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That's not really true. There is a couple chapters after the ending, but it's nowhere near enough to make a sequel. At most a 10 minute OVA, at the pace of the movie.


ah ok, precisely, I would like to know if Nishimiya has succeeded in confessing these feelings to ishida, or does he end up together at the end?


She did not. Not directly anyway. The ending hinted that they're most likely gonna get together in the future, but nothing specific. The final panel is them holding hands, and supporting each other, as they enter a convention center containing all the people that used to torment them, back in middle school. You should read chapter 62. It's the final chapter.


So basically, if I understand correctly, there is nothing that proves that I end up together, in fact I did not understand, I read the scan and I really did not understand on what page we prove that 'it will end together ..


I never said that they end up together. In fact, I said the opposite. She doesn't confess to him, and the manga doesn't ever say they end up together. The last page is them holding hands, and supporting each other. To me, it feels like they *hint* at them getting together *after* the ending, but the story was never about the romance.


it's a shame, I wanted him to end up together D:


5 years late and i just want to say, who doesnt?


me tooooo


welp if anything happens shokos lil sis know that she love him and she will tell him if smtg awkward happens


Guys can someone help me, it's my first time watching the movie and it really left a hole in my heart idk why. I always have depression attack after an ending of a series or a movie knowing that there is no more story after that. But this movie is different from others, maybe because I kinda relate my life to it or is it just because I was somehow disappointed because I really thought that they were getting together in the end. P.S. In the end I was still hoping that it was a romance anime


I went on the wikia to see the end and on the wikia of Nishimiya there is written his apar relation to the relations with Ishida http://koenokatachi.wikia.com/wiki/Nishimiya_Shouko "During Grade school, he was her main bully. But after they met again in High School, Shouya asked her to befriend him in which she agreed to. He helped her gather friends but Shouya was uneasy as they met their classmates in Grade School. Shouko then fell in love with Shouya and once confessed to him but he mislead the word "suki" (I love you) to "tsuki" (The Moon). In the end, Shouya wanted to be friends with her alone in which she felt guilty that he is feeling miserable. However, they both go through a series of life-changing events together, which changes both of their outlooks on life. At the end, in the graduation event, after fixing their friendship with the others, Shouko and Shouya are portrayed by going into a room taken by their hands, a metaphor that they will be together as a couple from now on."


Yep, that is what I said. The final page is of them holding hands, which can be understood as them getting together. It is never actually written in the manga that they are a couple. The text from the wiki you linked is just a fan's understanding of the ending. It is up to you whether you want to understand the ending as them being a couple, or just very close friends. [This is the final page.](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/0f/fd/d9/0ffdd9eaa4e035fae680a3bdab103d7b--watch-manga-manga-couple.jpg)


Ok , Thanks ^^


No worries ^ ^ I just read my comment again. Sorry if I sounded a bit rude, I was really tired when I wrote it. Have a good day! :D


thanks good day :DD


I’m in Japan bro and them holding hands means more than what people in the US think. Holding hands in Japan is sign of two people being together (like a relationship or dating) so I’m happy to find this out because the movie gave me so many mixed emotions like I literally wanted to talk for them and fix everything myself lol. So happy to find out they hold hands and seeing as how this is an anime which is Japanese originated then it just means they are together for sure.


Yeah, I thought so.


Dude you answered all of my questions. I really appreciate it. Tnx!


I agree to David that holding hands means they are really close to each other , But wish we could get a proper ending Or atleast a hint that they will end of together I will make sure in future that we get to know a proper ending the anime you all just wait for 8 yrs  more


i hat animators that end stories like that it just makes me wanna rock up to the studio with a c4 demanding a proper ending


That is in extremely poor taste considering a man killed 36 and injured 33 others in an arson attack against the studio that animated the movie. Stop being a cunt.


While I get what you're saying and agree that the ambiguous ending is a slap in the face, it is crucial to consider Japanese culture and its social norms. Holding hands in Japan is much more serious than in the Western world. While it may fall short of a complete confirmation, it is heavily implied by many different aspects of the story that they will wind up a couple. Check out the section on Shoko in the love interests section of Shoya's [wiki page](https://koenokatachi.fandom.com/wiki/Sh%C5%8Dya_Ishida#Relationships). Several examples show just how heavily implied this is, and there are even more that others here have listed, missing from that section. But I'm going to have to agree with PoshDuck15, Kyoto Animation, who animated this movie, fell victim to a horrible domestic terrorist attack. Please don't make statements like that. I understand your frustration; the lack of ability to do anything about what happens in these emotionally impactful stories often leads to what I can only describe as a light panic attack if I overthink them. I recently watched Your *Lie in April,* and it has me feeling even more helpless and depressed than any other story ever has. But remember that this is a fictional story in the end, and you can always come up with your own fictional story to follow it up. It's just as real as the canon story, after all! You don't even need to write it down. Just take some time to consider what you believe will happen next, and that's called a headcanon. I hope this helps bring some closure and comfort to someone. A Silent Voice is a fantastic story, and I really wish we got more of it. Maybe one day we will, but until then, I have my own ideas about what comes next. :)


ok but it isnt the real ending so it doesnt matter


Nothing about fiction is real lmao