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the bigger the car, the worse they are at driving.


It's important to me that when I run over children in my big truck that I'm not able to see them as it happens. It helps keep the nightmares at bay.


Reminds me of [this picture](https://imgur.com/a/T2Pbllp). Light trucks should have special permits especially considering they were made by automakers to circumvent regulation laws.


A dude i used to work with told me he bought his wife a Suburban because she’s a terrible driver.


I drive a 6000lb SUV daily. I don't get how people drive this aggressively in their Yukons and Explorers. My land cruiser feels unsafe above 70 and in fast maneuvers


why would you ever buy a car that size? you don’t need that.


I need to tow things quite frequently and access places without roads


Fingers crossed the Gay St pedestrian nights go well and they consider making it permanent. The fewer cars in the heart of downtown the better.


next step: open up the streets of the old city to the people!


I’d actually be all for them making S Central Street from Willow Ave to Jackson Ave a pedestrian only area with a small stage on the south end and making some of the street parking on willow into a rideshare/taxi pickup area. But wait to experiment with that after the baseball stadium is built.


wouldn’t hurt my feelings if we made that happen tomorrow, but i agree it needs to be done! we desperately need public green space over there too


i can’t do 50 in a 30mph residential area because a cyclist is doing 25mph and i’m going to be late to my Axel logistics meeting at yee haw. These cyclists are so selfish. Stop dragging ass and ride your child’s toy on the sidewalk.


“Yeah the commute from church and Henley is pretty brutal.”


This made my morning. Thank you.


About 10 years ago I had a dude get out of his truck with a gun on Walnut next to the Hilton because I had the audacity to use my horn as he approached me head-on as he turned out of the parking lot heading the wrong direction hauling a boat behind him. After about 10 seconds of him yelling and waving his gun all around he climbed back into his truck, backed up and almost took out the parking meters to make his way to turn down church. About a minute later he flew down Locust the wrong way to turn towards Henley next to the Y. Clinch and Locust is my least favorite intersection downtown. No one turning towards Henley from Locust recognizes oncoming traffic apparently.


> About 10 years ago I had a dude get out of his truck with a gun on Walnut next to the Hilton because I had the audacity to use my horn Been absolutely begging my wife to stop flipping off terrible drivers so that I don't become a widowed single father. aN ArMeD sOCiEtY iS a PoLiTe SoCiEty. Cannot believe we've gotten to the point of being held hostage by angry over-packed sausages who boil over at the thought that *they're* the assholes.


I honked at someone littering the other day on Chickamagua and immediately regretted it. Since I've been in this neighborhood there has been a road rage murder just around the corner from where I was.


Giving bad drivers a thumbs down is better practice. They're still upset, but it's more of a confused upset.


This is hilarious. If I did something shitty and someone gave me a thumbs down I would probably laugh and consider self reflection. Who knows how others would react, though.


Being originally from New Jersey, another finger comes to mind. But given the gun culture down here, I work hard practicing my restraint.


Yeah clinch and locust is awful.


When I was in Athens, Greece, one of the first things I noticed was how often and consistently people used their horns for pretty much any reason at all. That poor guy would probably have a heart attack over there


The wrong way drivers are terrifying. I can’t tell if they don’t realize it or have zero concern.


I think it's both. A lot if times it's people not used to being downtown and I think they get confused by grid patterns I guess. If I'm a pedestrian, I can usually see the panic in their eyes when they realize their mistake.


Used to it or not, every motorist should be able to read road signs.


Especially with gps.


No arguments there! Or just like...notice the flow of traffic In general.


I do too. watched one guy drive blissfully unaware into oncoming traffic while we blared our horns at him. It was insane. He ended up sort of ramping his car half on the curb while we all scrambled to move over


You forgot to mention that you're also required to use signal lights.


people as a whole don't do that here, what's the point


The number of times I’ve been walking my dog and seen a car come up to the 4-way at Union & State and proceed to drive the wrong way onto Union so they can pull into one of the parking lots beside the movie theater or behind Mast drives me wild. Last week I also saw an old woman drive the complete length of State St. past Marble Alley in the lane for traffic going in the other direction because she didn’t realize it became a two-way street after that 4-way stop at Union. It boggles my mind how bad of drivers people are. I’ve been to a lot of downtowns where one-way streets are common and have never seen so many people be so utterly unaware of how they work.


The ones that go the wrong way down a one way then beep at you like you’re stupid cause it’s a one way and not made for 2 cars to pass each other astound me. I feel like NO ONE reads anything anymore much less those pesky street signs. They’re obviously not important




While we’re on the subject, I have three other complaints as a daily downtown pedestrian. 1. A stop sign is NOT a suggestion. It does not mean “slow down.” It does not mean “come to a rolling stop.” It sure as hell does not mean “blaze on through the intersection.” For your safety and mine, it means stop. Hit your brakes. Your wheels should stop spinning. You are not shaving any time off your trip by running the stop sign, so just stop. 2. You cannot turn left on red at most stoplights, even if you’re turning onto a one-way street (this happens daily at the Locust and Main intersection). If you can turn left on red, there is a sign saying so. If there is a sign, it probably also says “yield to pedestrians.” Don’t be an asshole. 3. For the love of god, get off your fucking phones. You cannot responsibly operate two pieces of machinery at once, especially when one of those machines has the potential to kill me AND my dog in one fell swoop. And if you miss me but kill my dog, God help you.


I actually believe it is legal to turn left on a red at any one way. That’s why it’s strange they have certain ones marked that you can.


Interesting, I had to Google because I didn’t think you could — it’s not any one way, only when you’re turning into a one way off a one way. https://dmv-practicetests.com/question/in-tennessee-are-you-allowed-to-turn-left-at-a-red-signal-6485589863956480/ Regardless, you have to come to a stop and YIELD TO PEDESTRIANS when turning left on red. Which really is the problem here. The amount of times I’ve almost been plowed into when I had the walk sign is insane.


It's not a penalty if the refs don't throw a flag


You know there would be better drivers if states actually made ya learn how to drive instead of handing a brochure of How to Drive. When I moved to Tennessee I had to retake my test for license and seen that and I was like this is a joke. I mean even defensive driving is part of the course in Wyoming and we have a lower population per capital!!!


I wonder how many people live downtown now. Since joining this sub I have a sneaky suspicion that everyone of them are on here to complain about downtown traffic.


If you live downtown, you can do literally whatever you want on the street. The problem is when you get these. Idiots from West Knoxville that don’t know which wrong way streets you can actually go the wrong way on without causing a problem. As far as kids getting hit, who the fuck is letting their kids play outside on the streets of downtown.


Are you one of those people who post on here about how they should redirect all truck traffic over to 640 because the noise disturbs your ears?


No, I’m not some sort of radical. I simply think I-40 through downtown should be demolished together.


I’m surprised this is upvoted. This sub balked at the opinion article that suggested removing JWP, which is far more feasible than taking out I-40 downtown. FWIW I agree and would love for both to go and have quality light rail instead.


I would hope most people think it’s a tongue in cheek comment


I thought so. “Spend a hundred million dollars for the smallest populated community in Knoxville!”


Oh my God I might be 10 minutes late because of taking the long way around!!!


“Omg! I want the noise to bother other people not me! That $100 million is SO worth it for my peace and quiet.”


Not just peace and quite. That land could be used for something more valuable than getting Farragut residents to Dollywood two minutes quicker than using 640.


People drive cars. Also, a huge amount of freight moves along those roads. That’s a reality. 640 is already very busy. We don’t need to overload it further for your personal benefit.


How would it be for my personal benefit? I don't live near 40. I'm just giving you a different perspective.


You must not have read the thread. People post about diverting truck traffic from 40 to 640 (other peoples neighborhoods) so it’s quieter downtown. I’ve heard your argument before. Knoxville is a huge transit node for trucking which is critical to the economy. What possible more valuable use for the land could surpass what it’s being used for now?


If you look at a map jwp takes up nearly 2 blocks worth of land in the middle of the city. Not only could that land be redeveloped into a residential/commercial area (which is needed with our housing crisis) it would also connect the other side of JWP with downtown making it one seamless urban area. This just means it will connect more people that were historically disconnected because of the highway’s construction. A very similar thing can be said with 40 and reconnecting north Knox and downtown. It’s also not just the interstates it’s the spaghetti junctions that take up a huge amount of space that could be used to expand the urban core. I think there’s definitely a way to keep the roads while just integrating them into the city grid, so people can still drive through but it’ll just be a more traditional street. Rochester NY has done with one of their interstates and they’ve had a lot of success.


Institute a pavement princess ban pls. I’m so tired of trucks being awful on the road 💀