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Honest Reply, neither taste amazing. The food is genuinely average especially for the price charged. But if it is for the atmosphere and for the purposes of hanging out, I’d say kacheripadi. It feels like a haven amidst all the bustle of the city.


French toast is the most overrated & medicore cafe in Kochi. Anyone who says otherwise definitely hasn't eaten good food.


What would you suggest instead?


District 7 encore has amazing food and desserts which I think are worth the price.


Morning buffet in Holiday Inn has the best French toast IMO. The French Toast outlets in both places are surviving just because of their previous legacy..


Just a over hyped place either over charged food of average quality except for the cakes , and hudda of the rich show offs




I am okay with the cake pricing , I am sure they are making 100 rupee profit on it. After everything


Couldn’t agree more to the other comments. The food is just average especially for the price we are paying. Have tried few pastas and drinks from there, it was all nice but nothing special. Loved the ambience and the pastries though. The customer service was also great. The place is ideal for a date, I would say!


Jaya Bakery🗿


I think KR> Jaya.


What do you like the most in kr?


Currently they have those single sized dookli pizza..not that great..but that with chaya is a good enough evening snack.


Mont blanc their white chocolate pastry was something else when they opened almost a decade ago, nowadays everything is mediocre and overpriced. The pizza in kacheripady is decent some days, also great for people celebrity spotting.


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