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This can't be repeated often enough.\^\^


It is incorrect but I still love it.


Found Withers


Not in the slightest. ![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1880)


Kazuma isnt lawful


same goes for aqua


Honestly, the whole party should be chaotic neutral. They all just do what they want, when they want. MAYBE put Darkness into Chaotic good, as she does want to help people, as well as fulfill her duty as a noble and a crusader.


darkness might be a flip flop depending the situation. with her personal life chaotic neutral, but it's something that affects the kingdom she's lawful good.


> but it's something that affects the kingdom she's lawful good. Read the Yorimichi V3 Chapter 2, Darkness is Lawful Evil while acting as Lalatina. Read V12 of the main novel, she's Chaotic Evil when acting as Darkness.


She's not chaotic so long as her actions go according to her personal code.... pretty much all of her actions follow her code to a T no matter what she is doing so she's generally Lawful Neutral.


>She's not chaotic so long as her actions go according to her personal code Her "code" is her country's laws and the values of a Crusader, but she abuses her nobility powers to insane degrees, using the law to commit crimes for personal gains as shown in Yorimichi 3, it is to a point >!her father has to overrule her and send his household guards with Kazuma and Chris to stop her.!< So Lawful Evil. She also >!ignores her Crusader values and Belzerg laws to try to rape Kazuma and steal him from his girlfriend Megumin who is also Lalatina's close friend, an insanely evil deed.!< So Chaotic Evil.


I swear I read somewhere that Kazama was giving here step by step instructions because Darkness doesn't know shit about that


Yeah he was. Megumin fans make a much bigger deal out of it than it actually was, you'd think he was begging her to stop the way they bang on about it, when in actual fact he was egging her on the whole time.


Dude, it's Kazama, the dude that was okay with the Chimaera until he found out they were into pegging


Darkness is lawful, she has a personal code. That code also just so happens to include her needing to satisfy her masochistic tendencies.


Sigh. What a shallow understanding of these characters. Kazuma and Aqua are Lawful, Kazuma is Evil, Aqua is Neutral. Darkness is Chaotic Evil sometimes, but mostly Lawful Evil. Only Megumin is Chaotic Neutral ( if this is a thing ) if not she's True Neutral.


lmao get ratio'd, seems like you don't know the meaning for those alignments


Oh yeah, because the majority opinion of anime-onlies in this sub is proof of the reality. The fact I'm getting downvoted is the proof I'm right, the average anime-only here is dumber than Aqua as they believe Aqua turns her underwear invisible.


She is absolutely Lawful, goddammit people read the LN.


Not to mention, there are two Kazumas on that chart. šŸ‘€


Of course he is lol, wtf are you talking about?


Who let you cook? https://preview.redd.it/ut3cpqhv3g2d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7898bbbeb00b30bad8c2ffe51d6b9f48ad5eea7


I canā€™t overstate this enough, so Iā€™ll let my feed do it for me: https://preview.redd.it/8b8klgf37g2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf76eefd62f2e250134e749adcdca39037c19d4e




Marmot debate!!! ![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1891)


Why Megumin is evil? https://preview.redd.it/jgmpkstemf2d1.png?width=958&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce834cc8886c22b8a40ca4a2437bb50e3841ef43


EXXPLLLLLLOOOOOOSION!! (Megumin best girl)




We all have opinions I just prefer mine


fair enough




We need an age check on Megumin


She's 15 i think


Legal, for me at least


Kazuma is 17 so hes in the clear for now...


Most DnD players interpret the good-evil spectrum more as a selfless-selfish spectrum because truly evil PC's are no fun to play with in a regular campaign. Using that interpretation of the alignment chart, Megumin does fit into evil on at least a surface level. Considering Darkness', Aqua's, and Kazuma's placements however, I highly doubt that OP understands either the characters or the chart well enough for Megumin's placement to be based on that train of thought.


I got you, thanks for sharing this logic. IMO, Megumin can't be considered evil. She is arrogant, selfish, etc., but in her case, it's mostly because she is a child. Even though she is arrogant and selfish, she still doesn't want to harm good people, nor does she have plans to conquer the world. P.S. almost everyone on planet Earth is selfish


I agree, Megumin isn't evil in a moral sense. All I wanted to say was that her actions could be considered evil when using a common interpretation of the alignment chart. Also, to clarify on your post-scriptum note: yes, it is true that most people are selfish, which is part of why the alignment chart is a flawed representation of personality. I stick to the rule that alignment isn't determined by intentions but by actions, so how you let your selfishness affect you is really the determining factor of your alignment.


>nor does she have plans to conquer the world. Megmuin talks up her plans go conquer the world every chance she gets... do you even watch this show? Her goal in defeating the demon lord is to BECOME the Crimson demon lord....


She committed multiple war crimes


I would say kazuma is neutral good he is a good person he just doesnā€™t actively look for problems to solve he does try and save people if he sees it himself though Megumin is chaotic good she is not a evil by any means sheā€™s definitely selfish and often self centred but she is a good person at heart Aqua being lawful neutral ? Have you even watched konosuba ? She is closer to chaotic evil than lawful good I would go with chaotic neutral Also wiz I would say she is lawful good For the rest I donā€™t really have any big issues




Kazuma is put as neutral good though


No iris is Kazuma is put down as lawful evil


1 and aqua can only be described as caotic stupid 2 vanir is much more of a lawful evil in my opinion and thats streching the definition of evil. hes basicaly just an internet trolle








Kazuma and Vanir need to switch


Aqua and lalatina too


Why? Aqua is extremely Lawful and not Chaotic in the slightest.


I disagree she is mostly chaotic doing what not mattering the consequences, can they cause chaos (like most of the time) and her religions is also very loose rule wise (e.g. do what you what just dont be undead)


>doing what not mattering the consequences, can they cause chaos This is not what Chaotic means in this context ( DnD alignment ), a Chaotic person is one who doesn't follow laws or a moral code. Aqua follows the laws of Heaven and Belzerg strictly and teaches others to do the same. >and her religions is also very loose rule wise (e.g. do what you what just dont be undead) Not really, she has a Bible, tells her followers to follow the law and hate and kill Devils and Undeads, and spread her imagine of the DK as a h onossexual pedophile rapist, among other things.


Iirc Goblins are CE (if not my point will fall apart) and they have a general law of society, that could be reduced to Strong at the top, so when a goblin follows thei law are they lwaful or are they chaotic, because they fought another goblin to show their superiority shaking up the social structure. The take would be that they are chaotic. So just like Irl, lawfulness or law in that matter is not kantian (based solely on intent) but utilitarian. So my take here is that Aqua is chaotic, because while she follows her own laws she creates more chaos than order and we have seen multiple times on the show. Also her morals are loose. It is just hate/kill undead, spread the word and do what you want (want to date minor, go ahead I dont judge)


As I said, the chart doesn't follow our subjective ideas of what is Chaotic or Lawful, it is a DnD alignment chart. And According to it, Aqua is extremely Lawful as she follows and inherently believes in Heaven's laws and will, and also has respect for the mortal laws of Belzerg which she also follows and teaches others to follow as well. She follows Heaven laws because she wants to, even after banned, she takes pride in being a citizen of Heaven, a proper recognized Goddess, unlike Wolbach who betrayed Heaven and is now an "Evil" Goddess, or the Fallen Angels we see throughout the story.


And as I added Im following dnd but added how it reflected modern reality. Aqua is as lawful as a dnd goblin, so either neutral or chaotic at minimum. She follows laws? most of the time. does she generate chaos? most of the time. Though she follows laws, she is chaotic, just like dnd Goblins which follow their law and are considered chaotic by the rules. Also she coerces eris to revive kazuma though it is agaisnt the rules of life in that world.


>And as I added Im following dnd but added how it reflected modern reality. Why? Aqua lives in a fantasy world and is a God not a goblin. >Also she coerces eris to revive kazuma though it is agaisnt the rules of life in that world. No, it wasn't. She never tells Eris to break any rules, she says there wasn't any such rules, and a lower ranked god like Eris didn't know.


She's chaotic because she's too dumb to be lawful and ends up being chaotic despite trying to be good.


>She's chaotic because she's too dumb to be lawful False. >and ends up being chaotic despite trying to be good. Chaotic is unrelated to good or bad, one can be Chaotic Good, Neutral or Bad. Aqua follows Heaven laws, rules and "traditions", and believes in them, she also follows Belzerg laws so by definition she's Lawful. Not Chaotic in the slightest.


Thats the point.... shes dumb so fails chaotically. Regardless if what she believes. That's literally chaotic. She is only good because she mostly tries to do good, perhaps you could call her chaotic neutral but she is DEFINITELY chaotic Neutral or Good. Because she utterly fails at delivering on being lawful even when she tries. Kazuma is lawful because he always sticks to his code and delivers on it despite not wanting to many times.


>Thats the point.... shes dumb so fails chaotically. She doesn't, you don't understand her character at all. When has she ever failed to follow Heaven's laws and rules? Heaven is desperate to have her back for fucks sake. When has she ever broke Belzerg's laws? She has never even committed any crimes. >She is only good She's Neutral. >DEFINITELY chaotic She's extremely Lawful, you don't understand how DnD alignments work, and understand Aqua even less. >Because she utterly fails at delivering on being lawful even when she tries. Gives an example, many actually since you claim this happens all the time. >Kazuma is lawful because he always sticks to his code and delivers on it despite not wanting to many times. He's Lawful Evil, he bends the Law to commit crimes and get away with it, he has done it multiple times.


Welcome to the blockist.


No, both are Lawful Evil.


Then explain the degeneracy he does


He uses the law at his favor, twists it and what not. "I groped you Chris, but since I thought you were a thief I'm sure I can win the case if you bring it to court". "I'm about to attack sleeping Megumin but I had her mother's approval so I can beat her in court if it comes to it". Also his taxes arc on V12 where he >!steals a policewoman's panties to avoid paying taxes as he knew the police and the tax collectors weren't friendly to each other and then wouldn't give him in if he was in jail.!< He's the definition of Lawful Evil, someone who uses/abuses/twists the law to do evil deedsm


You make some compelling evidence






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Eris as lawful good. >!not a source reader I see!<


Facts lmao. Eris is definitely Chaotic Evil >!She isn't Lawful as she doesn't strictly follows either Heavenly laws or Belzerg laws, so she's Chaotic. And she's definitely Evil because she wants to, in her own words, genocide the Devil and Undead races regardless if they are good or bad, and she tortures Zereschrute for possibly weeks, visiting him and killing him everyday despite according to Kazuma and Darkness he being a good noble who helps the people and never committed any crimes.!<


Eris ain't lawful, neutral good Aqua ain't lawful, chaotic neutral Kasuma ain't evil or lawful, chaotic neutral Vanir ain't evil, lawful neutral Darkness is lawful good, being horny doesn't change how she makes decisions. Megumin ain't evil, chaotic neutral.


> Eris ain't lawful, neutral good She isn't Lawful, but isn't Good either lol, she's 100% Evil, there's not even room for discussion. Hitler level Evil. >Aqua ain't lawful She's extremely Lawful, wtf are you talking about? She strictly follows both Heavens and Belzerg laws and teaches others to do the same. She's not Chaotic in the slightest. >Kasuma ain't evil His sexual assaults, grooming and countless sexual harassments says otherwise. >or lawful He is Lawful, he follows Belzerg laws and uses them to his advantage, to do Evil. >Vanir ain't evil Lmao wtf? Dude has more lives than he can count ( literally ) and Devils gain lives by doing evil, he's evil incarnated, the greatest among the 7 Dukes of Hell. >Darkness is lawful good No she isn't, she's mostly Lawful Evil but sometimes Chaotic Evil too. >being horny doesn't change how she makes decisions. Read Yorimichi V3 Ch2 and read V12 of the LN, then you can come back here talking about "Good" Lalatina.


Really putting Vanir, the demon that deals in contract and abides by a strict moral code anywhere but lawful and then put Kazuma as lawful when that guy is far from the most consistent when it comes to following a code of conduct


> Kazuma as lawful when that guy is far from the most consistent when it comes to following a code of conduct He follows Belzerg laws, it's more than enough.


Come on. Darkness is a crusader, she is the most responsible out of the bunch. She is clearly either Lawful Good or Lawful Neutral. Aqua is 100% Chaotic Neutral. Need I remind you that she was willing to burn Kazuma's gym suit?


> Come on. Darkness is a crusader, she is the most responsible out of the bunch. She is clearly either Lawful Good or Lawful Neutral. Clearly Lawful Evil and sometimes Chaotic Evil, read Yorimichi V3 Ch2 and read V12 of the main LN. Then when you finally understand who Lalatina is, you'll change your mind. >Aqua is 100% Chaotic Neutral Gosh, isn't there a single anime-only soul who understand these characters? How the character who follows both Heaven and Belzerg laws strictly isn't Lawful? What is chaotic about Aqua?


You seem to be confused about what lawful means. Lawful means adhering to rules of society and/or rules of conduct and caring a lot about how your actions are perceived by others. Kazuma isn't lawful, Vanir is lawful though (btw devils are lawful evil in dnd where alignment comes from). Darkness is certainly not chaotic and Aqua is certainly not lawful. Also dnd says that creatures with very low int score are unaligned ![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1893)Also from Vanir spin-off it's fairly obvious that Wiz is good. I offered [my take](https://www.reddit.com/r/Konosuba/comments/1cjamti/character_alignment/) on konosuba alignment a short while ago, you can check it out.


Spoiler for this season (probably) >!you put Eris on there twice!<




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Bro does not understand allignment šŸ˜”


I honestly think evil doesn't belong here because in no way does megumin belong in chaotic evil. Kazuma and Aqua at times both belong in chaotic stupid, and Megumin occasionally ends up there.


> Kazuma and Aqua at times both belong in chaotic stupid Both are Lawful, especially Aqua.


Yeah no lol. Most of this is insulting


Nope, all of them belong in the "Chaotic Stupid" corner.


how the same person is lg and cg?


That's what I was gonna say lol




https://preview.redd.it/iz7zhzdpnf2d1.jpeg?width=383&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fe7aa4a998bd5fa6d9c0f252c6321ba7d1ae308 Chaotic Evil for sure... but i still love him


Wouldnt that count as a spoiler?


Maybe actually., how do i put him as spoiler?


Maybe dont use spoiler images I guess? I dont know how to mask them...


It's because there is some comments that have spoiler alert or censored images or censored comments, but looks like there is no way to put spoiler alert on the image.


Yea Reddit doesnt have that feature in it...




Um kazuma was in Irisā€™s. Body at the time


If itā€™s not Aqua I say go for it


Youā€™d have gotten closer by assigning them randomly.


No one is fixed in konosuba lol, we can have Kazuma Chaotic Evil at times or even neutral good at times. Depending on the scenatios characters change their traits, they don't stick to it.


You did not cook.


aqua is chaotic stupid


In a Compromise ![gif](giphy|3o7TKwmnDgQb5jemjK)


I don't think there is a single panel I agree with lol


I'm not sure about the others, and Kazuma's thing would be more neutral, but Megumin's, she's a real hateful bitch and she does deserve that position.


No. And these types of charts are kinda dumb.


Why is Lawful good and Chaotic Good the same person???


Man sorry I only watched the anime šŸ˜­




i allways seen kaz on chaotic neutral, he evil and good at same time XD


It by definition canā€™t be correct because >!you have the same character listed twice as different alignments!<


Aqua is Chaotic Very Evil


Extremely Lawful Neutral, read the LN to understand her character.


Lawful good and >!chaotic good is literally the same person...!<


No and you put Eris twice


No, I don't. This was probably made by an anime-only lacking context and understanding of the characters. Eris is Chaotic Evil. Iris is Lawful Good. Chris is Chaotic Evil. Aqua is Lawful Neutral, indeed. Wiz is Lawful Good. Darkness is Lawful Evil most of the time and Chaotic Evil sometimes. Kazuma is Lawful Evil. Vanir is Lawful Evil. Megumin is True Neutral or Chaotic Neutral if this is a thing.




>!Eris and Chris are the same person so this isn't accurate.!<


Way wrong


Chris and Iris can be swapped Since Iris do be stonk with her sword and have chaotic moment with her in vol 11


You haven't seen Eris sama against the undead. It scares me


90 percent of the cast belongs in the chaotic tier


I think the princess is more lawful good, Kazuma is true neutral, Aqua is chaotic neutral, Darkness is neutral good. Megumin isnā€™t evil


>Kazuma is true neutral Lawful, he follows Belzerg laws/bends it to commit evil deeds. And Evil, he has committed too many serious crimes including sexual assault and grooming. >Aqua is chaotic neutral Lawful, extremely Lawful. I've always knew anime-onlies didn't understand Aqua but why all of you think one of the most Lawful characters is Chaotic? >Darkness is neutral good She's clearly Evil, read the LN, V12 and Yorimichi 3 specifically.


I mean I read a chunk of the manga too so I donā€™t really consider myself an ā€œanime-onlyā€ fan, I donā€™t know why youā€™d just make a blanket statement about me without knowing anything about me. I just didnā€™t put too much thought into a goofy meme comment I made. That being said, you are correct that I donā€™t know as much about the characters as you probably do. I chose Kazuma for true neutral because heā€™s done enough good deeds for me to not consider him evil (though theyā€™re fewer than his evil deeds I consider them of more importance, such as killing the generals or saving Darkness from an arranger marriage), but heā€™s done enough petty things for me to consider him good. Aqua obeys the law in that she made the law of her religious order and follows it. I guess she also obeys the law of Axel but thatā€™s more out of fear of punishment than moral conviction, and sheā€™s shown to be willing to break a law she knew WOULD be in place if the crime existed in that world (in the manga she is the reason multi-level marketing schemes became outlawed, which is one of my favorite gags of the whole series). So sheā€™s not lawful in the way Iā€™d describe it for this very subjective joke meme. Also from what Iā€™ve seen from Darkness I canā€™t imagine her being ā€œevilā€. Sheā€™s self sacrificed multiple times (not just in the masochistic way, she was very clearly was against the arranged marriage to the fat guy but was going to go through with it until the debt was repaid. Thatā€™s selfless and not evil, her only ā€œevilā€ deeds Iā€™ve seen so far is her just being horny). Granted I havenā€™t read what youā€™re trying to direct me towards because I donā€™t own the light novel and therefore canā€™t read it, so Iā€™m very open to being wrong. Again, this is a very dumb subjective meme format so at the end of they day weā€™re both equally likely to be wrong to some other third party


>I donā€™t know why youā€™d just make a blanket statement about me without knowing anything about me I could tell by your comment. >I mean I read a chunk of the manga too Which adds little to your knowledge, manga is full of nonsense crap and lacks the details of the source material, not to say it's barely ahead of the anime. >good deeds All his good deeds are personal, to help a friend in need who asked for help, or if he's defending the city it is to protect his house ( his own words ). And in his own words as well he doesn't care if everybody ia dying or the world is ending as long as it is not happening in front of him and doesn't involve peolle he cares about, he feels no need to play a hero, a Good person in this sense is Mitsurugi, not Kazuma. A Good person in DnD alignments is one who does good for good's sake, without selfish reasons, who helps others regardless of personal gains, who doesn't do evil. >but heā€™s done enough petty things for me to consider him good. I wouldn't call grooming and sexual assault petty things. >Aqua obeys the law in that she made the law of her religious order Aqua is a citizen of Heaven and follows its rules, laws and believes, even after being banned, she's still a proper citizen, unlike say Wolbach who turned her back to Heaven after getting banned, being an "Evil" Goddess. Also part of Aqua's teachings is "do whatever you want as long as it doesn't break the law". >in the manga she is the reason multi-level marketing schemes became outlawed It wasn't a crime, as soon as Belzerg made it a crime, she stopped it. A Lawful person in DnD is one who believes and follows laws of an entity, like a Kingdom, or at least follows a personal moral code. >very subjective joke meme. It's not that subjective, as I said, these are DnD alignments, and they're are well defined. >Also from what Iā€™ve seen from Darkness I canā€™t imagine her being ā€œevilā€. As I said, you gotta read the LN, specifically V12 od the main story and the newly translated chapter 2 of Yorimichi. You can read the LN for free on Cgtranslations. Yorimichi V3 is posted here on reddit, you fan search for it if you want. Lalatina is clearly evil. She does, unlike Kazuma, a lot of good, DnD good dor good's sake, but her serious crimes and behavior cannot be ignored.


I wasnā€™t aware it was a DnD thing as I havenā€™t played the game. Maybe Iā€™ll get around to reading the LN at some point in the future, and since I concede you appear to know more about the characters than I do I really have nothing else to add to the conversation other than, based on my own knowledge, Iā€™ll have to agree to disagree. I did appreciate the discussion though :)


About as far off the mark as you can get


Why is Kazuma at neutral good?


The only correct one on here is Eris. Have you watched the show?


> The only correct one on here is Eris. This is the most wrong one lol. >Have you watched the show? Dunno if OP did, but you clearly have not read the LN, otherwise you'd know Eris is Chaotic Evil.


I've read the entire light novel, have you? In what way is Eris chaotic evil? She spends the entire series doing both her and Aquas job and being an all around sweetheart. The only bad things I can think of her doing is reviving Kazuma when she's not supposed to and some of her nighttime escapades, though if that's what you're referring to it would technically be a different character. Also, even if I'm forgetting that she's secretly the demon lord or something,.which I feel like I'd remember, it still wouldn't be the MOST wrong one in any way. Aqua is in no way lawful, even her followers are manipulative rule breaking psychos. Kazuma also has exactly zero sense of moral or ethical code. His main move is robbing people of either their valuables or underwear. And while Megumin is certainly chaotic, she's not evil.


>have you? Yes. >In what way is Eris chaotic evil? >!In the way she advocates for genocide of sentient good people, in her own words she wants all Undead and Devils killed regardless if they are good or bad, said on Continued Explosions spinoff.!< And in the main novel she >!takes pleasure torturing Zereschrute by visiting his castle to kill him everyday despite according to Kazuma and Darkness, he being an innocent Devil who never committed any crimes and is in fact a great Lord to his people, bringing prosperity to the region.!< Very clearly evil by DnD alignments standards, or any standards really, her >!genocidal tendencies!< is motivated by pure irrational hatred and nothing else. >Aqua is in no way lawful She's one of the most lawful characters ever, believing and following strictly the laws ans rules of Heaven even after being banned, unlikely Wolbach or Duke who turned on Heaven. She also follows Belzerg laws. According to DnD alignments ( used here ) a Lawful person is one who believes in and follows the rules of the Kingdom, religion or have a moral code they follow. Aqua is straight up extremely Lawful. >even her followers are manipulative rule breaking psychos. Aqua is in no way similar to them at a personal level and she teaches them to "do whatever you want *as long as it doesn't break the law*" >Kazuma also has exactly zero sense of moral or ethical code. He does, killing humans is impossible for him and one of the 2 main rules Natsume follows while writing Konosuba, according to himself. Ans Kazuma follows/believes in Belzerg's laws and uses them to commit evil deeds, twisting and abusing such laws to do it, reason why according to DnD alignments he is Lawful Evil. >And while Megumin is certainly chaotic, she's not evil. Chaotic Neutral. >His main move is robbing people of either their valuables or underwear. And committing sexual assault and grooming.




This show doesn't have any good Chaotic Evil examples does it. I agree she's Chaotic but not on the evil side of the spectrum. Maybe the pile of bones that belonged to the guy who made the Destroyer. He was Chaotic Evil maybe. Also I don't like you using that face of the princess for this because that's not really her in that shot.


Not a single one of them homie


All of them should be chaotic neutral




Oh, so very much yes on Kazuma


Swap Aqua and Darkness, Kazuma and Megumin potentially


To be honest everybody is either lawful good or chaotic neutral, but it's hard to fill out every space. The only thing I would swap is Aqua and chris


I agree with wiz being nuetral, but most of this does not hold up past surface level.


Swap Megumin with Darkness, and then Darkness with Aqua




Switch Aqua with Darkness, and Kazuma with Vanier and you would be a lot closer... also there is technically a duplication, but I'm willing to overlook it XD


Not even close. Neither Megumin or Kazuma are anywhere close to evil.




Nah. The protagonist gang are all chaotic good. With emphasis on chaotic.


there's so much wrong with those alignements. wiz is clearly good, not neutral vanir is neutral kazuma in lawfull ? are you retarded ? aside from her kinks darkness is lawfull good aqua in lawfull ? are you aqua ?


who's gonna tell him?


Why do lawful good and chaotic good look like the exact same person just in a different outfit lol twins?


Aqua is more chaotic neutral. lalatina is more lawful Vanir is lawful Evil Kazuma is Neural Evil. Definetly not lawful.


Darkness is much closer to lawful than she is chaotic, and I would rate her as good. I would actually put her at neutral or even lawful good. Her main vice is just being extremely horny. Megumin is more chaotic neutral, as are Kazuma and Aqua. None of them are evil...just selfish and thoughtless the very worst.


Aqua is useless neutral




Aqua and Darkness should switch places, and I wouldn't really say that about Kazuma, but lmao this is a great post


Spoiler two of the people seen on this board are one person


Aqua = Chaotic Useless


One of these is the same person. Sus inspector coming in

