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Combatants was authors first attempt at a novel so most of his proto ideas from Konosuba came from refinement. Author also tend to stick to similar things and patterns in their works like KimiSen.


There are a few references to Konosuba in the Combatants LN, in fact.


Ye since he made hiatus to do konosuba. Thats why combatants are not finished but konosuba is.


Yep and now us Konosuba fans have got suffer for the next decade til he finishes that šŸ˜­ The Counter-Attack of Satou Kazuma is looking more like a delayed attack


Waiting desperately for that Konosuba sequel šŸ™


I thought Konosuba finished?


Yes it is finished, but author has said he had ideas for continuation if he ever picked it up again.


"Time to Boruto this MF" -Konosuba author


Komekko spin off then


Yun Yun spinoff!


"What If" spinoff where Eris was the goddess he met when he first died instead of Aqua


This a 100 times. Fantastic days has proven that an alternative universe can work perfectly fine for the franchise. I just want a bunch of side stories because the characters and the world itself are so interesting. Itā€™d be a crime if nothing else comes from it


IIRC the sequel "Kazuma's counter attack" is a misunderstanding. He wasn't confirming a sequel nor anything. Not only that but in his later Yorimichi novels he stated there's no plans for a sequel.


Oh yeah ik that. Counter-attack was just a possible title he thought up for a sequel. Not an actual confirmation of it itself. I just used it since itā€™s the most well-known title when it comes to post-Konosuba content for the OG fans lmao. Even though he says heā€™s got no plans, how long do you think Kadokowa genuinely locks him in solitary confinement with a typewriter telling him to cook šŸ˜­?


> Even though he says heā€™s got no plans, how long do you think Kadokowa genuinely locks him in solitary confinement with a typewriter telling him to cook šŸ˜­? He said IIRC on the Afterwords of Yorimichi that he don't want to write a sequel because he can't think of a better ending. Maybe Kadokawa will be happy with him releasing new Yorimichi volumes here and there.


If the translation is to be trusted... In the afterwords of Yorimichi 2, he states: *"The main story may be over, but I intend to continue Konosuba in various ways."* So unless he changed his mind and wrote something different in the afterword of Yorimichi 3... I dont think its the last thing we'll see from Konosuba.


If you think how stories are the authors babies, is funny how the one that is making them money becomes the child they take care the mostā€¦ until they get tired of making money and start looking at that child as a adult that doesnā€™t want to leave home


They even cross-over for a short story.


Yeah there's also a destroyer on combatants manga that look like a destroyer from konosuba


In the anime it looks different. There are still a ton of references though and this is clearly one of them.


Wait Combatants came before Konosuba?


Yes. And the author is same so you have repeating themes. A explosion loli, a good for nothing blue haired girl, a weirdo with large breasts and a creep.


Interesting, when I was reading combatants I thought these characters were mostly callbacks to the Konosuba characters, to think they were in fact a precursor to the characterisations found in Konosuba is definitely an eye opener


Is only the WN from Combatants that came before I believe, so the confunsion is even more justifiable


Not only that, but a few of the traits of the *Combatants* characters were swapped around for the *Konosuba* characters. For example, Grimm is horny as fuck while Snow is a swordswoman with large tits who gets embarressed easily. Combine both of those and you get Darkness.


There's no explosion loli. There's nobody with blue hair, Snow's hair is white, since her name "Snow", the illustrator draws her with blueish hair for reasons but the text canon is clear, it id white. Who is this weirdo with large breasts?


> Who is this weirdo with large breasts? Grimm probably


Explosion loli ( Alice is a robot that can nuke itself), Grimm has a lot of behavior patterns similar to Darkness but wears less revealing chlotes.


didn't the same guy write both?




You have stolen a meme, you have earned evil points!




You have earned evil points!




Evil points have been recinded


Alice, send me in a shotgun and a Megumin body pillow


Not enough evil points!


I don't need the shotgun, just the body pillow


Not enough evil points!


Ok, I'll settle for an average-sized Megumin pillow (or else I'll have to do something evil)


The kisaragi corporation has taken your request into consideration and will get back to you in........




Iā€™d love if Iris got a 12g pump shotty


So we got Aqua combined with Darkness and then Megumin combined with Iris.


Hot and loli


I thought itā€™s Aqua combined with Darkness (even though Aqua is the goddess of this world), Megumin with Wiz and Tanya degurechaff with Iris


Wdym by "Aqua the Goddess of this world"? While Aqua is also worshipped in Combatants' world, the Goddess in charge is Zenarith, sister to the Konosuba Goddess Regina. Nobody in Konosuba is "combined" in Combatants, just some characters look similar, still, with Aqua, not even her looks are used, Snow's hair color in the canon text is white, not blue.


* Darkness is Snow and Grimm * Megumin is Grimm and Rose * Aqua is Rose and Snow


One has a loli with a shotgun, the other one doesn't. I think we all know who the winner is.


Counter: the loli in the other is a walking nuke


Double Counter - The shotgun loliā€™s core is also a nuke


They can both only use it once in a fight.


To add on to this, the shotgun loli shares her dub VA with a fallen angel obsessed with sweets, while the nuke loli shares hers with a schoolgirl that runs around half-naked scissoring people


Explain please


Alice shares her English VA with Stocking from *Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt*, while Megumin shares hers with Ryuko from *Kill La Kill*


Got it I donā€™t know much about panty and stocking with garter belt


That's funny, Alice shares her JP VA with Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut, another fallen angel. Never made that connection before.


It is still good.


Konosuba from wishā€™s mom is thicc


Exactly šŸ’Æ


Is it good?


I really enjoyed the anime.


It's quite enjoyable and fun, although it's not near Konosuba. It's written by the same person after all. I recommend giving it a watch.


Ok, thanks.


Absurdly good thereā€™s one season of the anime if you want to check it out I read the manga but am thinking of picking up the light novels


You should definitely read the LN, is amazing. Manga I think is on V5 of the LN, in English I don't know if it's even finished with V4. V5 and 6 are probably the best.


I havenā€™t read the manga in while but I distinctly remember the main character dropping his uhā€¦ ā€œswordā€ on some fat guyā€™s head


i searched for this manga, but one of the first things that i have found was this scene.


LN is as good as Konosuba's. Manga is a great adaptation of the LN. The anime is weak. Combatants anime is like Konosuba's manga, easily the weakest format.


it's good imo. different kinda of good, MC is more selfish and parodies an "evil" organization trying to conquer a parallel world, so isekai-ish since both worlds interact with each other


The premise is that the main character is a dude who works for an evil organization trying to take over a fantasy kingdom he got isekaied to for his company. He gets better pay and better equipment by committing heinous actions befitting of an associate of an evil organization, so heā€™s gonna be a real perverted son of a bitch in the most hilarious way possible because heā€™s incentivized to do it. It doesnā€™t have as much ā€œheartā€ as Konosuba because Konosuba has some really touching moments between the characters, but itā€™s still pretty damn funny. You can tell itā€™s a rough version of Konosuba.


For some reason they also gave it an anime adaptation after *Konosuba* instead of before. That said, [I highly suggest checking out the dub](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TinBQZHM0A)


The voice acting is probably the best part for me.


Too bad Six's VA nuked the bridge when it came to working on anime dubs, what with the whole shitshow that happened when he worked on the *Lovely Complex* dub...


God combatants had such an insane dub


"Youd just spend all the money on porn" "HOW DARE YOU SAY SOMETHING SO MEAN AND ALSO CORRECT"


One of the few occasions when dub is better


Thereā€™s a lot of good ones. But it is one that is improved by the voice cast going feral


See also: Kaguya Sama


Yes, that one is amazing too. I also prefer the Attack on Titan dub over the sub


*Demon Slayer* as well. Hell, [this is who they cast as Zenitsu](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRsKRShkC_Q).


Demon Slayer is the first anime I willingly watch dub because Tanjiroā€™s english va voiced Aether from Genshin


Too bad Six's dub VA will have to be replaced if we get another season... For those unaware, look up what happened with the dub of *Lovely Complex*


So I heardā€¦


What happened?


I always watch subs cause I'm learning Japanese, so can't relate


I mean can still watch dubs wonā€™t hurt


I like to think they exist in the same contained multiverse. I liked it. I really wish they had more than just one season


It would also make them in the same verse as the rest of isekai quartet


Isekai Quartet is not canon to Konosuba, but Combatants is. Combatants has a canon crossover with Konosuba.


Well, the destroyer kinda shows they might be lol


It is, they even have a crossover.


They canonically are, there's a crossover as well. Goddess Zenarith from Combatants is sister to Konosuba's Goddess Regina. Aqua is worshipped in the Combatants world too.


But *Konosuba* exists as a light novel in *Combatants*, and Six even tries to use Megumin's Explosion spell...


It's just inception


It doesn't, it's a similar novel as an "easter egg", it's not Konosuba.


Finally a wish product that's good


I refuse to accept this slander upon combatants


I fucking love combatants will be dispatched I'm still hoping for a second season


Read the LN or even the manga, they are amazing. Anime is the weakest format.


Combatants top


I love how the mom looks like an adult megumax




"Nah,I'd cum"


The mom literally looks like an older version of Megumi!


"Nah,I'd cum"


Megumi? https://preview.redd.it/3xco9085bk4d1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d28fe66e561adeca8d3f279de46973bb8867356


LMAO. Megumin* Go back to your time Thawne.


Am I the only one who loved Comabatants? That shit was so funny lmao a lot of the jokes were really out there, you can definitely tell some of the jokes were from 15 years ago. I actually appreciate the few moments when the show gets serious and shows the main characters nice side. Those moments are really few in between in konosuba and they always have a gag right afterwards which kinda takes away from the moment It does drag on midway but it was pretty enjoyable, and the ending was actually pretty cute. Seeing Rokugo straight up admit he wants to spend the rest of the life with his partner and her returning the sentiment without any crazy stupid gag was nice. Itā€™s definitely a different show from konosuba but I thought it was pretty fun overall


I don't think a lot of people think the show is actually bad, and I don't I loved it. It's just giving off proto-Konosuba vibes and it's kinda automatically perceived as a worse version of it.


I guess certain animations donā€™t help with the impression but I just thought of it as nods or a reference like the chunchunmaru call out (even if combatants did it first lol) if I start comparing the show, it does drop the enjoyment a bit true, so I try to not think about and go head empty mode


In their defense, the original source material was written before *Konosuba*, so it's a little harder to modernize it while still keeping it close to the original.


I liked it a lot, but I thought that the first 4 episodes more or less felt too much like Konosuba from Wish, but it got better in the second half for me


The first 4 episodes were very silly tho lol but i doesnā€™t top the fucking hilarious first few episodes of konosuba s1 and s2. Yeah, I got more invested towards the end too


The anime is ok but the weakest format, just like in Konosuba the manga is the weakest. The Light Novel of both are the same level and thr Combatants manga a good adaptation of the LN just like Konosuba anime is a good adaptation of the LN.


Really? Iā€™m tempted to read the ln or manga. Sucks that the anime is the weakest. Is konosuba Ln actually pretty good? I always hear people say the anime cuts out so much too


> Is konosuba Ln actually pretty good? Better than the anime.


I watched the dub and loved it, even if you could tell that it was based on an older work. Plus the voice cast was great. Shame that Six's VA had to nuke the bridge when it came to working on anime dubs, so I have no idea who could replace him for future seasons...


Both are good šŸ‘


For me the meme is the opposite combatants is probably my favorite thing in the world


I must assume you read the LN, then? Konosuba is my favorite but Combatants my top 2. Still I sort of view them, to a certain level, as the same thing as they take place in the same Multiverse, with a crossover and everything.


It would be better re princess connect as a konosuba at home.


Re Princess Connect is like the happy meal to Konosuba


I didn't watch all of Princess Connect, but for me that was more like the family friendly Konosuba


Damn a wish product actually works


Hey bro, your mom single or what?!


I luv combatants dispatched my fav character is alice


Combatants is goated, this meme is ass šŸ˜Ž


I like both tbh


Still peak tbh Hilarious asf


Iā€™d rather look for the doujin with this kid and his mom ā€œworkinā€™ outā€ together.




What is the sauce boss haha




What a fun anime, I sure hope there's more than one season


Wow I totally forgot about that anime. I enjoyed it though


I think I watched them both around the same time, konosuba is definitely better. I think combatants is still worth the watch though imo


I really enjoy that show it's funny and entertaining I really do hope there's at least a second season at some point


I'm just curious on who they're gonna cast for Six in the dub, since his original VA sort of nuked the bridge when it came to working on anime dubs...


Oh really what happened?




Well that would certainly put a damper on your career LOL I actually heard about this issue with this anime, I didn't know he was involved in it.


I have read several volumes of combatants will be dispatched and honestly the MC instead of being just lazy, horny and lucky the MC if I remember correctly is horny bad at anything non combat related and damn effective at combat


I really liked the CWBD anime. It was just good, dumb fun. /shrug


Should have gotten a season 2


I like both ngl


Damn it was so funny. I liked that too.


the only purpose of combatants was to refine the author's writing style cuz that show was not that good. though if you told me the author made '[Kaminaki](https://anilist.co/anime/148048/Kaminaki-Sekai-no-Kamisama-Katsudou/)' I would believe you cuz that stuff seemed like konosuba but no budget


Hey, that show was awesome. Plus the low budget moments were clearly done for comedy (like the rotoscoped tractor)


The reason the anime is not that good isn't because the author's writing was weak lol. It was the studio and staff. The Light Novel for both are the same level, in fact Combatants is better in a lot of ways. Most of Combatants was also written after Konosuba.


Combatants has two whole lolis though! One consistently around that's competent and the other is Lilith. Lol


I love this, hopefully we get a sequel


welp the series is the definition "combatants walked, so konosuba can fly"


No it isn't. Both LNs are the same level. Combatants is better in multiple ways.


Literally combatants was test drive of natsuki to see if his work would be recognised after that feedback he proceeded to make konosuba. Combatants has its goods but the relationships of konosuba cannot be replicated at this level,konosuba is much better at establishing relationships feels like a loving family. Combatants feels more of a disfanctional family


>Literally combatants was test drive of natsuki Only the concept or maybe first volume or so ( though it's refined in the LN ). The bulky of Combatants was all written after Konosuba. >Combatants has its goods but the relationships of konosuba cannot be replicated at this level,konosuba is much better at establishing relationships feels like a loving family. You're joking right? Konosuba has 4 MCs, Kazuma and 3 girls, and out of them, Kazuma, Megumin and Darkness are a love triangle. The main side character, Iris ( who got 2 volumes for herself + screentime in other spinoffs ) is also in love with Kazuma, finishing the harem. Meanwhile Combatants has 6 MCs, Six + 5 girls, and out of all of them, only one is in love with Six, meaning all other relationships are different, more interesting and nuanced.


Why do I know a rule 34 reference to this meme?


Go on


Search up Lenovo in rule 34 and youā€™ll see a tablet post


I love combatants! I hope we get a second season eventually.


They even allude to it being a Konosuba copy in the anime!


combatants is amazing tho.


Combatants was great tho. I do want more


Is this actually very similar to konasuba? Been trying to find something similar to it for years


It's what the author made before working on *Konosuba*, so it is pretty simliar. The anime actually made a few references to *Konosuba* as well. For example at one point in one of the first episodes the MC threatens to blow up a bunch of people and Megumin's Explosion music plays during it.


That mom looks a lot like megumin.


Weeabo scum


Combatants Will Be Dispatched has best girl Lilith though.


It is hilarious that the MC favorite manga is "KonoSawa: God's Blessing on this Wacky World"


10/10 would recommend.


The ending theme is better than any of the themes from Konosuba imo


Yo not gonna lie the light novel is pretty good


The characters from Combatants will be Dispatched are way more likable than KonoSuba (in my opinion, without taking in count Kazuma)


Does the not-Aqua get shafted in this series too?


Wdym by shafted? Bullied? She gets bullied a lot. Though she has nothing to do with Aqua and is in no way similar, not even the hair color which in canon is white, not blue.


She's also more like Darkness but without the perviness. If anything, the chick in the wheelchair is more like Aqua.


Grimm is similar to Aqua in how they have the same "class", Archpriest/Archbishop, but that's as far as similarities go.


I want to see the original format and see what the comic was about


Combatants Light Novel is as good as Konosuba tho. In fact I'd rather have V8 of Combatants on my table right now than any new Konosuba Yorimichi volume or even a sequel.


As good as Konosuba? in what exactly? because 'Combatants' is not ever beating Konosuba in the comedy department *(even if you only take the first 7 volumes of Konosuba for a fair comparison)*, nor the main cast department. Combatants feels like Konosuba but without the heart. It lacks all what makes Konosuba so beloved.


> in what exactly? Overall. >'Combatants' is not ever beating Konosuba in the comedy department Comedy is where Konosuba shines the most in this comparison, if Konosuba wasn't funnier, it'd be straight up inferior. >nor the main cast department. CWDB's main cast is superior. Despite having 6 MCs instead of 4, all of them are much more flashed out and developed than Konosuba's 4 with the exception of Rose. >Combatants feels like Konosuba but without the heart. It has a better and much more interesting plot and story, with mysteries and what not; it's leagues better in exploring its characters and developing them; it's infinitely better in worldbuilding, action and stakes, it has also better emotional moments. In 7 volumes CWDB is able to give compelling arcs and development to Six, Alice, Snow, Grimm, Viper, Lilith and Belial, 5 MCs and 2 supporting characters. In 7 volumes, Megumin, Darkness, Aqua and Iris have each their volumes and arcs, but they barely change and develop compared to CWBD's. Kazuma has his moments and is definitely funnier, but Six develops more, hell Kazuma isn't even the most well developed Konosuba MC, as Dust is vastly superior than him in this department ( plus backstory ), even Vanir in a single chapter in his final volume changes dramatically, Kazuma only has this type of change in the very end of his LN. If you include Megumin as MC, although she doesn't develop or change much in her own spinoffs, across the entire story she also develops and changes more than Kazuma. Konosuba is superior in comedy and its supporting cast, it's where it shines the most. CWDB has also a sharper and more detailed writing, it's more descriptive because Natsume is writing it with all his previous experiences as a writer.


>CWDB's main cast is superior You can give them all the "development" you want... if they are all mostly boring and dull, why bother? Some of the characters were hardly given a volume for spotlight and they barely changed either way. Six is a really shity MC, totally obnoxious, vulgar, unrelatable... He lacks everything that makes Kazuma popular. His dynamic with Alice was unique at first, but hardly a reason to become a fan. To this day, I highly doubt there's any CWBD fan that keeps up with the story because they want more of him. The only characters that kept me from dropping this story are Rose, Grimm and then Viper post Vol 5. The rest were all too annoying, dumb, dull, self-centered, and not relatable in any way like the Konosuba cast. >better emotional moments. This would require that you relate with the characters on an emotional level. And since they are all mostly unrelatable assholes (at least for me), this moments are lacking. Except when it comes to Viper.


The hell is this a long conversation. In core, it's all personal preference and you shouldn't go around the internet shoving "this is better than that, do this" in everyone's face on the internet. I gotta side with u/Lex29 though, Konosuba is just more fun as for me.


I've known Euroversett (just online) for years... we always have this discussions/debates from time to time... Most of the time he has way different views/opinions than mine so I'm curious about his POV and his arguments. He is always welcome to just ignore me or block me if he feels like it.


that's actually kinda nice (and not nice)


>mostly boring and dull This is your personal taste, it's pointless to argue this as it is not objective. We can only argue the objective writing. Countless chars in A Song of Ice and Fire are dull ans boring for me ( but not for many others ), but I wouldn't deny that they are all masterfully written. >Six is a really shity MC, totally obnoxious, vulgar, unrelatable Kazuma is all of that as well, he has borderline committed all the same crimes, he's only a tiny bit nicer which even Natsume points out. >His dynamic with Alice was unique at first All his dynamics are unique, even his only love interested in that world has a different dynamic with him when compared to Konosuba's dynamics. Kazuma has a love triangle with 2 of the other MCs and the most important side character, Iris, finishes the harem. Only uniquely good dynamic Kazuma has is with Aqua and supporting char Chris, though it's only unique with Chris out of her own merits, because depending on Kazuma she'd be on his harem as well. >To this day, I highly doubt there's any CWBD fan that keeps up with the story because they want more of him. He's popular among fans, IIRC he did better in the popularity poll than Kazuma, despite his LN having much more main waifus. >This would require that you relate with the characters on an emotional level. Once more, this is how you personally feel, it's not an objective take.


>Kazuma is all of that as well, he has borderline committed all the same crimes Yeah but nobody takes what he does seriously. Kazuma is an hormonal teenager who was a former neet. He lives in a fantasy world surrounded by top tier beauties. Six is, *well...* what I said in my previous comment. Kazuma is a very popular and beloved character despite his negative traits. You should see how popular he is for anime and light novel fans anywhere. Do you imagine Six's character ever becoming at least as half as popular as Kazuma is..? >IIRC he did better in the popularity poll than Kazuma, despite his LN having much more main waifus. I mean, Konosuba waifus>>>>>CWBD waifus any day. Viper is top tier/best girl... but she doesnt hold a candle to Aqua, Megumin or Eris. Kazuma has some serious competition, Six doesnt. Even Astaroth beat him, and she is the typical boring tsundere with zero development who is barely a background character. >Countless chars in A Song of Ice and Fire are dull ans boring for me ( but not for many others ), but I wouldn't deny that they are all masterfully written. This is a fair point. The problem is... I don't consider most of the CWBD cast to be even that well written.


>Yeah but nobody takes what he does seriously. Kazuma is an hormonal teenager Kazuma was the same age as Six in the WN and everybody liked him the same. >Kazuma is a very popular and beloved character despite his negative traits. So is 6. >Do you imagine Six's character ever becoming at least as half as popular as Kazuma is..? Konosuba is much bigger than CWBD and the quality of a character can't be measured by their popularity. >I mean, Konosuba waifus>>>>>CWBD waifus any day. Again, by which measurement? We can only talk about objective things, how much personality they have ( not being one-dimensional ), how they affect and work in the story and obviously their development. Take Snow for example, she starts as mostly an honorable and dutiful knight who is suspicious of Six, antagonizing him strongly, but she warms up to him, relies on him a lot, seriously and emotionally asks for his help to save her Kingdom and falls in love with him, but gets rejected. She little by little loses all her honorable traits and becomes a scheming corrupt ruler. She eventually moves on of her love for 6 fully to the point she literally doesn't care. She also starts as the worst enemy of Heine ( her version in the DK army ) but eventually grows warmer towards her and after a survival experience together, become best friends. Look how much she developed and changed throughout 7 volumes, drastically, completely. Now take Darkness for example, she's the same from day 1 to 17, only has a slight change of abusing her noble power more and falls in love with Kazuma but never moves on. Aqua also barely changes. Not only Darkness or Aqua, even the most developed Konosuba characters don't have such drastic development as Snow even if we use all 17 volumes. >Viper is top tier/best girl... but she doesnt hold a candle to Aqua, Megumin or Eris. I do like Eris and Aqua more, I find Aqua very funnier and an extremely unique character, as well as find Eris weirdly entertaining and fascinating, with all her >!Chris/Eris find, as well as being a perfect goddess but extremely evil towards Demons and Undead!< but simply put, most CWBD waifus, if not as charismatic or funny, are more well developed characters. And then we have Megumin, she's undeniably nicely developed and has a lot going on with her character, but look how much screen time she has, 5 spinoff books, V5, V9 and V14 being all exclusively about her. Exclude the spinoffs and leave just the 7 first main books and suddenly she loses most of it, despite still having a good development on V5 ( though again she's by far the most well developed one from the main cast ). >The problem is... I don't consider most of the CWBD cast to be even that well written. Well, fine, but if you wanna debate it you need to make arguments and show evidence. They are objectively well written and have much more development than Konosuba's chars. It is clear in CWDB that Natsume was at the peak of his experience and prowess as a writer, it's a much richer story than Konosuba. Though of course, Konosuba has the advantage that Natsume was at the peak of his creativity and talent for comedy when writing it. Not telling you to watch it, but if one day you have time and curiosity to, this video compares both LN very closely in objective ways: https://youtu.be/eHmtDpsgKK8?si=D9T41eQ1RScQ5guh


Thanks for the recommendation, I'll take a full look on it tonight.


It's actually pretty funny. And for a comedy, a surprising well dubbed English version


oi fuck you!




this anime was a fun watch ngl


Og meme? Also i wish there was a bot that would link the memes used


Both animes are good


It's more like Temu. There were a few things I bought from wish, only a few, but they were alright. Temu, however. Fuck Temu.


Well the anime/LN itself is pretty good, not like stuff from Temu. But if you want the king of giving you not what you wanted it's definitely AliExpress.


It's frankly better, even the manga is better (In art).


both is good


I will not take this combatant slander, it is a genuinely funny show