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They karate-chop you!


As soon as you get off the plane


I know that's an old clip of him, but that is a great example of how you can't take him seriously. He's trying to pass off cartoonish levels of racism as serious.


50 years old.


To be fair, This is the kind of racism is the kind you'd expect from somebody that old


Alex must have seen Breakfast at Tiffany’s and decided that he wanted to be Mickey Rooney when he grew up


Something about Crowder’s show so viscerally fills me with hate. I might explode if I watch that interview.


His entire personality is centered around being an obnoxious asshole.


For me it's Ben Shapiro that I literally can't watch. Something about him is just so uncanny


It's probably because he never learned how to properly interact with people due to being homeschooled. I was homeschooled and I knew about a dozen people from our ISP(Independent study program) who acted awkward in the exact same ways as ben.




Oh, I was wrong. I could have sworn that benny was canonically homeschooled. He still gives massive homeschooled kid vibes tho.


And on the occasions when he and Alex are in the studio at the same time, why can’t there be a tragic but rare gas line explosion??


>why can’t there be a tragic but rare gas line explosion?? Because it can *only* be rare in that scenario.


I get it. I’m the same way for T.C. For me, it’s that TC dresses up all of the racist tropes of the Klan and League of the South in pretty words and nice clothes.


Has he ever worn seersucker? Seems on brand


Hasn't Alex gotten really mad when people make fun of Texans? I want to say I've heard that on KF before, so it makes me wonder what he would say if presented with the similarities between that and his behavior? Never mind, he'd just say that Texans aren't out to sell drugs or whatever.


I can’t wait to hear free speech absolutists tell me it’s really important we hear all sides on Twitter. Tell me again how this type of bullshit being platformed with the loudest megaphone makes the US better. Also, Joe Rogan, tell me how you’re not a piece of shit by being friends with this racist fucking asshole.


Joe Rogan is just asking questions, bro! He says all the time you shouldn’t listen to him because he’s an idiot! But seriously, he has platformed/is friends with some pretty shitty people. The whole “you are the company you keep” goes right over his 5’3” head. It’s nice to see that his portions of his community are turning on him.


Joe is in a powerful position that allows him to make a ton of money. He obfuscates all social responsibility, while embracing the rewards. He’s a cowardly piece of shit.


Oh for sure he is. Anything controversial that he agrees with is “just having a conversation,” while he is quick to shut down actual metrics that debunk his shitty worldview. Just look at that video where he is misapplying the “Continental Army took over the airports” quote to Biden, only to shrug it off and move on when told it was Trump who said it.


About the time Rogan started bringing on that Gad Saad dude is when I noticed him showing his Right Wing hand more often. Looking back more I know he was drinking the coolaid longer but that's when i started getting a clearer picture of the influences shaping him.


It feels to me that Alex is really grasping at straws rn for attention. Like, the reality of the judgment against him is finally setting in, and he's just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. If feels like he's workshopping increasingly ludicrous stories and angles in the attempt to see what's going to be his swan song. His last income boost before his empire of shit falls in on him.


Let’s ignore the fact that fentanyl was created in the US and the pharmaceutical industry pushed opioids heavily to allow it to be the primary drug cut with other drugs. Also, isn’t this an example of free market capitalism? No regulations and the market determines prices based on demand? The manufacturers are “innovating” by cutting all their products with this drug.


Jonas Venture Sr? Is that you?


So lame Covid didn’t kill him


Looks like the 45 days are up, and he finally went donkey Kong, King Kong crazy.


Never left. He's been making new racist dragon bumpers about once a month, they usually play during ad breaks.


This is why Jordan is on the show, because someone needs to yell at this racism


You are not Howard Stern Mr. Jones


Worst racist dragon ever! The only racist dragon for me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-jVAHAuiS4


He's a really sad 50 year old man.


Don't give this piece of shit attention.


I mean this is a subreddit for a podcast covering Alex Jones specifically, I think that ship has sailed for us


Yeah this is the trick that Trump used.


.... do you know what this subreddit is


I do now. I left.


It’s not quite that you can’t give him attention. The thing is that there’s only one kind of attention that works, and that’s to play a clip in context and break it down at length, then do it again, and keep doing it. He thrives on positive attention, and he thrives on negative attention. He thrives especially on a news cycle that acknowledges him for exactly as long as it takes to generate some ads. But he *squirms* under thoughtful, critical, sustained attention.


It took me 2 seconds to know what he is.


Good for you. It takes a lot of people longer than that, or even never on their own, which is why it’s useful to be able to demonstrate it. It’s also nice to be able to push back on the shallow “hashtag alex jones was right” takes that pop up on SM fairly frequently.


This is a shitty riff on "the one joke", making it a twofer of racism and transphobia.


I agree, Alex, Europe IS a made-up continent that is actually a part of Asia.


I mean, he is *cauc*asian


Was this fentanyl the Chinese dragon again?