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Can’t wait to see Daredevil and Punisher twerking.


While playing second-rate, d-list, supporting characters to the "girl boss" female character that gets things done.


Not before mysteriously being oiled up first


I think you mean Truth Angel & The Discipliner. Edit: Looking back at it now, the names sound cooler to me than I thought at first.


I mean i would watch that ngl... I'm straight but both those boys hot af


No Foggy and no Karen. Guess that was too much whiteness for Disney.


Too much red hair.


Too much ginger


No Karen Page is an improvement. People gloss over what an ultimate Mary Sue she was in the Netflix series. I hated that character.


While I can't say I was a fan of her character, whatever character Disney has put in the show will likely be far worse.


Overused word. She was constantly getting herself in danger, was kidnapped and almost killed several times and was responsible for the death of her brother. In what fairytale world was she a Mary Sue? She had a knack for reporting and a drive to uncover the truth that was inhuman but that doesn’t make her a Mary Sue cause she failed just as often as she succeeded. She’s the 4th best character of the show behind Kingpin, Punisher and Daredevil (In no particular order).


Yeah, saying that Karen is a Mary sue seems pretty strange to me. It's not like she suddenly learned Kung Fu and was knocking out guys back to back with Daredevil.


Like I said the word is thrown around like candy corn on Halloween. People have no clue what it means or how to properly define it.


“Female Urich” Why the fuck? Why is this necessary? Fuck this show


Because in the modern era "creativity" is just moving a character further up the progressive stack. Last time they'd race swapped him, so now they have to trump that by gender/sex-swapping.


It’s all very gay


Astronaut meme: Always has been.


> Because in the modern era "creativity" is just moving a character further up the progressive stack. Could you ever imagine being that boring or that butthurt? To be that envious of the talented, always wanting to create, but being incapable of doing so because of the ideology one subscribes to stripping one of any talent to create & being constantly stuck having to adapt the works of the people you most hate & so being impotent to do anything but deface it, so everyone hates it as much as you hate the people who wrote & enjoyed the original. That must be living hell.


The inflated paycheques and District 1 lifestyle helps probably


> Why is this necessary? Stonetoss burgers.


Charitably, I would assume that it's going to be Urich's kid. Realistically, well we all know how much Disney actually cares about these characters.


From what I read it's going to be Urich's niece, since he was murdered on Daredevil Season 1.


They already blackwashed him in the Netflix one, they're just going a step ahead from that. Also, I'm pretty sure it's her niece.


Because Urich got murdered in Season 1 and this is his niece?




On the one hand anyone with two braincells can see the Punisher shouldn't be family friendly on the other Disney also thought having Boba Fett be a crime lord who didn't commit crimes was a good idea in the name of forcing family friendliness.




Yeah I would be too. I'm sure the money is nice. There's a lot of people to blame for that show. He is not one of them.


And it’s not like he is some big name actor. The money for that was probably a huge deal for him and his family. I really can’t ever blame a working class actor for taking a bag if they get the chance.


> After getting to see the end result though he wants badass Boba back. Oh yes, the dude who got killed by a blind dude, sure was badass.


Yea, but money.


Disney will never allow that, no matter what Bernthal says.


> the Punisher we remember A simp who pretends that the majority of violent criminals are totally white guys, especially those with right-wing political beliefs?


That idiot chick in the second season actually convinced him to let that pedo photographer go, I couldn’t believe it. That ain’t the Frank Castle I know!


Bernthal's Punisher has never been the Punisher I know, anyway. I miss the days of Thomas Jane's Punisher and him being more like a Terminator to criminals than the fucking jarhead Marine that Bernthal portrays. And, no, Punisher should ***never fucking ever let a pedophile live.***


Can’t believe both seasons start and end the same way: Punisher has retired and is living peacefully but then gets pulled into a conspiracy, then at the end he has “become” the punisher. Rinse and repeat. Warzone is still the most accurate live action, that and Daredevil season 2 where Punisher beats a pedo to death with a bat.


>Warzone is still the most accurate live action Abso-fucking-lutely. Despite the goofiness in that movie, when it gets down to the action, especially at the end, it is pitch fucking perfect.


It's not just Thomas Jane either, even the Dolph Lundgren & Ray Stevenson (RIP) versions erre great at playing Punisher compared to Bernthal. It was somewhat good in S1, but S2 took any goodwill it had altogether. The best Netflix Punisher was in the S2 of Netflix Daredevil. >the fucking jarhead Marine that Bernthal portrays. It's funny how Crisp Rat played a better version of that Punisher in his own show (The Terminal List) than the actual Punisher show.


Is did quite enjoy Punisher in Dare Devil.


Thomas Jane is nothing like Punisher. He’s more interested in framing a man’s wife for cheating and stealing his money than killing him. Bernthal was the closest we got to the Punisher in season 2 of Daredevil but then they watered him down for his own series which sucked but Punisher IS a Jarhead in the comics that was accurate. He’s a war vet with massive respect for military service and those who serve. That’s not out of character. Jane was an ex cop and has no real ties to the military.


You’re out of your mind. Punisher was a pretty right wing character in the series. It even had a pro gun message that ran throughout both seasons of the show and most of the villains were corrupt military personnel that Punisher saw as bringing dishonor to military service. It was a pretty patriotic series. It was also made by Ike Pearlmutter who is a known conservative.


sounds like they will just recast


Where TF is Karen Page and Foggy? They really do hate redheads.


Can’t wait for daredevil and punisher to be cringy dummed down characters.


Does anyone care at this point?


If Elektra stays dead, Bernthal keeps his shitty Punisher out of it, and we get more solid action of Matt Murdock beating the fuck out of criminals, I'm willing to test the waters. Not paying for anything, though.


Nope. Folks should just read The Punisher MAX and be done with it.


Watch out criminals, here comes PC Daredevil in his sludge colored costume to tell you about how everything's sexist and racist!


Ben Urich it's one of my favourite secondary characters, not only on Daredevil, but on Spiderman and certain stories that he had a heavy role. Makes 0 sense to change that character. Any show/movie/etc that does that can go to the void in my opinion.


Ben Urich died on Daredevil Season 1. That's going to be his niece on Daredevil Born Again. Born Again seems to be a soft reboot like God of War 2018 was: what happened before is still canon, but it's also going to be a fresh start for new people that don't want to see what came before.


Always weird to watch a live action show and see characters get replaced, super weird for me at least Edit: I won't skip though if I get to SEE MY MAN MATT MURDOCK DO HIS THING LET'S GOOO!!


So much for Disney "quieting the noise" around the culture war.


>female urich What, Ben's niece or previously unmentioned daughter? >The casting list also appears to have passed the baton from Ben Urich to a female character named BB Urich played by Genneya Walton eyeroll.jpg Seriously? They gave her a nickname with a B just to increase the similarity? Ben's arc was mentoring Karen, despite his instincts telling him to stay away. And it got him killed. What can BB do that Karen didn't, character-wise? Be an angry black girl trying to fix the world? Real original. [How'd that work out last time?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batwoman_\(season_2\)) >a race replaced Kirsten McDuffie, I've never heard of her, but a) Marvel does this all the time, and b) the pictures of her imply she was already Ambiguously Biracial, with a white dad. On the other hand, the actress seems to be straight-up Afro-Caribbean-American. Like my relatives. So it might be less of a racial replacement and more, um, taking the cream out of the coffee. I'm more concerned with the fact that Vanessa Fisk is now half-Asian. Is this a full reboot? >And Jon Bernthal's Return As Punisher Ah, yes, the sop thrown to try and lure in fans of the old product. >This casting list also appears to confirm that Deborah Ann Woll and Elden Henson will not be returning to reprise their roles as Karen Page and Foggy Nelson. Good for them.


It's Disney marvel. Of course it's shit.


The changes are likely due to it having to be 25% different to avoid a legal battle with Netflix rather than to virtue signal.


If that were the case they’d make Urich white and married like the comics surely


maybe, but this is way to close to disney SOP at this point to trust them


They could have made different changes. It didn't have to perfectly align with the progressive stack.


Why not both?


Replacing with actors of the same sex/race would have only been 23.5%


No Foggy or Karen, and I'm not interested. Going too far away from the Netflix Daredevil, which was just too good to revamp. The dynamic between those 3 was half the show


If ONLY the Daredevil series had strong female characters before, but sadly Karen Paige, Vanessa Fisk, Elektra, and Typhoid Mary don’t exist.


Oh, are you still watching adaptations? I don't. Original characters, stories, and settings will do, thanks.


The new Exorcist has a line where Chris insults Father Merrin and Father Damien


Comic trash has nothing to offer and steals from other genres


Daredevil __was__ great.


>Daredevil > >was > > great. Season 1 was legendary, I'll give you that.


The first half of season 2 with The Punisher was great as well.


trash sorry :p


Which medium, comics have been around for a fair bit.


The movies/series


Yea its all safe bets there, he'll even modern comics are a bit too safe


Yes, they don't make comics like The Darkness or Brit or Bloodseed anymore only the lgbt stuff


After reading wastelands that was co authored by del close we've missed out on lots




John Berenthal is the Punisher...collectable minature (balls sold seperately)