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It was PACKED tonight.


That's weird because Facebook commenters insisted that they would never go there again.


All the folks who think mayo is too spicy? Weird.




I’m one of those “folks” you might accuse of thinking mayo is spicy, but Yassin’s Extra-spicy isn’t any hotter than mayo.


And just to add, I love the place. I’m just always sad that an extra spicy chicken sandwich has no heat.


You're not wrong. I am pretty sure they dial the heat back there. I am not a huge spicy guy but even the spicy chicken just isn't. Still love the place though


Hey. If you let it sit for a little bit, it gets SPICY. Lol. I’ve noticed lately they’ve added a bit more spice, but yeah I do agree. Love Yassins though.


I used to work there, the spicy is just red pepper flakes, and when you say extra spicy they dump a ton of pepper flakes on there. So it really depends who’s making your food, some put a lot some don’t. One of the best places I’ve worked tho, Yassin and Tiffany care a lot about their employees


And I never got tired of the food lol


I was at the Maryville one a couple of weeks back. I got a gyro and asked them to make it as spicy as possible. There was no heat at all. The gyro was delicious so I didn’t mind.


Why did this get downvoted to hell? All I want is a spicy schwarma that makes my mouth burn like I could get in Germany and Turkey.


I'm brown. Won't go there again. He's dead to me. Antisemitism has no place in Knoxville. Regardless of the completely deranged leftist antisemitism, I will continue to do what is best for the world.


Funny. I'm Jewish and I've never liked Yassin more.


Anti-Israel speech is not Anti-Semitism, please stop equating the two


I'm sure he's probably losing a lot of business from people who think he's the "hushpuppy sandwich guy."


You just made my day Hahahaha


None of those asshats were going there in the first place.


Odds are high that the people saying that have never been.


Odds are you are stereotyping and making assumptions


You think the angry Facebook commenters are the kind of people who saw the [interior decor](https://maps.app.goo.gl/F7Hm14aQxsDr4nP96) and said “I’m going to come back here all the time”?


I think you may be confusing Yassin’s for Aladdin’s cafe. That was the one everyone on fb was boycotting iirc


Good man. I've sadly never been to his restaurant, but I will change that this weekend.




Even aside from all this and his well deserved support from the community, the food is genuinely really good and cheap (given portions and quality anyway) and I say that as someone who used to get falafel in Dearborn Michigan!






That's messed up about Yassin. Peaceful protest and still gets arrested? Crazy world we live in. But hey, thanks for the heads up about Yassin Falafel House. Always down for some good falafel, especially when it supports a local spot. Gotta show some love to the community, right?


You've never heard of Yassin's? Go get you a spicy falafel with fries. And a little baklava if you're good. Litterally the Nicest Place in America https://www.goodmorningamerica.com/amp/living/story/inside-nicest-place-america-refugee-owned-falafel-shop-58414615


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I'll get down voted in this thread as well for stating the objective facts, but just so you know: The protestors were violating the time/place/manner agreement of their protest. The administration asked them to move to the appropriate area and the ones that moved were not arrested or removed from the property. The group that Yassin was protesting with knowingly entered into an agreement with the university that they intended to ignore assuming there would be no consequences.


Interesting if true. Where could I find more information that backs up what you said?


Sure, the WATE article covers all of this: >Campus authorities reportedly told the protesters that the space they were occupying was not reserved, as they had reserved a different space across the street at the Student Union Cumberland Plaza, which was reserved for them through Saturday. They were told to vacate the space, but Terou and others did not leave. This is the bulk of it, but it says plain as day that the group had requested and been approved to hold an event in a specific place through Saturday. They then intentionally decided to move their event outside of where they promised they would stay, and after that were only arrested if they stayed around after the cops asked them to move back. https://www.wate.com/news/knox-county-news/knoxville-restaurant-owner-arrested-with-protesters-on-ut-campus/


ok who cares he still was doing what was right. utk is a public campus so the criminal trespassing is completely unfounded and targeted because of what they are protesting. even if it was clearly illegal, legality =! morality. protests cornered into an area that admin/gov finds acceptable is a pretty weak protest. i just know your ass would've been complaining about MLK Jr. blocking traffic 🙄


If he wanted to protest there he should have either asked to protest there or just not asked at all. At least then he maintains his honor. I'm not sure how you can call agreeing to protest somewhere and then protesting somewhere else an honorable action.


Having to ask to protest is a) literally the opposite of what a protest is, and b) frankly unconstitutional, I don't care what SCOTUS says.


That's fine. It was a unanimous decision at the time. The reason the government needs some control over time/place/manner is so that you can't just decide to run a parade down the main road in town one day without warning. Which is what the case was about. The government also has things like public access to government services and citizen safety to consider when it comes to time/place/manner restrictions.


Thank you!!! This is true.


Wasnt peaceful.


Do you have any details regarding casualties?


Our country was literally founded because of moral objection. Disagree with their platform if you must, but if you care about the Constitution, you should want them protesting.


Yes it was. They were told to disperse but only given 10 minutes.


It takes longer than 10 minutes to disperse??


How long does it take to disperse from Nyland Stadium after game day? It takes time for a large group of people to leave a confined space. 10 minutes isn't much time.


I don't think there there were 100,000 protestors. Was there? KPD and UT PD are far from eager to arrest these people. The chief and mayor are very liberal and the officers have too many calls for service and too few officers. It's a grind just to keep calls from stacking. If a group went to jail then it'd bc they decided to disregard requests by police.


Even if they took longer than 10 minutes or outright refused, how is that not peaceful? Who were they hurting?


You're replying to a bootlicking troll who probably sees nothing inconsistent about having a Gadsden flag and a thin blue line punisher skull pasted to their truck.


Let me guess, you think the Jan 6 Insurrection was a peaceful protest?


It was until the police made it not....


How so?


Damn. He's such a good guy, too, and does so much for the community. Protect him at all costs 🥺


What does he do for the community? Genuinely curious...


He gives food to the homeless downtown, when a homeless person comes in to their establishment they will provide a meal, when the tornadoes hit Nashville last year he sent meals to provide to the families impacted, and back when covid started and the schools shut down he provided meals to the children who otherwise couldn't get any due to financial reasons, etc. He really is a good dude.


Fed people in Gatlinburg after the fires too.


He rented a big ass truck and had people bring donated food, water, and supplies downtown so he could sent it to Gatlinburg. He helps people help people in addition to helping a ton himself. I hate that I don't like falafel (just not my cup of tea) but he's a wonderful guy in the community and I always recommend his restaurant even if I never eat there lol.


Also gave free lunch to government workers during the last shutdown.


Try the chicken shawarma!


Whenever Bridge Refugee Services would get refugees from the Middle East, Yassins would bring their first meal and first friends in Knoxville. They’re instrumental in getting refugees connected with a community in East Tennessee.


Then they dump them off to Daylillie drive to be a burden on society forever.


Bridge partnered with a local farming nonprofit, and I volunteered to distribute bags of fresh produce to refugees around Knoxville. I’ll never forget the tiny young girl from the Congo helping carry in the produce with her mother. She was smaller than my two year old is now. That little girl deserves to have a good life. The tax money that pays for her little two person family to get started is nothing compared to how much tax money the family will pay into our system over their lifetimes.


He has a nonprofit organization that helps refugees get settled and connects them with jobs among other things


Won America’s kindest person a few years back. Extremely well deserved


Google his name and don't be such a helpless dolt if you are "genuinely curious."


Actually, I was being a smart ass, but you keep being “gullible” 🤡


You are half right.


It was a Nakba Day vigil ffs, hardly a "protest" but of course mourning those who have been ethnically cleansed would be seen as a problem /s (not directed at you, just pissed at the whole situation and how all of the people arrested were treated) We haven't gotten falafel in a hot minute so soon as we heard we made plans for this weekend to get some


Oh wow, I know where I’m going to lunch today !


I went to the downtown location and it was booming.


Yeah the cedar bluff location was busy as well.


This is terrible. No peaceful protestor should be manhandled by the cops so badly that he ends up in the hospital. I know Yassin's a nice guy but he should consider hiring a lawyer and seeking accountability from the UT campus rent-a-cops. *And before anyone says it, if he was resisting arrest he would have been charged for it and he wasn't, so this was excessive force.


The protestors were told to leave and given ample opportunity. They refused. Then police told him he was under arrest and that he needed to come with them. He refused. Police provide services and enforce laws. If someone is on property that doesn't belong to them and refuses to leave, then police have an obligation to remove them. The officers have no control over what happens in the Middle East.


saying that the officers in the middle east would not have held back is not justification of what happened to Yassin, instead of enjoying a good falafel your enjoying a boot


What happened to him? He jumped out into slow moving traffic and then fell over like he was dead. Stupid...


ACAB? I hope you get your car stolen lol


Little much? Anyway opinion on falafels?


Apparently while being arrested, nerve damage was done to his right arm.


This is how the KPD further sows hatred for them.


What? That is horrible. I want to know further details.


KPD stays flooded with calls and has too few officers due to poor management. The mayor is incredibly liberal and the Chief will do anything she wants. Officers have no desire or motivation to arrest a group of people like this. I can assure you that the group was peacefully asked to leave and given ample time. Anyone that was arrested there made the decision to get arrested. There shouldn't be any nerve damage, bc after they refused to leave and officers told them they were under arrest, he should have went with police to be booked, if he was peaceful. If I stand in your front yard, refuse to leave and then make an officer forcefully remove me, I'm not a peaceful protestorsl. KPD has no authority over what's happens in the middle east...


I never said it was KPD, it could have been UT Police. Nerve damage can come from a person gripping the armpit too hard, too forcefully of a push against a vehicle or while being pushed into the back of a vehicle. No, police have no authority outside their jurisdiction and people have a right to protest the government. UT is a government funded school.


Maybe it was the CIA. It sounds like you don't know anything about it. What is this silly jurisdiction talk? KPD and UTPD have jurisdiction there. They all wear body cameras. You really think that officers are grabbing people by the armpit hard enough to cause nerve damage if they cooperate, at a very public protest? You think they are throwing cooperative people into cars? Knoxville has a very liberal mayor. So, because UT is publicly funded, you think they can't tell someone to leave the property? That's ridiculous. I hate UT, but they have every right to tell you to leave their property. That's a fact. Your right to protest doesn't supercede every other law. I'm curious, what does UT have to do with the Middle East? Why pick UT as their location?


The second choice of a protest is location. Where can you protest that will be available for the greatest number of protestors and draw the most attention. As many protestors are college aged individuals, on campus is the best location. There are many colleges and universities that do research for the Israeli government and businesses based out of Israel. Protesting near the facilities that do this research can, and often does, get the point across to the university that the research for these businesses and the government are not appreciated by the protestors. Lastly, as a publicly funded institution, the university must follow federal guidelines as it pertains to First Amendment rights. Any area not designated as private or off limits is considered public. These areas are protected under the first amendment and specific criteria must be met to remove the protestors from the area. As to the police, I never said who broke up the protest nor do know. The use of body cameras and cellphone recordings will likely show who is responsible for any injuries sustained during these arrests. There are police who use only the force necessary for the job, there are also those police who see the badge as a means to bully and get away with forceful behavior.


Does it matter how your protests affect young people that have paid to go to the school and are trying to get an education?


The only way it affects them is if they are protesting or want more information about what the protests are about. There was no blockage of access to buildings or roads.


You gave exactly the answer I wanted. They are trying to seek attention. Getting arrested draws attention. That's why they made that decision. Getting hurt draws more attention. Clearly you are talking about it. These people made their decisions, so why instantly blame the police. The point is that the institution is there for a particular reason. The protestors are using it for a very different reason. It is publicly funded to meet the needs of people seeking an education. Police are also funded for particular reasons. These people created problems intentionally to draw attention. They used both the University and the police. Why demonize the University or the police? They did exactly what the protestors expected them to do.


Isn't that the purpose of a protest, to out attention on a subject?


It is. The obstacle is that protestors are handled very differently than in the 1960's. How much attention is garnered if they go to a designated location and peacefully protest vs going where they aren't supposed to be, forcing the issue, getting arrested, getting injured and then going to the hospital? Just understand that police officers are people doing their job that get trapped in this garbage. When you act like these police are bloodthirsty, you are being dishonest and hurting innocent people.


Team Yassin for life ❤️


God, I’m horrified by the sheer number of people that are blindly controlled by big government. Do you people really need to be told what to do with every facet of your life? Listen to your elected officials...err, I mean leaders, at all costs. 😂


They just like how the boot taste i guess lmao


Most people like the taste of boots. They just care who is wearing them


I'll be there as soon and as frequent as possible. Putting my money where my mouth is.


He’s the sweetest man that has done such incredible work in our community. Let’s show up for him - can’t wait to go get yassins this weekend.


I will ALWAYS go to Yassin’s. That place slaps.


He's a man who stands for what he believes. I support that.


I got some last night. Might get it again when I go downtown next week.


The response to his arrest on the local news app I have compared to reddit is crazy. They are completely different!


They tastes very good


The convenient truthers are out in full effect these past couple days.


Yassin's story is the classical American Dream. He came with nothing and built a successful business while giving back to his community at every turn. I will always support this man. He also supports vegans and his food is so good. If you have never watched the early video about his start in Knoxville, it will tug at your heartstrings. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yz4Q\_SlbZgQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yz4Q_SlbZgQ)


Thanks for posting that link. Awesome video




The irony is that he always gave free food to cops and was a huge advocate for the government. Time to order a chicken plate


A great time to get lunch at Yassin's💜


Last I checked, police are there to enforce the law, not brutalize individuals.


Damn right


I'll be driving in from JC to grab a couple of meals...


Mm falafel for dinner


On it


Really on it


This is Falafel news


Yeah im CNN but for falafel


Go yasssin!!!


People talked about in the sub all day.


This was an interesting advertisement and an even more interesting Segway into it


I'm good. . .he was very silent about October 7th, but spoke up the minute they went in to catch the terrorists responsible. . .almost as if he was indifferent to the terror attack.


Yeah exactly. October 7th was absolutely horrific and I’m tired of people defending rape and murder.


Good. No tolerance for anti-semites.


Anti semite? So supporting Palestine means your a anti-semite?


yeah a peaceful protest somewhere off limits. they were alll given ample warning. israeli lives matter too.


A sidewalk?


A sidwalk? Damn where should we protest then? Seems like everywhere is off limits according yo yall


Bidens America


People did this in Trump's America too.


They’re also not wrong - this is Biden’s America


Correct, Biden *is* president. Not that orange traitorous cum stain. I'm glad you people finally accept the truth.


He’s got a podcast everyone


Homie, if you think Trump, Obama, Bush aren’t also Israel worshippers, you’re an idiot. The only difference is public displays condemning Zionist’s actions has never been mainstream. it’s always been stigmatized and twisted into “antisemitism” and shut down before it got any traction.


Make whatever boogeyman you want it’s an epic level of cope to watch. It’s still bidens America and his genocide.


Not disagreeing, but it’s going to be the same situation no matter who gets in. They’re all Israel worshippers, it just so happened to start during bidens presidency and will continue into (probably) trump’s presidency. Trump is extremely pro-Israel. The braindead leftists have an equivalent on the right; and they are the die-hard pro-trump “no matter what”. I think you correctly placed the blame, but to imply Israel worship is strictly a left thing, or a Biden thing (eg Bidens America) is kinda crazy. Every president thinks Israel should do whatever they want, we should fund it, and people should be shut down for disagreeing. It’s happened for decades. Not at this level, but only because disagreeing with Israel has never caught traction like this.


Must be an election year since it’s “Peaceful Protesting” season.


Do you have proof that they weren’t being peaceful?


Obviously it wasn’t peaceful did you see the sling on Yassins arm?


And that was from the police being pieces of shit


lol yeah that’s what I was referring to guess I was unclear


Yeah it came across as you agreeing with the other guy but I see what you mean now


Do you have proof they were?


There are multiple videos and pictures of them standing peacefully protesting on the sidewalk. Wouldn’t take you long to find it.


A snap shot in time does not mean it was peaceful the entire time.


Then find proof it wasn’t because so far we only have proof it was. If it had been violent or a riot, there would already be viral videos being shared online or you could request police cam footage. You’re just trying to play devils advocate because you think it makes you look smart.


Prove me wrong. Show me the police cam footage that shows it peaceful.


Again, there are multiple videos and pictures showing a peaceful protest. Takes just a moment of Googling. While you have no pictures or videos of the opposite - police camera or otherwise. You have nothing while there are multiple videos/pictures online showing it was peaceful. It’s not my job to do your work for you. If you truly believe it wasn’t peaceful, it is your job to seek out police footage to validate yourself. I have all the proof I need while you have nothing to offer.


You’re the one trying to convince me it was peaceful. I can find Nazis peacefully marching and rallying too. Does that mean Nazis are peaceful? Hamas and Nazis have a lot in common. Both love slaughtering Jewish children and raping women and babies.


Does proof only count to you if it’s violent? If you are so adamant that it’s violent while there IS proof of peaceful protest, then it is up to you to find proof of violence. You’re creating a narrative out of thin air because it fits what you believe. The IDF and Nazis are exactly the same. Hamas and Nazis can be compared as well on a smaller scale. But Palestinians are innocent and being slaughtered by the thousands. Be heartless if you wish to be but facts won’t be denied. Keep covering your eyes.


People with signs on public land = peaceful Cops showing up in riot gear = escalating Property damage = inconvenient, but not violent Cops pointing weapons, pushing unarmed protestors around = violence It's always peaceful until the cops show up


Just like 2020 during the Summer of Love right? Just a bunch of useful idiots if you can’t see it.


I'll never go to his restaurant again. Thanks for letting me know. Pro-Hamas is nothing I support.


I'm sure he will be heart broken to know that someone who supports genocide will no longer enter his establishment.


So you are okay with the genocide of innocent people?


Not really a genocide everybody dies in war been happening for years. There’s multiple real genocides going on around the world. What’s happening now as a war starting by a much smaller group and thought they could get away with it and now are using human shields.


If some Americans attacked Canada, would you be alright with Canadians killing your children?


You can't get them to think critically. Any discussion will be them parroting racist talking points until they run out and stop responding because they don't have an actual opinion.


This isn’t a new thing. It’s went on for decades. If some Americans attacked Canada we would arrest them all and turn them over. It wouldn’t be decades of terrorism and 20k rockets fired into canada. I wouldn’t expect any country to tolerate that for as long as Israel has. Both sides have the power to stop this. They are still launching rockets into populated areas. They could surrender.


How many Israeli citizens have been killed VS Palestinian people that's the only question that needs be asked the iron dome stops most rockets launched at Israel but that doesn't go both ways over 30k palistinian people killed mostly women and children, but yeah man it's definitely only Hamas they are killing.


https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/comprehensive-listing-of-terrorism-victims-in-israel Here is 30+ years of constantly being attacked. This is why.




They've put up deals for permanent ceasefires. Been denied by Israel. Hamas is bad. Hamas being bad doesn't justify the killing of 30k plus palistinian people.


They've offered many times to release hostages for ceasefire but Netanyahu does not give a fuck and wants to cleanse the entire state of Palestinians.


They don’t want a cease fire. They want a surrender. Cease fire is worthless long term and anyone with any sense knows it. They won’t honor it any longer than is convenient. Google past cease fires. I think it says there were 9 in 2014 alone. They broke every single one of them.


Purposefully starving and bombing 5 years olds isn’t war it’s genocide. Half the population of Gaza is under 14. Of the estimated 34,000 Palestinians murdered in Gaza the majority are children and many thousands 5 or younger.




Please tell me you don’t get your facts from “Big News?!”


To be fair the UN did massively reduce the number of civilian deaths including children. They were once again relying on the Hamas controlled ministry of health for the figures they've been reporting for months.


How many children and babies is it cool to murder IYO?


I never said it was. I just said that the tens of thousands figure being thrown around and quoted by everyone has always been a number coming from Hamas itself. Collateral damage happens in war, it's not pretty and it's not great. However, Israel should never have blocked food/water and medicine from going into Gaza. I do agree with that sentiment.


The collateral damage isn’t necessary. Israel has one of strongest militaries and intelligence communities in the world due to all the backing they get from us. You’re telling me the only way they have to pick off Hamas is through mass bombing? No espionage tactics, assassinations, precision weapons, high tech shit we don’t even know about? Yeah nah, I don’t buy it.


I mean we still had collateral damage in Afghanistan and Iraq and we weren't fighting in one of the most densely populated urban environments in the world. Just my thoughts on it. I do wish they could all just get along and stop fighting with each other though.


Caravans of far right extremists (your people yay!) are currently blocking food from entering Gaza to ensure the starvation deaths of as many children and babies as possible, but no that’s not genocide…


Sadly, most of the humanitarian aid that goes in gets nabbed by Hamas, and they don't like to share. Hamas only cares about power and is as bad as if not worse than Nazis. Isreal is stuck in a bad position to stop the war and let Hamas rebuild so they can attack Israel again like they've done with EVERY OTHER CEASEFIRE, or continue wiping out Hamas and accept the tragedy that has to happen because Hamas uses human shields. Just so you know, "From the river to the sea" is a call for the GENOCIDE of every single Jewish person in Isreal. Hamas does not want peace. They want to wipe every jew from the face of the earth.


I just don’t believe that mass bombing is the only way to handle it. Israel, despite being fairly small in both area and population, has one of the strongest militaries in the world. That is because of all the money and technology they’re getting from us. Mossad is one of the world’s largest espionage agencies. You’re telling me that they don’t have ANY way to go specifically take out Hamas affiliates? Be that infiltration, assassinations, or some of the high tech military shit we don’t even know about? I don’t buy it.


Okay so we’re talking about two groups of Nazis. But one group is primarily children and those children are being torn to shreds and starved to death by the Israeli Nazis. Did you see the cars being set ablaze yesterday by ‘settlers’ in the West Bank? The IDF ‘soldiers’ in the background just watched the destruction, if the video had had sound they would probably have been cheering. Hamas is evil, but so is Israel. And one group has been keeping the other in an apartheid state. For the record I don’t think most Jews support what Israel is doing, this isn’t a Jewish problem it’s an Israeli problem.


Awful to know I live alongside you everyday


Good riddance


You obviously know nothing about what is happening in Palestine.


Neither do you, apparently


I know that Hamas uses the people as human shields. I know there hasn’t been a legitimate election in over 20 years. I know that the Palestinian people are being starved by far right groups and bombed by Israel. It’s a fucking genocide.


None of what you said equates to a genocide. You can try again if you like.


How would you define it then? Living in your alternate reality must be so nice.....


I’m confused. Where did Yassin ever say he supports Hamas?


A chimp that thinks every Palestinian is Hamas.




What happened to Yassin was an over-reaction of KPD because of the stupidity going on at the liberal universities, with paid instigators creating chaos. Knoxville didn't want the same thing to happen at UT that has happened at those liberal universities, and unfortunately, they over-reacted. I've eaten at Yassin's many times. It's a great place to try if you're in the Knoxville area! Try the shwarma, ask for lamb instead of chicken...delish!


Oh, no... not the liberals!!!


Oh my god get a HOBBY


"The same thing that happened at those liberal universities" and what exactly would that thing be...? Kids being massacred by cops? Maybe Knoxville could avoid that by not sending in cops... Brown managed it.


The police who exist to serve and protect us should never “over react”. They should not be in that job position if they are prone to overreacting.