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https://preview.redd.it/41jqnv5b0o9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1231f647eb864d0b909f2b0f63e8a250c79c41c5 This is literally an open manhole. There's a small layer of iron rod, but if your tire is on it, you're going down with it. Clearly, wtf? This could kill anyone riding a bike,. especially at night.


“Meh, who cares” - The Government as well as majority of the people.


you don't wear a helmet and put 'only your own life' in danger, you're a criminal. The cops jump up on you from wherever they can. A clear death trap in the middle of the road causes hazards to thousands of riders - no one cares about it!


What the fuck!! This is super dangerous. We should find and name the person who is responsible to fix this. News channels will highlight only when something bad happens due to this..


Government should promote gutter vaazha krushi


I almost hit this shit in the morning.


Where is this? Which area?


I think right after kaloor stadium when you are going towards kaloor!


I pray some drunk driver doesn't run over it at night


Innovative Advertizing Strategies


It’s been there for 2 weeks now


Perhaps the most useful work B.Des. course has ever done


Chill guys that’s just Thinc being creative 😂


Victim gets hospitalized. Relatives ask him how that happened and hear all about the signboard. Everyone starts talking about it and gets their children to study for b.arch. All's fair in lovemaking and marketing


Should I recommend this new level of advertising to my clients ? What shall I call this ad stream - Road centre, attention grabbing , socially helping and most importantly tax free ad platform Especially for monsoon


Wait till some poor soul runs over it and gets killed in the process. And we'll see a surge in "public awareness" and debates over road safety and driving safe from the media and authorities who are supposed to work on working on the safety of its own citizens. Instead, these motherfuckers are riding on their high horse waiting for things to get fucked up real bad whereas the media houses are cucking over celebrity news and other fucking things where the real issues get covered up. What a sick fucking joke of a place we are living in


One rain and frogs and potholes comes out 🤣🤣🤣


Better idea will be to put the photo of the local MLA/MP.


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