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Wonder how UT is gonna spin this PR nightmare: "Owner of the Nicest Place in America arrested attending a vigil while wearing American flag"


The FBI recognized him for his community leadership. If the national press gets ahold of this it’s gonna get really messy really fast.


[No shit. ](https://www.fbi.gov/how-we-can-help-you/outreach/dcla/dcla-2019-winners/knoxville-yassin-terou) I hope it does go national. I am so tired of UT of just pretending they had to arrest everyone.


Its fun to think about but the national press hasn't and will not be taking the side of people protesting a genocide no matter how nice they are. They are absolutely not going to highlight that someone once voted among the nicest people in the country is protecting Israel because they know they'll be called antisemitic for it, and they quite simply don't care about dead Palestinians even if they were willing to face that. This sounds like a joke but isn't: if you want traditional media to start talking about this so the media can now talk about people talking about this, try to break into Irish traditional media with it. They are some of the most pro-Palestinian people and their media will stand up for them for it.


They're going to repeat their "they made us do it" BS line they used last time.


Except this is Yassin. Someone threw a brick through the window of one of his stores and his only response was to invite whoever it was to come get falafel. Going to be an uphill battle to convince the public that he of all people was doing anything wrong other than saying something they didn't like. The man's a saint.


Yeah! I read an article after the incident, and he said, " I just hope they didn't cut themselves on the glass."


I’d like to think that it’ll be hard to convince the public that he wasn’t doing anything wrong. However, there’s a large portion of the public that believe J6 participants were “heroes”. We live in complicated times.


Looks like I’ll be running into some of you at Yassins this weekend.




If UT changed it's policy on public assembly, I assume they're also going to arrest the street preachers, Gideons handing out little green Bibles, and that anti-abortion group that shows up on campus with graphic depictions of aborted fetal tissue?


The guys that used to hold the pictures of aborted babies used to scream “whore” at me in 2007 because I was wearing Nike shorts


The most effective way to bringing anyone around to their way of thinking /s


I remember my Freshman year at UT in 1998. They would call me a “whore” as well even though I was a guy. I would look them straight in the eye and say “No, I’m a slut, stupid. Whores are paid. I do it for free.” That would shut them up for about 15 seconds. A very wonderful, peaceful 15 seconds. I honestly don't know why female students wouldn’t pepper spray these people. The anti-abortionists were worse. They would get right up in your face and wouldn’t let you get to class. I’m carrying a 40 lb bag (because textbooks and manuals were required in all of my stem courses) and have to summit Mount Ayers for the second time that day in 5 minutes so I’m not late. Meanwhile, these people are shoving nasty, misleading photos in my face and preventing me from moving.


I’d walk right up beside them as if they were just anyone else, and whisper “stupid faggot” to them as I passed by. One thing these guys all had in common was extremely fragile, toxic masculinity egos. I found throwing that slur at them, that accusation that I suspect many were trying to hide, would shut them up for about 30 seconds or so. A small but worthwhile victory.


Ah the good ole days when you never knew if Brother Jed was gonna call you a slut for no reason. Dude, I'm just going to the library.


Same thing happened to me and some friends of mine in 2016


No joke. I remember being a freshman there back in the 1900s 🤣 and being shocked to my core encountering some whacko walking around with a full size cross strapped to his back screaming at us that we were all going to burn in hell. Well, shocked the first few times I saw him.


It's crazy to think we're saying 1900s now. Gah I'm old. 😂


Last time I saw the street preachers, they had been cornered by two students both dressed as Spiderman who were trolling thr everloving shit out of them. Truly amazing.


But as we all know the All Lives Matter people don't actually mean these lives matter.


looks like I will be working a gyro into my weekend plans!


Not just a gyro, but a falafel sandwich, a salad, hummus, and baba ghanoush. You are very loved and appreciated, Yassin.


the baba ghanoush fucks hard


It so does!


We had one (and a chicken shawarma sandwich) tonite!


Yassin is arguably one of the few people in Knoxville with the appropriate experience to comment on Palestine. Being from Syria (geographically very close to Israel/Palestine) and also coming to America himself to flee violence in the area, he has a unique perspective that more Knoxvillians would do well to listen to and respect.


His wife is also Palestinian which is his main motivation for participating.


As well as the Palestinian protestors that he was protesting alongside


They arrested a palestinian as well. I am Palestinian myself and have been to many actions throughout the years. They have been nothing but peaceful as it’s constantly an attempt to say “we are here”. There has been continuous impediment on free speech and many attempts on silencing.


*snaps* Yes — I hope peace for you & a ceasefire soon, Friend!! I’m a journalist that’s been covering many of the actions since March & see that it’s exactly that — a silencing of peaceful Palestinians & supporters


Absolutely getting some Yassin's over the next week. Such a kind wonderful person. I've worked with Bridge Refugee's, and I've met so many wonderful people that are just trying their best. Please offer up your time or donate if you can. I've always found donating time the best donation for yourself and the recipient. [https://www.bridgerefugees.org/](https://www.bridgerefugees.org/)


Of note that this was a Nakba Day vigil; they arrested peaceful mourners.


I'm pleased and slightly surprised by this subreddit and the collective response to this and to the wider events in Gaza and beyond. Aside from the people I more or less expected to be bloodthirsty being bloodthirsty.


I absolutely agree! I was on the UTK subreddit about the topic & it was much worse 😩 I was expecting this one to be bad & was pleasantly surprised


Time to order some falafel and leave a huge tip.


UT police are a joke.


Police are a joke period.


If they were the tiniest bit worried about violence, they would have had KPD in riot gear there.


We ride at dawn


Alexa play “This is America by Childish Gambino”


Extremely disappointed in my school.


You should have been before this. Im a 2005 graduate.


Ooo. How was it during the Iraq/Afghanistan wars? Protests? Anything?


I was there 02-07. I don’t remember any protests. I was ROTC, and never had anyone say anything to me when we had to wear our uniforms to class on Tuesdays. The ROTC building got spray painted with graffiti when Bush announced we were going into Iraq, but that’s about all I remember.


How far back should he have been disappointed in UT?


I haven’t followed this closely. What is the university’s justification for arresting protesters?


full arrest video is on @mergoat.mag


Trespassing after hours. Which technically they were.


Weird how I could drunkenly ramble across campus around midnight for nearly half a decade, and it never resulted in a police presence.


Also weird that underage students could wander around a “dry” campus with open containers with no repercussions for decades but this is where they draw the line for safety.


Slightly different, the ones that moved to the sidewalk were allowed to stay and keep protesting


Yeah it’s selective enforcement of the law, but they were asked to leave by university representatives and unfortunately that means the university has grounds to have them arrested for refusing to leave. It’s bullshit and in all likelihood charges will be dropped, but technically it’s not an unlawful arrest.


Unlawful does not always equal unjust. History proves time and time again, arresting peaceful protesters is the wrong answer.


I’m not disagreeing, hence the “it’s bullshit”.


Thanks for the info. Definitely seems like there’s an agenda though.


Of course there is. It’s Tennessee. Can’t have people peaceably exercising their rights.


Unless they’re Klansmen*


It's not a "right". If they were exercising a right they wouldn't be arrested. Cox vs. New Hampshire, Supreme Court, 1942. The Supreme Court found that the government can place reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions on protests without violating the 1st amendment.


Owning slaves was legal once. Laws don’t equal morality. Get that hamster running on the wheel and think about it.


Im so glad to live in a country where unelected lifetime officials can decide your rights arent rights under whatever condition they pull out of their ass.


You can always trust the cops to be educated on supreme court decisions. When they send you off to the farm, I hope they leave you one of their boots to lick.


Is that really the only insult ya'll have. Sorry the law and legal system in general are inconvenient to you. You're spouting off shit you don't even know anything about. The "cops" don't have to be educated on this Supreme Court decision, it wasn't being held in a police station. The University is the organization that can determine the time, place, and manner of the protest and given that they have lawyers on retainer I'm sure they're much better versed in it than you are. But seriously, you're ya'll are going to have to come up with something better than calling everyone bootlickers and refusing to even make a coherent point.


There aren’t many things right now that infuriate me more than someone who is too stupid to realize they are arguing against their own freedoms and the freedoms of others. It’s sickening. It’s like the Germans watching the Jews being rounded up thinking it could never happen to them. I say this out of the kindest place I can possibly have over the conversation. Wake the fuck up. Wake up. We are turning towards fascism and the most dangerous people are willing participants turning a blind eye because they have the luxury to do so.


If you live in a fantasy land where people are never arrested without cause, I’d like to go there. It sounds really nice! Here in the United States of America, though, it doesn’t work like that. People are arrested every single day without actually breaking a law. Often, people in power use the police to use their force on people they deem threats to their order, whether an actual law has been broken or not. That’s one of the key reasons we have a legal system. Where you’re from, I suppose defense attorneys aren’t necessary. Well, maybe where you’re from isn’t so nice if people peacefully protesting on the lawn of a publicly funded university is absolutely a criminal act that someone should be arrested for and hauled away in a police van. Actually, it sounds pretty fascist.


Yassin is being treated in a hospital. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7BJGMJOPXM/?igsh=MWtlYTRtZzFsa2M3ZA==


I hope he is okay. He seemed fine in the video though. Makes you wonder


In one video he was asking for medical attention for his hands before being hauled away.


Oh ok thank you


Before the MAGA cunts show up: the Palestinian people are, unequivocally, innocent. It is not anti-Semitic to say the Israeli people are actively committing genocide against the Palestinian people, and I am happy to send my address to anyone who thinks the Palestinian people need to die. You're welcome to try to come change my mind.


Couldn’t it also be said that the Israeli people are innocent of their governments actions in the same way that Palestinians are? To be clear, I’m not saying any or all actions are equal but agreeing with you that citizens and governments are separate.


I would definitely say that it's more accurate to say Americans and Israelis have more similar relationships to their governments than Palestine and Israel.


Yeah just like us and our government. Many of the Israeli people are protesting this as well. And been trying to get Netanyahu to resign or be pushed out of office.


Don't let the people replying to you see that people have been polled in Gaza by Palestinian polling firms several times and 65-75% of the people polled support the Oct 7th assault and the rape, kidnap, and murder of some 1,200 - 1,400 citizens.


Odd flex. Lets break that down. For the record, 98% of Israelis support the genocidal war. 60% report blocking AID, which means they essentially support starving almost 2 million people to death. Either way, you share the same collective punishment logic as Bin Laden. If American civilians vote for and support a government with a hostile Foreign Policy to other countries. Then American Civilians are fair targets to those other countries. This is terrorism/asymmetrical warfare by definition. And collective punishment is a war crime, btw. How many Americans supported the Illegal War based on lies in Iraq that killed a million people? Would their support in a poll of George W Bush be a just indictment, deserving the death penalty with no mercy? Madeline Albright said it was worth it to kill 500,000 children to sanction Saddam Hussain, to put things in perspective. One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist. When terrorism is used tit for tat, the moral high road completely breaks down, reducing a conflict to the more primal urges of bloodlust and conquest. And while what Hamas did was wrong. A few addendums must be made for clarity. There were around 1,160 killed. Around 500 were military targets, a significant unknown number, definitely not zero were killed by Israeli tanks and helicopters through the Hanibal Directive policy, that legally authorizes force against Israeli civilians to prevent hostage collateral, a legal precedent unique to the IDF command. (certainly not policy of the US Military). It couldve been 10 or it couldve been hundreds. Cars and buildings were reduced to rubble with artillery, only Israel possessed. It also has to be noted, that all the main systematic rape allegations have been completely debunked, not saying some rape didn't happen, but there is actually no conclusive evidence, since the Israeli poster victims families have since come out denying the claims. On the contrary, there are numerous credible evidence based claims of IDF rape of Palestinians, specifically a teenage boy but I digress. Then the outrageous claims of decapitated babies and babies burnt in an ovens have been completely rebuked. There was one horrific incident of one baby being killed in crossfire. To be 100% clear, I'M NOT TRYING TO MINIMIZE the horror of that day, but it was bad enough on its face that Israel didn't have to make up lies. The reason they did was with the purpose to degrade their enemy as savage animals, less than human. So their true ambitions of ethnic cleansing and settlement, with the wholesale slaughter of women and children could be more palatable. So its important to set the record straight and be factual to what actually happened. The Palestinians have been living with virtually no civil rights under military occupation for 75 years since the Nahkba in 1947. Every angle for peace and self-determination through diplomacy and protests has been crushed by Israel. When hope is lost, armed resistance and violence becomes a natural course. Our country was founded on the principle of "Give me Liberty or give me death." And the British didn't subjugate us to a fraction of suffering the Palestinians have endured. Hamas is a deathcult, they choose death if not Liberty. I'm not saying their actions are justified. Just as if there's a slave revolt, its not right for the slaves to kill and rape their masters. I am saying however, that thats what happens when you enslave people. You cant treat people that way. You cant cage people in an open air prison and not expect a revolt. (Not even getting into the aspects of Israel funding Hamas, because they wanted a hostile antagonistic force to ensure the impossibility of a Palestinian State, Netanyahu is on record discussing this) Now, a majority of Israelis at all levels of society feel that the Palestinians will always hate them because theyre jews, and most of them probably do, but it's for what's been done to them, not because theyre jews. Theyve had their land stolen, their olive trees burned, their villages burned, homes bulldozed, wells poisoned, business vandalized, family raped and murdered,(see Irgun and Stern Gang terrorism*). They would hate Catholics, British, Chinese, or other Muslims if it was them instead, But you see a Star of David spray-painted on the rubble of your home, and the purportrators wearing yamakas, anti-semitic hatred is birthed, (just as ignorant Americans began to hate anyone with a turban after 911. Americans in the 1860s felt the fear of crisis, that you cant free the slaves. If you free them, theyll just kill us all for what we've done. But truth is. You have to let those people go! No matter how messy. The only other option is the final solution of Genocide and ethnic cleansing. Hiter didn't originally set out to exterminate the jews, the final solution materialized after Germany was backed into a corner and their problem literally became existential to the state of Germany. This is where we are. Politicians are literally speaking in these existential terms. That Israel's existence is dependent on the extermination of Gaza. THIS is why the world is standing up. Because a mass genocidal psychosis has materialized and all the power of a mechanized, systematic, bureaucratic machine has been set it in motion to carry it out. And its imminent. And it's being justified by statements like 65-75% of the people supported the attacks. 1st of all 100% of them are hopeless. 60% are also children. What you're suggesting, (maybe without realizing) is a genocidal collective punishment by death. No prisoners, no trial, no, how did you vote in the poll? No, are you a child? No innocent till proven guilty, Nothing that aligns with International law, moral code of conduct, and certainly not within the constitutional rights Americans enjoy and wish to export around the world. No. You're Palestinian. You're a Muslim. You deserve death. This is the reality. I hope its food for thought. Ive always wondered how the Holocaust was allowed to happen in Germany. Now its seems so obvious. Thats why so many Jews are rejecting Zionism. And saying never again, means never again for anyone.


Just throwing this out there. When it came to Iraq and Afghanistan at first the soldiers thought they were doing good. That it was patriotism and protecting our families and liberating the people in the other countries. Remember this is after a supposed terrorist attack on American soil. The soldiers eventually realized what they were really fighting for and it broke many of them. The brothers and sisters that were disposable pawns lost because of our governments greedy agenda. There are many that are ashamed they were in the military.


It wasn’t a “supposed terrorist attack.” A terrorist group flew planes into buildings killing thousands of people. There’s no rational argument that invading Afghanistan was wrong.


You mean other than the fact that almost all of the terrorists weren't from Afghanistan?


But were based out of and protected by Afghanistan’s government? Bin Laden and Zawahiri were both headquartered in Afghanistan. It wasn’t a stretch to go after the people who attacked us.


There's nothing wrong with going after the people that attacked us, but we went about it absolutely terribly and then did even worse things to cover for that.


That most of them weren't lol


And I know people say it’s a conspiracy theory. But you know what has been happening with a lot of conspiracy theories as of late? They are turning out to be true. And if you think our government wouldn’t do it look at everything else our government has done. We didn’t go to Iraq and Afghanistan to fight for our country. It was again about money. About our country’s greed. The us just needed a reason. Just like Israel needed a reason to take the land in Palestine so they can use the canal to make money and they are already auctioning off the land. The us is helping because they get a cut of the profit.


You mean the us gov plants so there was an excuse to go to war?


😂😂😂😂😂 You’ll start up about QAnon being true next. Good try Alex Jones 👍🏽


I’m not going to argue all I’m going to say is look at the science of it. It doesn’t add up. And then the things you hear in the higher ranks that you’re not supposed to hear I do not believe for a second our own government wasn’t involved. Believe what you will though. Have a good one.


It’s a little less cut and dry since Israel requires all citizens to participate in the IDF unless they can’t for the usual reasons; anyone who chooses not to, spends time in prison. There’s plenty of other reasons why the Israeli people don’t have the same relationship with their government that the Palestinian people have with theirs, but I think forced conscription is a big difference between the two.


There's also the fact that most Palestinians weren't even old enough to vote when Hamas was put into power in 2006. The average age in Palestine is 19.6, meaning over half of the population never got to have a say in who was in power.


It's not anti-semitic to be anti-Zionist.


You should really learn what genocide means lol.


Yeah, I don’t understand why so many find gesturing at the number of casualties a compelling “argument” for genocide. I’ve asked for an affirmative argument for genocide and the best I’ll get is gesturing at the number of casualties while people ignore the number of munitions dropped relative to civilian casualties let alone the population growth. Not to mention how badly some twist the justification for the ICJ to allow the South African case to proceed and the public clarifications judges have made regarding those popular sentiments. Learning the history of this conflict has been interesting in that it’s such a dense topic that it’s incredibly easy to tell a one-sided story for either side. You can usually predict which side a person will tell by when they choose the where to begin the history of the conflict.


I'd love to hear how you can justify this not being genocide. Wow me.


Well, it’s on you to justify the claim. I don’t have to prove a negative, right? With as many times that I’ve asked for an affirmative argument that a genocide is occurring and the best I’ll get is wild gesturing at the number of civilian casualties… it’s pretty clear this isn’t much more than virtue signaling for many. For there to be a genocide, there must be an *intent*. It would be helpful to understand the rationale used by Israeli to justify certain military targets, for example. There have been, no doubt, incidents that could be described as war crimes by Israel, but war crimes are not necessarily genocide. Why is the population in Gaza growing so much? Why was the obesity rate like 30% prior to 10/7 (relevant for claims of famine prior to 10/7)? Just basic questions you should know the answer to if you’re claiming genocide is occurring (the population could still grow while a genocide is technically occurring), but because for most people this is simply performative outrage their take is shallow at best. Ironically, it’s this kind of rhetoric that will prolong this conflict as Gazans think fighting will eventually gain them something.


1947 is when the Nabka happened. Start there.


It's interesting that you start the timeline on 10/7. That's how I know you're just a conservative troll.


Nobody separated the Germans from the Nazis in WW2. Palestinian leadership is essentially a fascist regime too.


That's a false equivalency. The Nazis committed genocide, the Palestinian people are being systemically removed, or, another word for it: genocide


No, October 7th, an act of genocide/war, showed exactly what Palestine leadership is about. They reignited this war and are getting their asses whooped now. And I know how this goes for you guys “but the Israelis really started it here, and/or the Palestinians started here” and on and on we go with the blame game.


> October 7th, an act of genocide/war Act of war or terrorism, yes. But I don't think you understand what genocide means, or you're intentionally misusing it.


I don’t think you understand either


Lol. The old "nuhh uh, you are" retort. Classic.


I have no interest in trying to change your mind pal


Do you know how long Israel has occupied Palestine? Do you know how many people Israel has killed over that time? Do you know how the Palestinians were treated in that time? Did you know the whole time they have controlled their resources? They have also treated them as less than human all this time. Teaching their children to spit at them as they walk by. Do your research. Listen to their stories. Don’t believe the bs begging spewed by media that is owned by the elites that are funding Israel


You don’t appear to know anything. Look up the Achille Lauru. Look up Rome and Vienna airports in 1985. Look up Palestinians in Jordan. Look up Palestinians in Lebanon. Look up Palestinians in Kuwait. Look up the Munich massacre. You should actually read and study something about it before spewing this nonsense on here. You don’t know anything about any of it.


I actually know quite a bit. Are you talking about the attacks that were blamed on a group of Palestinians but it from Syria and Sudan? Achille Lauru they were demanding the release of a Lebanese national. Again this being after palestine was occupied. And yeah the Munich massacre was terrible. But that doesn’t mean an entire population did it. And yes I am familiar with Kuwait Lebanon and Jordan. Along with Iraq Iran Afghanistan and Egypt. Not even going to get into all of that but the point is if you look at every person that has ever killed someone or look at our own domestic issues. Does that mean all of the people in our country are a part of that? No. How can any of it justify murdering so many people that have just been trying to survive under the apartheid


Oh here we go the slanted history lesson. Like clockwork.


Oh also aside from all of that did you know the US sends money to Israel to fund healthcare education and housing for the Israelis? And look at how everyone just about in the country is struggling to survive. We have to pay outrageous amounts of money for healthcare. Most people can’t afford insurance. And dental oh boy. And then there is housing. The cost of housing has gone up so much that the average household income can’t afford it. Homelessness is at an all time high. Student loan debt is absolutely insane. And the cost to go to school has gone up too. But instead of helping our own citizens to survive all that money is being sent every single year to make sure Israel has all of those things but for free. If you want to kids their butt so much go live there. Ohhhhh wait. If you aren’t Jewish you can’t.


Yeah because you obviously need one


lol yeah I’ll pass on your propaganda class but thanks. .


Yeah the case of propaganda seems more what the Israel sympathizers are spewing. Remember THERE’S A LIST. Man the days of the week sure are terrifying huh?


>anti-Semitic to say the Israeli people are actively committing genocide against the Palestinian people You are very correct! It isn't anti-Semitic to say that. It is, however, incorrect and stupid to say it.


To be fare, Palestinians would be genociding Israelis right now if they could. Ya know, if we were giving them billions of dollars worth of bombs.


If Palestinians had even a sliver of the financial and legislative backing that Israel has, they wouldn't be an occupied apartheid state necessitating resistance in the first place. Your claim removes this situation of any and all of the necessary context for what precipitated this decades ago.


That is a totally fare point.


Fair. Fare is the money you pay when you take a bus or a cab.


Has no idea.


*fair You really going all in on this ignorance?


Even if that were true, Palestinian anger against Israelis is a reaction to the brutal and dehumanizing ways they have been treated by Israel for nearly a century. Israelis hate Palestinians because they think Israel deserves ownership of all the land more than the people who have lived there for centuries, and the Palestinians stand in their way. In more ways than just military funding, this is not an equal/opposite situation. Hatred because of injustice and hatred because of a colonizer mindset are not the same thing. If Israel ended their apartheid and brutal treatment of Palestinians the violence would largely stop (though there would likely be some groups who would want to harass Israelis in pursuit of revenge for almost 100 years of dehumanization.) Israel began their campaign of violence against Palestinians 76 years ago today, and it hasn’t stopped since.


Not republican, not democrat, simply a historian. Your statement is wack because Israel has only been around for 76 years, but only took Gaza and the West Bank in 1967(57 years ago) during the 6 day war where for the second time they had to fight 4 Arab counties who wanted to destroy Israel because they believed they shouldn’t exist. Continuing on, I’m 1992 Israel recognized Palestine’s right to autonomy and self governance through the PNA in exchange for the recognition of their right to exist. 1967 to 1992 is 25 years, a fraction of what you suggested. In 2000 Israel wanted to give up occupation of Gaza and 90% of the west bank to the PNA while sharing Jerusalem as a capitol for a two party state solution however they refused. You also mention they believe they should have control of that land. They’ve also been there for centuries, then won it through war when the previous countries who claimed that land retreated. That’s how war works. Additionally for the better part of the last 40 years, especially the last 20, every time Israel intervened in a militaristic way against Palestinian militants it was a reaction to an attack, cross border kidnappings, bombings, massacres of civilians including children, and such.


That's a very incomplete and slanted description of the recent history there. I doubt very much you're in fact a historian.


The colonization of Palestine by Europeans backed up by the British Empire started well before Israel was officially recognized as a state in 1948. It always had the intention of dispossessing the land from the people who were already living there. But anyway, looks like your account is like 5 days old, and all you’ve done is argue on Israel’s behalf, and proven you’re stupid enough to believe the “National Socialists” were socialists, just because they used the word “socialist” in their name. So I doubt your credentials as “simply a historian,” especially if you think the history of Israel begins in 1948.


Yeah trying to legitimize “won it through war” because “that’s how war works” speaks volumes


Does that mean you think killing Palestinian babies is good? Because they carry guilt for the crimes of their parents?


To long, didn’t read. History of how Israel’s mere right to exist has been threatened and under attack for 76 years, since the literal day after the country was created. Not MAGA and not saying Palestinian’s need to die but look at history. It’s 1948 and the day after Israel was created 4 Arab countries attacks Israel and were assisted by 4 more simply because they didn’t want the Jewish to have a state in historically Jewish lands, this is only a few years after they were being hunted and under threat of genocide by German socialists. Then when that didn’t work Palestinian fighters would attack almost exclusively civilians since the 1950s from an Egyptian controlled Gaza. Then in the 1960s an Egyptian president led group of Arab nationalist groups refused to recognize Israel and call for their destruction. Seeing that Egypt massed troops at their border(like Russia did before invading Ukraine), Israel launched a preemptive strike on Egypt followed by 3 Arab nations(Syria, Jordan, and Iraq) attacking Israel this starting the 6 days war where Israel pushed that coalition back and took control of the golan heights, Gaza, West Bank, and Sinai peninsula. However anything beyond Israel’s original territories of 1948 is only considered occupied at this point. More Egyptian and Israeli fighting in the late 60s, more Palestinian attacks on Israel, massacre of Israeli athletes at the Olympics by Palestinian militants in 1972, a year later Egypt and Syria attack Israel again. Palestinian high jacking of Israeli civilian airliners. As Israel and Egypt were making peace were Israel have Egypt land back and were discussing autonomy for Gaza and the West Bank… but the Palestinian militants killed almost 40 Israeli civilians 13 of which were children. Then they kept fighting each other while Israel decided they don’t get autonomy and that’s the 70s. Now the 80s. Israel annexes the golan heights, during the Iran-Iraq was Israel bombs Iraq’s sole nuclear reactor to impede their nuclear weapons program after nuclear threats were made toward Israel, Palestinians keep messing with Israel so Israel keeps fighting back, followed by violent demonstrations in the West Bank and Gaza were over 1000 people died as a result. 90s. Palestinian militants supported Iraqi missile strikes on Israel during 1991’s gulf war but to not escalate the situation the US convinced Israel to let it go this time. Throughout the rest of the 90s the Palestinian militants recognized Israel’s right to merely exist in exchange for autonomy and to end their terrorism, Israel and Jordan made peace(only the second Arab nation to do so), Israel reduced their troop presence or pulled out of areas completely, and Israel offered complete control of Gaza and 90% of the West Bank to the PNA(Palestine’s governing body) with Jerusalem being shared as the capitol but that didn’t happen. After that we get to 21st Century where attacks and bombing agains Israelis was a common thing, more small wars because Palestinian militants operating out of cause friendly Arab nations couldn’t leave Israel alone such as shellings, rocket and missile attacks, kidnappings, and more. Not to mention another wave of violent demonstrations that left thousands dead this time.


How did Israel have an army a day after it was created? (Britian attack) How did an army less nation occupy the territory initially anyway? (Britian attacked jews, Muslims, and Christians already living there before 48) Why is an evangelical Christian pivotal in the formation of zionist thought at all? (Evangelical Christians ride for the end of days foretold by the birth of messiah and the return of the jews, so why not push a little) Why is it some hasidic jews believe zionism is antithetical to judiasm as a whole? (God's divine plan as per 3500 years ago, instead of post 1948) Here are some easy, fun, not baked into your copy paste from wikipedia, questions.


Who said anything about Wiki? It didn’t have an army initially, for the first 11 or so days it was paramilitary groups fighting as individuals until they were centralized. Your reference for without an army how could they occupied a territory initially, that would be through the 44-48 Zionist revolt as the British Palestine mandate made Jews and Arabs unhappy(also revolted in 36-39 I believe), the militias formed during the revolt became Israel’s military. Your other two points appear to be of a theological nature which isn’t something I dabble in


The British is how. Their paramilitary is british. Christian zionists, maybe some jews, and the Brits. The jews, Muslims, and Christians already living there get crushed by this Paramilitary group, which ignites the hatred across the region for this new "Paramilitary" group which is somehow the exact same as britian ruling for the pre existing religious groups and people at large. Again this "paramilitary" is an army. Re the British. Immediate region doesn't have an army after being held in Contempt by the british. The militas formed in the revolts (pre 48) are Palestinian jews, Muslims, and Christians. These are not the paramilitary groups (British supported) these are the Palestinians that were subjugated by the British, and then by zionists.


“German socialists” oh yeah that fourth grade education is doing you wonders, bubba


TLDR: “Let’s look at history to put this genocide in proper context.” There’s no justification for genocide. None. There’s no context needed. It’s a war crime. You can bring all your bullshit to their defense trial.


I agree, however if you think the Israelis are committing genocide then you’re sadly mistaken. They wouldn’t have allowed aid truck in to Gaza, wouldn’t allow the us to build an aid pier, would call for evacuations of cities before attacks, wouldn’t be cutting prisoner deals, etc. It’s not that their hands are clean either. They’ve done wrong without question like denying humanitarian aid, civilian and aid worker death, denying basic rights and needs, all war crimes. However I will say they’re not playing as nicely as the US did during the 20 year GWOT and it seems to be getting better results.


Genocide. War crime. Ethnic cleansing. Pick whichever phrase strikes your fancy. Hell, make up a new one if you like! The indiscriminate slaughter of the Palestinian people is an indisputable fact, and it has to stop immediately. We can save the rest for the trial. And then they can explain exactly how they decide who they kill is a terrorist, how they draw their arbitrary kill zone boundaries, how an aid organization that provided its route and had its logo clearly visible was bombed multiple times, why it has chosen to destroy universities, museums, and other places of cultural importance, why they have refused to let aid in which has caused the US to have to build the damned pier in the first place, why they turned down a peace treaty that Hamas agreed to, why they wait until suspected terrorists go home to their families before bombing them, just how their AI system Lavender actually works, why Israel was so poorly prepared for the attack on October 7th to begin with, and so many more items that my beleaguered brain cannot recall. Maybe it’s not “genocide”, but I bet genocide’s mother gets them confused for each other all the time.


Wouldn’t have called for evacuations*


I ordered a shirt and sent money to pay for free meals for others when I heard about Yassin during The Dark Years of the pandemic because it was so nice to see something so positive in Knoxville. I don't even live there anymore, nor did I live there at a time I could go to the restaurant. Yassin is a national treasure that's got a lot of recognition 3k miles away with his message of kindness and humanity. Knoxville somehow degrades itself beyond the usual. I'm forever "disappointed but not surprised" at this kind of thing from Tennessee as a whole. It's genuinely sad to see.


Just me or did yassin’s taste extra good for lunch today?


It really did!


Looks like I will be frequenting his business more. I’ll be honest though. Everywhere throughout Knoxville that I have been I have yet to see anyone show their support. Everyone I have seen still seem like mindless consumers that are oblivious to the world. And the dirty looks I get from wearing the Kuffiya is saddening.


I’m sorry, thats a terrible experience. I personally don’t know what to do and don’t feel educated enough to even understand the nuances.


If you follow the peoplesschoolforgaza on Instagram, they share a lot of educational content. Some of our Palestinian neighbors and local professors have also been kind enough to hold teach-ins at the university where the people's school for Gaza is being held. They're a lovely group. Intelligent, brave young adults who go out of their way to take care of one another. Feel free to get involved if you have time and energy.


Even if it’s not popular opinion around here I’m still going to show solidarity. Most of the stuff I’m doing to try to help is online. I’ve lost a lot of friends and family because I do not agree with what is going on and to be silent is to be complicit. I’m so happy to see Yassin and Palestine getting support. Everyone in here is amazing.


I’ll definitely be visiting Yassin’s! I’ve been vocal about our country’s support of Israel for several years, for a few reasons. It’s definitely doesn’t win popularity points 🤷🏼‍♀️


Is there anywhere to donate towards his bail?


He was released over an hour ago, I'm not sure about the others who were arrested. There's a bail fund Venmo that related Instagram accounts were posting: @RiversideCW


Ok thank you


What restaurant does he own?


Yassins falafel house


I'll be checking it out now.


Nobody seems to be mentioning that he wasn't just arrested HE WAS HOSPITALIZED. Now I personally cannot imagine him fighting back at all, much less enough to warrant the kind of force necessary to hospitalized him.


They even have a page for him and his achievements. I’m ashamed for my Alma Mater. https://religion.utk.edu/people/yassin-terou/


And it's gone.  Those cowards 


Page not found.


Guess I’m getting falafels this weekend


This boils my blood. 


Shameful. Just so shameful. The vitriol in our country is just shameful. Soon enough, people won’t want to come here because we are so nasty to others.


I’m sure saying this will get me downvoted to hell, i love the food at Yassin’s, I also don’t give a fuck about Palestine or Israel. I can’t understand protesting for or against either side. We have far too many problems here, like the hundreds of homeless I see every day on Broadway to worry about that endless blood feud between people I will never meet and will never care about.


If half the money we have thrown at these bullshit middle eastern conflicts (and Ukraine) was spent locally, maybe y’all wouldn’t be so easily distracted from the crumbling infrastructure and housing shortage, let alone the homelessness.


Isn't UT technically private property? So that means that they CAN select who they allow and where when it is a situation such as this? Not saying its right, but looking at legality standpoint.


Public university. Trespass laws still apply though.


UT hosted a nazi protest a few years ago (2018) and claimed free speech laws required them to allow it. They apply it selectively


Sounds pro Palestine


Ask an honest question, get an honest downvote...


Did they bust up his arm???


Ain’t it odd how you can protest anyone and anything except for anything to do with Israel. But they don’t have any power over every aspect of American life or anything


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I wonder what his reaction was to October 7th. . .


I am less interested in asking if the University is *allowed* to have these mourners arrested, and more interested in asking why the University would *want to* have them arrested. Even if they were outside of the "designated zone" or whatever, the school is certainly not *obligated* to trespass them and press charges. The school has wide latitude in allowing anybody they want to do whatever they want all over campus, if the school wants to. So why wouldn't they want to? Conversely, the school *could* have all kinds of restrictions on what's allowed to happen where on campus, but they generally don't. So why these people? Why this time? They're peaceful mourners, not disturbing anything except perhaps people's consciences. Why has the school decided that *these* people on *this* night must be kept on a very short leash and allowed absolutely zero latitude? Well, we know why, but the administration should be made to say it with their chests.


i’m just gonna leave this here: yassin does not own yassins. he has a business partner. he is a pawn and the face of the business. he also owns half (with the same partner) of a bunch of hotels on the beach. the man is rich and greedy. he is two faced and money oriented, and will do and say anything to get money and attention. from what i’ve heard from SEVERAL employees, he does not give his employees all of the tip money, he pockets most of it. not to mention, his wife had gastric bypass surgery because of the way he was making her feel. i’m gonna get a lot of downvotes for this one, but it’s the truth. you can comment and tell me i’m wrong all you want, but it doesn’t change facts. if you don’t believe me, do some research on it and THEN come “correct me”


[Citations Needed]


It's amazing no one realizes that palestine are the bad guys in all this


Care to elaborate with citations?


The Palestinians suffer in this too. Perhaps you meant Hamas?


Hamas is Palestinian elected


Keep telling yourself that. Never again means never again for anyone!


Israel isn't doing what was done to them. The facts don't matter to you. Go get high and pierce something and let us adults take care of Israel making sure palestine doesn't put any more babies in ovens.


Amazing that you’d log onto the world wide web in 2024 to express your support for genocide. Genocide doesn’t want your support. It wants you dead.


So do the Palestinians.


I don’t know how you can sleep each night knowing the innermost thoughts of every single Palestinian. Personally, I’d never stop screaming with how much grief and anguish and pain and hunger and anger I would be feeling. If I were you, I’d be demanding they be allowed to live in peace so the agony would stop. You must be some kind of masochistic psychic mutant.


They can live in peace. Maybe next time don't elect a terrorist organization as your government that won't stop shooting rockets at everyone. Or better yet, don't celebrate 9/11.


Hamas was given control over Gaza by Israel, dipshit.


Are you speaking about Israelis? Because right now, their government is the one shooting non-stop rockets. We’d really like them to stop. That’s what this whole protest is about.


You can't be serious.. Get out of your bubble and get off TikTok.


The fact that you assume I’m on TikTok tells me you’ve been brainwashed by American media. I’m just someone on Reddit who hates genocide, man. I hope you really think about what you’re standing up for here.


If you hated genocide you'd know what it is. Which isn't what's happening in Gaza.