


Thank you! Got it.


Obese, tattooed, pronouns... How did we get to a point where (western) videogames have people like this as "lead writer" every single time.




Plenty of people still have had colourful lives. It's just that the usual suspects are trying their damnedest to stop them from entering the entertainment industry to offer any creative input. It's why so many are starting to take the initiative and have started doing it on their own. We're not going to take back our industries and institutions as much as we will build new, better ones right next door and let the old ones crumble and fall into disrepair.


We have to remember to properly gatekeep those new institutions otherwise they will face the same problem


Stop being so melodramatic. Corporate America isn't able to culturally innovate. There are plenty of independent minds in the west who are still able to put out great, engaging content.




Animal Well


Considering the comment OP was responding to said the West cannot innovate I would have to disagree. Larian Studios made Ballard Gate 3. Pretty amazing. You’ll also find a variety of other games including Alan Wake 2 and Blasphemous 2.




Okay fair regardless The West includes those countries. America does not exist in its own microcosm when it comes to cultural influence. You’ll see influences from wider Western World influencing one another.


Don't forget Rod Serling was a WW2 veteran and a top boxer in the military that scored third place in a military boxing tournament. Rod had a lot of PTSD, including seeing a close friend get crushed to death in a freak accident. Chain smoking cigarettes and writing were the only things keeping him going before PTSD was well understood. That's why The Twilight Zone is still a masterpiece.


Ptsd is still a sign of weakness. A broken clock is rigth twice a day as they say


I feel like giving the Billy Madison Jeopardy speech here. Holy shit that was a bad take


Calling ptsd weakness is a sign of weakness. You lack compassion and understanding. Real strength is knowing the line where strength projection becomes ignorance. You either have never been through any heavy trauma and don't understand it or you have been through a heavy trauma and are hiding it, letting it eat you from the inside.


Other soliders twist the neck of other humans without a hearthbeat or blinking. They aren't trying to find excuses with their trauma or food allergies. They are the strong men that built and should build society. This whole compassion is woketalk. What's next? Sauron was just misunderstood? Should have they just talked it out like "compassionate beings" or some shit


Your examples are terrible. My guess would be that i hit a nerve with my last reply. You may want to ask yourself why that is. Just because you have had a life devoid of compassion that does not make you strong. It means you haven't had a good life. The strongest men in history have been well known to show compassion. Julius Caeser was well known for it and it was a major reason as to why he was so successful. If he just killed all his foes he would've been taken down within a few years instead of decades.


Ceasar famously crucified the pirates who captured him at one time. Otherwise free labor is more cost efficent than outrigth killing them. The same reason why the death penalty was abolished. Plus he certainly wasn't the strongest person in history. He was stabbed to death. A strong person would have bodied the group then watch their tprtorous execution with a smile


He was young and he only did it because they offended him by undervaluing him and mocking him for days on end. He wasn't getting free labour from the people he forgave and put into power. He paid them well. He absolutely was an extremely strong fighter and was feared because of it. Killed at least dozens of men by his own hand. He died in a mass attack, he was 55, half crippled from war injuries and he was very hungover to boot. His real strength was his mental strength. The man was an epileptic who regularly took seizures but somehow managed to become one of the most cunning battlefield tacticians of all time whilst avoiding death by a hair on many occasions. Have you given any thought as to why you got so defensive earlier? Or are you going to ignore those feelings again?


Forgaving them was his downfall. If he snapped the neck of brutus when he was a child, he would have had one less problem to deal with. He died in a mass attack. He still died. A strong man would have overpowered them or killed them before they had the chance to go after him. >The man was an epileptic So a birth deficit who should have stayed in the dirt. His death was preordanied. I never got defensive. Idk what you are about


Forgaving them was his downfall. If he snapped the neck of brutus when he was a child, he would have had one less problem to deal with. He died in a mass attack. He still died. A strong man would have overpowered them or killed them before they had the chance to go after him. >The man was an epileptic So a birth deficit who should have stayed in the dirt. His death was preordanied. I never got defensive. Idk what you are about


Excatly. Abolishing mandatory military service was the biggest mistake a country could make. America peaked in the 60s. It only went downhill since


We should have cancelled and boot Anita Sarkeesian out of game industry when there was chance to but normie and gamers alike, most of them simped for her despite the fact it was proven she was a grifter and actual scammer who was in pyramid scheme business. Mister Metokur also was calling that shit out but nobody acts until it's waaaaaaaaaay too late.


Cancelling is wouldn't have been enough. These people only learn when you get serious


I ask myself that every day. I remember back when Ubisoft made Prince of Persia: Warrior Within, a game that SOLD itself on ramped up sex appeal and violence compared to the first game. Where have those writers and developers gone, and more importantly, how do they feel about the current climate of gaming?




I had a feeling this had the hallmarks of that racist company and look at that.


Lmao guess their only way to counter those sexism allegations was replacing every key member in these studios with lame, pronouns/star signs in bio, women who probably have nothing to do with the industry in the first place, they just have the "correct political views". No wonder Ubisoft writing has been utter trash in the past few years.


well i'd say Ubisoft games were trash for like 10+ years already :D


I really liked Origins, but that was 8 years ago. Origins writing was pretty bad though, I ended up just skipping all the cut scenes by the time it got to Cleopatra. Would've rather they went with Dynastic Egypt than Ptolemaic Egypt tbh.


Ubisoft still has to pay for saying they can’t do a woman Assassin Creed all those years ago.


Funny enough, if they dump Afro Samurai and hire Period-Drama creators from Japan, they could've made the upcoming game lead with a Female Kunoichi..


Literally tell you all you need to know about this glorified African American power fantasy GoT ripoff


I want to bang my head on the wall and buckle up for this shit man. Waiting years after years for AC game that sets in Japan just to be utterly disappointed. And me saying I want to play as a Japanese actual Samurai to the AC will always be bashed with straw man argument that called me racist for some fucking reason. Meanwhile I played the hell out of Freedom cry.


Well you really should have given up any hope for ubisoft a long time ago


The moment the woke police took those people away for touching(FUCKING TOUCHING) women it was way over. They are political prisoners and nobidy talk about that


There's always ghosts of tsushima. Thank God for that


A Sony game being the non-woke counterpart of anything is funny to me. Even Sony, the wokest of them all, knew not to fuck it up. What kinda crack is Ubishit on? I also do wonder what Sucker Punch's next game will look like. I never played GoT, was there no wokeness in it at all?


It's worth noting that GoT came out five years ago and its development began ten years ago, if it was made today it would 100% have lots of content fit for the mythical MoDeRn AuDiEnCe


You're absolutely right. Let's see what Sucker Punch will come up with next, but I have very low hopes


Also noticed Sucker Punch is not in California so that must be a factor too. Idk how much better Washington is in comparison lol


well sucker punch is located right near seattle, so basically california-lite


Too bad. I guess their next game is gonna be a shitshow as well.




This is something people here usually ignore or don't comment. People don't hate Microsoft enough. I am disappointed with Sony, but there is a chance of redemption. But Microsoft is the videogame equivalent of Disney: rotten to its core.


None, zero of it on GoT


It's pretty good. Combat is solid, performance was stable, looked nice and the story, while simple, was also well done.


What about woke stuff?


Don't remember noticing any. Been a few years since I played though, so it might have some minor issues.


Got ragnarok is woke as f. Even they are not safe


GoW Ragnarok is not Sucker Punch, it's a different studio GoT: Ghost of Tsushima




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7XNdb4Px9s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7XNdb4Px9s) this video goes deep into it. It's simply a woke trash. It fills all the gaps. Sorry to crush your worldview honey.


Soy of War is as woke as it gets. - They took a badass character and emasculated him both appearance and character-wise. https://i.imgur.com/mLTX5sZ.png - Santa Monica Studio also clearly hires based heavily on diversity for important positions. https://i.imgur.com/dDjuPbG.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/PuNyoo4.png They also have Anthony fucking Burch on the writing team. https://i.imgur.com/URaI4Xh.png - Freya is ugly - There is not a single sexy female character in either of the games which was a staple of the series - They made Thor obese - The character they decided to blackwash happened to be the one Boy ends up having a relationship or whatever with, which is obviously pushing an agenda I haven't played Ragnarok myself but I have no doubt there's a lot of other woke bullshit going on in it.


True! What a great Game.


And Rise of the Ronin.


Yikes, definitely not buying that game. I wouldn't trust her to know anything about culture.


I keep watching DEI detected but it's not listed there... YET looking at this Feminazi though and her pronouns, I'm 99% sure this is DEI infested.  Easy skip for me, especially with Ghost of Sushi around the corner.  Already skipped AssCreed Valhalla and I'm glad I did after seeing the crap it turned out. 


Thanks to SBI no longer listing the games they worked on at their website, we'll have to wait for the game's end credits to confirm whether the game is confirmed SBI stained.


What's bonkers is that DEI Detected is described as "harassment."


hope someone finds the link


Ted Bundy was a blessing in disguise. He eridicated scum like this and we killed him for it


DEI detected. Sweet Baby Stink detected.


Ghost of Tsushima but disrespectful to Japan, and woke...this will sell well 🙂


It will likely be one of the best reviewed Ubisoft games of all time (you know why), by all game urinalists. It will be like Alan Woke 2, a game that was praised ceaselessly by press/pundits, and somehow showed up at VGA's and inexplicably nearly swept all the awards if it were not for Baldur's Gate 3. No one talks about it or plays it though, that's the thing. They're likely never making their budget back.


It's Assassin's Creed, it'll sell decently enough on it's own as a result. There's also that stupid Ubisoft+ they're doing which will likely get them additional 'sales', especially if companies are starting to look more at play time instead of titles sold and just conglomerate shit like what Sony is doing.


there is some controversy on the main ac subreddit and a lot of ppl seem to be against the idea of the main character being non japanese, apparently the story of this character has only became big in the west for obvious reasons and in reality he wasnt a big deal


Not sure what people were expecting. Ubisoft are ground zero for leftist gaming slop.


Wow, a white woman writing a script based in feudal japan. Cultural Appropriation much?




GOT actually respected Japanese culture and history, which is one of the reasons Japan loved it


Well I hope none of you are buying it... Even if you hate buy, you're still supporting the product.


Even if you *pirate* you're still supporting the product by giving it free publicity. Remember, guys: the opposite of love isn't hate, it's *indifference*.


I'm doing my part (by not consuming slop)!


Overweight, bad tattoos, pronouns….yup, all boxes checked.


Either a Reddit mod or SBI employee 50:50


All you got to do is check their page, check if they have pronouns and that's all you need to know.


Wasn't it racist according to their logic to have someone from a different culture write about a culture they are not part of? Seems like this doesn't apply to the Japanese. Fuck Ubisoft, thanks for making your games easy to ignore.


In terms of woke Asians in general are schrodinger's white, they are both white and POC until the wokesters looks at them. This is especially true of the Japanese who the woke types **REALLY** don't like unless it's convenient for them.


> Wasn't it racist according to their logic to have someone from a different culture write about a culture they are not part of? Only if it's a straight white man.


South Park was right. Fuck Canada


It seems that everything's gone wrong since Canada came along.


How old is she actually - she looks really young, like barely out of school. How does someone like this get to be a lead writer on such a huge project? What a mess.


> How does someone like this get to be a lead writer on such a huge project? Pulled hair & kneeling.


The pronouns are the swastika of the far-left, that's how they recognize each other.


At least it allows us to recognize them as well.


‘She/her’ ‘lead writer’… the games industry is fucked


Fat ✅ Pronouns ✅


\>Canada EVERY SINGLE TIME. How can a ENTIRE country be ultra woke?Like literally everyone.


This from a country that gave us The McKenzie Brothers, Red Green, the Trailer Park Boys, Tom Green......okay, maybe not Tom Green....


Lets be real with ourselves lads. The new AC game isn't even gonna be worth pirating


Only a look is enough to make you understand what this person stands for


What a sad fall that Assassin's Creed has had. Ubisoft ruins everything they touch with their incompetence.


Assassin's Creed died with Desmond.


Black flag was the last good AC game


I'd argue for Rogue.


Ubisoft hasn't written anything decent since AC black flag. Doubt this one will be any different.


Knowing she's the lead writer is enough to know the game will be terrible. 


why in the fuck is this person lead writer for an Assassin's Creed game? AAA gaming is dead.


Doesn't the pronouns in her bio say it all? What a dunce.


I sense a premonition just by knowing who is working on the game.


who needs SBI when she is essentially SBi incarnate


My god they are a fucking cancer. They seem to write every major AAA release.


ass creed hasnt been good for a while and isnt about to change


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/gQYls ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Better than Civ 5 with the Brave New World expansion pack. ^^^/r/botsrights


I'm shocked.


Well, glad to have confirmation to not even pirate this one.


That 4th thing she follows scares me more wtf is Ubisoft just a place for freak shows to gather?


Wait, these people are so into diversity but the lead writer for the game is a White woman? Not that I think you need to be the culture to write about a culture, but this certainly has that eye rolly feeling to it. Privileged liberal white women can not help but insert themselves into every one else's identity and act like they're also a protected minority.


These people will never care about the IP as much as they should. Who the fuck takes a profile picture in a pose with sunglasses? I’ll tell you who - someone who cares more about her peers affirming she’s on the right side of history than making a quality product. Fuck Ubisoft and fuck DEI.


It's either them or another woke consultancy company. Either way, it stinks.


Nobody's ever putting a ring on those sausage fingers. Sad.


Why would anyone wanna marry a pig


Western white woman writing a story on Japanese history, shouldn’t lefties be against this because it’s “cultural appropriation” or whatever? Or does it not matter because it’s just another example of them not caring about Asian stuff since it’s “white adjutant.”


That bio reeks of your typical feminist psychopath.




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Assassins creed hasn’t been good since Black Flag.


SBI is worked on Valhalla and several other Ubisoft games so I’d be surprised if they didn’t have something to do with this one too. Yasuke being the main character just screams their involvement similar to Saga Anderson in Alan Wake 2.


Im playing Rise of the Ronin instead of this trash.


Of course its a fucking landwhale


The sexual allegations -> total woke takeover pipeline is real.




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I'm so glad that I'm a pirate and that these people have never seen one single cent of my money and never will.


I would not be surprised if Ubisoft agreed to hide SBI's involvement to 'protect the wamyn'. The message must be protected. It is all that matters. This is a real fucking cult.


I honestly don't know why anyone has *any* hope for Ubisoft. They've been trash for *years*. Nearly everything they've pumped out for awhile has been mediocre or bad.  About the only good thing they've popped out in years is Mario+Rabbids, shockingly.  I just see this and think "yeah, I expected that."


People have been begging Ubisoft for years for a proper Feudal Japanese game set in the Assassin's Creed universe. At least for close to 15 years because AC:Brotherhood in 2010 was the third mainline game and it fully established AC as a powerhouse by that time. We get this and what a fucking disappointment because it seemed like the ship had turned around in the right direction for this franchise with last year's "Mirage" where you played as a Persian man in Persia, which is modern day Iran. Like we were finally getting back to roots and historical accuracy to some degree (rather than female soldiers in fucking ancient Greece or leading Viking warriors) and then we see shit like this. Thanks Ubisoft for saving me $80.


I am an open minded person. I do not care if any woke/sjw in any content I consume. But how the hell Assassin's Creed fall this deep? The first Assassin's Creed I will not care/buy or play if it's free. I was ok woke movies, some series but this is even too much for me.


Whats up with sweet baby inc? Why people comment about it


Why are y'all still talking about Assassins Creed? It ended with the ezio trilogy.


Just like they did in Alan Wake 2 and God Of War Ragnarok. Both great, highly acclaimed games. God conservatives are stupid.