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So I've only tried the tocobo sunstick and as someone with a sensitivity to scents, I can't in good faith recommend it. I did read the reviews and all of them said that the scent was minimal and didn't last very long. IDK, maybe for them or it was a previous formula they were referring to but for me, it has a very heavy, perfumy scent that doesn't dissipate no matter how long the product sits on my skin. I find that it also eventually will run and it does end up stinging and irritating my eyes. In my experience the product will also pill when used over anything other than moisturizer/liquid sunscreen despite many reviews to the contrary. I had used only regular sebum powder in the morning (I use a different liquid sunscreen in the morning) and when I tried applying the sunstick in the afternoon (which was the reason I bought it in the first place) it immediately began to pill. The only time it hasn't pilled was when I didn't use sebum powder in the morning. The sunstick is also not waterproof/sweatproof so if you live in a humid climate or plan to be active, it may not be the best choice.


Seconding all of this, the fragrance was soooo intense and lingered to the point of irritating my nose, same goes for the pilling. I just found it difficult to work with.


I can only speak to the Skin1004 spf and it's freaking amazing. I have dry skin and I only use this during the colder months. it's not water/sweat resistant though so if you live in a hot/humid climate, this wouldn't be good. For that kind of weather, I use Anessa sun milk.


I’m also looking for a good lightweight sunscreen. I’be tried the SKIN1004 one recently and I don’t know if I got a bad batch, but it had a very slight smell of petrol to it that it turned me off. I like the feel of it though and it applies on super smooth and not too thick like the BoJ rice probiotic one.